What's the meanest thing someone said to you?



  • DargoMack
    DargoMack Posts: 75 Member
    I was on a date and he said, "I like that top. It's flowy and hides your stomach and all your flaws. Your boots however are ugly."

    I took my ugly boot and kicked his *kitten* to the curb.
  • notsosimplyabby
    notsosimplyabby Posts: 138 Member
    I've had people ask me if I am pregnant because most of my weight is in my mid-section.
    A couple of years ago, I had 3 different peopl ask me in one day... :( Talk about mortifying...

    Oh & my middle school nickname was Flabby Abby....
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I don't count this as "the meanest thing" by any means, but the most "frustrating" people have said to me is:

    My parents when I was a child and younger woman:

    You eat like a bird, you'll NEVER gain weight (not eating enough cals) and you will always be stick skinny ALL your life.

    Many well meaning folks on this battle of the bulge with me:

    You eat like a bird, you'll NEVER lose weight (not eating enough cals) and you will always be fat, you can't succeed without eating more--you can't be successful without eating more.

  • My mom used to say some horribly mean things to me growing up. She'd call me Thunder thighs... or a common thing any time she saw me eating a snack was, "Why don't you just apply that directly to your hips?" The irony? My mom is morbidly obese and I was 115 lbs and rail thin. Looking back now, I think she was just projecting. She was so damn fat that her way of dealing with it was to constantly belittle me.

    Currently, I weigh about 140 and I'm trying to get back to at least 120. My mom, who has gained so much weight she can no longer walk and is so repulsive to me that I can only stand to visit her about once a month, now tells me I'm too thin and I shouldn't try to loose weight. I've concluded she's totally insane.
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    " wow you would be really pretty if you lost some weight"

    "when are you due?" absolute worst!

    people seriously have no clue what people go through on a daily basis...maybe they should try thinking before they open their mouths!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Reading all these meannesses is a great way to inoculate against the dysfunctional a******s who say them.

    In my life, I have learned not to pay attention to outsiders (non-friends, non-family) who judge me and reject me because of my weight. They are as ugly in their souls as they think I am on the outside. At this age, it mostly amuses me, fortunately.

    However, family can still sting:
    My middle brother used to tell me "fat people are socially unacceptable."
    My eldest brother and my mother constantly talk about every pound they gain or lose, latest diets, etc.
    Yes, they think they're being subtle.
    My mother also constantly asks "are you being HEALTHY? Taking good CARE of yourself?" I sure know these are euphemisms for "are you dieting? You're so FAAAAAT!" I ignore them.
    My mother once did tell me SHE has issues with fat people, so I know it's not me.

    Here's the most recent attempt I experienced to slight me for my size: I went into a local shop and asked if it carried plus-sized clothing. The saleswoman looked me up and down, said "No, but we have some lovely ACCESSORIES!"
    I burst out laughing, and told her "No, your accessories are most likely designed for skinny women - folks my size need different proportions." And walked out.
    I make a practice of 1) never shopping in places that do not carry plus-size clothing and 2) never letting a salesperson help me who is not herself plus-sized. These would be good practices for all to adopt.

    Remembered another:
    1. A woman leading an exercise class refused to alter the moves for me, saying that as I was so fat, I should not be in her class.
    I mentioned this to the owners of the studio, and she was fired that day.
  • GodzillaR35
    GodzillaR35 Posts: 73 Member
    Not really what someone said to me,it was more about how i was treated,the worst was the school dance,i was the last one against the wall to be chosen for a dance...:(
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Look at the state of that belly what the *kitten* is that!!!,
  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    Again, my mother when I came back home after six months abroad. Her first comments were:

    Wow, you are fat!

