About 600lbs, Time to Lose a Few



  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Dani! Glad to see you have joined the community here..u are on the right track for sure! I have struggled with my weight all my life..I was almost 300 lbs when I started this..now Im less than 2 pounds to being under 200! MFP is the best way to start! I too had a hard time excersing when I started..but start small and push hard when you do even if its only for 20 mins,...believe me once u stick with it u will find it comes easier and easier each day! U will find all kinds of support on here. Feel free to add me as well..we are all in the struggle together..u can do this girl!
  • chickie11
    chickie11 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Dani!!
    I started my weight loss journey at 443...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I did a very extreme low calorie diet..but had I found MFP...I think I would have just done it here. First of all I would reccomend a nutritionist..your doctor can refer you to one that your insurance will pay for...lets face it...learning what to eat is key. I wouldnt worry about extreme exercise right now either...chair arobics are great!! You dont want an injury..this would be a set back! Friends here! OMG I have tons of amazing friends!!!!! I want to add you..come here everyday...i check in all day long and it keeps me going!!!!
    You can do this! IF I COULD you could!!!!! You have come to the right place!! Im a diary stalker! I look at everyones food diary and it teaches me how to eat for 1 person! I used to eat for 3!!!!
    My name is Mary and Im Chickie11....
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    The first step is the hardest. You've done that. Now it's just dedication. I'm not in the same boat, but will definitely be supportive and encouraging. My first words of advice are - if you have a set back, do NOT let it stop your progress. We all have slip ups, we all have bad days. Do not let it start making you beat yourself up, or make you think you can't do it. You CAN do it. Every meal is a fresh start. I would definitely talk with your doctor about how to start this process, see if they can refer you to a nutritionist to help get you started.

    Just remember you CAN do this!

    Feel free to add me.
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Dani,

    Well done for taking the first steps; seeing the doctor and signing up for MFP.

    Moving will be hard at first, but it will get easier - I promise. A little each day and you'll soon see (and more importantly feel) the difference. You will surprise yourself with what you can achieve; I did.

    As others have stated, start slow - this is a lifestyle change. Move a little each day, drink more water, log your food - every bite.

    Educate yourself in nutrition so you will understand the why to some rules (this is really helpful for me).

    I started at 440 earlier this year and am down 81lbs so far. MFP has been central to my success. Seeing the numbers in black and white really helped me make better choices.

    We are very proud of you for taking control of your life and your health.

    Feel free to add me and know this: You....Can....Do.....This!

  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome!!! You made the right decision to take control of your health. The best advice that I'd give you is to start with small changes in your everyday life. If you can walk as far as you can, maybe to the end of the drive way, work your way up until you can safely walk to the end of the street. With food, make small changes as well. Dont go cold turkey. I tried that and only gave into tempation.
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    Hi and welcome to MFP! You took the hardest step...you are here. Let this place be what it is ...a great place for support.
    It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
    One day at a time...you are worth it.
    Friend me if you like, I would be honored to help.
  • samanthawarren
    One of my friends Mollie1037 was in the same range as you. I think she started at 611 and is down below 388 now. She is very positive. You should check out her profile. I felt like the 120 lbs I needed to lose was huge, and she is an inspiration to me. You can add me if you like as well.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I'm not your size but I am so happy and so proud of you for taking charge and making a change! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • rejordan
    rejordan Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Dani! I commend your bravery for posting your feelings for all to read. It takes alot of strength to admit where you are and how you feel about it. Its not easy at any weight to get started, but once you do, you will be happy you did. I have to say, there are alot of people on MFP that will motivate you and lift your spirits when you feel like you " just dont want to do it today".
    I have found that I drank alot of my calories in the form of soda, iced tea and even frappes from McDonalds. I had to switch to diet drinks and if I do have something with sugar, I decrease the amount Im drinking. I dont like feeling like Im on a diet! I still eat what I want, but less of it.
    Please give yourself a chance to succeed. You can do it! Add me as a friend if you want.
    Also, you might like resistance bands. There are plenty of different moves you can do-especially arm exercises-from a chair. All it takes is getting started! I hope you continue to log in. Dont be ashamed of who you are. what you look like or what you eat. You are human and have feelings. Be proud that you have decided to make a lifestyle change!
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    You're definitely in the right place to start your weightloss journey. Whatever you do, don't think of this as a diet. It is a lifestyle change...live-it! The weight didn't go on over night, and it will take some time to get off for good. You have to change your relationship with food and exercise.

    You can do this, Dani!
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
    welcome... i am a personal trainer... if you need help feel free to add me and good luck with everything, we all support you!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm not your size, but you can add me as a friend and be able to check out my diary, I log in every day. I'm doing 1300 calories, I try to eat high quality foods, limit processed foods. Good Luck on your journey.
  • blackmantis
    blackmantis Posts: 165 Member
    Why was it difficult consideration? Just curious!
  • ggpalmer
    Hi Dani! Hang in there, I know its a struggle but I support you 100%. I just started my diet and exercise program about 2 weeks ago and I'm going to stick with it no matter what. Best wishes...:flowerforyou:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Hi Dani - I'm so glad you found MFP because it does really help. Please add me as a friend if you would like as I would be happy to be supportive of you and have your support in return.

    There is an amazing gentleman on this site that I find to be so inspirational, and I know he wouldn't mind my sharing his information with you. His name is Ed Davenport and he has a great blog with his story, pictures of his progress, helpful information, and is wonderful because he's "been there" and has a great committment to pay-it-forward in terms of helping others. Here's a link to his blog - I've subscribed and I bet it would be helpful to you, too.


    Best wishes to you in your journey, and I look forward to seeing your amazing progress pictures on here!
  • SStrauss79
    SStrauss79 Posts: 124 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step. I have over 100lbs to lose and when I first started working out it was not easy for me either. Start small. Do some things while sitting down. Get a 5lb weight and do some exercises. Try workout bands. Search the internet for exercises to do while sitting down. As far as getting up and moving...go for small short walks. Every couple of days increase those walks to a little further. Before you know it you will be doing great things. I'm excited for you and look forward to seeing where this journey takes you.
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    I have 100+ to lose... you are an inspiration for joining. Add me if you want support! Good luck!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    thats fkn awesome u gonna lose sooooooo much weight in the frst few months but stick to it ! , anything is possible if your mind is right . if you have patience and realise that getting a good body is a lifestyle change then u are A for away !
    iv already got a good feeling bout u!
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi Dani, it is nice to see you, and you have made the right decision. I did send you a add request. I feel this is the best place to be, I have gotten so much support and motivation to have gotten where I am today, but still have more to go......Hang in there, and we are all here to help you.......GOOD LUCK!!!!! Joann:heart:
  • TreeHugger2013
    TreeHugger2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello! I am not your size either, but if you are looking for support and positive energy, feel free to add me. This isn't easy by any means ... but I promise you, it will be worth it! :smile: