How did you meet your significant other?



  • Awww! I get to contribute this time! When I started this thread, I didn't have a SO. :laugh:


    Sooo, I mean my boyfriend via my friends back in August, thought nothing of it. Then this January at my birthday party, he confessed all these feelings for me that he had, and now we're together and in love. :smooched:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Went to catholic grade school together and high school together. He was in 2nd and I was in 1st grade. He was my first crush and it is still going strong. We didn't start dating until after college. Funny thing is his mom was always trying to set us up. Oh, and now we are Lutheran :laugh:

    We have been married going on 11 years and have 3 kids together.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I met my boyfriend on another calorie counting/health/fitness website just like this one. Somehow chatting on message forums and the groups on there let to was a long distance thing at first. I moved from Chicago to Philadelphia to live with him almost a year ago. :smile:

    Do you miss Chicago? I love it here.
  • PurpleAshes
    PurpleAshes Posts: 10 Member
    We were best friends throughout highschool, but we never dated untill later. 8 years later to be exact,lol He moved away and we realized we really missed eachother. When he came home for a visit we went on a date and that is that lol.:heart:
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    We met onlime in a forum, only trouble was I was married (it was in it' s final stages) and he was in Canada and I in England.

    We just chatted for ages through IM, then he gave me his phone number and when I heard his voice I was hooked. Man sounds like warm melted chocolate.....

    He came over to visit me after talking for almost a year, went home and sold up and moved to England. We got married in September, and are very happy :-)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I'm going to say online, but it's a bit more than that. He owns his own auto parts business and was a sponser for a car club that I was with at the time. I had contacted him by MSN for a part for my car and we talked car stuff for a while. About 3 weeks after that there was a car meet in my town and he didn't know how to get there, so I offered to meet him and he could follow me. And blah blah blah it's been 4 years :happy:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    My husband and I met on excite chat, the canada forum! lol
    We fired back and forth a few e-mails and made arrangements to meet for coffee (we lived in the same city).
    We met up, had a great date and then due to circumstances beyond our control (death in the family, he went away, etc) we never got together again. He got back with his ex, I got back with mine.
    1 yr later I emailed him because my ex and I were finally DONE (for good!) and as it turns out his ex and he were just breaking up too! lol
    We've been together ever since and that's almost 9 yrs ago in May...we just had our 8 yr wedding anniversary.....3 kids....2 cats....1 dog.....<3
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    We met at the Pittsburgh Zoo on 9-20-03, were engaged on 11-17-03 and married on 11-20-04. His Sister and I worked at the same IT company (I was her assistant) and she thought he and I'd hit it off. She was right! :happy:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    March 1 was actually the 5 year anniversary since we first met!

    It all started one night when my parents were out of town and I was supposed to be at the house, but I went out and met up with some of my friends anyway with the hopes of getting back with my ex. LOL Anyway, we all met at the bowling alley, and when Bruce and I first saw each other we were instantly attracted.. (so yes, in this case the love at first sight is kinda true.. more "like" at first sight lol). Anyway, he got my number and we went out on a date but I wasn't ready to get into a relationship yet, so we just went on a date or 2 but stayed good friends and talked all the time. I remember one night we were talking about what kinds of houses we liked and what we wanted them to look like when we built one (I was 16 at this time and he just turned 18) and we finished each other's sentences describing how each of our houses would look (kinda dorky, I know lol). For some reason it clicked that we should be more than friends. Then a few months later on September 25, 2005 he took me huntin because he knew I had always wanted to go, and we became a couple and have been going strong ever since! Now we're getting married on 09.25.10, our 5 year anniversary! :smooched:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I met my boyfriend on another calorie counting/health/fitness website just like this one. Somehow chatting on message forums and the groups on there let to was a long distance thing at first. I moved from Chicago to Philadelphia to live with him almost a year ago. :smile:

    Do you miss Chicago? I love it here.
    There are some things I pizza...but I like it here too.
  • I was going to this supper club every Friday after work by myself. It's mostly a country and western club. I was introduced to John and this other guy. I went out with the other guy and had to take a cab home. He was bad news. The next week I showed up at 7pm for dinner and the door man set me at the table right below the DJ"S booth. I didn't know this was John's table. When he showed up, he went to set at his table and he just looked at me. You see the door man thought we were together because we were dressed identically. We had on the same brand of jeans, the same shirt, the same cowboy hat, the same belt and buckle, and the same cowboy boots. I just looked at him and said, well, fate is telling us something. And I asked him to sit down. We have been together ever since. We have been married for 26 years and been together for 28 years. :flowerforyou: :love:
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