Anyone know about appetite suppressant Qsymia???

Okay..I was just prescribed Qsymia (approved by FDA July 2012) at a weight loss clinic...I do fine working out but here lately I just cannot shake the hunger so I was looking for an appetite suppressant. I have researched it and there are a lot of side effects but I didn't know if anyone on here knew anyone who was using it or had used it and good results???


  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I personally would never take any supplement or medication that purported to help me lose weight. I don't trust or believe any of them.
  • edr2b
    edr2b Posts: 65 Member
    I know it is not the best route to go..but it has really suppressed my appetite..I am so bad..I know that sticking to this site and working out is key bc I lost 33 lbs doing it before..the only problem is I gained 20 of it back..
  • Have you started it? I need someone to talk to .... I am waiting for mine to arrive. I have been dieting, exercising, counting calories and its not working. I need to lose 40 pounds..and clearly I need to keep the food out of my mouth!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    If you're that hungry, you're probably undereating. Try upping your calorie intake and adding some patience instead.

    According to your diary, you're eating a lot of fast food and only about 1100-1200 calories per day. That stuff won't make you feel full for long. Try eating more homecooked whole food and eat at least at your BMR every day. This should be closer to 1400-1600 calories per day.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    it's phentermine with topomax
    phentermine is the "amphetamine like" element that suppresses hunger
    topomax was originally for migraines and a side effect was weight loss so it was re-packaged in hopes of a healthy kick-start to people with weight issues granted you have Dr. supervision
  • I take phentermine/topomax...the pharmacy here didn't have Qysmia yet. I like it so far. It has made this so much easier. I am still making smart choices as far as food goes...but it so much easier not to cheat or want to snack etc!
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I know nothing about that medication.

    But, I can share a personal story.

    I have been on MFP since about the first of September. I set my goals using the MFP guided settings and I have been carefully logging every bite. I've been losing more than the pound a week I thought i would. But last week, I started being REALLY hungry. Really, really hungry.

    So, since i was losing faster than I expected, I upped my calories by 250 a day.

    I'm not crazy hungry any more, and I lost THREE pounds since last week.

    So, the point is, if you are super hungry, making good food choices and logging everything, don't be afraid to add a few calories.
  • I was interested in it, but since reading about it and seeing you have to have monthly pregnancy tests, it wasn't for me. I'd be interested to see how much it helps over phen/diet/exercise alone.
  • Why do you need monthly pregnancy tests??

    How do you get it prescribed - what is the criteria? Can anyone just go to the Dr. and say they need help because they're hungry all the time and get it?
  • Topamax - Topiramate is a seizure medication, also called an anticonvulsant.look it up
    Some dietery doctors are finding that one of it's side effects is weight loss.... but some of the others are heart attacks, strokes, SDS (sudden death)
    I take this drug for its perscribed reason Why would anyone take it to lose weight ??????
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I'm assuming it's like Accutane and causes severe birth defects to the point of needing to check every single month to make sure you aren't pregnant.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Weight loss clinics are usually code for "pill mill"

    Be careful.
  • Weight loss clinics are usually code for "pill mill"

    Be careful.

    more like kill-mill.... the reason you have to be checked is if you get pregnent your child will have birth defects

    Google Topamax - Topiramate
  • katiefridley
    katiefridley Posts: 151 Member
    My question is: can you not shake the "hunger" or the appetite? An appetite suppressant won't help with hunger and a healthy hunger suppressant (aka real, nutritious food!) usually won't help an emotional appetite. Identifying the difference is key.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    Topamax - Topiramate is a seizure medication, also called an anticonvulsant.look it up
    Some dietery doctors are finding that one of it's side effects is weight loss.... but some of the others are heart attacks, strokes, SDS (sudden death)
    I take this drug for its perscribed reason Why would anyone take it to lose weight ??????

