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  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    I absolutely hate running. I am slow, fat, and it's uncomfortable. I want to establish a new relationship with running. Any runners out there have any advice on how to flip my dread to excitement?

    One thing that worked for me was to pick a race that I had to be ready for. When I started this journey walking at 3mph on the treadmill was a workout. Just keep at it, it becomes much more relaxing as you go and stops becoming that rough part of your day.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    From my experience, if you hate running now, you will probably always hate it. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I hated running when I started but I thought that as I got better I'd like it more. I ran for about a year and a half. Did two 5Ks, a 7K, a 10K, a 12K and two half marathons in that time.

    I hate it even more now than I did when I started. Sure, I got faster, by a lot actually. I got better at it overall. The races were exciting in their own way. But I just hate running. I enjoy the ARC Trainer, and the stair mill, even kettlebell, lifting weights and rowing machines. But running can suck it.

    Unfortunately, I've ended up coaching running. When I was training for my second half one of the women on my team at work decided that she wanted to run a 5K and asked me to coach her through C25K, then in the middle of that, a friend asked me to do the same. The coworker just ran her 5K last Saturday, loved it and wants to keep running to keep getting faster. And I'm in the middle of week 6 with my friend.

    Last night, while we ran, all I could think about was how boring it was and how much I hoped it would end quickly. But I have to be motivational vocally, so I'm constantly giving words of encouragement as I coach. But I'm definitely counting down the days to the last day of the coaching because I'm just so sick of running all the time.

    Wow. That is maybe the first time I've ever heard of someone with your experience say they absolutley hate running. I have to ask the obvious though...why? Why did you keep going and why do you still? If something made me miserable, I just plain wouldn't do it.
  • alerica1
    alerica1 Posts: 310 Member
    Couch to 5K.....just do it. :)
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Oh I hate running too!

    However, as I have lost nearly 100 pounds, the calorie burn I get from walking is steadily decreasing. So I needed to either increase the duration (not willing to do) or the intensity (aka running). Since I've been walking about 25miles a week for the past 5 months, I've been easily able to get up to 2.2 miles in a week.

    HOWEVER, for the past few months I have occasionally felt inspired to try running when out on my walks. I'd run a block or two and think WHY!?! Why would anyone do this to themselves? I hate it. I hate the way my feet pound the pavement, the way my boobs bounce around, and the way my brain rattles around in my head. HATE!

    And where is this runner's high that people talk about? So far the only high is that I am alive at the end of my 2.2 miles. And the being alive thrill's gonna get old fast.

    So what keeps me running? That I can is really it. The challenge of doing it. The pushing myself. I'm hoping eventually I'll learn to like it, maybe even love it, but for now, I'm just pushing through the hate. (Much the same as I am doing in trying to learn to like fish!).

    I haven't done it, but those couch to 5k workouts seem good and ease you into it.

    Good luck!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    If you hate running then don't do it.

    Find an exercise that you enjoy and will stick to. If you dislike doing something you're not going to do it.

    Ahhhh....YES! And when you feel better from that OTHER exercise, try running again! I started a more dedicated running program this year and I don't hate it nearly as much!

    Also, if you really want to keep trying, find a buddy or a team. My charity team made running a fun event, rather than a chore. (For the first few miles, anyway...)
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    I'm an advocate of C25K downloadable app. I tried it & actually ran my first 5K two weeks ago.
  • I love running because I love the way it makes me feel when I'm done. Run until you can't run any more and the next day run a minute longer.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I always wanted to "be a runner", but alas hated running. Part of why I hated running is because I hated that out of breath kind of exertion.

    In july 2011 at nearly 40 year of age, I determined that I was going to teach myself to run to that I could run an entire 5k. No walking. It took me 3 months to get there. THEN, I decided to test myself at a local 5k. . .having turned 40 before the race, I was in a new "age group". Somehow, miraculously, I came in 2nd in my ladies age group and got a beer glass. The hook was set. . . I've since run several 5Ks including a Warrior Dash and 2 half marathons. I'm preparing to run a 15k this Sunday.

    All that to say. ...pick a goal. Strive for the goal. Be determined to hit that goal. Along the way, you might just find that you enjoy running. I LOVE to run now!!!
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I understand how you feel. When I first started running back in the spring, I couldn't run for more than 30secs. I hated it, I thought to myself, I am never going to be able to do this. My jogs were at a snail's pace. I did some searching on here and heard about the C25k app for my iphone, made by Zenlabs(i think).

    Let me tell you, it worked wonders! There were weeks that were a struggle, but now, I can run for 40 mins straight. I am still slow but I am now working on my speed.

