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200+ (Week 21) Fling Into Spring



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    well i have had kind of a bad day. i found out last night that my dads doctor in Birmingham told him that he was not a canadite for a heart transplant as it would cause more problems than it would solve.

    My dad had a heart transplant in 1997. It should have been a wake call to me at that point that I needed to change my life but it wasn't. The transplant was hard on him and the family - during the surgery he ended up having a stroke (mild) that caused left sided weakness and memory loss. Taking the rejection medication twice a day was tough. Living with someone that has memory loss was very hard on mom. The loss of income from not being able to work was hard on them. It was shortly after this that my parents moved to be close to me. I had a wonderful 9 extra years with him. He passed away 3 1/2 years ago and I still miss him every day. Spend as much time as you can with your dad and use this time to realize that you are high risk for trouble in the future. My dad was 51 when he had the transplant. Now that I am 41 it really scares me. I wish I had MFP and had been motivated to do something when I was younger. Hopefully your dad will make some life style changes now that will help him to live longer. My heart goes out to you. ((((((super big hug)))))))

    I'm so sorry. Dads are hard to deal with. they are supposed to be supermen. My dad had a heartattack about five years ago, and underwent quintuple bypass surgery. I am notorious for being the "strong one" in the family. so after coaching my sister and mom on what to expect when visiting him after the surgery it was my turn. Yup, guess who went running out of ICU Bawling?? Hang in there. I truly believe in the power of prayer and good thoughts. Spend all the time with him you can, and know you have us to lean on.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Two people at my singing job today said I look like I am losing weight! :blushing: I am sooo excited!

    I like the Shrinking Into Summer title, too. Not sure if I get a vote - I am really new. :tongue:

    That's awesome!! Congrats!! :)
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey all you super heroes. i am glad you all like the "shrinking into summer" title when i thought of it i thought it was silly but cute. i had a very long day a work and i am completely wiped. thanks everyone for all your support. i will keep you guys posted on his condition and how im handling everything. you guys are awesome!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Happy Monday gals! I was total crabbypants this morning. Daylight Savings Time really doesn't help me, as it took me forever to fall asleep last night, and felt like I had to get up even earlier than normal. Plus, I was still in the 200s this morning :grumble: I know I'll get back down, but I'm not a happy camper.

    Today should be okay. I'm sitting in on a co-worker's therapy group in anticipation of starting my first one next week (yay!), so that should be interesting and informative. Pub trivia is on tonight, which should be fun, but my the 202 staring at the scale this morning isn't loving on that. So, i'm compromising- I will go, but can't do my normal meal. No beer, no veggie burger. A big salad it is with a a diet coke. IF i get my *kitten* to the rec center after my afternoon meeting and do an hour on the elliptical I will allow myself some french fries (If I eat as planned my other meals of the day). Should make the intake for the day not be too heinous.

    So I have a question for you all- do you have certain weight numbers you fixate on? See, my ultimate goal weight isn't anything specific other than getting into the healthy BMI range, but there are certain number I'm especially looking forward to bypassing. Beating 200 (let's forget the fact that I'm currently over again) was a biggie, but my next major number is 197, because that's my last check-in weight I did when I did Weight Watchers about 4ish years ago. While I was eating pretty healthy, I still viewed it as a diet and wasn't exercising, versus now, where I'm thinking of it more as a lifestyle change and getting healthy. So, getting under that 197 will be big. 187 is the next, as that was my weight on my physical to enter undergrad way back in 1999- it's a number that always sticks out to me still. Finally, I tend to gain my weight in 30's. I'll gain the weight and then stick at that weight for several years before gaining again, thus being around 230ish for a few years, 200 for a few years, and in college, I actually lost a freshman 15 instead of gained (thank you UNC for putting the freshman dorms so far away from classes), but the lowest I ever hit was 170. I could never hit the 160's, so when I get there (because I will damnit!), will be huge. Thoughts?

