
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I didn't like running when I started (not that long ago), it is just so difficult to get used to it, and feels like it takes forever to make progress. I would not say that I love the running itself yet, but the farther I go and the better I get the more I am enjoying it. I know can get my butt out of bed early in the morning to go for a run almost everyday and I do not feel complete if I have not gone. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I have finished my run and the encouragement I get from our friends when they see my dogs and I making our way around town (we live in a small town).

    I am still building my endurance and my speed is slowly but surely increasing, I expected to be faster and able to go longer without walking by now, but the important thing is that I keep going. I switch it up all the time to keep enjoying it, switch my route, the distance, amount and length of intervals with straight slow jogs.

    I don't agree that if you hate it off the bat that you will never like it, but if you are willing to put in the effort I think it is worth a try.
  • sunraew
    sunraew Posts: 96 Member
    Just keep running, just keep running, just keep running, running, running...


    Love it... the feeling of freedom with all that freshness trailing through my endorph fins...
    what's my name again?!
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I use to be able to run 10ks quite comfortably. But now I can barely run 5k. I find my skin itches like crazy and drives me mental and my legs hurt too much for my liking. I am became not too fussed with running and picked up cycling instead and I haven't looked back. Swimming is an exercise I do like but I get very bored with quite quickly.

    I have had more pain and injury from running than any other exercise. Even with running training done correctly my body doesn't really like it. My hip also siezes up and needs to be "clicked" into place as it becomes to painful to run.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    From my experience, if you hate running now, you will probably always hate it. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I hated running when I started but I thought that as I got better I'd like it more. I ran for about a year and a half. Did two 5Ks, a 7K, a 10K, a 12K and two half marathons in that time.

    I hate it even more now than I did when I started. Sure, I got faster, by a lot actually. I got better at it overall. The races were exciting in their own way. But I just hate running. I enjoy the ARC Trainer, and the stair mill, even kettlebell, lifting weights and rowing machines. But running can suck it.

    Unfortunately, I've ended up coaching running. When I was training for my second half one of the women on my team at work decided that she wanted to run a 5K and asked me to coach her through C25K, then in the middle of that, a friend asked me to do the same. The coworker just ran her 5K last Saturday, loved it and wants to keep running to keep getting faster. And I'm in the middle of week 6 with my friend.

    Last night, while we ran, all I could think about was how boring it was and how much I hoped it would end quickly. But I have to be motivational vocally, so I'm constantly giving words of encouragement as I coach. But I'm definitely counting down the days to the last day of the coaching because I'm just so sick of running all the time.

    Wow. That is maybe the first time I've ever heard of someone with your experience say they absolutley hate running. I have to ask the obvious though...why? Why did you keep going and why do you still? If something made me miserable, I just plain wouldn't do it.

    Especially the half marathons. I mean, up to the point of a 10K you can kinda take the "I don't really like this, but it's getting me fit" approach. Even then there's an argument that there are other ways to get fit, but at least it's fair reason for continuing. Past the 10K mark running ceases to be about fitness and starts to be a hobby. Something you do becasue you like it and want to spend time on it, why do that for something you hate?
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    oh! I loove running!!!! :wink:

  • ssimmons1086
    ssimmons1086 Posts: 8 Member
    Secretly I like running. I guess I really just hate the way it makes me feel and the fact that I feel like I can't overcome it.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I used to hate running. Then I just started doing it a few years ago. I can't imagine hating it anymore. I hate when I get out of my routine!


    Abandon all reason! Start running! That's how I basically started.
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I absolutely hate running. I am slow, fat, and it's uncomfortable. I want to establish a new relationship with running. Any runners out there have any advice on how to flip my dread to excitement?

    Take it slow. Don't push yourself too hard. Eventually you will build up the endurance and running will be fun and not a chore.
  • ssimmons1086
    ssimmons1086 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a very humorous person and almost died when I saw this!! This was motivating forrr sure!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I am going to go out on a limb and say "you don't have to run!" Running is not the only exercise! YOU do what keeps you exercising weekly and motivated! Even if you continue to run it does not have to be all the time or for long periods of time...maybe you do running intervals for 15-20minutes...You don't have to run for an hour evertime...
    I challenge you to find out what exercises you really love and stick to it...just make sure you keep variety in any routine!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Hmmm, I used to hate running but now I'm addicted to it. I've run to 5Ks (Warrior Dash...hey why not jump in with both feet?); I'm training for my first half marathon for the Spring (I'm hoping).

