Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • snapril68
    snapril68 Posts: 76 Member
    I know a lot of us have gone through that moment where we decided enough is enough and it is time to do something about our bodies.

    For me, it was going out with my girlfriends in nyc and being the only one from our group not approached by a man that night. I was left alone at the bar all night while all my girlfriends were mingling.
    I don't think I was not approached because I was unattractive but was because I was unhappy and insecure about myself for being overweight and it showed. Having gorgeous friends did not help my self esteem either lol :)

    Same exact thing happened with me when I went out with my best friend. She is blonde, beautiful, and thin! And she was constantly getting hit on while I was on the sidelines. After that and looking back at pictures of us that night I decided to finally kick it into gear and do something about it. This happened back in August of this year and now I'm 2 pant sizes smaller and feeling amazing about my health and weight! Even though she kick started my motivation I had been wanting to lose the weight for quite a while. Glad I finally did something about it :)
  • snapril68
    snapril68 Posts: 76 Member
    I know a lot of us have gone through that moment where we decided enough is enough and it is time to do something about our bodies.

    For me, it was going out with my girlfriends in nyc and being the only one from our group not approached by a man that night. I was left alone at the bar all night while all my girlfriends were mingling.
    I don't think I was not approached because I was unattractive but was because I was unhappy and insecure about myself for being overweight and it showed. Having gorgeous friends did not help my self esteem either lol :)

    Same exact thing happened with me when I went out with my best friend. She is blonde, beautiful, and thin! And she was constantly getting hit on while I was on the sidelines. After that and looking back at pictures of us that night I decided to finally kick it into gear and do something about it. This happened back in August of this year and now I'm 2 pant sizes smaller and feeling amazing about my health and weight! Even though she kick started my motivation I had been wanting to lose the weight for quite a while. Glad I finally did something about it :)

    funny thing is now I weigh 15 lbs less than her which is kind of ironic! Lol
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    The arrival of my niece. Now that she's crawling it's just a matter of time until she's walking and I want to keep up with her AND be a good rolemodel for her too.
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I was fat, unhappy and my motivation was so low I didn't even want to play video games. I just saw how I looked on my sports bike and I didn't want to look like Donkey Kong riding a golf ball.
  • carebearhere
    carebearhere Posts: 37 Member
    For me, it was being told by a skinny friend that she thought I and my larger friend were the about the same size, enough was enough, and I knew I had to drop the blubber. So I made an effort to lose weight, and it kinda worked, and now obese friend thinks of me as larger friend haha, yay. (I'm trying to help larger friend lose weight too, but education is everything)
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    Tired of only a couple pair of my dress pants actually fitting properly and refusing to buy larger clothes. A good friend introduced my to this site and I haven't looked back yet. All my pants fit again and the dress pants I referred to are now too big to wear!
  • ThePartyGoblin
    I was on Facebook going through photos when I realized it had been a good 3-4 years since I let anyone take a photo of me that included my whole body, not just my face! I started noticing that I'd try to hide behind other people in group shots, too! I decided to make a body I was proud of!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I was really, really tired of feeling like *kitten* about myself

    Yep, me too!
  • leligrace
    I have a Diabetes and being overweight is a big no no for a diabetic person so I really to be in a good shape. Well of course to look good too. Who woman doesn't want to have a good looking body?
  • angelizer
    I sprained my back at work. i love my job but it involves a lot of lifting and carrying and im only 24 i dont want to have reaccuring back problems for the rest of my life. so its time to drop some weight and get my muscles stronger so i can keep doing what enjoy.
  • stace_19
    stace_19 Posts: 24 Member
    I met and married my ex husband young and we had two young children when I found out he was cheating on me and physically abusing our two yr old son. I was already big from the two pregnancies but after this, my emotional eating sky rocketed. I ate nothing but crap and was eating a block of chocolate every day!!! I didnt think there was a problem until my mum had a stroke earlier this year from smoking. I too was a smoker and it scared me that I was heading in the same direction. However, it didn't scare me enough to want to change.

    Five months passed and it wasn't until May this year that I knew something had to change. My light bulb moment cam,e when I went to buy some new jeans for the winter just gone. I tried on a Size 18 and I couldn't even get the button and the button hole to meet. So had to buy a Size 20.. I was devastated. My sister was around the same size as myself and began to use MFP. She lost 5kg or so and encouraged me to join and begin to lose weight as well. From then I haven't looked back. In six months I have lost just over 10kg and I feel so much better about myself!

