

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi All,

    Lost .4 lbs this week which I am proud of since I lost last week as well. After months of staying the same I have finally broke through my plateau. I leave in the a.m. for my trip with my daughters to new york to celebrate a 21st birthday. Can't wait to have this special time with my girls one of the girls is DIL but is now my second daughter praise God for family. I will be busy all weekend and want post will check in Tuesday.
    Have a great weekend,
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    A quick hello to all.
    Lynn, your trip sounds great. I agree w/you about family - family and friends are what life's really about.
    Barb, thanks for the info on Esther. I finally tracked her down and she is still doing weight watchers, has lost another 13 pounds since Dec (I think) and says hi to you and all the other mfp friends.
    Cindy, don't you just love going to the hair salon? i wish that was all it took for a new and improved me, but it's a start. I can't bear to be grey yet.
    Got to run. Have to make breakfast for my youngest son - he's heading off to Atlantic City for a night w/college friends. I've been enjoying having him home for a few days. He just lights up our lives for my husband and me (even tho he killed me at Monopoly yesterday).
    Take care everyone. Will be a wet, windy miserable week-end here in the northeast. I wouldn't complain, but we're all going to be driving this week-end (family party) and my son drives back to college. I worry. The mother in me just can't relax.
    Hope it's sunny where you are.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Quick post--lost another pound this week! I guess I did okay with my birthday dinner choices!

    Have a good Friday, everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Friday to All ( I just love Fridays!)

    Viv - Hope you have warm weather soon. Last May when Gerald & I were in the UK for 2 1/2 weeks we packed for cloudy cool weather and wouldn't you know, you were having a heat wave:huh: and we had sweaters and long sleeved shirts...had to buy some of those tacky:laugh: tourist T shirts!

    Suezzque- My boss has a stability ball here at the office and is always trying to get me to try it...it's so big that I can't even balance sitting on it, :sad: let alone do real exercises...but for him it works.

    BirdieM-WOW:noway: good for you doing weights. We have a weight machine in our basement and I just am not to the point where I am ready to tackle it yet...maybe after another 15 lbs are gone:bigsmile:

    Kathy (pmjsmom) Yeah for you and your "arm" badge of success:drinker: ..congrats on that pound gone too:drinker: :drinker:

    Jackie- Have a fun trip:flowerforyou: Getting away from the everyday stuff is always a big boost. Loved your "dog" exercise program...wonder if Peanut would like to give it a try:huh:

    Lynn- have a fun time in NY:flowerforyou: Sounds like the "girls" will all have a good time.

    Zaza- Sorry you are having wet weather:cry: Here in Colorado we are supposed to be in the low 50's mid 60's and lots of sun.:glasses:

    Yesterday was the conference call with Mom, her Physical Therapist, the social worker, and multiple of others. It was mostly the Physical Therapist letting me know what he's been doing with Mom and that he transfered her actual therapy to a female, since he was having a "conflict" with Mom:grumble: I'm guessing the conflict was that Mom didn't want to do what he was telling her to do and she was being whinny:huh: He did say that Mom will probably be there at the Highland House for another two months so I have time to get more of her life scheduled for when she gets out.

    This weekend will be spent getting ready for the drive to Oregon next week. So am hoping to get all the tax paper work in order and a spreadsheet done with additional information.

    Last night I decided we would have fish for dinner (every time we have fish I seem to lose) because I was ready to see the scale move...well this AM I am back to where I was last Saturday...so keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow the scale will really move:bigsmile: .

    Have a good weekend.:drinker: :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,003 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Good Morning, I am having a cup of green tea and reading all the fun, funny, and useful things you all have to say. Bernie, the cat, has come in and gone out several times, each time hoping that the rain will have stopped when he gets outside, and then that the breakfast will be different when he gets back in the house.:laugh: He is a "carb junkie" and has not been too happy since the vet put the older cat on a high protein, low carb diet to combat his high blood glucose and recommended that both cats eat the same way.

    :laugh: :laugh: Jackie, thank you for the dog exercise program...some of my "dog exercises" include doing crunches with a dog lying on my tummy and doing yoga with doggie assistance.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, congratulations on your continued weight loss and your tenacity at staying with it through the discouraging plateau

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (pmjsmom) congratulations on your loss especially in light of celebratory meals.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, good luck with the saga of mom and the physical therapist.........when DH was going to the physical therapist a couple of years ago because of a calf injury he would come home from every session and tell me that the PT should be arrested and put in jail for putting him through such torture....so I'm not surprised that your mom is resisting.

