Thanksgiving Help....dreading the Food Pushers!



  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    There are always going to be food pushers in our lives and we're always going to be in situations where food is the centerpiece. However, nobody is stuffing food down your throat except for yourself!

    Maybe I'll remember that over the holidays myself!!
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    I can't do things in "moderation". I've tried to eat one cookie but it always leads to more. I know this about myself and do my best to stay away from it. This year, I'm only going to my Mother-in-Law's for Thanksgiving and I have no problem telling her no! Otherwise, I'm surrounded by 5-10 desserts (I kid you not), dips, chips, and most everything cooked an unhealthy manor other than the turkey. I've said "no thank you" enough times that my family usually only asks once now instead of pushing more. They know how hard I've been working and what I want.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    Wow!! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and one day of indulgence and enjoyment will not de rail the whole process. I would be OFFENDED if I had prepared a Thanksgiving feast and someone brought a Lean Cuisine. Don't do that!! Talk to your hostess and plan a couple of healthy choices together. Get a good work out in, take a little of your favorites, fill up on veggies, and enjoy the company. Talk a lot--you won't have time to put food in your mouth!! Sheesh, people. This is a holiday, and a time to be thankful. Enjoy it!!
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I just say no thank you and go on. This is my reply to any food or beverage it don't want to consume. No reason to give a reason. If they ask you can reply "why do you want to know? " and change the conversation.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    I was always to to SAY NO TO DRUGS.....but in this case, replace drugs with FOOD.
    Either this or just take your plate, eat, and then barricade yourself in with claymore, C4 traps, and a trusty M14.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I have to agree with everyone else you seem to be ignoring on this thread.

    It's ONE day, and as someone who makes a life style change you CANNOT expect to NEVER enjoy yourself with your family. You know what you do every other day so this really shouldnt be an issue. If you believe that one day will off set all this effort you say you've put into your body than you are seriously mistaken.

    Life style changes require a good relationship with food and not a let me cause unnecessary problems with my family because I can't sit down, eat first what i know is healthier choices and then IF I am still hungry, enjoy the rest of the food.

    Loosen up.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    I am not ignoring everyone. I just haven't been at my computer to respond.

    There has been some wonderful advice on here. Especially being more concerned about what you eat from Christmas to Thanksgiving. I really appreciate everyone's feedback because this is a real issue for me.

    I certainly don't think that one day will ruin my entire life. However, I am really trying hard to take control of my life and my health. I have worked so hard. I am not trying to be a kill joy...if anything I am thinking too much of other's feelings and trying to balance my mom's feelings and what I need to do for me. I am not telling everyone that they can't bring all of their food made with a pound of butter. I am just saying that I am going to bring some healthier options.

    Unfortunately in my family, the food is the center of all of our gatherings. This isn't the first time that I have declined to eat the crap and stick with the healthy things at family functions. I know what follows. I know of the pouting and the endless begging of me to try something that she has worked so hard on. But I didn't ask for it and I don't want it.

    I also know that I have NO WILL POWER. That is what got me into this mess in the first place.

    I have to agree with everyone else you seem to be ignoring on this thread.

    It's ONE day, and as someone who makes a life style change you CANNOT expect to NEVER enjoy yourself with your family. You know what you do every other day so this really shouldnt be an issue. If you believe that one day will off set all this effort you say you've put into your body than you are seriously mistaken.

    Life style changes require a good relationship with food and not a let me cause unnecessary problems with my family because I can't sit down, eat first what i know is healthier choices and then IF I am still hungry, enjoy the rest of the food.

    Loosen up.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You dont have willpower cause you dont want it.
  • TexanThom
    One day did not make you fat. One day WILL NOT make you fat. Enjoy it, for crying out loud!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your mother and the rest of your family have nothing to do with the pact youve made with your body.


    I wouldn't even have the conversation. I would make what I planned to make, show up and eat what I want and not worry about it. Once you put it out there that you are purposely not eating things, people will notice.

    Anyway, your mother is right. It's one day. Let go and enjoy yourself.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Nancy Reagan had wonderful advice in the 80s just for this situation.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    We are going to my husband's aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I fully intend to bring my Lean Cuisine. I don't care who gets mad or pouts! I have worked too hard and too long to have a "binge day" :smile:

    Wow. That's kind of sad to think of eating a little tiny box while everyone else enjoys the feast. Whatever floats your boat though.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Here's what I would do: First, fill yourself up with healthier foods, like lean turkey, some roast potatoes, fresh fruit and a really big green salad with tons of vegetables. Once you're fairly confident you can control yourself to eat only a little bit, take tiny portions of her food to be polite, then just have a small taste of each. When your mom pushes you to have more, just tell her how full you are, and itwassodeliciousthankyoubutIreallycouldn'teatanotherbite!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Don't leave me in suspense! :)
    Nancy Reagan had wonderful advice in the 80s just for this situation.
  • danielleryan01
    danielleryan01 Posts: 2 Member
    I thought this was a motivational/support board, not a 'quit complaining' board... There are some good tips people have posted. I especially liked the one about helping out with the kids to keep busy instead of eating. I think we are all aware that one day wont kill us, but during this time of year, one day can easily turn into one month, which can turn into, eh, Ill get back on board in the New Year, which may or may not happen. I think some of us are more or less looking for advice and tips to keep it healthy AND still be able to enjoy ourselves. Yes, moderation is always the key, but obviously if we were good at that we wouldnt be on this site! LOL. Thanks for many of the tips that will help us stick with it and make better decisions this year :)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    What I would do and intend to do over the various meals and parties the holidays bring is just be extra good calorie wise the rest of the week and add a bit more exercise into my routine and then don't sweat it on the big family meals, just eat have fun and get back on the wagon the next day. However I think your intention of contributing some steamed veggies is a good compromise maybe do the naughty version too for everyone else and to keep your Mum happy so you can still have a big plateful and just moderate the naughty stuff. I also find having an odd day of high cals actually gives my metabolism (and morale) a good boost. :D

    Good luck with whatever you decide and hope you have a great day!
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    We are going to my husband's aunt's house for Thanksgiving and I fully intend to bring my Lean Cuisine. I don't care who gets mad or pouts! I have worked too hard and too long to have a "binge day" :smile:

    Wow. That's kind of sad to think of eating a little tiny box while everyone else enjoys the feast. Whatever floats your boat though.

    i would never bring a boxed food to anyones house for the holidays when they have spent all day cooking and getting food ready. i will be enjoying thanksgiving and eating what i want in small portions....even dessert.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    Another great point...maybe even having the conversation is a bad idea.
    And I couldn't agree more that it is a pact I've made with my body. Just worried about hurting my mom's feelings.
    Your mother and the rest of your family have nothing to do with the pact youve made with your body.


    I wouldn't even have the conversation. I would make what I planned to make, show up and eat what I want and not worry about it. Once you put it out there that you are purposely not eating things, people will notice.

    Anyway, your mother is right. It's one day. Let go and enjoy yourself.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Eat what you can and don't complain.
  • kimika23
    kimika23 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm travelling to my sister's for Thanksgiving. I completely failed to mention my new "diet" to her (low/no processed foods, no dairy - except butter, or gluten). I called her last night and she sounded upset. She'd already done the grocery shopping and planned out most of the meals for the week. I don't want to be a bad house guest. I'm just going to do my best to make good choices and try not to offend her at the same time. Plus, if it's between starving and eating bacon...I guess I'm just going to eat bacon! I need to keep my calories up to net 1200 at least!

    Good luck to everyone and hopefully through MFP we can all motivate each other to make good choices and not offend OR be persuaded into falling back into bad habits.