No loss in two weeks...



  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I will say one word of encouragement-at least you are logging everything, even the crap. Looks like you're being honest about having fast food and candy multiple times a day. Some people try to keep that secret or leave it out. Logging everything and asking for people to look at your diary is a step in the right directions, just keep your mind open to advice.

    @slkehl - love the sweatshirt!
  • Sounds like you did some damage to your metabolism! You need to go back on maintenance calories for a few weeks and spike that insulin with some good cheat meals and get back on it. You need to cut your calories slowly 150-200 at a time through out a 3 week time frame. Also, boost up that cardio to 2 times a day.. early morning and post workout. I haven't seen your daily log of eating but try to keep it to clean food and 5-7 small meals a day. Use for some quick calcs on calories, sample meal plans and learn more about new exercises.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I joined MFP with just 6kg (13lb) to lose. I had already lost 6kg before joining.

    I lost 3kg (6.5lb) quickly but then plateued for 9 whole weeks 3kg above my goal. It was torture. But I kept eating and kept exercising. I didn't change anything... I just waited for my body to realize that my will to train and eat properly was stronger than it's will to store fat.

    Suddenly the weight just fell off me. 3kg in about three weeks. Whatever that last reserve of fat was my body decided to give it up.

    Don't let the plateaus make you give up. K:drinker: :flowerforyou: eep going.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Won't speak to the rest, but:
    2. Time. There are plenty of things I'd MUCH rather be doing than wasting half an hour stirring a pot or checking on the oven.

    This suggests that your priorities do not favour weight loss. If you can only be half arsed to do it, you will likely only get half arsed results. Now if you can make it work with your parents, great. But it seems like they aren't the ones motivated to eat better, and you will be constantly fighting an uphill battle. From what you've said anyway.

    You can find plenty of foods/meals that don't require cooking and even so you can get a toaster oven if you don't like using a stove/oven. And there's the good old microwave. I love my microwave.

    You can make wonderful meals with salads, soups, sandwiches. Especially when it's hot is when I don't like to cook. Just use your imagination. you could look up recipes that don't require cooking or could use in the microwave.
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member

  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I wish like heck you lived close. It looks like you've not ever had a proper eating role model.
    There's a reason people are wigging out when they see your food diary. I looked through the entire thing. You have some good choices - fruit plates, hard boiled eggs and turkey burgers are all great. If you make those sorts of things the majority, and the fast food choices rare you'll be far better off. Can you do that?
  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    more than likely not gonna say anything no one else already hasn't but here it goes anyway... look at what you are eating... NO veggies.. no fruits... all fast food... you are eating 3-5 things in a day and it's all icky.. try eating food that isn't so bad for you...
  • RatherBeFishing
    RatherBeFishing Posts: 61 Member
    Lots of negative replies in this post. One day doesn't kill you in a diet. I don't care what these people seem to think. It's doing it day after day that kills you. I have had stalls in my diet as well. You have to fix the issue's you have and work on becoming stronger at resisting your comfort foods. I have cheat day/weekend every 4 weeks or when everyone I see starts looking like pizza. You have to find what whats for you and what you can deal with and stick to it. Plus you have realize there is only one person that makes you do things, that is you.

    Anyways stick with it, weather the storm and you will become stronger for it. Don't blame others for your actions. Once you do that things become a lot easier.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I wish like heck you lived close. It looks like you've not ever had a proper eating role model.
    There's a reason people are wigging out when they see your food diary. I looked through the entire thing. You have some good choices - fruit plates, hard boiled eggs and turkey burgers are all great. If you make those sorts of things the majority, and the fast food choices rare you'll be far better off. Can you do that?

    I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices.

    It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I wish like heck you lived close. It looks like you've not ever had a proper eating role model.
    There's a reason people are wigging out when they see your food diary. I looked through the entire thing. You have some good choices - fruit plates, hard boiled eggs and turkey burgers are all great. If you make those sorts of things the majority, and the fast food choices rare you'll be far better off. Can you do that?

    I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices.

    It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.

    Get yourself some fruit for home. Grab some pretzels for that crunchy snacky feeling, get some almonds and wholegrain bread. Have some cereal that tastes good and isn't heavy on sugar. Add some cans of soup that look good. You can make better choices at home too with a bit of planning. :wink:
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I wish like heck you lived close. It looks like you've not ever had a proper eating role model.
    There's a reason people are wigging out when they see your food diary. I looked through the entire thing. You have some good choices - fruit plates, hard boiled eggs and turkey burgers are all great. If you make those sorts of things the majority, and the fast food choices rare you'll be far better off. Can you do that?

    I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices.

    It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.
    Then move out and buy your own groceries.

