What will you do when you reach your goal?



  • Katherinesfitness
    I will buy a high waisted pencil skirt, put on some red lipstick and then celebrate with my man at a nice restaurant where I must order 3 courses without thinking of how many calories are lurking within! And then I will buy a crotchet bikini.
  • MaryBOP
    Gain it all back, lol
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Start a bulk cycle
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    When I reach my goal, I will simply make a new one. I think once I hit my weight loss goal, I will focus on a strength goal.

    However ... Before I analyze my fitness goals and start a new adventure, I'm going to take a lot of pictures, clothed, naked, in between, buy some new clothes and celebrate with an evening on unbridled alcohol consumption at my favorite bar followed by a grease binge to stave off a hangover. That celebration will more than likely last a couple weekends ...
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I've decided I no longer have food as a treat. If I want a burger i'll have one and i'll train harder to cancel it out. I'll always think like that from now on so when I do reach goal i'll be able to stay there. Here is my list that i'm already saving the money for!!

    Wedding ring resize £20
    Tirup swivel armchair £325
    Fashionable jeans £120
    Other clothes £400

    Total £865

    Another one I havent yet added to this list. I'm going to get my start weight tattood on the inside of my wrist as a constant reminder of how far i've come and that I shouldnt ever give up.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    compete ;)
  • I'm thinking a lot of wine, chocolate and watching Casablanca with my husband. (Am such a girl.)
  • izzie2012
    Go shopping!!! :)
  • quillsHP
    quillsHP Posts: 91 Member
    I will do all the things I haven't done all this time giving my weight as an excuse :D I will dance in a club in a hot dress, I will go bungee jumping and I will get a tattoo!!!
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Im going to do something Ive never had the courage to do before.
    Something wild.
    im gonna white water raft and paracute over the Dubai palm (my parents live in the middle east)
    Im gonna dance in a club in a hot dress not caring that people watch me
    Get a tattoo :flowerforyou: :love: :love: xx
  • ym2011
    ym2011 Posts: 19 Member
    Looking forward to wearing the clothes l see myself wearing in my head:-). I will require a wardrobe overhaul and looking forward to it:-)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Begin cutting for my next comp... and at the end of the comp diet, compete and then start bulking again. And repeat!
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    Work hard at maintaining. Keep trying to define and build muscle. I'd love to do a 5k in 2014!

    I'll be 35 then. If my current weight loss pace keeps up I think I'll hit my goal by the 1 year anniversary of when I started this journey in March of 2012.

    So yeah, my loss goal is only the beginning of this :-)
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    New clothes and keep maintaining!

    Yep, I'm there too.
  • jennynewbury
    jennynewbury Posts: 48 Member
    I revised my goal, having plucked the original one arbitrarily out of the air, with no real thought or knowledge of what I would look like at that weight and set some new fitness targets to go with it!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Retire all my clothes and bite as many people as I can so they become immortal as well!
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Going to have to be clothes unfortunately, bought a new jacket yesterday.Not get complaicent and keep on trucking, but to maintain. Might revise my goal shortly.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Probably set a new goal :happy:
  • CressidaJL
    CressidaJL Posts: 53 Member
    Make a new goal. :)
  • cuteandcurvy94
    Work hard to maintain, buy clothes of course, and work on building more muscle!