    If you really want to have a good relationship with running again I highly recommend the app.

    Good luck!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I'm doing C25K - I hate running too, but it's less bad w/C25K. My problem is actually doing it, because well I hate running. I still recommend it though if you want to be a runner.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I hear the couch to 5k is a good program. My question would be why run if you hate it? It's not a requirement for fitness or weight loss. Find something you'll like and you'll stick with!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I hate running too.... hated it before I started losing weight, still not a fan, but I get out there and make myself do it. For me (and this might not be the case with you but possible), it's the anticipation of actually doing it. I don't hate it so much once I get started, but the build up and the knowing that I'm going to force myself to do it just drives me crazy! I have workout anxiety LOL
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Hate? That's an awful strong word. Be ashamed of yourself.

    just kidding.. hope you saw the stupid thread in chit chat. lol

    I was not built for running. Too top heavy.
  • uncbluci
    uncbluci Posts: 31 Member
    COUCH TO 5K!

    I always hated running. A LOT. But now, not only am I capable of running, I actually like it! Seriously, try it.
  • ambervargo
    ambervargo Posts: 67 Member
    My first instinct was to say: then do something you don't hate. There are tons of other fun cardio options, but I also agree that you can grow to love it like many others have posted. I hate running, and sometimes I will get back into morning runs, but I love spinning, zumba, and weight lifting and even jumping rope, so I mostly do those activities instead.
  • corys8646
    corys8646 Posts: 41 Member
    I wasn't a fan when I first started, so I quit then decided to give it another shot. Things I did differently.

    1. Took a free good form running class from my local running shop - what a difference for me! Learning how to run properly increased the enjoyment I got out of it.
    2. Proper fitting shoes. Spend the few extra bucks and get good shoes that fit you properly, you are going to put a lot of miles on them.
    3. Set some personal goals - Part of the joy I get out of running is seeing the improvement. I know some of the improvement is coming from my weight loss and increased fitness, it's another NSV for me to be able to shed a few seconds off a particular route.
    4. Connect with a running group - A social running group can do wonders for how much you get out of a run.

    I started the beginning of this year not able to run a 5k without walking. Since then I have completed two half marathons and did a full marathon in October. I will close out the year with about 800 total miles. I've never been more excited about my fitness and overall health than I am now, all due to running IMO.

    Good Luck!
  • I have always hated running! I have tried several times to love running, and it didn't click until I did a few things. A) Check out Couch to 5k which helps those of us who don't run build up the stamina to run. Also, the app I ended up doing first was 5 weeks to a Mile (or something like that) which is a precursor to Couch to 5k. B) I learned to distract myself. Those tvs in front of the treadmill at the gym are there to distract you. And if you find a show or movie you can get into, ignore what your feet are doing and tell yourself you are going to keep your feet moving while the show is going. Some people can zone out to music. Whatever works for you...find some way to distract yourself and forget your feet. C) I took a good hard look at my goals and realized that it would take A LOT longer to reach these goals without adding running. Is my goal worth running for? Am I willing to sacrifice to meet these goals even if it means trying to form a new relationship with an old nemesis? YES! I'm not great at it, and I'm still slow and a lot more unhealthy than I would like to be, but one step at a time, right? We all have to start where we are and move forward! Good Luck!!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Oh my gosh! I was sooo there with you! I never had an interest in running at first. But as the weight started coming off, my interest in it piqued a little bit more. When I first gave it a go, I hated it. I was about to accept the fact that I will never be a runner. But for some reason, I stuck with it. And now I run almost every day. It clears my head and it gives be so many benefits that go beyond health.

    What I did:

    *I made mini goals. I would run for 1 minute then walk for 2 minutes and repeat. Once I could comfortably do that, I would run for 2 minutes and walk for 1, and so on. Work on each for a week or so. Whatever works best for you!

    *Mix it up. I would run on the treadmill at the gym and outside around my neighbourhood. It's good to let your body get familiar with both. Running outside is very different to running on a treadmill, but either are a great workout!

    *Tune out the negative thoughts. I know that may sound hard, but don't tell yourself "I'll look stupid", "People will make fun of me", "I'm not good at it" Tune that all out. The fact that you are getting out there, learning this new exercise speaks volumes. Stay positive!

    And remember "It doesn't matter how fast or slow you are, you are still lapping everyone on the couch"

    You got this, girl!! Keep at it!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I hate running, too. But I keep doing it. Just in case:

  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Couch to 5k, start in intervals! Orr, (and this is the ONLY time I ever allow myself to watch TV) throw on the tube in front of the treadmill or elliptical!