What's the meanest thing someone said to you?

Yesterday I was at a store browsing through racks of clothes. A store employee came up to me-- an old lady with a strong Hungarian accent-- and attempted to help me, unsolicited, by saying, "The plus sizes are over here, sweetheart," and then motioned in the direction of that department. I wasn't looking for plus size clothes. Seriously, if you work in retail, never, EVER assume you know someone's size by directing them to a specific department. It's not helpful-- it's just embarrassing. I can read signs. I know where the plus size department is. I don't need you to tell me. Ugh. Even my eight year old daughter said, "Mom, shouldn't she have just said 'is there anything I can help you with?'" LOL... yeah, a third grader GOT it.

A few years ago, while standing in line for a movie with my mom, she said to me, "you know, if you'd just lose 50 pounds, you could be engaged in no time. You're pretty enough for it." Again.... SERIOUSLY?! (I met my husband three months after she said that and married him last September. Thanks, mom.)

What about you? Has anyone ever said anything flat out mean to you regarding your weight, or perhaps tried to be helpful but ended up overstepping a boundary?


  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    My husband has said mean things, he called it 'trying to motivate me' I can't recall particular things he said, just little jabs here and there about my weight. When I called him out on it and told him it wasn't helping he stopped, but it was very hurtful when he did say it. I did give birth to two of his children, so sorry that I don't weigh 113 lbs anymore...

    Also my kids, even though they weren't being mean, would make comments about my big belly or something, and that hurt me as well, especially because you know they are being just completely honest and have no ill will at all.
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    Without a doubt it was a comment on one of my youtube videos (they are Christian faith based). The commenter (of another faith) said in his country I would not be tolerated due to my disgusting body size. He further dug it in by saying I am shame to my husband, and a shame to my faith.

    I cried for a couple days. I know it is youtube, the home of trolling at it's best. But that one really cut me deep, because my husband and my faith are vitally important to me. To think of shaming either, made my heart bleed. It also hurt because I felt there was truth in it. I did have a problem. I do struggle with gluttony. I could be so much better in health and appearance for my husband. And my morbid obesity isn't exactly a positive reflection on my faith. I am not a perfect person. Just as I have been forgiven, I chose to forgive him for his unkindness.

    I moved on. Since then, not because of him, I have lost a lot of weight. So that makes me smile. And for the first time in many years, I feel like I have a control on my gluttony. I call it for what it is, even with a hypothyroid problem, I admit my responsibility in the gluttony I certainly participated in...and I am desperately working daily at changing it.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Not recently. My natural "calm and relaxed" look is often mistaken for "Don't piss me off or ill kill you", add the sunglasses and ear buds normally blaring some form of angry music and most people either don't talk or are VERY respectful about it. It's quite handy these days though when I was single I had many people tell me it was rather intimidating :P

    My boyfriend's son (who is 4) has come out with a few things that kind of made me sad but kids only say what they see so you can't really get mad at them - his dad is not a large man so he has a distorted perception of 'big' in the first place.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I think the worst is always - "you would so _______ IF you just lost some weight." Thanks Mom.
  • vmoyer2002
    vmoyer2002 Posts: 35 Member
    Just recently did my first 5K! And while signing up, the lady yelled out " Hey, whats the biggest T-Shirt we have? 2XL? Ok...the largest size we have is 2XL...will that be big enough?" I hadnt even told her the size I wanted! So I politely asked to see a large. It fits! And actually a little big! I was in shock at how she said that to me, that it didn't all sink in till i had left. Wish I would have said something then, but was so confused at why she would do that. But some people are just plain rude and don't know any better I guess. :( *Btw...finished my 5K under 37:00! Woot!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    When I was getting fitted for a suit the tailor said to me "do you usually wear a 42" or 44" waist?". I've never been above a 36", which is what I wore at the time. To be fair, he was actually using a tape measure and I do appear to have broken measurements (right now my waist, hips and stomach all show at 34" on a tape measure yet all my trousers are 29" or 30" and are all fairly loose), so he wasn't being flippant, but it was still alarming. It was more the look on his face when I said "umm... no, a 36"", that "right, if you say so" glazed look. At least the 36" fit fine so I didn't look a complete tit :)
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I think the meanest and most damaging was my mom when I was a teenager, and pre weight problem (I was 14, an A honor and advanced placement student, and not going out with boys) that I was so fat and disgusting no one would want me unless I was a *kitten*. It took a long time to realize that my mother had/has a lot of issues that have nothing to do with me but with her own self image. Happy Days/:
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    When are you due?

  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Someday all your muscles will turn to fat :huh: Thanks bro
  • Countryboy_
    My wife told me once that her worst fear in life was that our son was going to grow up and be just like me.

  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    My best friend told me that I should give up trying to lose weight on my own (because it would never work long term) and go get surgery.
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I don't mind comments on my weight (possibly because no one has made any comments to be mean), but what drives me absolutely batty are the passive aggressive comments my relatives made because they don't like the fact that I'm dating a legally blind person. Things like asking if I've met any nice guys, or being too interested on hearing that I hung out with a guy friend, or talking about how awful some cousin's boyfriend was (hint, hint) and how great it is that they broke up.
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    When are you due?


    BAHAHAHAH!!!!! Meanest thing anyone's ever said, lets see, oh I know!! "Will you marry me?" :wink:
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    "Would it be easier if I was on top?"

    -Classic Burn

    CANT QUIT LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    my ex husband used to say mean stuff to me all the time (trying to motivate me). it did the opposite it was just flat out mean. i left his *kitten* 23 years ago in Dec of 89 amd finnally got my divorce in Aug of 96. my dad in his infiniate alzhimers mind keeps harping at me to drop this or drop that and i finnaly had enough and at the dinner table one night after the millionth time of him telling me the same crap i looked at him and said "you know the more you tell me to do that the more i'm going to do it so if you quit telling me to do it maybe after awhile i can get myself to stop doing it but it will never happen with you demanding that i do it every day"
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    My friend's imbecile of a boyfriend said that I was the least sexually appealing person he had ever encountered. I wasn't even that excessively overweight at the time, and the irony was that he was quickly packing on the pounds. I pretty much determined that he's ugly on the inside and the outside.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    my ex as he was walking out the door:

    "You know if you hadn't lost all that weight, we would still be together"....

    oh...and two weeks ago when he called to rant about how much life sucks for him

    "You are still ugly as f**k."

    Thanks dude...and you wonder why I block you?

  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    It's a tie...

    "I still love you... but I'm not IN love you." :sad:


    "Just go ahead and finish, I'm not going to c*m" :noway:
  • _skittybang
    _skittybang Posts: 970 Member
    I swear it's a Slavic thing with the unwanted comments about being bigger...

    I was in Poland a few weeks ago and the common thing the women love to talk.. not talk... GOSSIP about is who's fat, why are they fat, they're not married because they're fat, but they're mother isn't fat - so why are they?, etc. etc. AND THEN tell you to EAT UP! Sucked being the fattest person in the room. Ate like a damn bird the whole time.