What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • Jessi_Brooks
    Jessi_Brooks Posts: 759 Member
    My mother has said Im ugly and will amount to nothing and Im her least favorite daughter.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    "You're a slut and I love it".

    THANKS Ex....

    Actually EDIT: After going overseas in 2008, i gained weight for the first time in my life. It would have had to have been NO MORE than 10 pounds, and my mother burst out laughing when i got out of the airport and was like, "HAHAHA you have a double chin!!!!!"

    Aaaand I've struggled with disordered eating ever since. Good times.
  • Nickibroadbent
    Nickibroadbent Posts: 4 Member
    The speaking scales I bought said:

    "one person at a time please"

    Oh no! That is really awful! (...Though it did raise a giggle, if I'm totally honest...!)

    The Wii Fit "Scales" used to torment me daily; it sounded like they're saying "ouch" when I stepped on them!
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Mine isn't so much the things people have said but what they didn't. There are tons of people who talk to me like I'm their best friend and never said hello to me 100 pounds heavier. Then there are the people who I thought were friends but turned out now harass me to tears now that I'm thinner. How do I cope? Live in the moment and stick with those who have been there through I all!
  • jonesey65244
    "I DO."
  • Shari_A_Turpen
    That woud be a toss up between someone calling me larda** in high school and a furniture salesman mooing at me. No we didn't buy furniture from him but I was mortified. Wonder if he's still working for that company. :(
  • thorpy6
    My Ex wife, after asking why we didn't have a sex life i got told "your too big, you make my skin crawl"
  • macaya5
    ugh. It's all annoying. "You would look so pretty if you lost weight." How ugly do I have to be for this to not matter? I've had people who were walking past mutter that I was fat. Really? I usually shout that they're stupid and I can lose weight. Then there was the woman who SAT ON ME because the open space on the subway bench was equivalent to a child's rear. She muttered under her breath about how fat I was when all she really had to do was ask me to try to shove over. Not that there was anywhere to shove over to but still, I would have tried. If your shoulders do not fit, your *kitten* will not fit. I shouted her out eventually because that was some passive aggressive nonsense.

    I live in this body. I own mirrors. I buy my own clothes. I am aware of my dimensions. I'm working on making better food choices and moving more, not that it's anyone's business but my own.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    The more I read this thread, the more names go on my list of People Who Need To Be Kicked In The Taco.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    When are you due?
    "Oh I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat. But thank you." They are MORTIFIED.
    Brilliant. Bet they never do that again to anyone!

    "Holding on to anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned." The Buddha

    Well said and so true. About the time I hit my heaviest weight I decided that the only person who really mattered was me and F everyone else. I was not put here to please them. This was after my then husband told me point blank after being with me for 10 years "I never loved you". That didn't make me sad..but man did it every make me want to punch his face in - he's lucky I didn't actually. After that I just let everything go and decided that the only person that I needed to worry about was me. I no longer focus on stuff I can't change (other people) and the difference in my stress, life, emotions - I have had people now tell me "Nothing ever bugs you" and I say.."nope, it is what it is".
    I got really sick and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I was put on prednisone and gained lots of weight while trying to get the disease under control. At my darkest moment, I asked my ex husband why we didn't go out anymore, he looked at me and with a straight face said "You are too fat to be seen in public". Yeah, he is my ex. As fate would have it....he is now really fat.

    Karma's a ***** and she will get you every time - another reason not to focus on idiots..they will meet her soon. Don't let other people dictate your worth.

    *hugs for everyone*
  • kathim429
    kathim429 Posts: 379 Member
    I went to my 20th class reunion just 2 months after my husband walked out on me. I wasn't in the mood to go, but friends thought it would be a good idea. One guy came up to me and said I had gained some weight...like I didn't already know. I said, yes, I would like to lose about 50 lbs. He actually said, "No, you should lose more like 75." Nice.

    i prolly woulda went ape *kitten* on him after telling me I'd gained weight (duh) so I woulda missed out on the part where he told you how much. what an @$s!!

    I think I was in such a funk anyway from my impending divorce, that I was just stunned. But he is still an a**, and I am losing weight!
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 153 Member
    I think it's so terrible how other people treat others and talk about other people's weight problems, and when it comes to your husband,kids,your other family ,if they want to help then fine, name callings isn't the right way to do it.
    I always say if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.Look in the mirrow because you and no one else in the world are perfect ,(Thats what I say to them).And for a woman or a man in the department stores omg,if any one ever said to me Madam,Miss whatever they call me,say the bigger size are over there or what,they better run,I have a mouth ,and no one would ever get away with that.:mad: It just makes me so mad when people or family thinks they are helping you by calling you names or say to you.you need to lose weight,your getting a little heavy or in plain words you are FAT,I say to them help in a nice way calling names isn't one way for others to lose weight,it will make them eat more and gain more.It hurts others but it only makes mad.
  • KaseyC0711
    Without a doubt it was a comment on one of my youtube videos (they are Christian faith based). The commenter (of another faith) said in his country I would not be tolerated due to my disgusting body size. He further dug it in by saying I am shame to my husband, and a shame to my faith.

