Wrong Names??



  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    My name is Becky but for some reason people call me Betty or Beth....maybe I should start going by Rebecca. *sigh*

    My boyfriend's last name is Dujsik (Doo-Sick). I can see the disconnect there...it through me for a loop for about the first week I knew him. He told some of my family members he used to tell people to call him M.C. Duce
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My name is Angela, but I get Andrea a lot.

    My son's name is Jayce (said like Jase, rhymes with face) people ALWAYS call him Jaycee (Jay-see)
    I can't stand it!!!!!!!!! lol
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    I'm Janine. I like my name, but I have come to accept that I will always have to spell it out or say it twice. It is not a very widespread name (though getting more common) and there are TONS of different spellings. However, when I got married I went from being a Sommers (with an o) to a Harrison, and thought I'd have at least one name I wouldn't have to spell out. I was wrong, surprisingly people want to take out an "R" or add a second "S".
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    This was a FB topic yesterday. A friend of a friend named Siobhan said she's been addressed in e-mails as Soybean.

    Oh my gosh! What person in their right mind would think someone's name is soybean. REALLY? This one made me laugh. Poor dear.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    My name is Destiny. When I say it over the phone usually I get:
    "No, Destiny."
    "No, Destiny."
    "DESTINY, as in fate."
    "Oh, okay. How do you spell that?"

  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    My poor daughter....I thought the name "Sophie" was pretty standard.....since most of our friends/family are european...MOST of her birthday cards are "Dear Sofie"......or I get...Oh, Sophia? No.....SOPHIE.....If i'd wanted to name her Sophia I would have put an "A" at the end...not an "E"....Oh well....she'll have to deal...

    My last name has been ruined by the stupid store Zara....the converrsation ALWAYS goes as follows...
    person: what's your last name?
    me: Zahra
    person: Oh like the store? Z-A-R-A
    me: no, with an "h" in it..Z-A-H-R-A
    ....blank stare and the "H" officially confuses them and they don't know where to put it?!?!?! Usually it ends up Z-A-R-A-H

    Also...because my last name is Arabic....(through marriage)...when people I work with meet me in person who KNOW it's an arabic last name...they look at me and their face says it all " I was not expecting a 5'9 white girl"....LMAO.....
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Pretty hard to screw up Jen, but over the phone I've been called Jane and Jenna, and by one sweet little old lady, Ginger. I thought that was awesome, and her salesperson corrected her but told her how much I liked it, so she just kept calling me Ginger. That's actually the origin of the "ginger" in my name, even though my hair WAS red when I joined MFP.

    I get Jan and Jane all the time. Hard to believe that it's so rare for someone to go by Jen instead of Jenny. It was the most common girl name in the late 70s and early 80s. I switched to Jen when I was one of 10 girls named Jennifer/Jenny in one class.

    I also get a lot of "janey-fear" when I get calls from overseas.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    My daughter's name is Ehiennette and most people do not even try to pronounce it. Long E ah nette. Not as hard as it looks. People have always looked at her and said how do you say your name. My name is Sue. NOT SUSAN. Nothing wrong with Susan but it's not my name. When I say Sue why do people assume it is something else and call me Susan? Grates on my nerves!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Kayla... My old neighbor of probably 15 years still think my name is Kaitlyn.... I get Kara and Kylie a lot... sometimes Kayle.... Sometimes I'll correct you (if there is a chance that I'll have a long standing relationship with you), but most times I just answer to whatever K name they use. Oh and my step sister is Kyla (poor girl, my mom calls her Kayla a lot! LOL at least I don't still live at home).

    Had a LOT of issues with my maiden name (Wiles). Got Wiley's, Willie's. Really? How hard is it? The only one who seemed to get it right was our pastor "Wiles of the Devil" anyone? LOL

    And my married name is NOT pronounced like it is spelled because it is German. It is pronounced Chrone, but always get croon. I used to correct people, but now I can't be bothered, but a little piece of me dies every time a family member mispronounces it (I'm talking my hubby's cousins who have known him their whole lives. Come on people!).
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    My bestie is named Annie... She gets Amy a LOT....
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    My name is Jessica (common enough name) but for some reason people forget my name and called me Jennifer.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Kayla... My old neighbor of probably 15 years still think my name is Kaitlyn.... I get Kara and Kylie a lot... sometimes Kayle.... Sometimes I'll correct you (if there is a chance that I'll have a long standing relationship with you), but most times I just answer to whatever K name they use. Oh and my step sister is Kyla (poor girl, my mom calls her Kayla a lot! LOL at least I don't still live at home).