    :flowerforyou: Zaza, thanks for the update on Esther. I'm glad she's doing well. She was such a great support for me when I was starting out on MFP.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I know how it is to not be able to have "tempting" foods in the house. I had a dream last night that I ate Fritos and muffins that had somehow appeared in my house. I was so glad to wake up and find out that I didn't have to log them in my food diary and tell you all about them:laugh:

    OOPS. It got late and I gotta go. hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie and Barb, Thank you for responding to my questions. I looked back on my daily numbers and found consistenly I am over on sugar. I have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar every morning and a glass of 1% milk. That adds up to 30 grams of sugar and on 1200 calories/day I should only have 31g. Wow, that does it for the day! I'll have to start drinking my coffee black, I guess. Other than that, we don't drink sodas, or eat desserts, so our extra calories are just coming from overeating. Hitting the treadmill more would help, I'm sure. Thanks for the tips. Hope you all have a good weekend!!:flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    There is good sugar and bad sugar though. The sugar in milk is natural and that usually means its combined with other nutrients that help slow the insulin response. The sugar in your coffee is refined and so it will cause more of an insulin spike.

    The thing about sugars and fats is that it's just not that simple. There are essential fatty acids and consuming too few fats can cause health problems. There are natural sugars in milk and fruits and those are healthy foods.

    It's the same with carbs. There are no essential carbs (like there are proteins and fats) but not all carbs are created equal. My bariatric surgeon repeatedly tells us that he doesn't want us to limit leafy green vegetables so we don't even have to count those carbs. But he's death on the rest of them. :happy:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I got my voice back, but I am so tired and shaky I stayed home for one more day. We are lightly staffed on Saturdays, so I didn't want to take the chance on going back today and not being able to make it tomorrow.


    Regarding the doggy exercise program :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I can really relate to the ones about lifting on the bed. Pepper and Bradley can make it up there under their own power when they choose to, but Mai Li, (AKA piglet girl) needs "intervention" to get up there. At 26 lbs., she does provide sufficient resistance for arm strengthening exercises. This morning, me and the "whole gang" were snuggled up watching the news.


    I was glad to hear the update on Esther..still wish she would rejoin us, however, I know she is doing what works best for her.


    I am glad you figured out that the sugar monster was hiding in your food diary. I wish we could track one more option in our diary. I track fat, carbs, protein, calories and sodium, and if we had another space, I would add sugar to that. Are you listening, Mike??:bigsmile:


    I am glad you have some time to prepare for your mom getting out of the care facility. Maybe she will interact more positively to a female therapist.


    Sorry about the "attack of the killer ginger snaps." I can do them alone, but if I get the Newman Oh's version of ginger snap cream sandwiches--its all over!!! I find myself in the land of "Binges R Us." You will have to post an updated pic of yourself with your new "do."


    Glad your birthday didn't give you a setback!! Keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to "flap your badges!":laugh: :laugh:


    How funny to have a cat who is a "carb addict"--now that you and Jake are "Slim and Slimmer" your poor cat must feel like his is in the wrong house.:laugh: :laugh:

    If I missed anyone, it is unintentional, I am trying to get myself OFF here today so I can get some things done around the house that have been piling up. If it EVER stops raining, I will try and get some doggies outside for a walk, also.

    EDIT: Almost forgot, as of weigh in this morning, I am only up a pound from my lowest, so I got rid of 6 of the 7 lbs. that snuck up on me in February, and there is still more than half the month remaining in March, so I might just make 60 lbs. lost by my birthday in April.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    Barb, To change your nutrition chart: click on FOODS, then Settings. You can pick what you want to track. :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome dlbaikie and Viv and Debbie.

    Tonight (Tues) my bridge came out. You know, I am so mad at myself. Shortly after we moved to NC, my tooth started to hurt. Our realtor recommended this dentist so I went to him. He told me that I needed a root canal. My inner voice kept telling me that I really didn't, but for some reason I really trusted that he was telling the truth. Well, since the root canal, I got a real bad pain in my tooth, it had to be pulled, couldn't be saved. Shortly after my root canal, the dentist went back to school to be a "root canal specialist" so was he just practicing on me??? Then, because of my having osteoporosis, I felt that an implant might not be the way to go (what if my osteoporosis got worse as the years went on?) so I opted for a bridge. I can't tell you how many times that temp. bridge cracked! Then, I got the permanent bridge. It felt really "thick" so I had to keep going back to the dentist to have it drilled down. It never felt exactly right, I always felt like I knew that there was a false tooth there. Then, tonight it comes out. The dentist is away this week, and the dentist who is on call, I hope he will take me first thing tomorrow because the nerves on the other teeth are exposed. I guess the one good thing is that I really don't want to bite into anything, it might be cold or hot. But that won't last for long (at least, I hope not, I want this taken care of!)

