Pot is legal in CO and WA



  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Marijuana is a gateway drug. If you make it accessible to people, those people will distribute, or sell, it to the kids. These kids will grow to do crack, and will ultimately end up incarcerated. This will expand the cost for the department of corrections and overcrowd our prisons.

    Because marijuana interferes with our ability to think, it will affect our ability to learn, and make people dumber, further damaging the middle class and creating more people who think that "the rich people are too rich."

    I, personally, am against it. I will not support a hypocritical system that tells people to not smoke the very drug that helps keep them in the classroom in the first place.


    Well said (or not said) :/
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    I don't want to walk outside and involuntarily inhale smoke from my neighbors blunt. I don't want to have to be cautious of not only drunk drivers on the road, but stoned ones too. I don't want our next generation to grow up thinking that smoking is an acceptable recreational behavior
    You live in Georgia. *Legal* smoke can't travel that far, even in another universe. What the hell are you talking about. Oh, yeah, the principle of thing. How dumb of me.
    You CURRENTLY have to be cautious of those things right now.

    And, yes, your parents already smoked pot and then some, and the next generation and the next and the next...they all justified an "acceptable behavior" whether it was legal or not.

  • The days of Prohibition are numbered. Congratulations to those two states, as well as the MA that will now allow legal access for patients. Cannabis is *by far* the safer alternative to alcohol.
    define "safer"

    Alcohol literally poisons your body. Cannabis does not.
    Best educate yourself somewhere other than high times magazine.
    Legalizing it won't stop people from renting houses, destroying the houses to grow their "medicine" and using massive quantities of herbacides and pesticides to get more out or their crop. Do the research.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So disgusting. Can't wait for my taxes to go a pothead's food stamps for cheetos and his healthcare.

    wow, you really are misinformed.

    It is projected that in 5 years, the marijuana taxes collected (in Washington State ALONE) will be $1.9 BILLION, yes BILLION with a 'B'. Tell me what taxes YOU pay that in 5 years will garner that much revenue.

    $1.9 Billion for education and healthcare is so horrible.

    Oh, I realize that. The taxes are the ONLY good thing coming out of marijuana legalization. I still think it's disgusting and proof that the nation's morals and values have gone to *kitten*. I don't want to walk outside and involuntarily inhale smoke from my neighbors blunt. I don't want to have to be cautious of not only drunk drivers on the road, but stoned ones too. I don't want our next generation to grow up thinking that smoking is an acceptable recreational behavior. I am for the use of medicinal marijuana, but in the same way I don't want prescription pain killers to become OTC, I don't want marijuana to be legalized for recreational use.

    then I assume you have never partaken in smoking.

    I only say this because people who are regular smokers, will admit, that if they had a choice to be driving on the road with someone who is drunk or someone who is stoned, 100% will say 'stoned'. Most smokers know their limits, and if they have to drive will actually be MORE careful about their driving.

    A recent NatGeo doc about alcohol in America was interviewing ER nurses about the victims that come in. Every single nurse AND police officer said that they would rather deal with a person who is stoned rather than the drunk. Drunk people are more likely to get violent, the stoned people are relaxed and mellow.

    Marijuana is not only for pain management, but also to induce hunger for cancer patients.

    But it's okay, you don't have to worry about it since it is still illegal in your state.

    If you are open to it, I suggest you read more on the benefits of marijuana: http://www.benefitsofmarijuana.com/benefits.php

    remember, both alcohol and tobacco were considered 'miracle cures' and doctors prescribed them regularly for any ailment.

    Why do you keep bringing up the medical benefits? I've already stated several times that I am all for medical uses. I'd love for marijuana to be used to induce hunger in cancer patients. I'd love for it to be used to manage severe pain. I've seen great strides in epilepsy with the use of medicinal marijuana. I am aware that marijuana is already used like this in several states, and I think medicinal marijuana needs to be extended into national legislation. Use needs to be controlled though and limited only to medical practices. If it does become legal for recreational use throughout the country, I'm all for taxing the Hell out of it.

