Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    Great Job

    You guys are such an inspiration! If you have any special tips for us please share your secrets! You guys ROCK!

    I can't explain the big weight loss in 1 week. Since Jan 1 I have been on the treadmill at least 5 - 6 times a day. The last couple of weeks I have been under my calorie limit and I have only worked out once. Guess my body needed a change.
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Alright guys, I knowww many of us had a bad week.... :grumble:

    Ive regained my motivation and I know it would best to share, as I know it helped me!

    I did horribly this weekend and early on this week. But Weds is like the DO OR DIE DAY.... for me if i didnt go to the gym yet, and I dont get it in on weds, I let the whole week go down the drain.... Sooo I forced myself to the gym and said to myself-just walk on the treadmill. I actually ended up walking andn running and doing some weights.

    Last night I ate a yummy stir fry at my girls night, I even had a little wine.... And guess what Im almost back down to my "low" weight from last week.

    Our bodies are fighting for its old weight, but if we keep fighting back and "Getting back on the wagon" and we keep making good choices, our bodies WILLL RESPOND. It is sooo frustrating in the mean time, but we haveee to do this.

    Keep pushing and have a happy thursday! :heart:
  • Howdy all....can I join in? I know I'm a little behind in starting, but I have about 35lbs that I really want to has been insane over the last year, but now I'm ready to take control of my body and just be good to it!!!

    SW about 190lbs...I need to get my scale from my sisters house!
    GW 155lb

    I hope everyone has a blessed day!!
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    I weighed today and i am now 149.8 same as i was 2 weeks ago and last week so i'm happy i haven't gained anything without watching what i eat really or exercising!! So my goal by next wednesday is to be 148.0 which is almost 2 lbs... Feeling much better this week than the last 2 weeks. Glad to say i'm not pregnant and can getback to weight loss..
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    Thanksk Missy! Can't explain a 5 pound loss tho!!! Was so excited i kept getting back on the scale to make sure it still said I lost that much! I bet I looked quite funny running around my house talking to myself about it since I had no one here at that time to share it with!!!! Anyway, the only thing I did different is in the last 2 weeks I started wearing 3# leg and wrist weights when I work out. Idid hit a plateu a few weeks ago, but I've broke it only since we started doing this on Wednesdays. To date I've lost 34 pounds since my heaviest last fall. Most has been in last 2 1/2 mionths. I started here beginning of year. Does anyone know if adding these leg and arm weights could really make a difference in my workouts? Also, gotta tell ya, when I put them on I thought they were really heavy! And then I realized that a month ago I was carrying around that much more weight! What an eye opener!!!!
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you for the pat on the back. I am really planning my meals in advance and making sure I am with in at least 50 calories of my 1200 or I eat something. Usually by planning a day ahead I am very close. One person on here said plan your food and when it is gone, it is gone. With that thinking I do not seem to eat non stop, I like to have food left for after work. I am trying to exercise 3 times a week. I am doing Jillian Michels slim down routine. I am loving all the good tasting food. I must admit I fell off the wagon on Wednesday night but, I fell off by eating to much food that was good for me. ( IT WAS 2AM ) I still felt hung over this morning. Weighing in on Wednesday helps me alot, I also weigh in on days I feel I have done really good. THE BEST MOTIVATION FOR ME is to get on this page and read every day. I may not make comments every day but reading helps to know I am not alone and how others deal with the same issues I have. LETS ALL STAY STRONG THIS WEEK AND GO FOR THE GOLD!
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    Thanksk Missy! Can't explain a 5 pound loss tho!!! Was so excited i kept getting back on the scale to make sure it still said I lost that much! I bet I looked quite funny running around my house talking to myself about it since I had no one here at that time to share it with!!!! Anyway, the only thing I did different is in the last 2 weeks I started wearing 3# leg and wrist weights when I work out. Idid hit a plateu a few weeks ago, but I've broke it only since we started doing this on Wednesdays. To date I've lost 34 pounds since my heaviest last fall. Most has been in last 2 1/2 mionths. I started here beginning of year. Does anyone know if adding these leg and arm weights could really make a difference in my workouts? Also, gotta tell ya, when I put them on I thought they were really heavy! And then I realized that a month ago I was carrying around that much more weight! What an eye opener!!!!

    hey i understand the weights r working for you, but they are not a very good idea, especially the ankle ones. they mess with your joints and screw up your body mechanics.... they may end up causing more pain than anything.
  • tndiva10
    tndiva10 Posts: 22
    Hi All and congrats to everyone for just making it through another week! To those who lost big - Yahoo! To those who didn't - Hang in there! Whoever said our bodies are holding onto this weight wasn't lying. For me it's time to kick my own but, get into gear, and really rock a body I'm proud of this summer!

