To the ladies who are 5'4"....



  • 5"4"
    Small frame
    131 lbs
    Size 3 pants
    I am 29
    And have 1 child a boy
    Goal is to stay healty and toned as much as possible
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    So very large, you should see how big my hands are, it's scary

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    143? Size 10

    - what is your goal weight and why?
    Not really goal weight.... Goal measurements lol. 36-24-36

    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)

    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )
  • 5"4"
    Small frame
    131 lbs
    Size 3 pants
    I am 29
    And have 1 child a boy
  • I guess Medium to Large build...

    I am 37, one child, 20 yrs old...

    5' 4"

    I weigh 176 currently, my goal weight is about 150... that is where I am most comfortable at a size 8 or so.

    Right now I am a tight 12 in jeans... I was a tight 16 when I started...
  • i am 54 years old

    157 lbs size 10-12 depending

    would like to get to 125

    2 kids

    really saggy,disgusting belly, which is where 90% of my weight is. sigh..

    medium build
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    5'3" .. large frame.. 155 size 10-12.. 38 years old.. 2 teenage kids
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )

    I am between 5'4" and 5'5"
    I am medium build and gain and show muscle quickly
    I weigh 149 currently and I wear a junior 9-11 depending on the brand (Mainly to fit over my legs and butt).
    My goal weight is 135 because this weight is when I felt my healthiest
    I am 24
    I have not had children and do not plan to for awhile.
  • majordlite
    majordlite Posts: 266 Member
    - what kind of build are you? Small, according to the wrist-size calculators
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? 124, anywhere from a 2 to an 8
    - what is your goal weight and why? 120, because that's what I used to feel my best at...not really a big deal, but there you have it.
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing) 48
    - and have you had any kids? I have a 30-month-old daughter, c-section
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I am 5'3.5, large (?) Frame

    Currently weight is 177lbs and I wear size 10

    Goal weight is 130

    Age is 24

    No kids yet
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    5.4 medium frame
    132 size 4/6
    Gw: 125 ( Started at 192) - I really kind of randomly picked it. Though I have been that small in my younger days.
    Kids: Four kids, two regular births, 1 emergency c-section , and 1 VBAC
  • I'm 5'41/2", small frame
    Currently weigh 131 and I wear mostly a size 6
    Goal weight is 125 - this is a weight I feel most comfortable with
    Age is 58.
    3 daughters - ages 31, 29 and 26.
  • I've been 5'4.5" for years...but as the weight came off and I started to stand up straighter, I now measure closer to 5'5" but anyway:

    - what kind of build are you? medium to large if going by wrist measurement compared to height, athletic to be sure

    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? 150 lbs, sz 6- 8

    - what is your goal weight and why? Don't have a goal weight - but I have a goal bodyfat % - currently about 24%, wanting to get to 18-20% (if I continue slowly recomping as I have been, I should be about 130-140# when this happens)

    - how old are you? 32 yo

    - and have you had any kids? Two of them - DD is 14, DS is 10.
  • karawRN
    karawRN Posts: 311
    I am 5"3 with a medium frame
    I currently weigh 131.2 :) a size 6 sounds about right
    My goal is 125 lbs
    I am 21 years old
    I have had one daughter by c section. She is now 4 years old
  • I am 5'5 with a medium build

    I weigh 174 lbs and im a size 13

    My goal weight is 135-140 lbs and because i want to feel better about myself again and be happy with myself

    I am 20 yrs old

    i have no children
  • I am a small build. I weigh 136 pounds and wear a size 6.
    My goal weight is 115-120 pounds since I am a small frame and carry extra in my tummy. I am 23 and no children.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    To you ladies who are 5'4", some questions :)

    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    medium-large, most measure "tests" put me on the border
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    I weigh 150ish and am wearing a 6/8 depending on vanity sizing... but I have no wiggle room in the thighs and lots in the waist. Accidentally pulled my pants up without unbuttoning them today
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    137 is my goal and that's because it should be about 18% body fat. I don't really care much about the number, I wanna look good naked. I do, however, want to get below 143 because it's just a point of pride that BMI classifies me as overweight and I don't like it lol
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body! ;) )
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    - what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large)
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear?
    - what is your goal weight and why?
    - how old are you (if you don't mind sharing)
    - and have you had any kids? (I know from experience that can affect your body!
  • - what kind of build are you? Small! I
    - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? I weigh 124 and a 0 or a 2 in pants.
    - what is your goal weight and why? 118 because I think then my stomach and legs will be a tad smaller which is my goal.
    - how old are you? 19.
    - and have you had any kids? no!
  • Medium-athletic ( larger muscles)
    Goal weight is 145 -150, I haven't seen 135 since high school and I work out alot and muscle is heavy.
    Wear 12- want to wear 8 ( wide hips prevent the dip to a size 6)
    44 years young
    two grown young men - and Airman and a Sailor -
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" with a large frame.

    I am currently 174lbs and my pants are floundering between a 12 and 14 depending on the brand. I'm between sizes at the moment, which makes running fun. *sarcasm*

    I don't really have a concrete number nailed down for my weight goal. If I had to say, it would be 134lbs, which would place me at the upper range of normal on BMI. I've lost 30 pounds already and it wasn't that difficult (don't throw rotten tomatoes at me!!) so I figure 30 more pounds should be a great motivation to work extra hard to see the results I want. With that being said, I'd rather be in the overweight BMI section by the numbers but be super fit and strong. I don't care about the number on a scale. I calculate my health based on how I FEEL not what the scale says.

    I'm 3 days shy of 27.

    I have not given birth to any children.