What made you decide to loose weight?



  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member

    Yeah, if anything, I want to get "tight!" I posted all the gory details in a different thread a couple of weeks back, but long story short (yeah, right) it was a health scare this past Spring. Nurse came to house to take vitals for additional insurance. My BP readings (each arm) was above 200/140!!! My mom was a nursing assistant when I was young so I knew how to take BP, so nurse invited me to try it myself; similar reading. Went to doc 2 days later and it wasn't NEARLY that high, but still elevated enough to cause some concern.
    In hindsight, I think the nurse either had a miscalibrated device or too small cuff and that caused a wrong measure. Nevertheless, that was the kick in the (insert body part of choice here) that I needed to get started!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I was about to be 38 and saw the big 4-0 looming and I was at my heaviest ever...a size 12 was too tight on me and I was really needing to move up to a 14....BUT I REFUSED!!!! I said, I WILL TAKE THIS WEIGHT OFF and I WILL NOT BUY A BIGGER PANT SIZE!!! I did lose 35 lbs and 5 pant sizes (size 2 now) in 6 months....so when I did hit that BIG 4 - 0 ....I was already where I wanted to be! :happy:
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    wanted to not be a health risk and be better at sports.
  • supershellykay
    supershellykay Posts: 3 Member
    Diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea.. all those dreaded things that make you feel terrible. Most of all my kids, husband, and family. Its no fun being the one who has to sit on the sidelines while everyone else is enjoying life!
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    photos!!! wow... never thought i looked that bad!

  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    I have been fat all my life, never wear anything sexy before,never in size less than "XXL", guys never looked at me twice.

    At the age of 30, I made up my mind , I need to change or get stuck like this forever. I had started my diet on 16 April 2012 at the weight of 102 kilos, after strict diet and daily routine of gym work-out and regular swimming , I am at the weight of 88 kilos ( 23 kilos more to go).

    I had changed my hairdo from "always ponytail" to wavy ` permed ' hair. Before I never wore any make-up to work, but now I cannot leave home without my make-up. I had changed my wardrobe and gave away all my big size clothes,jeans and pants.

    Results: All my colleagues amazed at the changes I had made in within 6 months, and yes, guys do turn their heads to look at me more than once.
  • che3317
    my son
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Well done OP. Unfortunately peoples words can be cruel, even if they are only words. In a way its done you a huge favour and now your kicking *kitten* :) good going.

    I decided to lose weight when i realised when i sat down my two bellies met in the middle and looked like Pac Man :laugh:
  • beccannes
    My Health. My Husband. My Children. And the desire to feel like the 'real me'!.... got a long ways to go and sad to say the past month I "fell off the wagon" :(
  • Chantal34
    I had professional pictures taken with my daughter in December 2011 and when I saw them I knew I had let myself go. That was my wakeup call.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Seeing myself in photos and every picture that as taken I cringed. Also having to buy a lot larger size shorts was a wake up call.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    The way my clothes fit.