I want honest opinions?



  • I think you look great in the first pic, good in the 3rd and to skinny in the middle one xxx
  • You were way too skinny in the middle picture. You looked rather unhealthy. I like the 1st and 3rd pictures the best.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I think you look better in the 3rd picture.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm in shock right not, that you put up with that crap from your boyfriend. I'm not bashing you but no man should talk like that to the person he is with. I love and support my wife no matter how big or small she is. I would NEVER in a million years tell her she needs to lose weight! Drop his sorry *kitten*.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I agree with most of what has been said. Best advice to forget the scales, hit the weights and develop some strength and power. You won't miss the boyfriend very long!

    Agrees with this!

    There is a lot more to being healthy than being thin. Do some weight training, eat lean proteins, do lots of fun things!
  • in all honestly you did not look too big in the 1st pic-especially for your height.
    i think thew middle pic is waay to skinny-you dont look healthy.
    i think the last pic, you look best :)
  • Jenner0785
    Jenner0785 Posts: 4 Member
    IMO you look great in the first pic! Good luck in whatever you choose to do but kick the bf to the curb :)
  • ChadHissong
    ChadHissong Posts: 3 Member
    Stay at your current weight, you look good!!!
  • Eh honestly, I like the first picture of you the best. You looked cuter there imo.
  • HappilyLifts
    HappilyLifts Posts: 429 Member
    I have to say I think you look most healthy in picture 1.
    I'm 5ft7 and weighed 136 pounds and was a bit bony. I was 146 pounds after I had my first child and that's where I'm heading back to.
    Hope you can find somewhere you're happy at.
  • Don't drop the weight. Drop the boyfriend. You are beautiful with some meat on you.
  • I liked the first pic as well. Third is good too. But the middle you seemed a little unhealthy.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    My honest opinion is you look great now. You actually didn't even look like you needed to lose any weight at 140. At 120 you looked a little too thin, but I think you have now found a really nice place. You are neither too big or too small.

    With this being said, I think you need to decide what looks and feels best on you. Who cares what I think...or your boyfriend for that matter. When I was in the obese category, my boyfriend told me how beautiful I was at any weight even when I felt disgusting.
  • My honest opinion is you look great now. You actually didn't even look like you needed to lose any weight at 140. At 120 you looked a little too thin, but I think you have now found a really nice place. You are neither too big or too small.

    With this being said, I think you need to decide what looks and feels best on you. Who cares what I think...or your boyfriend for that matter. When I was in the obese category, my boyfriend told me how beautiful I was at any weight even when I felt disgusting.
    This right here. Don't worry so much about what anyone here thinks - what matters is what makes YOU happy and secure in your own skin.

    Beauty isn't about a weight - it's about who you are as a person!

    If your BF can't roll with that, maybe it's time for you to find someone who can.
  • My Honest Opinion is drop the the boy friend and enjoy your life - you are beautiful!
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Your perfect now. Middle pic your to skinny and look unhealthy.
  • Lovethynunn
    Lovethynunn Posts: 13 Member

    The first picture of you is absolutely the best picture. I have to be honest you are a young, beautiful girl who shouldn’t be listening to a boyfriend who obviously has big issues and is a bit of a control freak. I cannot believe MFP has allowed this pictures on this site if I am being honest as I think you look really unhealthy, bordering on an eating disorder. Remember to be healthy and love yourself for who you are don’t ever let anybody influence how you feel about yourself. It’s not normal.

    I hope you find happiness in yourself and please go eat a big Mac.
  • When I started my weight loss I was 5'8" and 140-145 lbs. Here's a picture, sorry its not very good, but I didn't think about taking before and after pics.

    I really want to get back to the middle pic, but I want to know what other people honestly think? Because when I started it was because I felt big and my boyfriend told me I needed to lose weight. Then by the time I got to my low weight everybody told me I was too thin now and needed to gain weight. Because of that I started getting stressed and eating too much and it put me right back to unhappiness. What are your opinions?

    I think you need to worry about how you feel. Your boyfriend sounds like an @$$hole and he can't and shouldn't tell you you need to lose weight.

    I'm 5'6" and my goal is 145. IMO, your middle picture is way too skinny....if I saw you on the beach I'd think you were depriving yourself.

    There's one of those pinterest/fb pictures that says, "I wish I was the size I was back when I thought I was fat." And it's so true, usually people are never happy with their weight....ever.

    I hate to be presumptuous, but I'd be interested to know how a therapy session would go for you. Because you're asking what we think and because you let your jerk boyfriend tell you you're fat, I just think you're not in the right mindset.

    When I look at the workout DVDs I use and women in fitness, those are the bodies I envy; they're curvy and muscular.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Quit listening to what everyone else thinks about your weight and go with what YOU feel comfortable with. Any boyfriend who tells you you need to lose weight (especially at 140 lbs) is bad news. There's 200 lbs you could lose really fast and be MUCH better off. :bigsmile:

    Good one!
  • First picture was the best.....
    and Yes...it was an honest answer!
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