Embarrassing Moments



  • Captainobvvious
    Captainobvvious Posts: 272 Member
    My brother and I were playing video games in my aunt's room when we were 12 (we're twins) and I was waiting for my turn so I opened one of the drawers built into the bed frame and as I opened it she walked into the room. My eyes looked down, then up at her, then back down at the *kitten*, lube and condoms in the drawer.

    I didn't recognize the lube at the time but I recognized a fake penis and condoms... Was super embarrassed!
  • Captainobvvious
    Captainobvvious Posts: 272 Member
    I was in the store with my sister and it was a good day for me, girls will understand lol. I had a good hair day a new mini skirt on and all that jazz. I thought man I must look great, cuz everyone was staring at me....Only to find out I had a giant gummy bear stuck to my butt. :/

  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I was in the store with my sister and it was a good day for me, girls will understand lol. I had a good hair day a new mini skirt on and all that jazz. I thought man I must look great, cuz everyone was staring at me....Only to find out I had a giant gummy bear stuck to my butt. :/


    haha great find
  • Polparrot
    Polparrot Posts: 54 Member
    Bag serch at the airport, easter present was in there.......a rabbit and not the furry kind:blushing:
  • emaildianeb
    emaildianeb Posts: 55 Member
    I was 9 months pregnant and shopping with my sister-in-law. I was making fun of the fact that a store was actually selling d ic k ies. I shouted across the store to my sis - 'Hey, I'm going to get me a little Christmas d i c k ie'. Ugh.
  • emaildianeb
    emaildianeb Posts: 55 Member
    I was 9 months pregnant and shopping with my sister-in-law. I was making fun of the fact that a store was actually selling ****ies. I shouted across the store to my sis - 'Hey, I'm going to get me a little Christmas ****ie'. Ugh.

    OMG ... d i c k i e its not a swear word!
  • I have so many. I embarrass myself on a daily basis lol

    But my most recent one was when I was clothes shopping with my friend. We found stuff we wanted to try on and went into the dressing room. We were trying stuff on, and we would show each other. Well, she came out in this UGLY shirt. I saw it, made a face, and told her how hideous it was. I guess I didnt realize that that was the shirt she had been wearing when we arrived at the store....
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Always doing stupid stuff. I walked into a glass door once when we were moving, it had actually been washed :) I burned a bag of popcorn in the work microwave so badly people thought the microwave was on fire and the building smelled like burnt popcorn for the rest of the week.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I was at a paint store waiting for the guy behind the counter to stir my paint.

    I was just standing there, waiting patiently, sipping my drink from Del Taco.

    Then I thought to myself, "hey, I didn't I come in here with a drink". And I spit it out of my mouth onto the counter.

    So gross. Especially for a germaphobe like myself.

    i almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    Here is one from my school days:

    I was giving a speech in 8th grade, when this big thing of snot thought it would be a good time to come out of my nose. It must have hung down a foot (it felt like that, probably only an inch or so) when I just sucked it back up into my nose. Yes I was embarrassed.
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I used to live in London. One morning I was on my way to work and on the escalator in the tube station, when I felt someone tap my shoulder....turns out my skirt was uzipped at the back, so all the people behind me could see my bum crack and g string wedged in there....
  • jimbo480
    jimbo480 Posts: 22 Member
    I was visiting my parents and I had forgotten the key inside their house. I knocked on the neighbors door to ask if they had a spare. The neighbor lady answered. she was getting finishing breakfast and about to get ready for work. She was standing by the sink with a glass in her hand and asked me if I'd like to take a shower. I'm pretty sure she meant to ask if I wanted a glass of water.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Going back many years...while sitting in church, back in the day when they had all hard wood pews. The pastor asked for everyone to bow their head for prayer. Sitting flat assed on that pew I had to pass gas, of course it's not a SBD it is one of those that reverberates through the whole church. I hear some guy say,"Well God Damn, oh sh@t sorry Pastor!" It started off I was embarrassed but ended up he was more embarrassed.
  • Bump
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have been laughing my butt off reading all of these. HILARIOUS.... Thanks to all of you for sharing these stories.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I had just gotten out of the hospital for anxiety. The doctors had me on a new anxiety medicine... which ended up making it look like I was high or drunk or whatever. Anyway. I was hungry when I got out, so my mom (who picked me up -- along with some friends) decided to go to Cracker Barrel to eat.

    First... let me just say that Cracker Barrel was also my place of employment at the time.

    I was still a little messed up from the pills, and laughing my butt off (at God only knows what), when I suddenly trip over my own feet.... falling face first over one of my friends .... pushing us both down into one of the displays of the retail section of the store.

    I didn't even want to go back to work for the longest. No one ever mentioned it... but, I'm sure they thought about it alot. :laugh:
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Can't believe I'm posting this... When I was about 16 I was on a family trip with the folks and my brother. Well we were driving and my dad did his normal bare down for a fart... it wasn't a fart and we had to go to walmart to get him new bottoms... it was all over.

    I am LMAO right now as I type... he'd kill me
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I was in high school....my mom was driving the car and I was spacing out while watching the buildings go by....
    saw two morbidly obese people walking down the street holding hands....guy had one of those bellies that hangs to the ankles, woman was the very belly round type....I blurted out, "I wonder how two people that fat have sex together.Do they....."

    I thought I was just thinking it in my head, had not realized I said it out loud until my mother squealed the breaks comming to a dead stop and screaming at me.

    That was my embarassing moment, and a bit of a mean moment. But to me it wasn't a mean thought since I was just wondering about the mechanics of it.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Braces can, in fact, get stuck to another pair of braces when kissing. At the beach. My mom had to drive me to to the orthodontist, while still attached. <horror>
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    A personally embarassing for me moment was giving a book report in front of my 4th grade class, when my favorite wrap around skirt that my mother had made, decided to fall off in front of the class.

    Teacher wasn't paying attention to what happened and asked the boy that I had a silent crush on to go into the coat room and see what all the fuss with me was about.

    I think I turned purple and stayed that way for the rest of the day.