What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    When I was about 11, I met my step-great-grandmother for the first time. She took a look at me and said "Wow, you're a BIG girl! Well, we can't all be pretty." Even then I didn't let it get to me, because I'd heard every taunt in the book at school by that point. Now it's just a fun story to tell with family; the reaction is always: "Wow, Great Grandma was such a b****!" Congrats on being remembered that way, gma!
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    1)Your daughter looks like a sack of potatoes (An aunt to my mom)
    2)We are gonna have to change ur name from Swaty to Fatty
    3)Oh my god the building is shaking, stop dancing.
    4)Swaty was swimming and it caused the Tsunami
    5)You've got face as round as the watermelon
    6)Your jeans are just about to tear open
    7)Your body has stopped growing vertical and only grows horizontal (I'm 5'1")
    8)Two of me could fit into one of you
    9) Everytime an obese person comes on TV -"Hey look Swaty's on TV"
    10)Our family BodyBuilder/Weight lifter/ Heavyweight Champion

    And many many many more- all my life- always from relatives and family.
    They said the same things even when I was 110lbs even when I was 140lbs even now that i am 122lbs
    they just have been at me forever cos I was a chubby kid
    I used to try and ignore them, just smile and then cry later on but then one day IT HIT ME:smokin:
    They are not Brad Pitt or Megan fox themselves
    So now everytime a stupid relative tries to make fun of me I give it right back

    "Hey fatty Swaty"- - - -"Hey buck tooth want me to punch you so they can straighten up" :drinker:
    And yes they shut up!
  • kpbs68
    kpbs68 Posts: 20
    :embarassed: I was in a Ricky's a couple of years ago looking for a blouse for my sisters wedding and the sales girl actual said to me. " lady we have nothing in here that will fit you your fat and old" and I called her manager over and she had the balls to agree with the girl, I was a size 12 at the time. I have never gone into that store again and I wrote a letter to the head office of the company and all they did was send me a 5 dollar gift voucher. talk about insensitive.
  • andriadean7171
    I've gotten "i didn't know they made that in your size" and "man you have really let yourself go" and "how far along are you"

    Needless to say, I heard my wake up call LOUD AND CLEAR!
    When are you due?


    ^^ same here :(

    reading these makes me so sad, people are so cruel.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    "I don't love you, and I'm going to eat all your Reese's."
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    Without a doubt it was a comment on one of my youtube videos (they are Christian faith based). The commenter (of another faith) said in his country I would not be tolerated due to my disgusting body size. He further dug it in by saying I am shame to my husband, and a shame to my faith.

    I cried for a couple days. I know it is youtube, the home of trolling at it's best. But that one really cut me deep, because my husband and my faith are vitally important to me. To think of shaming either, made my heart bleed. It also hurt because I felt there was truth in it. I did have a problem. I do struggle with gluttony. I could be so much better in health and appearance for my husband. And my morbid obesity isn't exactly a positive reflection on my faith. I am not a perfect person. Just as I have been forgiven, I chose to forgive him for his unkindness.

    I moved on. Since then, not because of him, I have lost a lot of weight. So that makes me smile. And for the first time in many years, I feel like I have a control on my gluttony. I call it for what it is, even with a hypothyroid problem, I admit my responsibility in the gluttony I certainly participated in...and I am desperately working daily at changing it.

    That is wonderful. Not the troll, of course, but the story as a whole.

    I don't really get mean things said to me but my face seems to naturally settle into a I-will-hurt-you glare, so I'm betting that's why. My great grandma used to tell me I was too fat for anyone to like me but I didn't care.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    During the middle of my divorce (of a marriage of 26 years with 2 kids 18 & 13), my ex-husband says with such enthusiasm, "Deb, you wouldn't believe it, I have met my soul mate," and 30 days after our divorce was final, he was remarried to said soul mate.
  • Aplmark
    Aplmark Posts: 49 Member
    My chiropractor telling me I should lose weight.... this just 2 weeks after I told him I'd already lost 60 and was still working on it.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    When my Wii Fit said "Youre Obese" LOL...

    When my doctor poked my belly and said "we need to get rid of this, you look like youve had 3 kids" with a disgusted look on her fa ce before Id had any.

    When a sales lady told me there was no way a blouse was going to fit me when i was looking at it on the hanger.
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.
    What a *****!
  • shm1289
    shm1289 Posts: 102 Member
    My grandpa told me I should get knocked up so at least I'd have an excuse for being so fat. I was 17 at the time.

    I also had a (ex) boyfriend who told me I got fatter every time he saw me. I can't believe some of the things I used to put up with!
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Your MIL is an evil witch.
  • jrs1008
    jrs1008 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow. There are pretty hurtful things said to a lot of people, aren't there? My dad would 'joke' about my weight gain . . . he said that if I got any bigger he would have to buy a bigger TV set (I was stooped over picking up my kids' toys) . . . and he said he hoped that I would get big enough to where he could get 'one of those TV's that hangs on the wall' :noway: ; he asked if I would be in shape before our hunting trip, and 'I don't mean round although that's a shape!' :grumble: ; and 'all comedians are big. You gonna be a comedian soon? :angry: ' But eventually, he did voice his concern for my health and said that he didn't say those things to hurt my feelings and apologized AFTER my sister Dawn called him on it :bigsmile: .
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    LOL Good for you!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'd had a miscarriage, and had just gotten out of the hospital from a D&C that was gutwrenching. My son came home from a boyscout trip and climbed into my lap, then put his head on my chest.

    My then MIL took one look and said to me: "It's a good thing that baby died". When I looked at her she made the comment again and said how I couldn't possibly have time for another child when I spoiled the ones I had like that.

    Wow :brokenheart:

    Ignorance is BLISS! I wonder how she would have felt if you would have responded:

    "Ya know, I was just thinking that exact same thing about your mother (after hearing you say that to me)--if she would have had a miscarriage with you?----but then I wouldn't have my husband, so I guess I'll ever have to wonder about that and never know!--hmmmph"
  • Broadzilla007
    Broadzilla007 Posts: 20 Member
    Just my brothers, but I don't think that really counts. lol. My Pastor used to ask me if I was having twins when I was pregnant with my last child. i shut him up by saying that if I had twins I was going to give him one! Snappy come backs make you feel better and let the person know they have been rude. I would have told that lady "No thanks. I'm trying to get on the People of Wal-mart website.
  • Broadzilla007
    Broadzilla007 Posts: 20 Member
    Good for the doctor although he or she might have been more professional about it. if more doctors told their patients to lose weight instead of treating the symptoms (diabetes, sore back, muscle strains, bad knees, etc.) healthcare costs wouldn't be so stupidly high as they are now.
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    I went to a weight loss facility. One of those that had exercise tables. I had been going to another one with a similiar program and they went out of business. I went through my introduction at the new studio and used several of thier tables and was told to come back the next night. I went back and the owner took me to her office and weighed me and then just went off on me. She told me how fat I was and that I was too large for her equipment...that I was over the weight limit. To add to the insult she told me that she did not believe that I went to the other facility because they had weight limits also.

    Once I was in a store and a little boy in a shopping buggy said real loud to his mother "look mommy at the fat lady"!!! The mother never said a word to him. I strolled up to his buggy and I said "your mother is doing a fine job in raising you and teaching you manners.......by the way God loves you and I do to" and walked off.......the mother stood there with her mouth open!!