    I hope everyone has a lovely Monday and great start to the week!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My big numbers to hit are 220- what I was when I was in college (and before I met Joey), 200- what I was when I was 16....and anything after that I can't even begin to picture. I think I was about 160-170 in 7th grade (about 13 years old). I just can't imagine being that "small" again. I have the same goal though....not an actual number, just to be healthy. I'm hoping that healthy number is around the 140s though.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Well, my first number will be 200....for obvious reasons.
    Secondly, I want to get to 180 because that will be the lowest I've been in 4 years.........and a pre-baby weight.
    Then there is 170, because while I'd like to be lower, that is the weight that I'd allow myself to get pregnant at again.
    And, ultimately i'd like to sit somewhere around 150. I think I have my goal on here set at 145, but really we'll just have to see when I get that low.

    Not much planned today. Want to get a good work out in, then I need to go back to Wally World and get my son his "Thomas the train flashlight" he wants (he's been saving up coins). And then, who knows......maybe more packing. Only three weeks until we leave.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    So this weekend was crazy...both good and bad! Friday night was spent getting my hair cut and colored. That took about 4 hours since there were 3 of us going together! It was a long night...and I didn't get to do any type of workout, which made me feel blah.

    Saturday morning I went to boot camp at the gym...I thought I was dying. It was an amazing workout but I had to stop before it was over cause I was having horrible cramps in my sides and thought I was going to be sick. I now have bruises on both knees and upper arms from doing the obstacle course over and over again. It didn't help that they brought out the National Guardsmen to motivate us. Those are some tough boys! Saturday afternoon and Saturday night were not so good...my friends took me out for my birthday! I did behave pretty well... I only ate about a 1/4 of dinner and 1/8 of the appetizer ( I made sure to pass it around), but the drinks killed me. I didn't feel that guilty though, because I haven't been out in months and felt like it was a special occasion so it was ok. I felt like I had been beaten when I woke up yesterday though, so it was a lazy day.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    So I have a question for you all- do you have certain weight numbers you fixate on? See, my ultimate goal weight isn't anything specific other than getting into the healthy BMI range, but there are certain number I'm especially looking forward to bypassing. Beating 200 (let's forget the fact that I'm currently over again) was a biggie, but my next major number is 197, because that's my last check-in weight I did when I did Weight Watchers about 4ish years ago.

    I have the same goal of being under 200, which is apparently teasing me. I know I will get there, but it is just a matter of time. Now, my big goal is to be at the weight I was when I met hubby, 135lbs. I do see 135lb as a huge goal, but I have also told myself 150 is good and if I get to 135 that is the bonus round. Keeping it realistic is what is keeping me going.

    After I hit under 200 my next goal would be 185, just because I like that number. :smile: More then likely I will keep my goals between 10-15lbs until I get really close which is where I would do 5lbs increments. I know when you get closer you can lose slower and I don't want to feel discouraged.

    My final goal I wanted it to be a range and something I can maintain easily without being stressed. Although, I don't want my weight to be over 150 unless I am preggers,
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Chores are finished, laundry is going...need to get exercising in...but here I am...peeking in on everyone:bigsmile:

    I'm the same as you AKA...I just want to have a healthy BMI.....I'm one point away from being out of the obese catagory!

    I always have weighed close to the 200's in some fashion. But in 1990 I got serious and rocked myself down to 155, that was right before I got married....I weighed that for a whole year before getting pregnant......

    My magic number is 168...I think I would be happy at that weight.
    Right now I am just wanting to weigh less than my husband...which, lets see I've been heavier than him for probably the last 16 years:blushing: He weighed in this morning at 189..(he didin't do so well at outbacks yesterday...we met some friends there after a ball game).....so I am getting closer.....188 is my next target ....19 pounds to go....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I better get the exercise in...T.O.M. showed up last night and I'm crampy...hoping a workout will help. I'll check in later.
    ..Hugs Super Pals!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Ok ladies...just finished working out. Posting this, in hopes that it will sink into my brain!!!

    1400 calories left to eat today!!!!!