    But why does it NEED to become legal for recreational use? Just for the sake of "fun" or "socializing"? Or just because it's 'better than alcohol and cigarettes'? Just because weed is the lesser of two 'evils' (for lack of a better term) doesn't mean it has grounds for legalization. I don't see alcohol and cigarettes going anywhere, so why not leave it at that? Stop adding to the problem with more drugs and more choices.

    It's not an evil. It's a recreational substance, like a skateboard, video game, or a taco bell burrito. The problem with it being illegal are the billions of dollars spent and lives lost in the futile drug war. That is why it should be legal. The taxation part is just a perk to help push the government towards repeal of the prohibition.

    Are there not upstanding citizens in society that smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol in moderation? Should these things be outlawed? Do you want your tax dollars going toward enforcement that nobody drinks or smokes?

    Edit, oh I forgot to mention, pot users taking up prison cells alongside hardened criminals. Smoking a little weed is just as bad as raping babies, so it's all fair right?

    Exactly! When did recreation become something evil?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    But why does it NEED to become legal for recreational use? Just for the sake of "fun" or "socializing"? Or just because it's 'better than alcohol and cigarettes'? Just because weed is the lesser of two 'evils' (for lack of a better term) doesn't mean it has grounds for legalization. I don't see alcohol and cigarettes going anywhere, so why not leave it at that? Stop adding to the problem with more drugs and more choices.

    Because it's a personal liberty. It's not going to hurt me or anyone around my so who the heck are you to tell me I can't do something that literally, does not effect you at all.

    I don't tell people not to drink, not to listen to pop music, not to wear yellow clothing. So why should someone tell me I can't ingest a natural plant?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The days of Prohibition are numbered. Congratulations to those two states, as well as the MA that will now allow legal access for patients. Cannabis is *by far* the safer alternative to alcohol.
    define "safer"

    Alcohol literally poisons your body. Cannabis does not.
    Best educate yourself somewhere other than high times magazine.
    Legalizing it won't stop people from renting houses, destroying the houses to grow their "medicine" and using massive quantities of herbacides and pesticides to get more out or their crop. Do the research.

    Thanks for the tip, officer. But I don't read High Times. I read peer-review studies. You should try it sometime. Check out the organization Patients Out of Time and and you might learn a thing or two.
  • Marijuana is a gateway drug. If you make it accessible to people, those people will distribute, or sell, it to the kids. These kids will grow to do crack, and will ultimately end up incarcerated. This will expand the cost for the department of corrections and overcrowd our prisons.

    Because marijuana interferes with our ability to think, it will affect our ability to learn, and make people dumber, further damaging the middle class and creating more people who think that "the rich people are too rich."

    I, personally, am against it. I will not support a hypocritical system that tells people to not smoke the very drug that helps keep them in the classroom in the first place.


    Well said (or not said) :/
    In my experience, not EVERY pot smoker ends up being a "heavy" drug user (heroin, meth, etc) but MOST heavy drug users did start out with pot. Like it or not, it's the truth.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    In my experience, not EVERY pot smoker ends up being a "heavy" drug user (heroin, meth, etc) but MOST heavy drug users did start out with pot. Like it or not, it's the truth.

    Maybe it's because you're a cop!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Marijuana is a gateway drug. If you make it accessible to people, those people will distribute, or sell, it to the kids. These kids will grow to do crack, and will ultimately end up incarcerated. This will expand the cost for the department of corrections and overcrowd our prisons.

    Because marijuana interferes with our ability to think, it will affect our ability to learn, and make people dumber, further damaging the middle class and creating more people who think that "the rich people are too rich."

    I, personally, am against it. I will not support a hypocritical system that tells people to not smoke the very drug that helps keep them in the classroom in the first place.


    Well said (or not said) :/
    In my experience, not EVERY pot smoker ends up being a "heavy" drug user (heroin, meth, etc) but MOST heavy drug users did start out with pot. Like it or not, it's the truth.

