
  • Jaybew99
    Jaybew99 Posts: 22 Member
    Checking in:

    8/1/12 SW - 287.4

    10/22/12 CW - 261.6

    12/31/12 GW - 250

    Moving in the right direction!

    Good luck to all!
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    Count me in. After falling off the wagon for too damn long I need to just do it.

    CW 128.6
    GW 115.0

    My plan

    1. Eat wholesome & low fat
    2. Exercise 6 days a week
    3. No more crap food
    4. Calorie track 6 days a week
  • Sw: 224

    24lbs by New Years! I plan on getting on my bike 3-4x a week
    Eating mostly primal and cutting carbs
    Fasting on Saturdays..I'd settle for 205.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    I posted on the group board but it seems like this thread has more traffic. Down 2.6 for the challenge so far.

    Starting weight 148.2
    CW 145.6
    GW 138
  • am in! It will be nice to do a long challenge.

    GW by New Years: 200

    10/24: 229.6 ( Feeling a little stuck)
  • goofyblonde
    goofyblonde Posts: 47 Member
    I saw this topic a bit late (as in, just now), but I am in!

    *Current Weight: 172.8 lbs.
    *Goal Weight: 160 lbs.
    *So far this week... Exercise has been kicking my butt! I've had two pretty intense workouts, and I went on a 3-mile walk today, even though my hams, quads, and glutes were screaming at me from my tire workout yesterday. As for the next several weeks, I will need to make sure I get in my workouts 5 days a week, and they need to be at least 30 minutes long.
    *My mini goal right now is to be 169 lbs. by the 4th of November so that I can get a massage. :)
  • I'm in!!!!!!!

    CW: 150
    GW: 130

    -20lb! My plans are to eat right and hit the gym 6x a week 1.5-2hrs a day
    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!!! (:
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi I am in!
    I lost 16 in 8 weeks so figure I can double that for 15 weeks, but not quite so will go with 30 lbs down by New Years! Double incentive as I am going home at that same time to visit, would love to go with that much gone!
    SW - 198
    Goal by December 31 - 168
    10/20/2012 - 196
    10/27/2012 -194
    I usually do not have a problem with the food, so plan is to continue eating the healthier foods that i have been. I dont have cheat days. So my plan needs to focus on getting more exercise in on my busy schedule.

    Checking in - another 2 lbs
  • luvsbks
    luvsbks Posts: 51
    Checking In

    Starting Weight 8/18 - 258
    Current Weight 10/27- 240
    Weight by New Years -228

  • Brynne1234
    Brynne1234 Posts: 52 Member
    Just saw this topic, hoping I can still join!

    SW: 186
    GW: 12/31 170

    I plan on eating as clean as possible, 3-4 days of cardio and need to start strength training. Also, need to increase my water intake!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Checking in:

    SW: 72.2kg

    24/9: 70.8
    1/10: 70.2
    7/10: 70
    13/10: 69.2
    21/10: 68.4
    26/10: 67.7

    GW: 65kg
  • mrskhairol
    mrskhairol Posts: 6 Member
    Hoping I still can join this challenge ^_^

    SW - 74kg (1/10/12)
    CW - 70.8kg (29/10)
    GW - 60kg (by new year eve)

    Currently on 1200-1400 kcal daily, 3-4 times workout weekly :)
  • Checking in

    GW by New Years: 200

    10/24: 229.6 ( Feeling a little stuck)
    10/29: 227.2
  • goofyblonde
    goofyblonde Posts: 47 Member
    I saw this topic a bit late (as in, just now), but I am in!

    *Current Weight: 172.8 lbs.
    *Goal Weight: 160 lbs.
    *So far this week... Exercise has been kicking my butt! I've had two pretty intense workouts, and I went on a 3-mile walk today, even though my hams, quads, and glutes were screaming at me from my tire workout yesterday. As for the next several weeks, I will need to make sure I get in my workouts 5 days a week, and they need to be at least 30 minutes long.
    *My mini goal right now is to be 169 lbs. by the 4th of November so that I can get a massage. :)
    Checking In:
    *Current Weight: 172.2 lbs. (not a huge loss, but it's something)
    *Since last month, my body fat percentage has dropped from 29.2 to 28.5
    *Still aiming for 169 lbs. by Sunday...
  • Tonika44137
    Tonika44137 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm checking in: current weight 158
    goal weight 150
    goal BF% <20

    I'm finishing up my 7th week of Jaime Eason 12wk program so I'm going to stick with it till the end
  • isabellecmiranda
    isabellecmiranda Posts: 56 Member

    cw: 170/171
    gw: 155

    (one pound a week for fifteen weeks)

    I have been struggling to get out of the 170's I feel like I go through this every ten lbs. I hover over the next breaking point. I will plan my foods, NO alcohol, NO cheat days, and NO skipping workouts.. I will get out there every chance I get. Since the weather is changing I will use my legs as my form of transportation. (time permitting).. I will be there for all of you ..
    Lets get this done and start the new year right!!!!

    This is a great challenge.. People usually wait till new years for their resolution... we wouldve already been in the game :)

    good luck friends... remember you vs. you
  • Ckecking in:

    Starting Weight 8/18 - 258

    Weight now - 238

    Weight by New Years - 228 or lower

  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Checking in:

    SW: 72.2kg

    24/9: 70.8
    1/10: 70.2
    7/10: 70
    13/10: 69.2
    21/10: 68.4
    26/10: 67.7
    3/11: 67.1

    GW: 65kg
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member
    starting weight - 182 pounds
    weight on 20/9/12 174 pounds
    weight on 27/9/12 - 172 pounds
    weight on 4/10/12 - 170 pounds
    weight on 11/10/12 - 169 pounds
    weight on 18/10/12 - 168 pounds
    weight on 1/11/12 - 167 pounds

    15 pounds lost :)
  • Current: 146lbs
    Goal in 15 weeks: 125lbs