    Had a LOT of issues with my maiden name (Wiles). Got Wiley's, Willie's. Really? How hard is it? The only one who seemed to get it right was our pastor "Wiles of the Devil" anyone? LOL

    And my married name is NOT pronounced like it is spelled because it is German. It is pronounced Chrone, but always get croon. I used to correct people, but now I can't be bothered, but a little piece of me dies every time a family member mispronounces it (I'm talking my hubby's cousins who have known him their whole lives. Come on people!).

    Do you have a relative who is/was a 4th grade teacher in Illinois?
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    One of my daughters names is Lana. Lawn-Nah. People say it as Lane-Ah. My other daughter doesnt get her name said wrong but spelled wrong....
  • My name is Rodney, but my brother Derrick, has one friend that insists on calling me Dave. Really gets on my tits.

    Haha - does your brother have a yellow 3 wheeler??
  • My name's Jeannette - I get called Janet, Janelle, Janine, Jennifer, Joanne. I also have had emails or letters spelling my name Ginet or G'net.
  • My name is Deidre.. its different.. its pronounced.. Dee Dree.. long e's. Irish, I think..Teachers in school called me Deimetree or other names their heads made up? or Deidra.. which is I believe like German... like Deidre Hall. So, most my life I just say Dee. Then as a preschool teacher they called me Miss Dee. Then it became Misty by parents and such. Are you kidding me? Anyway, my name is unique its true. There are quiet a few Deidres nowdays. It really doesnt bother me if someone can not say it right. I sometimes correct the doctors office sometimes I dont care at least they tried. I have done the same. 'Jesus' -spanish in telmarketing before my name registered in my brain the correct way. Forgiven.
  • OH_matt
    OH_matt Posts: 228 Member
    My name is Matt George. Since e-mails and contacts are listed per last names, I get e-mails, calls, and people calling me George all the time. I'm to the point where when someone calls me George I say "That George guy is an a-hole, but Matt, this awesome guy right here can help you."

    I even get those crappy junk mailers addressed to George Matthews.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Kayla... My old neighbor of probably 15 years still think my name is Kaitlyn.... I get Kara and Kylie a lot... sometimes Kayle.... Sometimes I'll correct you (if there is a chance that I'll have a long standing relationship with you), but most times I just answer to whatever K name they use. Oh and my step sister is Kyla (poor girl, my mom calls her Kayla a lot! LOL at least I don't still live at home).

    Had a LOT of issues with my maiden name (Wiles). Got Wiley's, Willie's. Really? How hard is it? The only one who seemed to get it right was our pastor "Wiles of the Devil" anyone? LOL

    And my married name is NOT pronounced like it is spelled because it is German. It is pronounced Chrone, but always get croon. I used to correct people, but now I can't be bothered, but a little piece of me dies every time a family member mispronounces it (I'm talking my hubby's cousins who have known him their whole lives. Come on people!).

    Do you have a relative who is/was a 4th grade teacher in Illinois?

    I have no idea, my Grandfather was adopted so I don't know any relatives on that side.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    My name is Deidre.. its different.. its pronounced.. Dee Dree.. long e's. Irish, I think..Teachers in school called me Deimetree or other names their heads made up? or Deidra.. which is I believe like German... like Deidre Hall. So, most my life I just say Dee. Then as a preschool teacher they called me Miss Dee. Then it became Misty by parents and such. Are you kidding me? Anyway, my name is unique its true. There are quiet a few Deidres nowdays. It really doesnt bother me if someone can not say it right. I sometimes correct the doctors office sometimes I dont care at least they tried. I have done the same. 'Jesus' -spanish in telmarketing before my name registered in my brain the correct way. Forgiven.
    Your spelling/pronunciation is actually the British version. Deirdre is the Irish spelling and is pronounced Dear-drah (as in Deirdre of the Sorrows - a tragic heroine from ancient Irish mythology)
  • My names Genevieve, it even has an accent which i think puts people off. It's a french name and even to spell it phonetically doesn't help people pronounce it correctly.
    Starbucks employees also hate it as they just can't figure out the spelling, its either Jenevieve, Jenvieve, Jeneve. or my favourite, Jennifer.
    Then I kick myself why i didn't give them my nick name which is shorter but apparently just as hard to pronounce? Ginny, not Jenny or Genny. It's Gin-ie. Not too difficult haha