hurricane sandy



  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I might watch it on the news and then go for a hike or something while I think about all my friends back east.
  • naejuice22
    naejuice22 Posts: 1 Member
    Washing clothes from my vacation, putting clothes away, catching up on my reading, going through my mail, etc.
    Be safe everyone!
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Im packing a lot of antibiotics.... once that water from the Jersey Shore starts going inland.. there is going to be a massive STD outbreak
  • Jeanginter
    Upstate NY, just a little wind so far, but all set. We have a woodstove, propane stove, and generator. I live in a village with a water supply that has a generator back up. I'm just worried about downstate, be safe!
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    im not in the path personally since im in Minnesota but ALL of my family is on the east coast..mostly in Vermont...and some in Pennsylvania and have some friends in Rhode Island........stay safe everyone!!!!!!
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I'm at work durring it. Not too bad, just alot of rain.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    My brother lives along a tidal waterway in Maryland. He has moved everything to the second floor of his house because flooding is very likely. My sister in PA is just trying to stay warm and dry at this point.
  • Slymingo
    you can teach a 'how to get ready for a hurrican' workshop. Be safe !
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I'm in Arizona and hoping and praying that everyone back east stays safe and sound. I'm riding out the storm by being thankful I moved from Long Island to AZ and checking quite a bit on our friends and family who are in the path of the storm.
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in Northern far just a lot of rain and wind, but supposedly we're in for 70-80 mph winds this evening. Schools were closed today and I'm hoping to have tomorrow off as well ;-) (I'm a teacher.)
  • darleyschroeder
    Im packing a lot of antibiotics.... once that water from the Jersey Shore starts going inland.. there is going to be a massive STD outbreak

    Good thinking!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    1. Generator prepped and ready to go (we have 2 sump pumps in the finished basement, which has flooded before, even though we live on a hill; and well water, so generator is a must!). It is not hooked into the house yet, but my resourceful hubby has the stuff he needs to make that happen (along with a lot of advice from electrician friends). Worst case, we can run extension cords and hook in the essentials, like sump pumps, well pump, fridge and freezer).
    2. Lots of gasoline on hand.
    3. Bathtub filled with water for flushing in case we have problems with the generator.
    4. Probably need to do something about deck furniture - at least lay it on its side.
    5. Doing some laundry and running dishwasher, etc.

    Apparently there is a good chance for some long power outages, so we will be helping some of our generator-less neighbors, I'm sure. We all have well water on this street, so, no electricity, no water.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I live in northern KY so I've not done anything to prepare. I am kind of worried about losing power because we were hit by Katrina and didn't have any for 2 weeks !
  • dlg7184
    I'm working from home in Massachusetts. It wasn't bad until about 20 minutes ago. Wind is gusting but the rain has stopped. I'm hoping I don't lose power since I have lots of fun movies recorded. My two golden retrievers are getting restless!!!
  • omgjennielee
    stocked up on non perishable foods and drinks, got ourselves camped out in the living room enjoying hot coco and playing board games in our jammies :)
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Bathtub is full of water, every big pot I own is full of water, pulled all the outdoor furniture into the garage, Kerosene heater is prepped and bought 15 gal of Kerosene, dining room table is covered in candles, weather radio is out, neighbors have been checked on, baked some corn bread muffins and banana bread comfort foods, freezing zip lock bags of water to fill up the freezer, premade a few dinners to reheat on the grill, washed all the laundry, and keeping all the phones on the charger until the lights go out.. (which the power company said will take up to and over a week to turn back on) All the schools are closed.. business are closed or will be closing within the next couple hours.

    South East PA

    Your first sentence is almost identical to the email my sis just sent me LOL. She is in MD. You guys stay safe... We here in the midwest are praying for your safety.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    Upstate New York: winds have started picking up considerably. very cloudy but no rain yet.

    stocked up on candles, matches, batteries, water, canned goods, dry pastas, and found a really good tabletop stove burner for $20 and got small propane canisters to power it so we can boil water if need be and cook some food... other than that i think we're all set. planning on putting heavy blankets over the windows since we don't have any other kind of blockage for the drafts and just praying that our halfway-underground apartment doesn't flood.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    My grandparents used to stockpile water in the bathtub and cooking pots. Why? Because they lived on a farm. They had a well, with a pump, which ran on electricity. Unless you have a well which is powered by an electric pump, you do not need to stockpile water.

    Propane for the grill is a must.
    Wash all the dirty clothes is also a must - may be out of power for a long time.
    Fill up your gas tanks. When I lived in Florida and survived Frances, Jeanne and Wilma in 2005, there was a fuel shortage for weeks after the storm. Fill up every gas container you own.
  • puddlesiam
    puddlesiam Posts: 75 Member
    From New Zealand we are thinking of you all with the onset of "Sandy". We hope those you know and love will all be safe :heart:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    bought some candles and a few bottles of water. I haven't done much though. I tend to think that it's not going to be a big deal just like all those other hurricanes that I've experienced in life haven't been a big deal for me. I could be proven wrong though. I live in Manhattan. Just sitting here listening to the wind now.

    I heard they were evacuating Manhattan.?

    They are only evacuating people who are in "zone A" which are people close to the coast. I'm half a block from zone C which they are not planning to evacuate. I'm not in a zone myself though.

    I heard that a lot of people who are being evacuated are ignoring it and staying put. I don't know if I'd have the guts to do that, but sort of thinking that those of them who are on high floors will be fine.

    They'd still lose power and have no water. You can't get the water up that high in some building without the power on. I hope they prepared for at least that much. A lot of people here think its going to be a joke actually.