P90X vs. Weight Training



  • Iberipped
    Weight lifting for sure. Hands down. Its way better
  • resilience1908
    resilience1908 Posts: 13 Member
    Honestly, I think your motivation to do one over the other should be what drives your choice of program. For instance, my gym on campus is busy when I am motivated to go. I can't stomach the idea of sticking around to wait until it is not busy, so I come home and do a p90x DVD or have a date with my treadmill or bike. On the flip side, some people can't deal with working out at home and need to be on a schedule in a gym, so that works for them. This is a lifelong change, not a quick fix. I have done p90x. It works (I lost 17 lbs but switched kenpo and plyo for running), but it is hard and exhausting. My schedule is too busy for me to devote time to a second round--6 days a week, etc. I have done the gym and weight lifting before too. Guess what? That works as well. Both work as long as you keep at it. Just. Keep. Moving.

    All of this is to say...this is a life goal. Just figure out what works for you and stick to it. The guys in the gym won't bite. They may actually be helpful in making sure your form is right. Whatever you do, just keep moving and build strength while you are at it. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to pick the right thing the first time. You will be working on this stuff for the rest of your life.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    If P90X is a fad, then I love fads. And I love Tony. (although I agree the marketing of the products is kind of annoying)

    But honestly... I think it's true--I love fad workouts. Popping around different ones has kept the boredom away and keeps me working out. And I've had lovely affairs with P90X, TurboFire, and Rockin' Body among Beachbody's offerings, and I'll throw in a marathon here and there. Depends on what goals I have, which are constantly evolving. I will say that I am the strongest version of myself when I'm using P90X--I never lose weight with it, but DAMN do I get a toned, hard body!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Did beachbody coach you in how to apologize on the internet too?

    Guess what? I'm not in any way affiliated with Beachbody. I don't even use Beachbody programs. But I've seen them work for other people, and I just get really angry with the "my way is the only way" type of ignorance you seem so proud of.

    BTW, I'm done engaging with you on this. You are so obviously incapable of accepting any opinion other than your own as being valid that it's like trying to convince a creationist that evolution is real.

    well, at least you're not the type of person that wants to get the last word in. so you've got that going for you
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    A fad is a fad, whether it's effective or not, sorry. If I said it was a sham, then get riled up. But calling something that's reached critical mass a fad makes you cult worshippers angry? WHATEVER

    Because you love to quote, per wiki:
    "A fad is any form of behavior that develops among a large population and is collectively followed with enthusiasm for some period, generally as a result of the behavior's being perceived as novel in some way. A fad is said to "catch on" when the number of people adopting it begins to increase rapidly. The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone."

    So, something that's been around for 8 years has faded quickly in your opinion? You might want to look up "quickly."

    Perhaps you should look up the term "critical mass". Kind of like I knew it was time to divest in stocks when my grandmother was watching CNBC and when I sold my condo after the guys that wash my car started talking about flipping houses. Now, old ladies ask if I'm doing that P100 or whatever and people ask what "program" I'm on. It's reached critical mass. The only way is down. And then forgotten.

    Thanks for coming out tho
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    LOL! I totally didn't expect this many posts when I woke up and got on! But thank you for the responses, all of them, even if I don't agree with them. To the person who said "I've never had any "pervy old men at any of my gyms", well, perhaps I'm mistaking friendliness for pervyness. I've been wrong countless times in my life, so it's a good chance I am now. I'm just shy around men I don't know so I feel a bit intimidated by that. Maybe if I do go onto weight training, I'll find a woman to help me out at first, to get over my shyness.

    Right now I'm not looking for the fastest results, I am definitely one who likes to ease into things, especially lifestyle changes. So at the moment I find doing P90X a good way to do that. Maybe it will be a gateway to doing weights in the future. Maybe not. I just know that I can't start off doing something I hate or feel uncomfortable with because I will burn out and stop doing it. I may come to love it in the future, though.

    One thing this kind of reminds me of is when I started running a couple of years ago. I went to a running store to get shoes and told them I was doing a C25K because I'd never ran before and used to hate it. The guy who owned the shop said "Back when I started running in the 70s, no one did these C25K things". I felt that that was a bit condescending and I know countless people who have used it to become runners who would never have done it on their own. Nowadays we have so much against us, healthwise, poor habits that start young, that I think a lot of people need to ease into things.

    Just think, whether we lift or do P90X, we are all here because we AREN'T being sheep anymore. We aren't mindlessly eating and sitting on the couch watching TV all day. Sheep do things that are mindless, and I don't feel like making a conscious effort to work on our health is mindless, no matter the path we take to do it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Erin, I like your attitude and wish you the best. Just like I said in my very first post, I think P90x is a fine choice for you and if that's what you want to do, you should get started and commit to it. There are many ways to get in shape, and a long as you are putting in your best effort, I am 100% on your side. If you ever need in strength or fitness advice in the future you are welcome to ask me directly. In 20 years of working out I've tried just about everything and would be happy to share my unbiased advice and experience with you.

  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks Dave! I will definitely message you if I have any questions! :smile:
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    p90x is a fad workout and is not as good as barbell lifting for building real strength and muscle. The end.

    Show me someone who has gotten strong enough to bench bodyweight for reps or squat 1.5x bw for reps or deadlift 2xbw for reps just doing p90x.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    p90x is a fad workout and is not as good as barbell lifting for building real strength and muscle. The end.

    Show me someone who has gotten strong enough to bench bodyweight for reps or squat 1.5x bw for reps or deadlift 2xbw for reps just doing p90x.


    awesome work Laddy
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Wow! It's amazing to see so much ignorance and hate although it is unsurprising. The problem with our muscleheaded friend calling it a fad is that by doing so, he is saying that he believes that it is a relatively ineffective piece of trash that weakminded people grasp onto before giving up on it quickly. Others can pretend that he wasn't saying that....but he was. Weightlifting is just as much of a fad when it comes down to it if you want to be hateful.

