What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    These comments have stirred up so many old memories. For some reason, being directed to the plus size department seemed really bad at the time. Like many of you, though, I had a mom who was constantly telling me I was fat and worthless. She put me on diet pills in fourth grade (ugh) and forced me to run laps on the track behind my middle school on weekends, telling me it was for my own good.

    I firmly believe that my weight problem began with her. She meant well, but instead of just buying healthy food, she just warped my idea of what types and amounts of food were "normal" or "acceptable." A "normal" school lunch for me was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white, potato chips, a Little Debbie oatmeal pie or brownie and a sugary Hi-C juice box. I was never given "healthy" food as a child. I was just told I was fat and that I ate too much of what I was given (she'd give my skinny brother a whole brownie, but then only give me half. Why was she giving us that crap at all?!). Obviously I take responsibility for myself now, but i can't help but think a lot of my issues with food are rooted from the way I was treated between the ages of 8 and 18.

    My mother would often lie to me and tell me that my extended family members had told her how fat i was so that I'd see that "others" could see it. I didn't know she was lying back then. I lived for years thinking my family members had long phone conversations about my weight, which back then, wasn't an obesity problem at all.

    :( We're all in the right place now, though, and I suppose that is what matters.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    "I am angry with you and your cellulite-loaded *kitten*".

    Ex boyfriend.
    There is a reason he's an ex.
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    When I was 11, my father told me that if I didn't stop gaining weight, no one would ever love me. Now, I'm 36 and have lost 46 lbs- the other day he told me I was just finally starting to look pretty again.

    Meh. I have an amazing hubby and 3 gorgeous little spawns. I have plenty of love- even fat.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    A few actually:

    1) I was 12 years old - a boy in my class told me I was too fat to date...okay, I know we were only 12 and really who was dating at that time? Certainly not me.....or anyone in my class and looking back, I was no chubbier than anyone else in my class....however it led to an eating disorder.

    2) I'l call her just flat out Stupid, b/c what "friend" says such trash to her "friend" but a true stupid person.
    a. She asked me how could I possibly wear a bikini since I had no boobs? (she was busty and had a fat stomach, so she wore a full piece), I however weighed all of 100 lbs and wore a size 3; my waist was 23" so you bet I wore a bikini. I'm not sure what wearing a bikini has to do with big boobs....
    b. We were both voice majors at a Christian college (I know, funny right?) and we both auditioned for the elite ensemble group. I didn't get in; she did....she told me to hang in there, we couldn't all be talented like her.....I would just have to work and practice harder to be better. With training I might some day get into the group too.

    IDK - with friends like that; who needs enemies?
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Most of the things on here aren't mean, they're stupid or misguided.

    Asking someone 'when is it due?' isn't mean unless they know you're not pregnant.

    Pointing you to the plus size clothes isn't mean, it's thoughtless.

    When I went into a clothes shop a few years ago, and without even asking me what size I was the guy told me that they didn't have anything for me, I didn't run to the internet and boohoo about how mean he was, I thought, 'bloody hell have I got that big?' and moved on.

    Get some perspective!!

    I'm sorry, last I checked, I wasn't boo-hooing. I was just telling a story and was honestly curious about other embarrassing moments. My "mean" comment was what my mother said. Thanks for your observations, though, forum police.
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    A friend asked me if I wanted a pair of jeans she had bought and didnt like that were 3 sizes bigger then what I wear!!

    THIS. A friend who had weight loss surgery asked if I wanted some of her old clothes. Not only have I never been her size, but she is 6 inches shorter than me and bottom heavy. I am busty, carrying weight from the waist up.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    The guy at the store told me my lotto ticket wasn't a winner. I was devastated!
  • alanacareyb
    My ex-boyfriend once said, "You could always come to the gym with me, it'd do you good to lose some weight.." My response was a slap around the face!

    I was having a catch-up with a friend, walking and talking in town as you do.. there was a group of people behind me, don't know their age but obviously immaturity affects people of all ages and I heard them say, " Oh my god, eeeewww, look at the size of her legs.. Which one?.. That one with the green shoes, look at 'em, they're massive..". Just plain cruel.

    I was getting ready for a mock crime scene at university, as part of my course - you have to put on all the gear; facemask, gloves, goggles, hairnet, suit (like you'd wear for paintballing, decorating and the likes of) and shoe covers. My lecturer opened the box of suits, started handing them round.. She handed one to me, I said thanks and she said, "Oh no, that's not for you, that's Meg's [girl sat next to me], that's a medium sized one, you'll need a large..". Everyone around me was gobsmacked, I wanted to retaliate but I was so shocked, I couldn't say anything. Actually, these suits are 'one size fits all' and you only need a large suit if you're over 6ft.. I'm 5ft1.. So what was her excuse. B****.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    "you used to have enourmous breasts and a nice face, now you just have a nice face"

    ...yeah, thanks, that makes me feel awesome after losing 30 pounds. *kitten*.
  • gmrgirl
    gmrgirl Posts: 50 Member
    The meanest thing anyone ever said to me was by my ex-husband:

    "Online you have an 18 Charisma but once someone meets you, they see you have a 3."