    I don't know if I would take it. I'm on Topamax it has been the only thing to stop my pain, but it make me feel like I have lost my mind. I will make your birth control less effective plus birth defects . make sure you have done your homework. Good luck
  • When possible, non-pharmaceutical routes area generally the best way to go about treating many conditions, including being overweight/obese. Food choices are critical. Foods with "empty calories" may seem filling at the moment but they leave the body desiring more as they can be very stimulating to taste receptors but nutrient deficient. These calorie dense foods include many fast food preparations, foods rich in saturated and trans fats, and various sugary foods (I noticed in your food diary that there were some fast food meals). On the other hand, nutrient rich, well-balanced foods are pretty decent at initiating satiety or the sense of fullness. Try to go for foods that are high in fiber, fruits/veggies, and protein-rich foods. Some foods that I love that help me stick to my calorie count are soups (like the low calorie Progresso soups), pickles (nearly void of calories but can be heavy on the salt), white meat chicken/turkey (pretty filling), baby carrots, apples, 90-140 calorie granola bars, etc.

    I've also found that busying myself takes my mind off of food. Exercise (which can be as simple as walking around your neighborhood for 30 minutes), work, cleaning the house, and hanging with friends are all ways that I occupy my free time.

    I work in a pharmacy and I'm about a year and a half shy of graduating pharmacy school. I very much support diet, exercise, and behavioral changes over weight loss drugs because these meds don't promote good health habits. Sure, they limit your mental draw towards food but once you quit taking that medication, you are doomed for failure unless you have set up sustainable diet and exercise habits. Three months is about the limit that phentermine can be taken at once so I would imagine Qsymia use is around that time or shorter. This being said, Qsymia isn't a medication to replace diet and exercise but should be used as adjunct therapy. There are also side effects to take into consideration. Phentermine can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate and topiramate can cause mental changes (depression, insomnia, anxiety) and birth defects if taken while pregnant. Between both drugs in Qsymia, headaches, constipation, and dry mouth are also reported side effects.

    Sorry for the novel, I'm sure you probably knew a good deal of this anyways.

    Sources: personal experience with weight loss and Lexicomp drug database for the drug information.
  • Today was my 2nd day on qsymia. I am not hungry, am eating healthy, and working out at a gym. I plan on using this for only one month, insurance does not cover it and I only purchased one month. I would like it if others on this drug would contact me. One of the reasons I even entertained the idea of taking this was that a side effect of it was constipation! I have Crohn's disease and gained much of my weight while I was on predinsone for years. After 2 days I can say constipation is definatly not a side effect for me. I would say it is too early for any of the other side effects, I was previously on topamaz for migranes (no problems but didn't work)
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I've been on topomax twice for nerve pain in my neck. Lost 15lbs in 3months without trying or exercising. Also had passed kidney stones shortly after I went on off then back on. Also numbness in hands, brain fog, couldn't drink- nor did I want to-anything carbonated. Messed with my sense of smell. Now it's exactly a year later & I've gained 20 back! But it's truly the only thing in a looong time that's helped me lose wght. Beware.
  • I just started my Qsymia today. It has to be ordered through the mail by your doctor.
    I'm on the lowest dose: 3.75 mg Phentermine / 23 mg Topamax
    I've been tiny my whole life- even a bikini model! Always weighed around 115 lbs. Now, at 44, I have chronic lower back pain due to disk degeneration. I'm on Oxycodone the pain is so bad! So, I haven't exercised much, severely depressed (which makes me eat) and just feeling worse each day. I need to lose at least 40 lbs. I'm always hungry, eat big portions and lay on the couch every night.

    I'm hoping I'll start to see considerable weight loss- which will motivate me more to stick to a clean diet and het off my *kitten* and exercise!
    Has anyone lost alot of weight? Any weight?
  • nanainkent
    nanainkent Posts: 350 Member
    I just started my Qsymia today. It has to be ordered through the mail by your doctor.
    I'm on the lowest dose: 3.75 mg Phentermine / 23 mg Topamax
    I've been tiny my whole life- even a bikini model! Always weighed around 115 lbs. Now, at 44, I have chronic lower back pain due to disk degeneration. I'm on Oxycodone the pain is so bad! So, I haven't exercised much, severely depressed (which makes me eat) and just feeling worse each day. I need to lose at least 40 lbs. I'm always hungry, eat big portions and lay on the couch every night.

    I'm hoping I'll start to see considerable weight loss- which will motivate me more to stick to a clean diet and het off my *kitten* and exercise!
    Has anyone lost alot of weight? Any weight?
    I can't believe any doctor would prescribe this to you while you are on Oxycodone. You are taking an amphetamine and a downer. You are speed balling. Both of these drugs enhance the effects of the other drug. Be careful. Speed balling is dangerous.