  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    My husband - "If you lost 50lbs you'd look just like her", after saying how beautiful an actress is.
    I lost 100lb, and I pick on him all the time about it.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Ive been with my husband for almost 12 years. His mother has ALWAYS made comments about my weight. And shes a bigger lady. I have always ignored them and tried to be polite. Well on our wedding day, when im in my dress and think i feel beautiful (as every girl wants to feel on her wedding day) she turns to me, pats my stomach and says "it looks like you have a baby in there". For the first time ever I couldnt bite my tongue, i turned around, patted her stomach and said "well if im having a baby then you must be having twins!" and turned and walked away. Makes me so sad that she hurt my self esteem like that on my wedding day, the worst day to do that to a girl. And 2 yrs later i had a baby. She came to visit when my daughter was 6 weeks old. She told me that i needed to put myself on a serious diet, yada yada yada. Seriously? My kid is 6 weeks old, get off my back. I'll be seeing her for thanksgiving in a few weeks for the first time in a year. Interested in hearing what she says when she sees ive lost 90 lbs.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    "You don't look pregnant, you just look like you've gained weight" when I was about 28 weeks pregnant with my second baby.

    "Black hearted little wench" was my Mom's favorite title for me.

    "You DESERVE to be smacked around" in reference to an abusive relationship I was in

    Oh, there are others too, but we won't go there.
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    I can't remember anything off the top of my head. Just typical fatty comments. Really only as a kid. I haven't had anyone say something flat out rude or hateful about my body size since high school.
  • In 8th grade girls used to call me "The tree" because I wasn't ultra skinny and I was taller then all of them, back when I was 14 is the guys hadn't yet caught up to my height so I was giant. :D
  • fromthicktofit
    fromthicktofit Posts: 3 Member
    I've had some pretty embarrassing things said to me, always being the "big girl" I never "got used to it" like most people do. For a while, I used to use humor as a way to cop with my own weight. I couldn't look at myself in a full length mirror naked & be happy & STILL can't, even after loosing 30lbs!
    I remember this specific event the summer of 2011 I went on a family vacation, we stopped at a local Walmart to check it out & walking in, there were 3 younger kids, in high school I would say maybe 9th or 10th grade standing by the front door, as I walked in I heard one say (& I was wearing a knee length white dress) "she looks like a giant marshmallow" & the others snickered at the comment. I was so embarrassed and angry! I also remember another even that really kicked me where it hurt, jump starting my weight loss, was when I was pregnant with my daughter & her father & I weren't together. He, for some reason, told another girl her body was "bangin" when she said "and your baby moms isn't?" (she assumed we were still together) he said "not really" well, that hit home from me, specifically because him & I were together for about a year, well, he didn't see me fully naked EVER until I was about 6 months pregnant! He always told me that my body size didn't matter & that he loved me for me, then turns around and bashes me, knowing how hard I was on myself about my own weight, not only that but knowing how many things I had tried to do to loose weight; from being a vegetarian to almost starving to death.
    Now, 2 years later, I have lost 30lbs (since Jan. 1st 2012) just simply by changing my diet & exercising regularly! That's all I did. That's it! Pretty simple. I am not to my goal weight, I've got about 50lbs left to go until I reach my goal, but WHEN I do, I know I will be happy again.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    There's only one person in this world who has said things to me about my weight and my appearance that has stuck with me.

    That person is me.

    Anything anyone else has ever said I can't remember but I remember every horrible, mean, cruel thing I've said to myself.

  • I'm not TRYING to be mean, but I will rub my fiance's belly and say "buddha belly".....for me, it's just a term of endearment..he calls me a cow like ALL the time.
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i had one of my cousins run up to me at a party and congratulate me...when i asked what for..he said obviously because you are going to have a baby...i said.."no i am just fat thanks"...
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    My mother once told me that if she had gotten pregnant with me one year later, she would have aborted me. (I was born in '72, one year before Roe v. Wade)

    I told her I would have fully supported her choice because then I wouldn't have had to have her as a mother. *sigh*
  • mamadolce6499
    mamadolce6499 Posts: 20 Member
    I was told by a large man at the gym that I was to fat to try P90X. He probably had a good 30 lbs on me and at least 10 years.
    The pregnant questions don't bother me to much cause I know the embarrassment on their part is far worse then I feel.