    Start slow, don't try to kill yourself; find a place that you would enjoy running...at a lake, along a river; places that are scenic with trails...ENJOY the run and start SLOW. Also you might want to consider either the C25K or even Jeff Galloway's method (you can get an app or just a music mix that tells you when to run and when to walk); the intervals of walking & running will build up your cardio and leg muscle, so that it becomes less of a difficult effort.


    Make sure you have proper form

  • fatsheet
    fatsheet Posts: 15 Member
    i used to hate running with a burning passion. Cross country in high school was such a pain in the azz...

    Last year my boss forced all of us to join the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge (5.6km run). It was actually a good wake up call to remind me how unfit I really was!

    I did the 2012 one last night, which wasn't compulsory this time round (wanted to do it to see whether my fitness has improved), and I somehow managed to shave 13 mins off last years' time = ).

    Now I cant wait for next year's event!!

    You will grow to appreciate it once you notice the difference in your stamina and endurance levels.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    From my experience, if you hate running now, you will probably always hate it. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I hated running when I started but I thought that as I got better I'd like it more. I ran for about a year and a half. Did two 5Ks, a 7K, a 10K, a 12K and two half marathons in that time.

    I hate it even more now than I did when I started. Sure, I got faster, by a lot actually. I got better at it overall. The races were exciting in their own way. But I just hate running. I enjoy the ARC Trainer, and the stair mill, even kettlebell, lifting weights and rowing machines. But running can suck it.

    Unfortunately, I've ended up coaching running. When I was training for my second half one of the women on my team at work decided that she wanted to run a 5K and asked me to coach her through C25K, then in the middle of that, a friend asked me to do the same. The coworker just ran her 5K last Saturday, loved it and wants to keep running to keep getting faster. And I'm in the middle of week 6 with my friend.

    Last night, while we ran, all I could think about was how boring it was and how much I hoped it would end quickly. But I have to be motivational vocally, so I'm constantly giving words of encouragement as I coach. But I'm definitely counting down the days to the last day of the coaching because I'm just so sick of running all the time.

    Wow. That is maybe the first time I've ever heard of someone with your experience say they absolutley hate running. I have to ask the obvious though...why? Why did you keep going and why do you still? If something made me miserable, I just plain wouldn't do it.

    Especially the half marathons. I mean, up to the point of a 10K you can kinda take the "I don't really like this, but it's getting me fit" approach. Even then there's an argument that there are other ways to get fit, but at least it's fair reason for continuing. Past the 10K mark running ceases to be about fitness and starts to be a hobby. Something you do becasue you like it and want to spend time on it, why do that for something you hate?

    Answered earlier already - but in case it got lost in the jumble. I'd made commitments already, both in races (and trips to get to them) paid for and the coaching. I stopped the running for my own personal training after my final race commitment and will be done with the coaching in just over three weeks. So I will be focusing on the kinds of workouts that I prefer once I have followed through on what I promised to do.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I run to fit into my jeans. If I could fit into my jeans without running, I would. However, sadly, that is not the case, so I run.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Zombie run app to get you up to a 5K? I think that would be a blast!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Well I find circuit training to be more fun than plain old running have you tried that?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Zombie run app to get you up to a 5K? I think that would be a blast!

    Giggle it could yell " They are coming to get you Barbra!" when it is time to run hehe
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Running really got me after my first 5k. I loved the atmosphere and being around all those people. It was so fun! Just start out slow. My first run was for about 8 minutes on the treadmill at about a 15:00 pace. Less than a year later, I ran my first half marathon at a 10:15 pace, and I average a 9:30 pace on most of my 4-7 mile runs. Once you learn to love it, you'll never go back.

    But if you hate it, don't do it. I will never love doing pushups. Find another way to exercise that you enjoy. You'll be more likely to stick with it you like what you're doing.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I absolutely hate running. I am slow, fat, and it's uncomfortable. I want to establish a new relationship with running. Any runners out there have any advice on how to flip my dread to excitement?

    This is like saying, "i hate x food but i want to eat it." The solution is simple, don't eat it. In your case, don't run.

    what he said why not do Zumba or swiming or the elipptical the options are endless :)
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    then dont run....problem solved!