Do you think milk is safe?



  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Try raw, grass-fed milk from a local dairy farmer.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Can anyone tell me why humans would need to consume milk from another species? Or when consume it as adults?
    Why do you need to consume particular species of vegetables from different countries? It's not about need. It's available. It tastes good. There are lots of health benefits. Hence, people consume it.


    Milk is a yummy way to get good nutrition. It isn't necessary, but provided you have no intolerance, why not eat/drink what is both nutritious and yummy?
  • melanogaster
    The Masai live pretty much entirely on milk and cow blood; I have never heard that they had an elevated cancer rate. Rather the opposite, actually.

    Granted, their cows don't have the crazy hormones and antibiotics that your standard agribusiness dairy does. If you're concerned, organic milk is probably the way to go.

    I've seen the occasional suggestion that homogenization or ultra-pasteurization create carcinogens in milk; I certainly don't have enough science background to tell if that's so or not. It could be, but most of the places I see this claim are sources I'd characterize as "flaky". I did find some milk from a local farm where they raise the cows organically, 100% on grass and hay, and the milk is "low-temperature pasteurized" and not homogenized. It tasted pretty fantastic, but I don't know if it was actually healthier. It was also a fair bit more expensive.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Try raw, grass-fed milk from a local dairy farmer.

    not sure but is this even an option for many people? I cant imagine any farm within 200 miles of me that has grass fed stock
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    Milk is not safe. Studies show the cassein is linked to cancer in animals as well as all the other problems. But it's also very difficult to eliminate milk from the diet. I do Soy and Almond milk, but I still have cheese and other dairy occasionally. I suppose that's better than nothing. Want to know who came up with the idea that we should drink milk everyday and give it to our children? Housewives in the 1950s. Milk does NOT do a body good.

    Please cite these studies so we can get past the hyperbole

    And btw - milk does MY body good

    hmm Interesting , up to 45% of the protein from human breast milk contains cassein does that mean babies drinking breast milk
    have a higher incidence of cancer ?
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Don't drink it, don't eat dairy, don't miss it , not sure if its toxic though...however I do love beef!! lol
    <~~~ Addicted to chocolate milk... :sad:
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I think anything can give you cancer these days :laugh:
    The biggest issue with milk (that I know of) is that it's very high in fat that is made to fatten up cows, therefore can add a lot of fat to humans.
    I think if you have skim you should be fine.
  • RawrWolfie
    RawrWolfie Posts: 64 Member
    So its "bad to eat/drink milk or cheeses" but its okay to eat the meat? I'd think the meat would be more cancer-causing if anything.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Don't listen to nasty rumors! Some dairies do use hormones on their cows to maximize milk production, but they are required by law to make that information public. Just do a little research on the milk that you buy. Call the store where you purchase your milk and ask which dairy they use to supply it. Then, Google the dairy online. It should be relatively easy to find out if the dairy uses RBST.

    Other than that, I wouldn't worry yourself with it much beyond that. Cancer is not something that just happens because you ate a particular type of food. People have to have a sensitivity to carcinogens. There isn't really anyway to test for sensitivities to carcinogens and there are too many types of carcinogens and types of cancers to establish solid relationships between them... so studies can only coorelate a connection between carcinogens in foods and the potential for cancer. Causation can only be established in controlled studies where scientists can know which carcinogens they are looking at and which types of cancer they suspect cause them. Science is far from achieving this.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I think anything can give you cancer these days :laugh:
    The biggest issue with milk (that I know of) is that it's very high in fat that is made to fatten up cows, therefore can add a lot of fat to humans.
    I think if you have skim you should be fine.

    dietary fat is not the cause of fat in humans

    too many calories is the Only reason for humans being fat

    if you want the full benefits and taste of milk, skim or fat free is not the way to go
  • melanogaster
    Try raw, grass-fed milk from a local dairy farmer.

    I don't think I'd drink raw milk unless I was raising the cow myself, and even then I'd think twice. The number of disease that can be passed cow-to-human through milk is staggering, and most of them are really bad ways to go. That doesn't mean you have to drink ultra-pasteurized milk that's pretty much just done for store shelf-life purposes; a lower-temperature pasteurization will still kill off tuberculosis, brucellosis, diptheria...