    I gotta stop under eating.
  • So sorry that I'm just posting my numbers... it was a busy, busy week! Thank God we are on SPRING BREAK yeah!!!

    GW for current challenge = 243 (2 lbs/week) - I'm going to still attmept to be at this weight by 3/26
    CW = 249
  • I wish I can say that.... this past weekend was NOT a good look. I ate waaayyyy to much.
    Ok ladies...just finished working out. Posting this, in hopes that it will sink into my brain!!!

    1400 calories left to eat today!!!!!

    I gotta stop under eating.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    First number: 197 -weight I weighed when I got pregnant
    Then 185, weight I weighed when I met my husband.

    I ran out of time too quickly this morning. First it was 6:20 when I got out of the shower, then it was 7:20 and I didn't have my lunch or my daughters lunch packed and we needed to leave 5 minutes ago! Yeesh.

    Crazxy day.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Hubby and I were talking last night about our nice belly flab lip thingy. (Movie "Click" with Adam Sandler) Anyway, DH says he wants to have plastic surgery to remove the excess skin because he does not think his stomach will go back. I said I don't think mine will. He said, "I don't see why not. It will, don't worry about it. I think you will not have a problem". Awe, so cute. It really made me feel good (idk why) that he thinks my belly flab lip thingy with go back to what it was when we met. The funny thing is I had the belly flab lip thingy when I met him, but it was tiny.

    **-**Oh, I am having a real problem eating all my calories. This is even before my exercise which leaves me with even more. What does everyone do? I eat 5-6 times a day and I am not that hungry.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439

    **-**Oh, I am having a real problem eating all my calories. This is even before my exercise which leaves me with even more. What does everyone do? I eat 5-6 times a day and I am not that hungry.

    ! I'm the last person who should give you advice on that.....I keep having that problem, and then get disappointed when I don't lose weight. I am the classic case of "starvation mode".
    I'm adding in smoothies/protein shakes, and not limiting myself quite so much at breakfast. Trying to have bigger breakfasts when the occasion allows. I'm adding in a Fiber one bar and glass of milk for morning snack. Just trying to add where I can.

    I'm just really, really watching my calories, and hoping my buddies will keep me in line!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I try to aim for a 350-450 breakfast every day. Lots of milk in the coffee, etc. About a 400-500 cal lunch...200-300 in snacks and then a 500ish cal dinner at least. That usually works for me.

    BIgger breakfasts are key for me to eat enough. And looking forward to a nightly treat helps too.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today has been hectic for me - 7 clients and not all close to home. I left by 8:15 this morning and got home at 5:45 then had to leave at 6:15 for my Eagles induction and I squeezed in dinner plus 15 min of ex in that break. I just got home and am having serious MFP superhero withdrawal.

    My special numbers 180 when I moved into my house in 1996, 160 when I got married 1991and grad high school 1986, and the dream would be 135 my lowest ever as a freshman in college.

    To eat more on high exercise days I drink milk (soy or 2%) with whey protein for 240 cal, use higher cal ThinkThin 240 bar vs normally eating 120 cal high protein bar, have been adding avocado and full fat dressing to salads, and eat more nuts.

    Have a great night.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Drum Roll please!!! I weighed myself tonight at the gym....206!! WOO HOO!

    And that unfortunately is all I have time for.

    Toodles ladies!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Drum Roll please!!! I weighed myself tonight at the gym....206!! WOO HOO!

    And that unfortunately is all I have time for.

    Toodles ladies!

    congrats lacey!!!!

    You'll all be proud to know I came in at 1800 calories today!!! Only 192 short. Sounds weird, but it took a lot of focus for me to do this, and not come in wayyyyyy under.

    pinbot.....something so simple, full fat salad dressing. Your a genius!!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    hey super heroes,
    sorry I haven't really responded to topics. I was going through alot. I finally got my bd out of my house for good. He got arrested for assault & battery. I was so stressed out & hurt. it has only been 6 hours, and I was real sad, but I feel so releived. Live is only gonna look up from here! AMEN!!:smile:
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