    Have a great day all!
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    hey everyone, i don't think we have a challenge for this weekend, and i know missy is very busy. i'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here, missy has been doing a great job. maybe this weekends challenge can be to stay away from pizza, since everyone seemed to have a hard time with that last weekend? and also to try a new exercise that you haven't done before. maybe that will be running outside instead of inside since it is supposed to be nicer out, or a workout DVD that you bought but have been too afraid to try, or even just one exercise like pushups or something. for me it is going to be jumping rope. i just never had the coordination to do it, so i made it one of my goals. anyway, those are going to be my own challenges for the weekend, if anyone wants to join me.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I am in, I'll try something new! Not sure what it is going to be, but I'll find something! I am going to also challenge myself to a 1500 calorie burn this weekend. Have a great weekend all!:wink::wink:
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    I am in, I'll try something new! Not sure what it is going to be, but I'll find something! I am going to also challenge myself to a 1500 calorie burn this weekend. Have a great weekend all!:wink::wink:

    could just be a class at the gym that you have been afraid to try. i can't wait until it's nicer out, there are so many things i want to start doing - riding a bike, rollerblading, hiking, running outside, playing softball again. yay for spring!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    ok, well I got to a 733 calorie burn today! Boot camp this morning, 30 minute walk and then on to the wii fit for another 30, so tomorrow I only need 767, piece of cake. The bright note is I get to eat more on the weekend, gotta like that! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :wink: :wink:
  • I am really having a hard time meeting my fiber intake for each day. 25 is a number I have yet to meet. Any suggestions?
    I don't know whether or not you would consider this cheating, but I take 2 BeneFiber pills a day. This is what my doctor recommended and it helps without adding extra sugar (and only 10 calories).
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I had my bachlorette party this weekend and my TOM we will see what WED brings, right now all I am hopping for is not to gain. Still a little sluggish and not quite motivated.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • tndiva10
    tndiva10 Posts: 22
    I hope you had fun at your party. You look great already! I stayed away from Pizza this weekend, but still caved in on McD. At least this time it was a medium shake. When I did the calorie count for the large...... EEEK!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Well didn't quite make all my goals for this weekend. I was trying for a net calorie burn of 1500 calories, and I got to 1450 (I didn't have the last 50:grumble: :grumble: calories left in me! I did get to my fruit and veggie servings of 5 for the day, but I didn't try something new for exercise :ohwell: :ohwell: Maybe next weekend! Hope your weekends were all good and you enjoyed some nice weather in whatever state you are in!:happy: Here's to a good weighin on Wed!
  • Im in! I need a support group big time!! I got married last May and moved away from family and friends.. Ive gained alot of weight and Im ready to get rid of it. My hubby is fabulous dont get me wrong, but he always tells me I look good no matter what! (so sweet, yet annoying!!) So Im defiantly in this!

    Starting w 3/2/10 - 240
    Current w 3/8/10 - 237
    mini goal 3/24/10 - 230

    Big goal 9/1/10 - 150
  • Ok Im lame!!! I just figured out that this is an old stream.... Im a little to late!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    still a good place to check in! No worries, just come back often! :wink:
  • Hey all! I can't believe tomorrow is weigh-in again... Hopefully I maintain my 168 weight last friday because my goal for tomorrow was originally 169!!! I'd be happy with this weight also... i'm thinking 168 was a fluke or something.. maybe just hard to believe!

    I started MFP on 1/15/10... i'm already 17lbs down... this is such a great website I can't even believe how much progress i've made with the help of all of you on this site! So today I just want to say THANK YOU for the tips, motivation and the pats on the back...

    Good luck to all of you for a positive weigh-in tomorrow!! STAY MOTIVATED WE CAN DO THIS!!!
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