    We had to go to Charlotte today so I did 30 minutes of a Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD this a.m. and then an hour of pilates. Since we have a meeting in the a.m., I'm thinking that I haven't done the StairMaster in quite a while so I may go to the one branch that has a decent one. The other ones are the kind you have to only go forward on, I like the one that is like a step because I can go sideways also and get an inner and outer thigh workout.

    Here it is, Wednesday. So far today I've had 64oz and am planning to have 24 more. I was about to do 1hr on the Stairmaster, haven't done that in a while. But when I got to the only branch that has it, someone was on it, so I did 30 min of HIIT on the elliptical and then 30 min on the Stairmaster. Boy, was I sweating!

    Well, the dentist about the bridge could have seen me first thing this morning, only I HAD to be at that meeting. He was booked up this afternoon, so my appt is for 8:15 tomorrow a.m. Funny, I'm still managing to eat a fair amount :( Actually, I went over on my calories for the day -- but just by 3. I don't add in my exercise to get the extra calories so I figure I'm safe. I really, really wish there was some way to chart what percentage of your calories are from carbs, from protein, etc.

    Karen - WTG girl saying "no" to fast food. I'm proud of you!

    Faye - I always keep some "snacks" in my pocketbook for when I'm really hungry in the store. Just things like some almonds, soy nuts, dried fruit, those little things.

    Did Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD today (Thurs). So far I've had 112oz and plan to have 24 more. Yes, I did go a bit over on the calories today, just 13. You know something, I feel so full and yukky.

    Got the bridge put back in today, thank goodness! The dentist was going to charge me $75, but I told them that I would have expected that a bridge should last at least a year, and I've only had this since Sept. or Oct. They told me that I'm going to have to sort it out w/ my dentist. I think I'm going to switch to this dentist. He seemed more confident when I went to see him. Before, whenever I had a crown put on, the dentist would grind it down in the office. Here, my dentist told me that he'd have to send it back to the lab. How could they grind it down properly when I'm not there for them to try it on? Eventually, he did it. According to this dentist, it seems that it wasn't ground down enough and that's part of what led to the bridge falling out. The other dentist is just new and I think he's somewhat unsure of himself at this point. I honestly don't want someone who is going to take the safe road all the time. Like he told me I had a chipped tooth but he didn't do anything about it. I didn't know it, but it was the tooth right next to the one that had the root canal. Wouldn't surprise me if bacteria got in and caused the infection which in turn caused me to have to have that tooth pulled. His office has been telling dh that he needs a cap on this one tooth, they've been telling him this for 1-1/2yrs.

    A friend of mine and I are going to see "Menopause the Musical" tonight. I saw it in Philly and it's hilarious. Even tho a friend of mine gave me her CD so I knew what was coming, I still had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. I was so excited that it's coming to Charlotte. Well, gotta go fill up my coffee container with tea so I can take that with me.

    It's now Friday. Did 1 hr Bosu ball workout. So far I've had 96oz. The gal who has the yoga class that I go to at the Y on Saturdays is having a fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes at her studio tomorrow, so I'll probably go there.

    zaza- I am convinced that women are born with an extra gene, the worry gene, and it doesn't kick in until you have kids. My son one time asked me "ma, when are you going to stop worrying", I answered "get used to it because when I die, I'm coming back from the grave to worry about you". I just got rolling eyes to that one!

    I used to use the stability ball at my computer. I'd sit on it and read email. Working my abs -- multitasking works for me!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barb, To change your nutrition chart: click on FOODS, then Settings. You can pick what you want to track. :flowerforyou:

    I already know how to CHANGE it. :bigsmile: I was just saying I wished there was an additional slot available!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Here is a bizarre story for you, out of South Carolina. Some people had their 3 lbs. chihuahua carred off by some kind of a bird, and they GOT IT BACK!!! :drinker: :drinker: I saw a reference to in in a "teaser" for the news that will be on later tonight. Here is a link to the story.


    Even though the story says birds can pickup critters heavier than they are, I don't think my little piglets are in any danger. Bradley is the lightest of the three and he weighs 15 lbs. Can you imagine the size of the bird that would be able to pick him up???:laugh:

  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    What you heard was true! We have a hawk that resides in our back woods and he has made mincemeat of all the squirrel population. I have seen him swoop down and pick them up like he's scooping up a feather. We had someone in the area have their Yorkie grabbed, but the woman had the dog on an extend leash and she was able to fight the bird off. She was scratched up a bit as was the dog, but they are fine now.

    Hang on to those poochies!! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Question? If you weigh-in using a "strange" scale...(not at home) mid-day...with clothes on, after having breakfast and multiple cups of coffee.... and you have GAINED a couple of pounds, do you count that?

    I have stayed within my calories, skied and/or walked many additional calories away and....according to the scale in the spa here...gained 2 pounds!!! AHHHHHHH.......very frustrating. I am trying not to head for the cookies!!! I will go get a nice cup of hot tea AND hope to let it go.

