Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mrsbonnie72
    Thursday Truth....I have been pretty sick the last week and not motivated at all to exercise. Each time I do I end up in a coughing jag and feel as though I am going to cough my left lung up. So last night I caved and got McDonalds for the kiddos and myself. It tasted wonderful at the moment and then it sat in my stomach like a rock for hours...felt so sick after eating it no desire to eat it again anytime soon.

    Finally started some meds and steroids to knock out this pneumonia hope to feel better by the end of the week.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Mrsbonnie Sory you feel so crappy. I had pnemonia last fall and it was miserable. Just do the best you can with your eating and dont worry about exercising until you get those lungs helthy again.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Weds. Wish - I'm feeling the urge to fluff my nest - so I'm going to Goodwill to look for artwork for my living room walls - have had a gaping blank space on one wall since I've moved in & need a seascape or water scene of some sort - so my wish today is to get lucky at Goodwill and find something appropriate for the space and colors (soft blues and greens) of my room. Wish me luck!

    Second wish - oh heck why not , I can have two please? Just some more discipline with myself!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    My Halloween challenge ended up with 142,017 steps, 4,734 avg. which is 53.06 miles, 1.77 avg.

    Wednesday wish is that the people getting snow today in New England after Sandy all stay safe and warm!

    My second wish (RobinsEgg you started the second wish and I'm jumping on board :laugh: ) is I do not have to move the whole Hardware Engineering Lab again because of some poor planning by some dumbass who has no idea what really happens here.:mad:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Everyone who's having trouble focusing; remember this is something you're doing for yourself! It needs some priority in your life and even some of your time.

    @Doug -- glad to hear that Eat More is working out for you.
    @Tina -- awesome cupcakes!
    @Robin -- Walking a mile is brilliant. I think malls are great for getting exercise; indoors, flat, yummy Apple stores...
    @ohpampered1 -- Really glad to hear that your power is back, and that you lost weight despite all that trauma!
    @laarae -- we were just talking about food obsession the other day. I've noticed that I was over-catering for the family; I was buying too much food, and cooking meals that were too big. I've really gone big on portion control and it's been good for all of us. I do still meal plan when I shop, but I'm being much more structured about using everything up before shopping again and considering whether I can make a meal out of the things we've got in.
    @Christine -- I'm so happy to hear that you're less reliant on the O2.
    @Tom -- voting's important even if your choice loses... I live in a parliamentary constituency where the same party always wins by miles. It doesn't make me think 'oh, I shouldn't bother voting' then.
    @Kris -- I couldn't believe how quickly I got better when I started running every other day. So I'm sure you can do loads to get your time down in that Turkey Trot. Though I do wonder... run a 5k, burn 600 calories if you're lucky, eat Thanksgiving dinner, avg. 4000 cals... burp...
    @Liz -- I can't believe your hubby stopped taking his meds! How vexing that must have been.
    @beachgirl -- ooh Justin Beiber. I bet your daughter and her friends were agog with excitement, right?
    @Mrsbonnie -- hope you feel better soon. We eat junky junk food every so often; I thought I'd stop craving it but, well, turns out I never did. I just count it in and all is well.

    The parkin was yummy but I went 500 cals over on Monday. It's actually not that bad calorie wise as cakes go; I think the oatmeal and treacle (molasses) make it feel more filling than a regular light cake would be. I cut mine into 200 calorie slices and the family have been eating it each day. I won't post a recipe for this because (a) it's cake and (b) I know that golden syrup is hard to get in the US and it's pretty critical for this recipe.

    I actually got a little bit of off-road running yesterday because I ran far enough that I got into the nearest bit of Epping Forest. Where, of course, I found that it's really hard to run quickly on trails. I'd have said that these trails were dead flat and practically just like roads. But, er, not. Wednesday wish: that your president can deliver four years of peace and economic stability.

    Hope everyone's having a great week!

    -- Alison
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone! struggling to catch up with the posts - sorry that so many folks are feeling yukky.

    Wednesday wish - a bit less stress at work, please! Pretty please with Stevia sprinkles? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    On the week's big news stories - well, I'm glad for some, dissapointed for others. And for those that make 250K & more who are worried about your taxes going up, you can adopt me & reduce your income... we both win! :laugh:
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am now home from the rehab center. I would really recommend in-patient therapy to anyone contemplating knee or hip surgery. I have made good progress. Pain is still an issue, but getting less.
    It sounds like everyone is needing a pick-me-up. I guess my wish for today would be for all of us to look at the bright side and enjoy the journey.
    Tomorrow morning I will weigh in and start tracking my food again.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    Wednesday - Wishes.. I wish to be a size 7 one day. I wish to be healthy and skinny and feel better about myself. I also wish to win the lottery.. LOL
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks again for the birthday wishes yesterday, it was a pretty quiet day. Today was busy - note to self do not take days off immediately following month-end close. I can't believe how much work I had to do today! :noway:

    Wednesday Wish~Strength for my uncle, who lost his wife this morning. She's been battling CREST syndrome for several years and lost her battle due to some complications.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Thanks again for the birthday wishes yesterday, it was a pretty quiet day. Today was busy - note to self do not take days off immediately following month-end close. I can't believe how much work I had to do today! :noway:

    Wednesday Wish~Strength for my uncle, who lost his wife this morning. She's been battling CREST syndrome for several years and lost her battle due to some complications.