    We were (are) gamers and that comment STILL hurts. Turned me into a hermit for 6-8 years. I still have a complex and self image problems and despite the love of those around me working to build me up, that comment sticks with me
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Ugh, and the school bullies! Sheesh. How had I forgotten about all that?

    The kid who sat on the back of the bus and would sing the "1-800-95-JENNY" song while the whole bus laughed at me. Or the kid sat behind me in science class who would make fun of my thighs for hanging over the sides of the chair. Or the day my boyfriend bought me a teddy bear and had it sent to school on Valentine's Day and someone yelled at me, "you know your mom bought that for you, fatty!"

    The funny thing is I was only about 30 lbs. overweight back then. I'd kill to be that weight again! Kids are awful. :(
  • goldenamor
    goldenamor Posts: 17 Member
    What size are you?

    I answered, "does it matter you still can't handle it" :wink:
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    The guy at the store told me my lotto ticket wasn't a winner. I was devastated!

    Sucks that you had to have him read it for you. :(
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Most of the things on here aren't mean, they're stupid or misguided.

    Asking someone 'when is it due?' isn't mean unless they know you're not pregnant.

    Pointing you to the plus size clothes isn't mean, it's thoughtless.

    When I went into a clothes shop a few years ago, and without even asking me what size I was the guy told me that they didn't have anything for me, I didn't run to the internet and boohoo about how mean he was, I thought, 'bloody hell have I got that big?' and moved on.

    Get some perspective!!

    I'm sorry, last I checked, I wasn't boo-hooing. I was just telling a story and was honestly curious about other embarrassing moments. My "mean" comment was what my mother said. Thanks for your observations, though, forum police.

    forum police.....WeeeeeeeooooooooooooWeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooo
    SRSLY! WTF! Go away....if it helps people to get things off their chests and move forward let them. Why even bother commenting...not like you are going to end the effing thread.

    Mine make me sad so I am not going there today. Sorry some of you have had to deal with this crap.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    years ago, i had a girl tell me she could definitely see herself dating me, but that i wasn't marriage material. not the kind of thing you normally think would be offensive to a guy, but it actually did cut a bit deeper than expected.

    little did i know then that she was apparently speaking for all women, because here i am at 45 (ugh!) and i've never been married.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    The one that stands out to me is when my SIL all of a sudden asked me to be a bridesmaid while at the wedding shop. My daughter was flower girl so was there with her. Either way the girls picked out the dresses and I asked for a certain size. They brought me a size smaller. So I put it on. It was a bit snug but fit and I had already lost 40lbs and new I was going to keep losing. And when I corrected them on the size the lady says "This says a different size you know they can only be altered in and not out right"
    Um yes thank you very much I know this.

    Also when I was younger a boy I liked, liked my friend instead and said that he wouldn't date me because my boobs were saggy and hers weren't.
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    Three times in one week...'when is your baby due'...it got so bad at one point I started to set dates...oh thank you..my baby is due in May!
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    years ago, i had a girl tell me she could definitely see herself dating me, but that i wasn't marriage material. not the kind of thing you normally think would be offensive to a guy, but it actually did cut a bit deeper than expected.

    little did i know then that she was apparently speaking for all women, because here i am at 45 (ugh!) and i've never been married.

    Sounds like you're looking into the wrong women! :) Keep looking. She'll show up, I promise. :)
  • woodsy0912
    Got moo'ed at walking down the street once...
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    "Don't they have weight requirements in the military?'

    Not because I was fat at the time (11 min 1.5mile run...) but because I was 200lbs.

    BTDT. Back in ROTC, even though I was doing amateur strongman competitions (where you don't have to be the serious, really bulky heavy-lifter type of individual to have a chance), was running 1.5 miles in 11:15 without trying and had a waist size of 36.5 (not bad for a 6'2" guy), the Air Force wasn't going to let me commission because I was "too heavy".

    Went through pretty crazy measures just to barely make weight for the final medical exam (fasting, "juice diet" for three days, sweating out what I could in a sauna the night before). Then, once I was in, after I'd gone through all the training they required and my performance was to the level it needed to be to do the job, my muscles shot my weight up to the 230-240 pound range. The only time I've been back at that "ideal" weight was in the middle of chemotherapy.