    I hope that everyone has a good weekend! And thanks for any words of wisdom any of you have regarding frustrating state of weight/loss/gain!!! All best, kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,003 Member
    Question? If you weigh-in using a "strange" scale...(not at home) mid-day...with clothes on, after having breakfast and multiple cups of coffee.... and you have GAINED a couple of pounds, do you count that?

    kackie, your only accurate way to weigh is on the same scale, at the same time, in the same clothing
    nothing else is going to compare well..........I like to weigh myself at the vet when I take the pets in because I always weigh a few pounds less :laugh: but I know that the truth will come in the morning on my regular scale........don't let the scale influence your moods or your eating......just keep doing the things you know are right and you'll get the results you seek.......never, never, never give up
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi Everyone,

    It's a sunny Saturday here in County Durham and I'm feeling good :smile: My weekly weigh in shows I've lost 3lbs. It's not a true loss as I put on 1.5lbs last week and although I'd gone over my calories a little, it wasn't enough to put on that much so I guess it was water retention, but I'll take it anyway :smile:

    Cindy - I know how it feels to be tempted by biscuits (cookies) and my downfall is Malted Milk biscuits (don't know if you have them in USA) and I could eat a full packet if I let myself. I have stopped buying them :cry:

    Laura - that's English weather! Totally unpredictable. You need to be prepared for all waether at all times. No wonder my wardrobe is so full :laugh:

    Barb - Glad to hear your voice is back but remember to take it easy until you are fully recovered.

    Michele - Glad to hear you got your bridge sorted out.

    Kackie - Barb is right. That's the only way your weigh in can be accurate.

    Hvae a good day everyone. Stay strong :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone
    I like to weigh myself at work because the scales are more accurate than the ones I have at home. I have been told not to weigh myself too often, and it is how I feel that is more important. Trouble is I feel fat and bloated most days lately. I am trying to watch what I eat. I am also trying to exercise more. I am sure once I get started I wil have more energy as at the moment I am really tired all the time.
    Well it is Saturday morning and I have walked the doggies, done some housework and now I need to hit the shops for a few groceries. I am also going to go to the shop for my uncle and do a bit of housework for him too. I will try and think of this as an exercise work out - maybe I wil enjoy it a bit more. What do others do when they are too tired to exercise? Any help or advice would be appreciated.
    Best wishes
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone,

    Well it's Saturday morning and the world outside is coming to life with the sounds of birds singing and chirping. I love this time of year,

    This moring is my weekly way in day. I continue to be mindful of portion sizes and try to eat healthy. However, I really believed that I would stay the same weight as I am getting closer to my goal weight and I know it's harder to lose as you get closer to "the finish line". But, boy was I surprised. I have lost another 3 pounds this week. I am now 1 pound away from my goal weight. I truly cannot remember the last time I was in this weight range. It feels good to wear clothes that I feel good in again.

    I wish everyone great success in your weight journeys. Don't give up, your dreams will come true.

    Have a great weekend!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Debbie!

    I must say you have been very determined to reach your goal! I did that too when I first got to goal weight. So please take a hint from me and many others who have done this before, really focus on maintenance and keep up with your exercise. I think for me not exercising was the way I regained my 20 lbs.

    I've posted a "Warm Chocolate Pudding" recipe in the Recipe and Nutrition section that looks really good and calorie friendly. I've got all the ingredients so that will be dessert tonight. I think the best thing about it is that it doesn't make a huge pan but only 2 servings. You know how we all have a way of going back for just one more bite.

    Well, back to finish reading the other posts.

    BBL Cindy
  • rroberts360
    Hello to all from Western New York (Buffalo) in the USA. How exciting to be able to communicate with women of my age group from all over the globe. This is my first post but not my first effort to attain fitness. Like others, my motivation level sags at times and I felt inspired just reading some of the many similar posts.

    Although I have achieved some goals (decrease in weight, increase in activitiy level, maintaining normal blood pressure readings without medication, participation in charity walks), I do get discouraged when the scale does not move. I have between 40 and 50 more pounds to lose and I am not in a hurry to do so, but when things are at a standstill, I get frustrated.

    In my quest for fitness I have learned and applied things from many different sources. The most common theme in all the different approaches that I have encountered is the idea of support. So here I am -- to both give and receive support from my contemporaries. I am new to posting so I am not sure if I need to sign my name or if it is signed automatically for me. So in case it is not, my name is Rose. I noticed that there is at least one other Rose who posts, so to differentiate, my nickname is "Cookie Rose" because of my efforts to keep our family tradition of Italian cookies going. Strange as it may seem, when my motivation is there, I can bake and not eat a crumb!

    Well wishes to all!