    Praying for your uncle and your family at the loss of his wife.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello to my MFP family. I have had a busy day and have another busy one tomorrow. A 90 year-old neighbor of mine who cares for her 45 yo invalid son is by herself while her son is in the hospital. She is confused much of the time and without her son who keeps her on track, she is also having some health issues. I spent several hours with her today and am praying her son is able to come home soon and that her health issues resolve themselves. Adult Services has been called in the past but she would not let them into the apartment so they could not do anything. I also discovered she was drinking milk almost a month old! Am going to go over twice a day to make sure she is okay and make sure she is eating enough. Please add Lily to your prayers.

    Wed. wish is that Lily gets the help she needs and that her son gets well enough to come home soon.

    For those interested in the white chicken chili go to the spice aisle and pick up a packet of Williams White chicken Chili spice mix, some cans of navy or white kidney beans and a can of white shoepeg corn. and some chicken breasts. Follow directions on spice pkg. Very easy and wonderful.

    Happy to be back on track food and exercise wise. It makes me feel so much better physically, emotionally and spiritually! My second wish is that all those going through lows will be back to motivated soon.

    Love you all,

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--sorry I missed your b-day and even sorrier to hear about the loss in your family--sending good thoughts your way.

    Thanks for all of the well-wishes for my health and upcoming trip. I was so sick yesterday that after voting, I came home and went straight to sleep. I slept from 5 pm until 5:30 am. I did wake up about midnight and was too curious about the elections, so I had to turn on the tv for a bit to see results, then I went back to sleep.

    Still very congested but my fever is gone--pretty sure I have a sinus infection. Haven't put on much mileage this week, but everything tastes weird b/c of my cold, so haven't eaten much either. Made it to work today (only b/c it would have been more work to stay home--when I'm sick I really miss my old job where I could just call my assistant and tell her to reschedule all of my appointments). I have parent/teacher conferences tomorrow night, then a half-day on friday before heading to the airport.

    Your good wishes seem to be working b/c I'm definitely on the mend--thanks, guys!

    I'll check in again tomorrow night.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    @kelley--sorry I missed your b-day and even sorrier to hear about the loss in your family--sending good thoughts your way.

    Thanks for all of the well-wishes for my health and upcoming trip. I was so sick yesterday that after voting, I came home and went straight to sleep. I slept from 5 pm until 5:30 am. I did wake up about midnight and was too curious about the elections, so I had to turn on the tv for a bit to see results, then I went back to sleep.

    Still very congested but my fever is gone--pretty sure I have a sinus infection. Haven't put on much mileage this week, but everything tastes weird b/c of my cold, so haven't eaten much either. Made it to work today (only b/c it would have been more work to stay home--when I'm sick I really miss my old job where I could just call my assistant and tell her to reschedule all of my appointments). I have parent/teacher conferences tomorrow night, then a half-day on friday before heading to the airport.

    Your good wishes seem to be working b/c I'm definitely on the mend--thanks, guys!

    I'll check in again tomorrow night.

    Skinny, take good care of yourself so you can really enjoy your time in New Orleans.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. A lot has been going on at home and hasn't afforded me much time on the computer- if it weren't for my phone I wouldn't have been able to keep up with my calories! I think things are calming down somewhat now though so I might be around a little more... hopefully.

    I'm going to try to cover everything here though so... here goes nothing.

    Monday check in-
    I'm doing great, for the most part, on my diet with a few slips here and there (nothing major and have yet to go over my cal goal or even my carbs etc). I had some pudding the other day with some Kool Whip and that was about it as far as sweets. I haven't been as active as I wanted to be... but then again, as I said things have been hectic.

    Tuesday goals-
    To get back to checking in regularly here and keeping up with everything more frequently- the hit and miss isn't working.

    Wednesday wish-
    I don't really have a wish so much as a hope. I hope everyone out there is doing well, isn't hurting or sick and is rocketing towards their goals to be healthier. <3

    Thursday truth
    I had a burger today from Burger King. I was really hungry and was out running errands. Never thought I'd say this though... It SUCKED. The only flavor it had was the katchup that was on it and even with that the whole thing was bland and very unsatisfying. Of course, there's no real loss there- it isn't exactly the best food to have... hungry or not lol.

    I'm sure I have more catching up to do but I have to pick up where I left off tomorrow after I find out whether I got the job I want or not. Wish me luck everybody!
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all!

    Well after a family trip and several off days I am back on my plan and determined as ever!