    Seriously, you're 24. Take accountability for your own actions.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Your food is an issue, also do you measure your body? You could be loosing inches and not weight. I do that every once in a while. I was like WTH after two weeks then I measured myself and lost like 4 inches and I would presume gained muscles as I had the same weight for the two weeks. :D so better watch your food add more veggies and read ALL labels. I mean a little junk ( Mine: TCBY CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE FROZEN YOGURT W/SUGAR CONE= 190 cals) is alright every once in a while, but not all the time. When you feel the urge to munch grab the "free foods" like carrots or celery and munch away with a bottle of water.
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Is there a reason you can't buy your own groceries while you're at home? That would mean you're not reliant on what your parents eat.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Sounds like you did some damage to your metabolism! You need to go back on maintenance calories for a few weeks and spike that insulin with some good cheat meals and get back on it. You need to cut your calories slowly 150-200 at a time through out a 3 week time frame. Also, boost up that cardio to 2 times a day.. early morning and post workout. I haven't seen your daily log of eating but try to keep it to clean food and 5-7 small meals a day. Use for some quick calcs on calories, sample meal plans and learn more about new exercises.


    Admit it, not only did you not look at her food diary, but also you didn't read any of the previous twelve pages, did you?
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Tell that to the hordes of people in this thread who snapped at me for going over 1210...

    Why assume they're Horde?

  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    To those who have been positive, thanks.

    To those who have been hostile... a review maybe:

    In this thread I have said that I plan to do my own grocery shopping so that I don't have to put up with my parents' bad decisions anymore. I also said I plan on working out EVERY day this week. Saturday was my worst day ever and is not typical. I have actually lost two pounds this week, but they were two pounds that I gained the week before and wasn't sure where they came from. Thus, no loss in two weeks.

    Y'know, I haven't even had lunch yet because of reading all these rapid responses...
    I would also urge you to consider the time spent cooking as a great social time. I've had many many discussions while I'm making part of the meal and my wife is making another part. Cleaning up sucks as well but again...I'm washing, she's drying...plenty of social time.
    Doesn't work like that in my house. I get home from work before dad. I hit the gym, or I go upstairs to play video games online with my distant friends. Dad gets home, he watches TV and yells at me if I try to carry on a conversation with him while he's busy watching something. Mom is on Facebook. If I were to cook for myself, they would not help me, nor would it be a social event. On typical days we have dinner together, then I go upstairs and play.

    I would have enjoyed this thread more if someone could point out any one thing I'm doing GOOD on rather than rubbing my nose in what I did wrong and shaming me for it. Perhaps I should've picked another thread title...

    Let me get this straight. Your 24 and you work. You live at home with your parents and complain about them not socializing or helping you with dinner etc. etc. You have a job then buy your own food and cook what you NEED to eat to be HEALTHY!
    I have a disabled 22 year old son who lives on his own. No he doesn't work because he had a massive stroke. He rents a room from a friend. He cooks all of his own meals. Imagine only having the use of one hand. He cooks one handed. He walks with a severe limp but he walks all over town. Every single day he goes for a couple of walks a day. He went from 298 pounds to 180 in one year. If he can cut out the candy and crap and eat healthy and lose the weight AND take care of himself with his disabilities then I'm sure you can too. Your full of excuses. If you were my daughter and yes I'm being hostile now... I would tell you to stop blaming everyone else, grow up and make your own choices. Stop putting the blame on your parents. Take a health and nutrition class if you have to. Your an adult for goodness sakes. You talk, act, eat and play video games like a big baby. KNOCK IT OFF!!

    Ok I"m done here. Have my own kids who are actually still children who act more grown up than you.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Here's a visual you can use that should help even with what you parents may fix for dinner. Picture your dinner plate as a pie chart. Divide the "pie" in half. One half fill with vegetables. The other half divide in two: One half of that half fill with protein (meat, chicken, fish, etc.) The other half of that half is starch (pasta, potatoes, rice, noodles, DESSERT, etc.) That means if you want a dessert you sacrifice the pasta or rice or potato. That's your meal. No seconds.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member

    I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices.

    I looked at your entire food diary. It was hard for me to see foods I used to eat, but I wanted to give you positive suggestions
    It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.

    Moving out will be your choice. You can actually start making better choices while living at home. Select a shelf or part of a shelf in the refrigerator. You can boil 1 dozen eggs and stock yogurt and salad/sandwich fixings for breakfast and lunch. It would save you money towards your goal of moving out.

    Talk to your mother and get her involved. I joined mfp because my youngest daughter (who joined months before I did) told me that she wants me to be around longer. I listened and I am doing this for me.

    Good luck.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    To those who have been positive, thanks.

