30 day shred level 1 5/11-14/11



  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    Im on day 7 today. yay

  • devaulr
    devaulr Posts: 12 Member
    I had to lock my stupid dogs in a room on the other side of my apartment. They didn't like the thumping I was making from doing jumping jacks and were flipping out barking at me. I'm just glad I'm not on the 2nd floor though I'm sure the upstairs neighbor still doesn't appreciate me shaking the house. Oh well, the kids upstairs stomp around all day every day to the point where my light fixtures rattle...so they can just deal w/ it.
  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    I had to lock my stupid dogs in a room on the other side of my apartment. They didn't like the thumping I was making from doing jumping jacks and were flipping out barking at me. I'm just glad I'm not on the 2nd floor though I'm sure the upstairs neighbor still doesn't appreciate me shaking the house. Oh well, the kids upstairs stomp around all day every day to the point where my light fixtures rattle...so they can just deal w/ it.

    That is impressive - some people would of stopped working out because the dogs were going crazy. Way to go!

    My 1 year old got up early this morning and she likes to sit on me when I'm doing the push ups and the ab parts...makes it a little more challenge but I stuck with it!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member

    Awww, too big! How do I resize?

    thank you i was just able to log on
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    to the new comers welcome ill add your names .
    Had a rough day all running around baby had his shots today im tired!
  • jschraeder
    jschraeder Posts: 5 Member
    I had to lock the cat in the bedroom too! I thought I was going to die too! I have asthma so I get a little nervous, but i made it thru!!!!
  • jschraeder
    jschraeder Posts: 5 Member
    Starting weight 195.6
    measurements at that time

    Waist 43.0 on 10/31/12

    Hips 42.0 on 10/31/12

    breast 45.0 on 10/31/12

    L upper arm 15.0 on 10/31/12

    L thigh 24.0 on 10/31/12
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    I only made it through half of day 2. I did day 1 last night and then got up this morning and did day 2 and I think it was just too much. My left calf almost feels like I might have pulled something. But I will be getting up tomorrow and trying to get through day 3. I'm not going to let this derail me!
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    Day 2 complete. Had to use lighter weights for the 1st squats and front raises. Other than that not too bad...will be glad when I don't need to do girly pressups! Tomorrow is cardio as I'm doing 2 days on and then 1 cardio.

    @tippet610 my hrm is a polar f11 (I think) I've had it ages, recently resurrected with new battery.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Day 2 complete. Had to use lighter weights for the 1st squats and front raises. Other than that not too bad...will be glad when I don't need to do girly pressups! Tomorrow is cardio as I'm doing 2 days on and then 1 cardio.

    @tippet610 my hrm is a polar f11 (I think) I've had it ages, recently resurrected with new battery.

    I'm doing this also, 2 days shred one cardio them on the 7 rest. . Good luck y'all..
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Day 3 down!!! Had a super busy day, could have used it as an excuse not to do it, but instead just came home, threw some laundry in, got supper started and did it with my kids coaching me on!! I'm proud of myself :smile:
  • lenartn
    lenartn Posts: 27 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 down. Plus 150 squats and 150 crunches afterwards. And I'm hurting!
  • awellswis
    awellswis Posts: 15 Member
    good job keep it up
  • aairs1
    aairs1 Posts: 53 Member
    Did level 1 day 3 today. I'm still pretty sore but starting to feel stronger. I think I'm going to try and do 6 days a week and just do cardio on the 7th day. Great job everyone!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Day 3 down!!! Had a super busy day, could have used it as an excuse not to do it, but instead just came home, threw some laundry in, got supper started and did it with my kids coaching me on!! I'm proud of myself :smile:

    u should be
  • Day 3 done while watching the election results roll in from America! Awesome vibe but I am definitely jealous of all those finding this easy...today hurt a little more even than the other two, but I'm hoping to start feeling better soon.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    Hi, just joined out of curiosity.
    I workout out 1-2hrs 5 days a week but this 39DS really is something else.
    Wow!!! I can feel it really pulling my muscles in both arms and legs and to think I tot I was fit, can I do this? Lol, will try but it's really a butt kicker, wonder what those doing level 2 and 3 are going thru.
    Wish me luck.
  • sekaie
    sekaie Posts: 23 Member
    Just completed day 3!

    I know that they're supposed to get easier as the days go on, but is anyone else finding it's getting a lot harder as the days go? Day 1 I found moderately easy, day 2 was a bit harder, but today I needed a few 5 second breaks and was sweating a lot more. I'm 99% sure it's because my muscles are all in agony after the last 2 days and really sore. Even walking up the stairs was agony at work yesterday lol.

    Anyway, off for a bath to try and soothe them a bit!
  • MurphyOrlaith
    MurphyOrlaith Posts: 1 Member
    I did day one yesterday and woke up today feeling like someone had poured sand in my legs! In so much pain and I thought I reasonably fit! Oops! Better be worth it
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Did finally day 1

    Im so out of shape pregnancy did a number on me!! My incision hurt. And i used no weights . Was upset didnt get to finish baby was crying and dog wanted out.