    I hope all of you are having a great week and I will check in again this afternoon and write a little more. Have a great day everyone!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Day Everyone-
    So I posted Thursday's truth yesterday because I had my days mixed up. Here is what I posted yesterday:
    Thursday's truth- I have lost track of doing for me and my sense of self with all the recent changes in my life. I feel like I am the built in babysitter at no matter what cost. I haven't seen my friends since I moved into my house and my friends won't come over due to how bad my BF kids act. I noticed that I am becoming depressed a little and need to get me back in order. I started by taking back my exercise routine even though it is just little quick walks around the block it's a start. I also starting to buy food only for me and cooking something different to eat for me being my new family memebers do not support my healthy life style. Today I am going back to tracking my food I realized that eventhough I couldn't always get it tracked by midnight that it helped me more than I thought.

    Here is an update my BF and I had a huge heart to heart and we woke the kids up at 11pm to deal with all the family issues. I feel good about how things went between the adults in the house and going forward I believe we will be on the same page. My BF has never been a full time parent till now with kids because they lived with their mom, being I have been one for 11yrs of a child with behavior issues I can really give him some insight to things. He admitted he needs to stop being their friend and be a better parent in their life.
    I woke up this morning feeling happy, refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

    @Kelly- Prayers go out to your family for their loss.
    @Christine- The situation with Lily sounds so sad. It is good you have been able to help her when you can. Prayers going up for Lily also.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Thursday Truth:: I don't really have a truth but my best friend a few years ago lost one of her really good friends. He took too many sleeping pills and went driving and wrecked, well just last night his brother committed suicide. So my friend has lost another friend and the family of those two boys...I just ask for lots of prayers and thoughts for them. I can't imagine. I didn't know either of these guys. They one who passed a few years ago was 19 the one who passed last night was 20. I just had to share and hope that the prayers reach the family of those two boys. I'll never understand suicide.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Beachgirl - did you enjoy Justin Bieber too?

    Grammy - glad to see you - hope the taxes issue doesn't materialize - Congress has a month to pull us back from the brink - we can believe in miracles - can't we? :wink:

    Flowers - I like your wish - thoughts into action - great idea!

    jtconst - you'll feel so proud of yourself for getting that garage done. Break it up into steps. Start with garbage bags and start pitching stuff out! Whats the next step?

    mrsbonnie - hope the steroids help your pneumonia! Here's prayers for you! :flowerforyou:

    Boho - running through the forest sounds brilliant and beautiful altho more difficult on the ankles. Glad you had good weather!

    BigAug - glad to see you bumping. Hope your wrists are improving and your truck is running and your dogs are well!

    Grandmakaye - so glad you're home from rehab! :love: It's been a hard road and sorry the pain continues, but that's normal. Like an onion, the pain peels off in layers and you're getting down to the bottom layers. When you discuss your knee I automatically touch mine - and sing "Memories"

    Kah - sorry for the loss of your Aunt - prayers for her :flowerforyou:

    Monarchris - you are a dear neighbor for taking care of your friend Lily. Her situation sounds very precarious. Makes me reflect on all of us and our very real old age and how many of us will have to deal with alone living - very difficult.
    Thanks for the white chicken chili recipe - sounds super easy!

    walkingqueen - so glad for you to get your feeling straight with your BF about the awful behavior of his kids and glad he is on board with the appropriate way to raise a family and willing to follow your rules - sounds like he is a wonderful listener and values your opinions very much. Good Luck!

    - - - - - - -
    I walked 7 tenths of a mile yesterday above my daily activities. I only strap on the pedometer when I'm going for a walk.
    I must confess my heart is not into dieting, I am only into maintaining these days, but my little effort into adding walks is something new for me. My appetite is still raging due to the prednisone I am on, and I don't know how to fight that. I am drinking copious amounts of water, and when I want to snack I have a glass of milk first, to defer my hunger and get in calcium, since the prednisone is supposed to cause a big calcium deficiency and the side-effect of osteoporosis.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning friends! Well rested through the night and ready for a busy day. Have to put on a crockpot full of beef stew for Church tonight as well as make more corn bread muffins and apple pie crescent rolls. Plan on visiting Lily 2 times today and spend some time with her. Belle loves going to visit her and I think it cheers Lily up. In between I have to read my lesson for tonight and get my 2 walks in for the day. Thursday truth is I am praying for lots of energy and strength to get everything done I need to do today. I love being back to my new self again, eating to fuel my body and not to feed the inner brat. I feel so much better when I am eating healthyl

    Grandmakay, praying each day you get stronger and have less pain.
    Robin, congrats on the walk, that's great, although I think you should wear the pedometer all the time so you give yourself credit for all the steps you take.
    BigAug, was glad to see your bump!
    Mrsbonnie, sending prayers you recover quickly, I know how hard it is to breath when you are sick.
    Boho, you paint such a lovely picture of British life, love to read your posts.
    jt, you are going to whip that garage into shape in no time at all.
    Walkingqueen, praying the big talk goes a long way to smoothing out your stress, glad you were able to wake up happy, you deserve it.
    To anyone I missed praying for motivation, wellness, willingness to do this journey and happiness.
    Love you all.
