What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    It's not so much what people say anymore, it's what they do or don't do or don't say I guess.

    But people have said various mean things to me in the past.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I've been put down most of my life so it's hard to think of the meanest.

    I was once told by someone really close to me that No women would ever love me or find me attractive. that one stung because of who it came from.
  • LindaWasson
    LindaWasson Posts: 6 Member
    How about the time when I was like 12 years old and my teenage brother says to one of his friends....She thinks she's got boobs but its all fat. Ya so needless to say I have had trouble all my life not only with my weight but my self esteem and self worth. And he wasn't the only one who said things to me throughout my childhood, it hurts and they just don't understand.
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    I've heard so many things over the years, but I think the worst was when I was younger and my crush found out that I liked him and told me that if i lost weight, he would go out with me. Not the greatest way to gain confidence haha
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    The speaking scales I bought said:

    "one person at a time please"
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    I've been put down most of my life so it's hard to think of the meanest.

    I was once told by someone really close to me that No women would ever love me or find me attractive. that one stung because of who it came from.

    Similar thing for me....I was told for years that I was too ugly and weird for any guy to ever love me.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    While I was working at our local Cracker Barrel (for 4 1/2 years), we had to always ask guests to "add-on" sales. These sales, most of the time, was candy. If we didn't ask, we risked losing much-needed hours. So, I asked. One time, I had a lady just start screaming. I stood there, dumbfounded, with my mouth wide open (along with everyone else), while she laid into me. She said that I was a horrible person, and I was trying to ruin everyone else just like I had ruined myself. She also said that if I wanted to, I should remain a slob, but I shouldn't try to force it on everyone else. When she was done, I took all of that as a "No", I closed out the transaction, and went to the next customer. :laugh: (I waited til later to rant and rave to others about it. :grumble:)
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    The speaking scales I bought said:

    "one person at a time please"

    Haha.... that is just awful! You're in the right place!
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    I was once told, "You used to be sexy before you got fat." Yeah....he was a real thoughtful guy...not!
  • mollyvon
    mollyvon Posts: 114 Member
    I was at a friend's cookout a few years ago and his brother said "boy you have gotten fat", "you used to be the hot one of the group". He continued to say things like this to me all evening (in front of other guests, nonetheless). I was totally embarrassed and humiliated,
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    "I have a whole bag of Reeses' Cups..."




    "And you can't have any!"

    That is just plain cruel. I hope you punched him and stole his Reese's Cups when he doubled over,
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I think the worst is always - "you would so _______ IF you just lost some weight." Thanks Mom.

    ^^ Story of my life, my mom's most common saying to me was "If you'd lose some weight you would look so pretty", or "you have such a pretty face". F*** you mom for destroying my self esteem, if anything it made me eat more, this is one of hundreds reasons I no longer speak to my "mother"... she has also told me she wished she had never adopted me or my brother (I was a 4.0 student and never gotten in trouble in my entire time I lived with them), and has told us numerous times that she does not love us, her actions proved it too.
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    When are you due?


    ^^^^ This ^^^^
    You should never ask this question unless the woman in question is wearing one of those 'bun in the oven' shirts, or if you see her leaking amniotic fluid, actually, if you see her leaking fluid, better to assume she is peeing herself.

    LOL!! Yup, I've been asked this many times. Where I work, I see a lot of older eastern european ladies... and my kids are 7 and 9, they have seen me pregnant before... I know, that they just want to coo and crow and be happy for me, and I try not to take it badly, but of course it feels awful.

    My son though at the grocery store, when he was about 3... 'Why is that lady's belly so big' me 'because shes going to have a baby'... (this was a skinny mini woman, with a 9 month baby belly, no mistaking it...) then he turns to me 'are you going to have a baby too?'... again though, you know kids don't mean it to be mean, just saying what they see. *sighs*

    The other day, treating myself to a starbucks, which I've not had in months and months... asking the tiny asian 20 yr old if she can make it 'light', use skim milk, put less pumps of pumpkin stuff... she screws up her face thinking, asks me 'do you have diabetes or something?'... i'm like 'no, i'm just trying to lose weight'. She nods, says 'oh i TOTALLY understand'. I'm thinking to myself 'I doubt it...' A moment later, she goes 'I know its really hard for older people to lose weight'. I just looked at her, and started laughing. I said 'so... are you saying I'm old AND fat??'.... she about had a heart attack it was so funny I was dying laughing. 'oh no no no... I just meant older than meeee!!'... omg so funny. (I am 44)
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    My 5 year old daughter said 'mummy your thin but you have a really big tummy' this was said about 4 months after i'd given birth to her little sister. She has said it again recently as well as i've lost a lot of weight from everywhere else except my stomach I swear it's stuck on there with superglue! :(
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I was the biggest out of my whole group of friends in school. Always was but now I look back at pics and I notice that my size then was more like the norm now.

    My music teacher in high school at just put me into the chamber choir and said in front of all the girls that I'd need to loose a few lbs in order to fit into the madrical costumes they had. That was BS. I fit into more than one of them with room to spare. I really was not big at all in high school. Probably a size 9/11 in juniors.
  • thethingirlinside
    Wow is all.I can say .!that's so sad to read about all the meaness that people put up I wish people would think before they spoke .or cared about people feelings useally the person that has the neg stuff to say is the one with a self asteam problem,hurt some one else because they hurt ..
  • theMrsisGonnagetFit
    When I got my passport picture taken I was in the process of losing weight... That was in March 2010, so when I finally used the passport (in August 2010) I was significantly smaller. One of the airline workers who checks IDs before boarding, held up my passport, looked at me, and said "Wow you lost weight, good job, you lost the double chin"! Like WTF?! You couldn't just stop at "you lost weight, good job" ??!?!?! Some people....
  • bchthrpy
    bchthrpy Posts: 86 Member
    I walked into an upscale clothing store and the associate said to me "And who are you shopping for today?" The responses that I had to keep under my breathe are not printable!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Remember this is coming from a 5'10" guy who weighed 320lbs.....If you are fat you are fat! I tell people i went from a fat pig to just fat and will soon be normal sized.`

    All the crap fat people say, even me in the past, about being comfortable with their wieght, or this is who I am; know deep down they are kidding themselves.

    The best thing my doctor said to me is you MUST lose some weight, you are way to heavy.

    I am now down alomost 55 lbs and feel so much better.

    If you don't like what people say then change your lifestyle to a more healthy one and lose the weight.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    bump.. -- need to read later ;)