Why do I still feel hungry after just eating?



  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I ate so much for so many years that I was pretty much never hungry. I actually enjoy feeling hungry now. It feels "right".
  • mbz0616
    mbz0616 Posts: 77 Member
    In the French diet (see http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-french-diet?page=3 ), there's something called the 'ender'. I've found this approach very helpful as a way of telling my stomach, "OK, we're done eating now." My favorite 'ender' is a small cube of really good cheese (like brie), but a square of dark chocolate also works well.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    In the French diet (see http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-french-diet?page=3 ), there's something called the 'ender'. I've found this approach very helpful as a way of telling my stomach, "OK, we're done eating now." My favorite 'ender' is a small cube of really good cheese (like brie), but a square of dark chocolate also works well.

    I like this! I've been doing it without having a name for it. One small piece of dark chocolate usually does it.
    I've written a blog entry about cravings which may give you some more ideas: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Robin_Bin/view/cravings-282817
    Your food diary for the past few days definitely does not have enough fiber. Try tracking it (and MFP numbers for fiber may be low).
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    When I was eating more surgary things or carbs, I found that I was always hungry.....I have less problem with this after I started drinking Ensure High Protein....and limiting my carbs

    ^ this. i find this to be true for me too. when i eat breads (carbs) or sweets, i am hungry later to the point where i want alot more food. if i stay away from those mostly, i can feel full on much less food.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Definciency in something perhaps? When my potassium is low, I crave chocolate.
  • cblevitron
    I sometimes confuse gas for hunger.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    You're probably used to eating until you're sick instead of until you're full and you think they're the same thing. Just give it time and suffer through it, it will get better. It's ok to be hungry.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Oh wow, I was having insomina this morning and there was Mike McDonald/Dr. Oz thing on TV.. they were showing no matter what you eat, eat lean protein first. They had an example of lean turkey slices and french fries.

    If I feel hungry, I eat a lean protein. (after drinking water)
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I would encourage you to move away from shakes and processed foods and eat a more natural diet that includes much more dietary fat. Fat doesn't make you fat, it satiates. You still have to count calories, etc. But, real food is what is filling and satisfying. Don't be afraid of fats, they are good for you. And good healthy carbs from vegetables too. And of course protein from great sources (animal and vegetable), not just shakes.

    Good Luck!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Growling is a digestive activity- pangs or pains are the tummy walls touching.
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    What's the likelihood you could have diabetes, insulin resistance, or something of the like? I didn't check your diary, but are you eating quick digesting carbs by themselves?

    For me, I never understood why for MONTHS, I could never feel full. I was hungry ALL of the time, even after I just ate. I was consistently limiting my calories, but I would eat something that was sweet (because I was hungry/craving carbs), and then I just got more hungry. Carbs do that to you, they make you want more because the rise in your blood sugar is so fast. Apparently, I have PCOS which can cause insulin resistance, meaning my body releases a lot of insulin to deal with glucose in my blood but it doesn't actually process it. My body doesn't feel like it's getting nourished because the sugar in the blood isn't going anywhere. Thus, still have feelings of hunger for carbs, because your body thinks you need them.

    I was advised to do a low carb/low glycemic diet by my doctor. For the first 2 days off of carbs, I was insatiably hungry, although I was eating TONS of food, protein, fats, veggies, and what not. That's when I realized what I had been feeling all along wasn't really hunger, but carbohydrate cravings. After those 2 days, it's gone. I've been up for about 10-11 hours so far today and had about 650 calories, and I'm not hungry. I used to eat 650 calories by breakfast because I woke up insatiably hungry.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I go through periods where I feel like no matter what i eat, even if my stomach hurts, I want food. I've found this is triggered by emotions and boredom. If you have enough time to contemplate what else is in your fridge, you need to get out of the house and do something. Exercise is a great way to earn those extra calories while keeping busy.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I doubt that you're hungry but you could try eating real food instead of shakes and processed stuff. Your food diary shows you've bought into the whole "diet" plan.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    My health is good considering how over weight I am and all of the health problems that run in my family. I only get these pains or whatever after every meal usually once I start watching portions and eating better which is why I thought maybe my body feels like it's starving. I'm taking a Nutrition class now but it doesn't mention anything about this so I did e-mail my doctor and asked what he would suggest. I take a few vitamin supplements as well such as fish oil, a multi vitamin and a green coffee extract thing. I eat pretty slow too. I make it a point to talk to people when I am eating so I do just that. I try to get at least 10 cups of water in each day, and the majority of my drinking is done throughout the day rather then at night, but sometimes that's not right either.

    I also try to snack through out the day. Veggies or string cheese, some fruits even. Nothing seems to work. Maybe my stomach is just too big.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I doubt that you're hungry but you could try eating real food instead of shakes and processed stuff. Your food diary shows you've bought into the whole "diet" plan.

    I left my BBV shake at home today and had to stop at the gas station to get something so I got a muscle milk but I don't have time in the morning to make a HEARTY breakfast, nor do I like the taste of breakfast food really and it's all too fattening. I don't like oatmeal, and the only breakfast I do like is eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon, lol. The shakes work well for me and hold me over usually. Lunch is my biggest problem with feeling hungry, and sometimes dinner.
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    I was thinking about that the other night about how it feels to just stuff yourself till you think you are finished eating. lol
  • bragaswag
    Eat for volume. Eat more volume foods that are low calorie (veggies). Expanding your stomach will make you feel full.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    My stomach always has a growling session right after I eat, and never before. Just my digestive system working on the food, I presume.
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    I doubt that you're hungry but you could try eating real food instead of shakes and processed stuff. Your food diary shows you've bought into the whole "diet" plan.

    I left my BBV shake at home today and had to stop at the gas station to get something so I got a muscle milk but I don't have time in the morning to make a HEARTY breakfast, nor do I like the taste of breakfast food really and it's all too fattening. I don't like oatmeal, and the only breakfast I do like is eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon, lol. The shakes work well for me and hold me over usually. Lunch is my biggest problem with feeling hungry, and sometimes dinner.

    breakfast food, fattening? That's a lark. Eggs and sausage or bacon has way less fat than muscle milk(more saturated fat than one donut...)
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I doubt that you're hungry but you could try eating real food instead of shakes and processed stuff. Your food diary shows you've bought into the whole "diet" plan.

    I left my BBV shake at home today and had to stop at the gas station to get something so I got a muscle milk but I don't have time in the morning to make a HEARTY breakfast, nor do I like the taste of breakfast food really and it's all too fattening. I don't like oatmeal, and the only breakfast I do like is eggs, pancakes, sausage and bacon, lol. The shakes work well for me and hold me over usually. Lunch is my biggest problem with feeling hungry, and sometimes dinner.

    breakfast food, fattening? That's a lark. Eggs and sausage or bacon has way less fat than muscle milk(more saturated fat than one donut...)

    Today was an exception because I left my breakfast at home and that entire muscle milk light I did drink was 160 calories, 5 grams of fat, 1 gram saturated and 10 carbs and 20 protein. Sorry, but that is a WAY healthier choice then bacon or eggs, and more nutricious than a donut for sure.