    If you do go for raw milk, ask your local farmer a lot of questions about the health of the cows and the conditions they (and the milk!) are kept in. This is one of those cases where poor cleanliness can kill you.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You can hear this sort of thing about almost any food. While it's true food animals are fed food that may contain unhealthy things and also injected with antibiotics and HGH, you can avoid this with organic milk and foods and grass fed meat. I stopped milk long ago. The last year or so I noticed white spots under my nails. I figured it was ago. I started drinking two or three glasses of chocolate milk a day post-workout and to my surprise, the white spots disappeared. So I think we need milk. Not calcium tablets that can be hard on the heart but real calcium from real milk and foods.

    Don't listen to what people say. Read valid studies on things you question --- real science. Then base your decision on what is proven and what science knows to be true. Keep in mind too that studies are not all equal.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    lactose intolerance stats

    Lactose Intolerant Statistics
    Total percentage of people who are lactose intolerant 33%
    Total percentage of adults that have a decrease in lactase activity 75%
    Total percentage of people who maintain ability to digest lactose after childhood 40%
    Total number of Americans who are lactose intolerant 40 million
    Total percent of all African-American, Jewish, Mexican-American, and Native American Adults who are lactose intolerant 75%
    Total percent of Asian-Americans that are lactose intolerant 90%
    Average amount of time it takes for side effects of lactose intolerance to occur after intake 30 min

    As you can see only about 40% of people don't have lactose intolerance.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I think anything can give you cancer these days :laugh:
    The biggest issue with milk (that I know of) is that it's very high in fat that is made to fatten up cows, therefore can add a lot of fat to humans.
    I think if you have skim you should be fine.

    dietary fat is not the cause of fat in humans

    too many calories is the Only reason for humans being fat

    if you want the full benefits and taste of milk, skim or fat free is not the way to go

    Actually, it is a common misconception that cow's milk, as it comes from the cow, is full of fat. Whole milk, 2%, and 1% all have added fat. Nonfat milk has no added fat.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    so the fat in milk is healthy?

    Tell me more about how healthy saturated fat is.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I am lactose intolerant, my wife is lactose intolerant, yet we continue to consume Dairy in all it's tasty forms. We buy lactose milk, we take a lactase enzyme daily and I haven't had a crippling gas attack in months if not years. I am only afraid of RAW milk from a farm that doesn't test their cows for TB (which can be a raw milk issue), it's a shame because those farms usually have the best cheese.

    Drink your milk if you want it I do :drinker:
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    We're the only species that drinks another animal's milk

    My cat drinks cows milk.

    Not naturally (in the wild - part of an animals natural diet) -- your cat drinks it because you give it to him/her. And BTW, most vets would suggest you stop.


    The tile floor in this pic leads me to believe that these rats are not in the wild....
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    lactose intolerance stats

    Lactose Intolerant Statistics
    Total percentage of people who are lactose intolerant 33%
    Total percentage of adults that have a decrease in lactase activity 75%
    Total percentage of people who maintain ability to digest lactose after childhood 40%
    Total number of Americans who are lactose intolerant 40 million
    Total percent of all African-American, Jewish, Mexican-American, and Native American Adults who are lactose intolerant 75%
    Total percent of Asian-Americans that are lactose intolerant 90%
    Average amount of time it takes for side effects of lactose intolerance to occur after intake 30 min

    As you can see only about 40% of people don't have lactose intolerance.

    Lies lies and damed statistics. They are very one sided. There are reasons for some of those outside of diet as far as I am aware, especially the asian.
  • melanogaster

    Actually, it is a common misconception that cow's milk, as it comes from the cow, is full of fat. Whole milk, 2%, and 1% all have added fat. Nonfat milk has no added fat.

    ...where does butter come from?

    Holstein milk has 3 - 3.5% butterfat; Jerseys have around 4.8% butterfat; Guernseys and Brown Swiss are somewhere between that (I think 4% and 4.5%, respectively).