Dr. told me to drop down to 750 calories



  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    If you were eating 1200 and the 500 calories you thought you were buring then maybe that is why you had trouble loosing weight? I agree 750 calories is very low to maintain but maybe for a while do it and see what happens. ALso eat back the 100 calories she says you are buring. I wouldnt do this long term though and take your vitamins.

    that doesnt work for everyone though. i eat 1300, burn abt 400, and do not eat back my workout calories, if i do i maintain and do not lose weight.

    THat was my whole point though. SHe could have been eating too many calories to create a deficite. This would put her at 850 for a while to see if she did lose weight. I'm not saying for ever but trying it wouldnt hurt. I'm not sure I could eat so little though. But she would get a lot more healthful food than junk food.

    Odd that she thought the blood sugars were high. They sound perfect to me.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i had 750 cals for breakfast... i'm not even kidding.

    i don't think that's healthy.

    IMO you should get advice from a NUTRITIONIST/DIETITIAN...not your doctor.

    Surely you jest! HOW do you eat 750 in ONE meal?

    What are you kidding? A 750 calorie dinner is a light dinner. I usually keep it under 500 calories at lunch, but for dinner, it's GAME ON! 1000 calories is typical.
  • 750 is impossible. 5 oz of chicken breast is 220 Kcal. Drop the quack - into some orange sauce.
  • It looks like you've received some good advice thus far. Most importang being find a new DOC fast! My sis has PCOS, BFF has it too. Best thing that I have seen is that someone with PCOS is to very carefully watch your sugar intake, and anything that would cause insulin spikes. Also, being that PCOS is also hormonal, a lot of people with it also have thyroid issues, which I have. And endo can be helpful. Or finding a really good hormone doc that specializes in PCOS. Not sure where your located but I know there are some good ones out there. I saw that someone recommended the PCOS site for you...and it is very helpful. 700 cals is dangerously low. Exercise DOES help.... balanace as someone else said. With my thyroid being off, I didn't start having some more weight loss sucess until I added in exercise. I also try to eat my daily cals and sometimes I eat my exercise cals back. But what works best for me...is I watch my carb intake. At one time I was prediabetic..and I'm not anywhere near that now. Please, find a new doc. This one is a complete idiot. And most likely attempting to practice outside their scope of medicine/knowledge. Remember...just because they went to med school....doesn't mean they were top of their class. They could have been the one who passed the exam by 1 point!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Time to get a new doctor this one is STUPID!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wat everyone else said ^ 750 cals a day is just ridiculous. Starving your body of nutrients is just pure stupidity.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    I for one find the whole story a bit incredible. Are you sure you are representing it completely accurately? :wink: I am not implying that you are lying, just exaggerating for artistic purposes :noway:

    While in special circumstances and under strict supervision very low calorie diets may be indicated, there is much in your account that just does not make any sense at all.

    If it is indeed a completely true story, I recommend you make a formal complaint.

    I wish I were lying and having fun. I know it sounds incredible but it is true, all of it. She said more incredible things like gastric bypass is not an option for me. I was like..who asked for it?? I'm 143lb!!!
  • Emmenstwin
    Emmenstwin Posts: 34 Member
    get a different doctor. My doctor wanted me to do 3 protein shakes a day and no solid food, I got a second opinion and they told me he was nuts and not to listen to him. I'm 5 feet tall and weigh around 160. and you are burning more then 100 calories if you're exercising for more then 60 minutes..
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Time to drop that doctor and find a nutritionist and also get a new doctor.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    You need a radical doctorectomy. Sometimes it's the best procedure you can get.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    question: is your doctor slim and seemingly fit?
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    wow, i think the doctor is afraid that you would get well, TOOO well eventually that you won't need him anymore. So he tells you gibberish in the hopes that you believe, so that you'd get sicker, and he'd still get income from you.

    Oh these silly types of people.

    750 cals, gastric bypass = duh! but you do understand that eventually they'd slowly up those cals so that they'd lead much more normal and healther lives. they'd just had their stomach capacity decreased for goodness sakes!

    Even research, CREDIBLE research tells you never to eat below 1200 for women.

    I am so happy that you questioned him etc, and choose to do it the healthy way :)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Seems to me the only thing you really need to lose is your doctor!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    A) WTF?!?!?
    B) How much did she actually study nutrition?
    C) WTF?!?!?!?
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    That doc sounds like a quack.:noway:
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    New Dr - I think even Dr Oz would be better than this one....
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Don't ****ing do it. I did like 2 seconds of research and it looks real bad.

    If it just so turns out that your doctor doesn't know what they are doing and missed some serious health issue you've got a big problem.

    These diets are designed for people who need to lose 200+ lbs and they are monitored ridiculously closely. They have gone to like 20 doctors and gotten 50 opinions. Don't take the chance.

    A bunch of really scary links!!!

    Samantha Crowe

  • Cander1
    Cander1 Posts: 3 Member
    750 calories is absolutely not healthy. Your Doc cannot possibly think you can get what you need to function through a day on that. 1200 calories is an excellent guideline. You don't want to starve yourself....you won't do yourself any good in the long run. Your body needs food. Good food. You should see a dietician or nutritionist if you are unsure of yourself. But if it were me I certainly wouldn't listen to that Doctor.
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    That Doctor is crazy!!!!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    You would lose so much weight if you just stopped eating entirely! 0 calories a day is a huge deficit, I'm sure your doc knows people who have done that for months just fine.