I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I am very proud of you for your dedication and hard work. Ignore your neighbors and keep running. They will shut up soon when they see skinny and health you. You are doing yourself and not for others. The road is as much as yours than anyone else.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I'd say 'My running has a goal, its helping me lose weight and get fit. How exactly do you plan on fixing your defective personality?'
  • I get the same thing, I live in a small town and people roll down their windows...try to get as close as possible with their car without actually hitting me. follow behind me?? I dont understand it. I just hold my head up and think about the end result.

    As for the 8 year old, I think that you are wrong he DOES know better. I have an 8 year old and he will be the first one to point out what is wrong with the picture. He is empathetic to individuals that get picked on and will try to include everyone. This poor little boy was taught...it is sad.

    Keep going, keep your head up and dont let them ruin your run high, it is so pure and fresh that nothing should touch it.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    They have no right to yell at you.

    You are doing more than most people would ever do...
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    You should file a harassment complaint against them...
  • Headphones to block out the random noise. (because that's all that they are, random noise makers)
    Smile and Wave when you see them. Run gracefully. Do this every day. Forever.
    Nothing aggravates people more then you being happier than them!!
    Do what you love and enjoy the confusion in their faces when they realize their words have no effect on you. There will come a time, where they will eventually give up...
    You never have to though!! Keep on running!!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    That is cruel! Sad people have to be so mean and hurful!

    Be proud of yourself and let NObody make you feel bad!!
    Hold your head up and run and focus on you..You are the driver of your own train..Keep moving forward.
    H*ll with them!
    Your doing great! Be proud!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Honestly, the fact that you're fat is a moot point; these guys sound like they'd yell at anyone that didn't conform to their lifestyle. Which, I'm down with sitting on the porch and drinking beer, but I'm also down with running and lifting.

    Trash is trash. I feel bad for the kid; he's learning nothing except how to be cruel and willfully ignorant. As has been suggested a few times, iPod and blinders! You're awesome!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I didn't read through ALL the comments, because we are now on page 14 (ETA, haha, got to 15 while I was typing)! But I just want to add my two cents.

    1. That little turd of a child is certainly old enough to know better!!! The fact that he doesn't isn't his age, but the fact that his parents never taught him. I have an 8 year old daughter and I can honestly say that I've never, ever hit her and I am the farthest thing from a violent person, but if she did something like that I'd knock her to the floor. She'd be bringing you flowers, bought with her own money, and apologizing profusely, after a LOOOOOONG talk about the 26 things wrong with that kind of behavior.

    2. I want to second challenging him to a race next time it happens. Lets see him comment after you make him eat your dust! But, lacking that, I'll second the iPod. Oh, and maybe a T-shirt that says something like "Ok, I'm fat, but I'm working on it. You will always be a jerk."
  • People are just mean and that will never change, seems to me the digusting repulsive ill mannered are the ones who reproduce the most awful of them. So headphones and ignore it, you are better then they are!

    Spot on!!!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Keep at it and ignore them. there are two reasons why:

    1) if you give them no comeback they will soon get bored

    2) "Living well is the best revenge" - they will see you getting slimmer and healthier and i bet they will be jealous

  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Keep no mind to the negative kind! Just keep on whatever you're doing. I agree with other people here on keeping your music on.

    The best revenge you can do is show up on their doorstep looking fit.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    I am not really overweight (20lbs to lose so maybe I am still fat hee!) and I still get the run fat girl run comments from teenage dumbwits...oh well it does not stop me...also dumbwits will always be there even when you are fit/slim and run, it does not change...jealous, maybe that you can actually run and they cannot? Hmmm I think so...
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    When I was a young kid, I used to ride my bike with my Dad while he was marathon training. One time we were at a park finishing up and an extremley fat guy came huffing and puffing by. Being the stupid kid I was, I laughed a little bit (not where the guy could hear but still). My Dad firmly pulled me to the side and told me something that has stuck with me for the rest of my life. He told me, "Son, what that man is doing is harder than anything you or I may ever experience. He has more courage and determination than most people you will meet."

    To the OP: I am a younger guy who has only had minor struggles with my wieght and lost it easily. The next time I'm feeling tired or too lazy to get in a good run, I'll think of your story. Your courage should be a lesson to us all.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow, so sorry you have to experience that ignorance!!! And as far as the kid goes, there is no excuse, being 8 years old he IS definitely old enough to know better...BUT seeing what you've said about his parents, I feel bad for all of them. I feel bad for the kid and the lack of manners his parents have and the way they are teaching their son. I bet he bullies kids at school too. That's so sad that so many people are so rude while you're out running. I give you tons of props though, because I wear size 16 jeans and can barely run for three minutes!! You're doing an AMAZING job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like someone else said, one day challenge that dad or mom to a race, go a mile or two, or five since you know you can do it and see how long they last. I bet it won't be long. Then again, you don't need to prove a point to anyone! You know you're bettering your life and doing good for yourself. So just keep doing what you're doing!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Congrats on your progress! Running is not always easy! :flowerforyou:

    Do your best to ignore them, however, if you feel it is getting out of control at any point, you can most likely call the police because you are technically being harassed while using a public street/sidewalk. I understand that you probably don't want to escalate the situation to that level, but it is a last resort if it gets truly horrible.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Your courage should be a lesson to us all.

    ^this. Definitely this.

    I didn't read through all the replies either so I am sure that anything I am about to say has already been said, and probably much more eloquently.

    You asked if it is unreasonable to expect respect and common decency from your neighbors. NO! It is absolutely reasonable to expect that from *everyone*... strangers, neighbors, and everyone in between. You have every right to demand it, not just expect it.

    I admire you for SO many things... your determination, your fitness (I couldn't run for 20 seconds, let alone 2 hours), your bravery, your grace in forgiving an 8-year old boy who most certainly should know better, and your steely nerve for confronting that boy's ignorant hurtful parents.

    I hope and pray that the outpouring of support you have received here re-affirms your faith in humanity and validates your efforts. Please keep running, please keep your head held high, and please know that the whole world is cheering for you. :flowerforyou:

    Now... if anyone else who has replied starts a vigilante group to go kick the living $h!t out of everyone within a 2 mile radius of the OP, then sign me up. I'm all in. :mad:
  • alesnie
    alesnie Posts: 90 Member
    That is awful. Ugh- I hate people!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I try to give a big thumbs up to people I see running! I hate it, so I think if you are out there doing it, you deserve a little kudos! It's horrible that they are teaching a small child that bullying is ok if someone is overweight. It's not "overreacting" or unreasonable to ask someone to just hold their tongue instead of bullying you, because that is what it is and it's sickenning to me. You are trying to get healthy which is a lot more than a lot of people can say. You just keep cruising on and being awesome. Because when you get down to the end of the day, that is what you are. YOU = AWESOME and don't let anyone else make you think otherwise!
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    WTF???? wat the hell is wrong with people, i never see people do that kinda stufff where im from ,its rude and childish..........grrrrrrrrrrr