    P90X is a fine tool for getting in shape for what it does and it only works if you stick with it. Once you get done with it, you have to do it again, or do something else, or you will turn back to jelly. That goes for any work out of any type, including weight lifting. It will work muscle groups that you are unlikely to work with traditional weight training and it incorporates cardio with it where normal weight training doesn't.

    Personally, I lift weights 3-4 times a week and run 2-3 miles during the same workouts. There is no doubt that weight training allows you to increase your resistance more effectively over time and it is the "best" way to gain large muscle mass. If you are looking to lose weight, weight training in itself is probably one of the least effective ways to do so. When I go to the gym to lift, well over half of the most muscular guys are sporting guts that are proportional to their chests. You have to know what your goals are and pick what's best for you. Incorporating weight training is a great idea but only a fool thinks that it's the best tool for weight loss and overall fitness.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Wow! It's amazing to see so much ignorance and hate although it is unsurprising. The problem with our muscleheaded friend calling it a fad is that by doing so, he is saying that he believes that it is a relatively ineffective piece of trash that weakminded people grasp onto before giving up on it quickly. Others can pretend that he wasn't saying that....but he was. Weightlifting is just as much of a fad when it comes down to it if you want to be hateful.

    P90X is a fine tool for getting in shape for what it does and it only works if you stick with it. Once you get done with it, you have to do it again, or do something else, or you will turn back to jelly. That goes for any work out of any type, including weight lifting. It will work muscle groups that you are unlikely to work with traditional weight training and it incorporates cardio with it where normal weight training doesn't.

    Personally, I lift weights 3-4 times a week and run 2-3 miles during the same workouts. There is no doubt that weight training allows you to increase your resistance more effectively over time and it is the "best" way to gain large muscle mass. If you are looking to lose weight, weight training in itself is probably one of the least effective ways to do so. When I go to the gym to lift, well over half of the most muscular guys are sporting guts that are proportional to their chests. You have to know what your goals are and pick what's best for you. Incorporating weight training is a great idea but only a fool thinks that it's the best tool for weight loss and overall fitness.

    I wouldn't say ineffective, but really anything touting "muscle confusion" is kinda trash.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wow! It's amazing to see so much ignorance and hate although it is unsurprising. The problem with our muscleheaded friend calling it a fad is that by doing so, he is saying that he believes that it is a relatively ineffective piece of trash that weakminded people grasp onto before giving up on it quickly. Others can pretend that he wasn't saying that....but he was. Weightlifting is just as much of a fad when it comes down to it if you want to be hateful.

    learn to comprehend, my non muscled, non-friend. no one said this. toughen up, sally
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    p90x is a fad workout and is not as good as barbell lifting for building real strength and muscle. The end.

    Show me someone who has gotten strong enough to bench bodyweight for reps or squat 1.5x bw for reps or deadlift 2xbw for reps just doing p90x.


    WHAT?!?! A regimen of lifting and cardio while on a calorie deficit is effective? Well I apologize for EVERYTHING, because this is the first time I've ever heard of this. Move more, eat less? Tony Horton must be a WIZARD.

    I AM CONVERTED. SIGN ME UP TO YOUR CULT. can somebody PM me about buying some shakeology?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    p90x is a fad workout and is not as good as barbell lifting for building real strength and muscle. The end.

    Show me someone who has gotten strong enough to bench bodyweight for reps or squat 1.5x bw for reps or deadlift 2xbw for reps just doing p90x.


    WHAT?!?! A regimen of lifting and cardio while on a calorie deficit is effective? Well I apologize for EVERYTHING, because this is the first time I've ever heard of this. Move more, eat less? Tony Horton must be a WIZARD.

    I AM CONVERTED. SIGN ME UP TO YOUR CULT. can somebody PM me about buying some shakeology?

    now you are just being hateful..what is the point of that? what value is there in that?

    a guy answers a question about the results he achieved and you have to spew that garbage........why?
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    @ davpul

    Why are you being such a jerk off? I really don't think calling P90X a cult is necessary, nor is your sarcasm. Clearly you don't like "programs" in favor of going to the gym and lifting. Why not just leave it at that and walk away?
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just because something is a fad, it doesn't mean it's bad or ineffective- look at C25K. I have never, ever seen running so popular in my life- C25K is getting people out running who never thought they could before- but c25K is a fad- it's not going to be the bee's knees forever. It's extremely effective, but it's a fad. Eventually the next big thing will come along and take it's spot.

    Even things that have been around for thousands of years can be fads- look at yoga. Yoga has been around forever, and there's people for whom it's a lifelong dedication, but a couple years ago yoga exploded and studios popped up everywhere, the gear became mainstream, and everyone and their grandmother was doing yoga and carrying around yoga mats. I'm pretty sure the peak of public yoga appreciation has passed, and crossfit gyms have started taking up the slack.

    P90x will do the same. For a while beachbody will be able to revamp and repackage it (P90x2) but eventually the public enthusiasm will wane. I don't know why this makes hardcore P90x'ers defensive- it's just the way things work. I'm sure beachbody already has whatever the next big thing is in development, ready to roll it out as soon as P90x starts losing it's panache.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    .... I'm pretty sure the peak of public yoga appreciation has passed, ...

    :noway: :flowerforyou:
  • llgisme711
    I personally love Insanity and will probably do p90 next. You really need to try a few different workouts before you find something you like, and works. And it's probably good idea to switch things up. I'm not trying to be a fitness competitor so I don't care much about lifting heavy weights, but more about losing the weight and getting fit. Everyone is different, find what you like and what works, and kick some butt!

    ^ This :)
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