    I cried for a couple days. I know it is youtube, the home of trolling at it's best. But that one really cut me deep, because my husband and my faith are vitally important to me. To think of shaming either, made my heart bleed. It also hurt because I felt there was truth in it. I did have a problem. I do struggle with gluttony. I could be so much better in health and appearance for my husband. And my morbid obesity isn't exactly a positive reflection on my faith. I am not a perfect person. Just as I have been forgiven, I chose to forgive him for his unkindness.

    I moved on. Since then, not because of him, I have lost a lot of weight. So that makes me smile. And for the first time in many years, I feel like I have a control on my gluttony. I call it for what it is, even with a hypothyroid problem, I admit my responsibility in the gluttony I certainly participated in...and I am desperately working daily at changing it.

    I am so sorry you were told this.... It's a shame that people feel encouraged to disrespect others, while never taking in to account how their words can make someone truly feel. It's easy for people to sit behind a computer screeen and scrutunize.... Don't let it bother you girl. We all have our own shames, issues, struggles, in life. At least you have the courage and strength to accept your need/desire for change, and are actively pursuing it. Although those words hurt you, use them as a tool to make your life better. Victory is your's, in the name of God!! Use his strength when weak, and pray for his healing when sick, and I promise you, you'll see the results you want through him. Keep your head up!!!!
  • Shannonm905
    I was in a pub once talking to a guy and went to the washroom and when I came back his friend was still there but the guy I was talking to wasn't. So I asked his friend where he went and he said, and I quote, "he's talking to that other fat girl over there." Horrifying, needless to say I left the pub about 2 seconds later. That was the night that opened my eyes to how much weight I had gained (denial can work wonders in the mirror, can't it?)
  • amymflorez
    Someone recently told me I was really hot and had a great personality but I "Just needed to work on my *kitten*." WTF. I just carry a lot of weight in my hips and thighs. I wear a size 8. I'm not about to set any world records. Of course it managed to ruin my week....
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    When I was pregnant with my first child, my mother in law told me my children wouldn't be as pretty as her other sons because I was not as pretty as his wife. 10 years later, she told a total stranger they didn't like me, but tolerated me to be around the grandkids. She said lots of things like that over the years. Took me 20 years, but I finally told her exactly what I thought of her, and have never looked back. I lost 300 pounds of ugly fat that day. :drinker:
  • Lalala_Liz
    Lalala_Liz Posts: 36 Member
    This guy once told me, "you have the potential to be hott if you lost some weight".

    We are ALL beuatiful no matter what our size. It's just amazing how some people just need to belittle other people to make themselves feel better.

  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    Without a doubt it was a comment on one of my youtube videos (they are Christian faith based). The commenter (of another faith) said in his country I would not be tolerated due to my disgusting body size. He further dug it in by saying I am shame to my husband, and a shame to my faith.

    I cried for a couple days. I know it is youtube, the home of trolling at it's best. But that one really cut me deep, because my husband and my faith are vitally important to me. To think of shaming either, made my heart bleed. It also hurt because I felt there was truth in it. I did have a problem. I do struggle with gluttony. I could be so much better in health and appearance for my husband. And my morbid obesity isn't exactly a positive reflection on my faith. I am not a perfect person. Just as I have been forgiven, I chose to forgive him for his unkindness.

    I moved on. Since then, not because of him, I have lost a lot of weight. So that makes me smile. And for the first time in many years, I feel like I have a control on my gluttony. I call it for what it is, even with a hypothyroid problem, I admit my responsibility in the gluttony I certainly participated in...and I am desperately working daily at changing it.

    OMG! I recognise you!!!! I watched some of your vids! :bigsmile:
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    In my case, it wasn't what was said but what was expressed.

    I had a knack for frightening small children with just my presence alone when I was at my heaviest. It was probably a combination of my weight, hairiness, and acne... looking back on it though is quite funny.

    Oh, the children. I love the "Mommy....he's so big." But kids seem to like me for the most part...it's more...cautious wonder until I smile or something. One time a little boy and his sister were debating whether I was God because I was so big and tall to them...i'm only 6'3" or 6'4"...but to them that's huge. That was...dare i say it...cute. It could've been hurtful. But they were just so full of wonder I could help but smile and they just smiled and waved back...cute...

    NOW...meanest thing ever said..I was 12. We were visiting very old great-aunts who lived together weren't twins but were like like symbiotes... like 15 of my family members are crammed into their living room and kitchen, visiting.

    Aunt Mary: Who is that?
    Mom: This is my baby boy, Auntiie!
    Aunt Mary: Oh my. How old are you?
    Me: 12.
    Aunt Mary: 12!? I'd hate to see him when he's 24!! Why is everybody so FAT?? I love you baby, come give me a kiss.

    ....Foul-breathed harpy...love you too...

    forgive me Lord...lol
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    "Oh my gosh! Your pregnant!" No I'm not? "OH, I was going to say how great you look pregnant" Thanks? lol and this was said by some random woman shopping for shoes at my old job! Seriously, if you don't know a person! Don't assume they are pregnant. I dunno what is with people these days. I did have a bit of a belly back then but not much... the shirt I was wearing was a flowy one and I have never worn it since lol.