    It helps that I have my sister to encourage me and vice versa. But the friends you gain on MFP are just as amazingly supportive. So thanks to everyone who has helped me on my weight loss journey so far, you guys are incredible! :)
  • ReechANI
    ReechANI Posts: 7 Member
    It was when I stepped on to my scale and read 310 pounds. It scared the daylights out of me because two months earlier I was at 288, I saw that I was gaining weight too fast. Did not help that I could no longer fit into size 40 pants. I am slowly losing the weight and felt a bit better since.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    A few things did but the first time I ever contemplated losing weight was when I started studying nursing at uni back in February. I was the biggest girl in ever class I had that semester and it made me feel so low, how can a girl so overweight encourage others to be healthy? I had a check up for a cold and the scales read 115kg! I used to be at a moderate size back in high school (walking everyday, eating healthier) but after working at McDonalds and numerous take outs I put on the kilos. When meeting my fiance he said he would love me no matter what size I was and I made that an excuse to indulge in a lot of unhealthy habits. When my mum had a stroke I started thinking about my own health and future and got off my butt! Now 21kg later its like second nature to me!
    I met and married my ex husband young and we had two young children when I found out he was cheating on me and physically abusing our two yr old son. I was already big from the two pregnancies but after this, my emotional eating sky rocketed. I ate nothing but crap and was eating a block of chocolate every day!!! I didnt think there was a problem until my mum had a stroke earlier this year from smoking. I too was a smoker and it scared me that I was heading in the same direction. However, it didn't scare me enough to want to change.

    Five months passed and it wasn't until May this year that I knew something had to change. My light bulb moment cam,e when I went to buy some new jeans for the winter just gone. I tried on a Size 18 and I couldn't even get the button and the button hole to meet. So had to buy a Size 20.. I was devastated. My sister was around the same size as myself and began to use MFP. She lost 5kg or so and encouraged me to join and begin to lose weight as well. From then I haven't looked back. In six months I have lost just over 10kg and I feel so much better about myself!

    It helps that I have my sister to encourage me and vice versa. But the friends you gain on MFP are just as amazingly supportive. So thanks to everyone who has helped me on my weight loss journey so far, you guys are incredible! :)

    You go Stace, I am glad we are in this together! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    I didn't start out intending to lose weight. I was terribly frustrated and depressed over my sons medical issues. I felt like I was losing it. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with a bottle of pills, wanting to end it all. I decided I needed to wait until someone was here to take car of the kids so I planned on waiting til the next morning. I saw my shoes sitting on the floor and decided just to go for a walk to get away from the issues at hand and think. I felt so much better after my walk so I kept walking, every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times. Then I decided to watch what I eat and the weight started to melt off.
  • Elise_healthy4life
    Elise_healthy4life Posts: 182 Member
    The moment I had my beautiful little girl I knew I had to change so that I could be the best mum I could :)
  • vsantos001
    All my life I avoided wearing clothes that showed my arms or were too tight in the midsection area. I have never worn a bikini until just last month, and even then I felt insecure and unhappy. My insecurities have lead me to end good relationships and think low of myself for years. Always knew I could be a better person, always imagined and pictured how I would look like and feel at my goal weight... but never really put my mind to it. Turning 22 now and decided that ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Putting myself first and taking care of my health and body is the very first step to becoming who I have always dreamed of being. So I woke up one day and decided its time to change and start living the life I've always wanted. :)
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    After avoiding gaining the freshman 15 all last year, I had a huge fight that ended a toxic sort of relationship. I ate a superhuman amount of junk, since I gained 13 pounds in a 4-6 week span.

    This was on top of the thirty pounds overweight I already was. I felt ridiculous and big and my pants didn't fit. So, I set off to at least lose the 13, and then I kept going because it wasn't that hard and I still wasn't a fan of my body.

    Also, I'm awkward enough around boys as it is, I don't need my body making me feel worse. Plus, I like to be active, and when I run my next half marathon I want to look like I actually belong.
  • sareyezz23
    I'd been trying to lose weight for years and it always went up and down but when I stepped on the scales and saw 258, it took a while to sink in how heavy i was it didn't really believe it i thought it was just a bad week and it wouldn't be so high next week, then i started to really look at myself in the mirror and realized my clothes were looking tighter and i could see all the fat bulging out. That same day a friend of my brothers put a picture up from my nephews christening and i looked huge! That's when i realized those scales weren't lying i really had let myself get that heavy so i restarted this app just over 4 months ago and I've almost lost 30lbs which is amazing and I'm so proud, i think after xmas i might have to buy new clothes but for the right reasons now.
  • melimann
    melimann Posts: 24 Member
    My huge motivation this time (there have been many attempts in the past) is a huge family vacation planned for next June. It is going to be my parent's 50th wedding anniversary so my parents have rented one of those huge homes on Myrtle Beach for my family and my two sister's families. I want to feel comfortable in my body and wearing a bathing suit :glasses:
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    Ugh, I found out in April this year that my horrible work is enforcing DISGUSTING uniforms on us as of January 1st. They are made for exactly one body type. I'm still extremely NOT IMPRESSED about the whole thing. But it was the push that I needed. It gave me a goal to work towards. Although I realised quite a while ago that even if I reach goal weight before I have to wear them they will still make me look completely awful.