7 weeks lost 39 pounds



  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    What's the rest of the story?
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    Wow... I don't understand all the negativity.
    So what if he's lying (which I can't imagine why he would...), it's no skin off anyone's back.
    And if he's telling the truth, then he's made great headway into a 164 lb. journey.
    Either way, no one comes to this website to be shat on. Let's all be positive and support eachother!
  • stephiegirl1215
    Fantastic start, and it sounds like you're doing it really healthily! Keep it up and best of luck avoiding those plateaus! Never give up! :)
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    WOW!!!! Is there any other secret to your success?
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    Wow... I don't understand all the negativity.
    So what if he's lying (which I can't imagine why he would...), it's no skin off anyone's back.
    And if he's telling the truth, then he's made great headway into a 164 lb. journey.
    Either way, no one comes to this website to be shat on. Let's all be positive and support eachother!

    where's the amen --button? :love:

    Agreed. Holy crap, you guys. I'm seeing more and more snarkiness on this forum as the days go by. We're not here to gang up on one another and cut other people down. You'd think that a forum full of people who have been fat and been made fun of for it would be a little more compassionate and supportive. Instead it seems like the more 'perfect' people become, the ruder they get. None of you have the right to judge anyone else on this site for a success that they've busted their *kitten* for. So why don't all of you take your negativity elsewhere? This certainly isn't the place for it.

    As for the OP, congratulations! That's great news. Keep it up! Sending a friend request because I want to see how you continue to progress. :D
  • krmiller4217
    krmiller4217 Posts: 17 Member
    Men and women are so different. EVERYONE has a DIFFERENT metabolism. Did you think about how much he may have been eating before MFP?? Stop being negative people and CONGRATULATE this Gentleman on a job well done. :-)
    Congrats on your 40lbs drop...I did the same things a decade ago and lost the same amount in 5 weeks...and it stayed off for 10yrs.....so kudos for your ambition and don't listen to others about it coming off too fast so it will probably come on again but more, as long as you stay active it won't because mine didn't
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    I had similar losses during the first few weeks of my weight loss journey, which began on the 5th of March this year, and I've never been below 1500 calories at any point, most days way more than that. Started at 332 pounds and working out 5-6 times a week with a combination of cardio and weights, oh and I haven't seen any doctors recently, I have only been to a doctor twice in the last 10 years and that is only to do the 5 yearly medical required to renew my UK truck driving licence.

    Too many people apply their own situation to everyone else which is ridiculous because everyone is different. What I have been doing works for me, I would never assume it would work for anyone else.
  • pohlcm08
    I think you did a great job. Keep up the good work and don't let anyone pull you down! Do what makes you happy!
  • kimmybhave
    Wow! I am new on here and I applaude you!

    That being said, being new on here I am SHOCKED at the responses. This should be a place of encouragement and support. If you don't have anything nice to say or contructive advice - keep it to yourself! Everyone is different and will lose at different paces. I am doctor supervised and only need to lose 40 lbs compared to this persons and I have lost 9 lbs this first week. I have worked out hard and eaten right and I know most of it is water and I won't continue at this speed. But you know what - YEA ME! And YEA YOU! and everyone else on here who is trying to make a positive change in their lives.
  • mercymarque
    I think it's great... U see this type of weight loss on Biggest Loser. They are working out for longer hours but still. When you have that much to lose the numbers are bigger. I thought we were here to see folks to their goals. If you don't believe her, so what and keep it moving. You don't owe them nothing. Keep doing what your doing.. it seems to be working.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    That is brilliant. What workout are doing for 750 cal burn, i need to do it too lol

    Your fast weight loss is great but dont worry when/if it slows down, as long as your going in the right direction. If you keep going at this weight loss for a long period of time it can put some stress on the body and the skin takes longer to snap back into place.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    That's fantastic!
    I've lost 30lbs in 8 weeks but since I had a big number to lose, it's not like I'm doing anything crazy. The same goes for the OP
    When you look at percentage of weight lost for someone starting in the 300s compared to someone close to goal, 11lbs in a week is only 6% of the weight he wanted to lose, and WAY less than that of total weight. That's like somone who only has 30 lbs to lose losing 2lbs in a week. Equivalent loss. Everyone needs to calm down.
  • audreanna76
    Awesome job! Congratulations on your success
  • forsettii
    Let's be honest. It really depends on where you started from. If you were 140 pounds and you tried it.

    If you were 300 pounds that is really only about 15% body fat. I have lost about 23% in 6 months. However, the last 2 months have had the scale not moving at all.

    You left off where you started from, it is easier for a very heavy person to do well in the beginning.

    Good Luck!
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm sorry you were met with so much negativity in the beginning of these comments, but it seems as if the supporters got on after them :). Great job. I'm glad you found something that works for you. It's such an amazing feeling to see the scale go down, the clothes get looser, the body changing. Congrats!
  • blissfulself
    blissfulself Posts: 193 Member
    wow- great job! congrats to you :)
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    It looks like a typical loss. Fast at first. As you lose weight, your body requires fewer calories.
    It works out to a consistent 1.4 pounds a week. Which is not overdoing it.
    And is awesome dedication.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Um....I don't buy it.

    I don't know how much you had to lose, but even if it was a lot I would be skeptical. If it's the truth then I would say your taking things way to fast.

    Edited to add, I didn't realize how much weight you had to lose. The 8 pounds in the last week threw me. I apologize. I saw a TON of threads that day about unhealthy weight loss habits, and I just assumed you must be doing something like that. I think part of the problem with (some) people getting *****y on here, is they see people doing something unhealthy, try to help, and then get argued with for said advice. Eventually you get kind of pissy. Regardless I shouldn't have taken my thread grumpiness out on you, and I apologize.
  • lu136mickey
    great job!!!
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