    And most people who have any addiction at all start out with cigarettes, alcohol or even Caffeine! Did you know caffeine was a gateway drug? I mean, considering the number of adults in the world who use that upper every, single morning there sure are a ton of druggies in the world.

    Are you a caffeine user also?
  • be careful of those munchies people.
  • Pot is already accessible to kids. Kids get pot easier than alcohol.
  • The days of Prohibition are numbered. Congratulations to those two states, as well as the MA that will now allow legal access for patients. Cannabis is *by far* the safer alternative to alcohol.
    define "safer"

    Alcohol literally poisons your body. Cannabis does not.
    Best educate yourself somewhere other than high times magazine.
    Legalizing it won't stop people from renting houses, destroying the houses to grow their "medicine" and using massive quantities of herbacides and pesticides to get more out or their crop. Do the research.

    Thanks for the tip, officer. But I don't read High Times. I read peer-review studies. You should try it sometime. Check out the organization Patients Out of Time and and you might learn a thing or two.
    Easy...I am not saying cannibas doesn't have it's place. In fact, I am not saying I am against legalization. What I AM saying is that pot is not as innocent and innocuous as many people seem to think. Another thing, of all the folks I have come across who have "green cards", most were frauds. That is a fact! Absolutely, some people benefit from injesting it, one way or another, but there are also many dangers - medical, societal, etc. To say cannibas doens't poison your body is an ill-informed statement, at best.
  • Marijuana is a gateway drug. If you make it accessible to people, those people will distribute, or sell, it to the kids. These kids will grow to do crack, and will ultimately end up incarcerated. This will expand the cost for the department of corrections and overcrowd our prisons.

    Because marijuana interferes with our ability to think, it will affect our ability to learn, and make people dumber, further damaging the middle class and creating more people who think that "the rich people are too rich."

    I, personally, am against it. I will not support a hypocritical system that tells people to not smoke the very drug that helps keep them in the classroom in the first place.


    Well said (or not said) :/
    In my experience, not EVERY pot smoker ends up being a "heavy" drug user (heroin, meth, etc) but MOST heavy drug users did start out with pot. Like it or not, it's the truth.

    And most people who have any addiction at all start out with cigarettes, alcohol or even Caffeine! Did you know caffeine was a gateway drug? I mean, considering the number of adults in the world who use that upper every, single morning there sure are a ton of druggies in the world.

    Are you a caffeine user also?
    2 cups of coffee a day. What's your point??
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I will continue to use and cultivate cannabis as it is directly correlative to my overall success as a scholar, athlete, and capitalist. Yesterday's decision in those two sensibly brave states was a victory for social freedoms as a whole. I for one, embrace this positive change and welcome efforts to compliantly generate revenue for local/state economies.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The days of Prohibition are numbered. Congratulations to those two states, as well as the MA that will now allow legal access for patients. Cannabis is *by far* the safer alternative to alcohol.
    define "safer"

    Alcohol literally poisons your body. Cannabis does not.
    Best educate yourself somewhere other than high times magazine.
    Legalizing it won't stop people from renting houses, destroying the houses to grow their "medicine" and using massive quantities of herbacides and pesticides to get more out or their crop. Do the research.

    Thanks for the tip, officer. But I don't read High Times. I read peer-review studies. You should try it sometime. Check out the organization Patients Out of Time and and you might learn a thing or two.
    Easy...I am not saying cannibas doesn't have it's place. In fact, I am not saying I am against legalization. What I AM saying is that pot is not as innocent and innocuous as many people seem to think. Another thing, of all the folks I have come across who have "green cards", most were frauds. That is a fact! Absolutely, some people benefit from injesting it, one way or another, but there are also many dangers - medical, societal, etc. To say cannibas doens't poison your body is an ill-informed statement, at best.

    There is absolutely NO toxic level in cannabis. Cannabis is actually safer than potatoes. It is impossible to overdose on it. But alcohol can kill a person. I'm not saying that it could never possibly hurt anyone ever. Rather, I am saying that there is no dosage of it that would cause any toxicity to the body.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
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