    To those who have been hostile... a review maybe:

    In this thread I have said that I plan to do my own grocery shopping so that I don't have to put up with my parents' bad decisions anymore. I also said I plan on working out EVERY day this week. Saturday was my worst day ever and is not typical. I have actually lost two pounds this week, but they were two pounds that I gained the week before and wasn't sure where they came from. Thus, no loss in two weeks.

    Y'know, I haven't even had lunch yet because of reading all these rapid responses...
    I would also urge you to consider the time spent cooking as a great social time. I've had many many discussions while I'm making part of the meal and my wife is making another part. Cleaning up sucks as well but again...I'm washing, she's drying...plenty of social time.
    Doesn't work like that in my house. I get home from work before dad. I hit the gym, or I go upstairs to play video games online with my distant friends. Dad gets home, he watches TV and yells at me if I try to carry on a conversation with him while he's busy watching something. Mom is on Facebook. If I were to cook for myself, they would not help me, nor would it be a social event. On typical days we have dinner together, then I go upstairs and play.

    I would have enjoyed this thread more if someone could point out any one thing I'm doing GOOD on rather than rubbing my nose in what I did wrong and shaming me for it. Perhaps I should've picked another thread title...

    Let me get this straight. Your 24 and you work. You live at home with your parents and complain about them not socializing or helping you with dinner etc. etc. You have a job then buy your own food and cook what you NEED to eat to be HEALTHY!
    I have a disabled 22 year old son who lives on his own. No he doesn't work because he had a massive stroke. He rents a room from a friend. He cooks all of his own meals. Imagine only having the use of one hand. He cooks one handed. He walks with a severe limp but he walks all over town. Every single day he goes for a couple of walks a day. He went from 298 pounds to 180 in one year. If he can cut out the candy and crap and eat healthy and lose the weight AND take care of himself with his disabilities then I'm sure you can too. Your full of excuses. If you were my daughter and yes I'm being hostile now... I would tell you to stop blaming everyone else, grow up and make your own choices. Stop putting the blame on your parents. Take a health and nutrition class if you have to. Your an adult for goodness sakes. You talk, act, eat and play video games like a big baby. KNOCK IT OFF!!

    Ok I"m done here. Have my own kids who are actually still children who act more grown up than you.

    Sounds like your son is a pretty amazing young man. Kudos to him for not letting his disability get the best of him and to you for raising such a great kid. :smile: His story is inspirational to me too.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I hope your son will feel better soon. He sounds like a strong brave man!
    Congrats on succeeding as a mother and raising such a strong man!
    To those who have been positive, thanks.

    To those who have been hostile... a review maybe:

    In this thread I have said that I plan to do my own grocery shopping so that I don't have to put up with my parents' bad decisions anymore. I also said I plan on working out EVERY day this week. Saturday was my worst day ever and is not typical. I have actually lost two pounds this week, but they were two pounds that I gained the week before and wasn't sure where they came from. Thus, no loss in two weeks.

    Y'know, I haven't even had lunch yet because of reading all these rapid responses...
    I would also urge you to consider the time spent cooking as a great social time. I've had many many discussions while I'm making part of the meal and my wife is making another part. Cleaning up sucks as well but again...I'm washing, she's drying...plenty of social time.
    Doesn't work like that in my house. I get home from work before dad. I hit the gym, or I go upstairs to play video games online with my distant friends. Dad gets home, he watches TV and yells at me if I try to carry on a conversation with him while he's busy watching something. Mom is on Facebook. If I were to cook for myself, they would not help me, nor would it be a social event. On typical days we have dinner together, then I go upstairs and play.

    I would have enjoyed this thread more if someone could point out any one thing I'm doing GOOD on rather than rubbing my nose in what I did wrong and shaming me for it. Perhaps I should've picked another thread title...

    Let me get this straight. Your 24 and you work. You live at home with your parents and complain about them not socializing or helping you with dinner etc. etc. You have a job then buy your own food and cook what you NEED to eat to be HEALTHY!
    I have a disabled 22 year old son who lives on his own. No he doesn't work because he had a massive stroke. He rents a room from a friend. He cooks all of his own meals. Imagine only having the use of one hand. He cooks one handed. He walks with a severe limp but he walks all over town. Every single day he goes for a couple of walks a day. He went from 298 pounds to 180 in one year. If he can cut out the candy and crap and eat healthy and lose the weight AND take care of himself with his disabilities then I'm sure you can too. Your full of excuses. If you were my daughter and yes I'm being hostile now... I would tell you to stop blaming everyone else, grow up and make your own choices. Stop putting the blame on your parents. Take a health and nutrition class if you have to. Your an adult for goodness sakes. You talk, act, eat and play video games like a big baby. KNOCK IT OFF!!

    Ok I"m done here. Have my own kids who are actually still children who act more grown up than you.