Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone happy sunday. I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. Christina I am happy to hear that your sister is doing better and as for your son just walk away from his behavior and remember that you raised him well and now his behvior is on him not you. Thank you Robin for another successful rollover we all appreciate the effort you put forth to keep us all linked together.

    Sunday Share: My name is Tammy and I am a forty yr old wife and mother of three. My husband works on a fishing boat in alaska so he goes back and forth all year. My youngest started college this fall so the only one still living at home is my middle daughter who graduates from college in January and will then be looking for her own plpace. I have had lots of big changes this year so decided to go whole hog and joined MFP in August and have last almost 30 pounds. I want to lose the weight for a lot of reasons but mainly for my health. I spent the last few years with an undiagnosed chronic pain condition and now that it is somewhat under control I dont want anything else cropping up that I could have prevented.

    Oh FYI my husband is now home and feeling much better. We ar still going to take him to the dr for a physical but it was so good to see him home safe and sound. Thank you again everyone for all the support and well wishes whn I was so worried.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    A great big Thanksgiving BUMP.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Have read all your posts. Will be back later to respond
    So bumping for now.

  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kaye -- another three pounds! That's fantastic. Just remember this in the times when things are a bit tougher.
    @Karen -- there's a name for that phenomenon -- "London Feet". People don't expect sightseeing to be as hard on the feet as it is. Memo for people visiting London -- bring sensible shoes.
    @LMackbethi -- I'm pretty amazed by the exercise. It feels like a totally different sort of person that I'm not. I got dressed today and thought 'ah, this is so clever, it all looks like perfectly ordinary casual clothing but actually it's secret sportswear! So I can do my errands wearing it and then I won't have to change for badminton...'
    @Christine -- I didn't have a hangover at all (so I guess I couldn't have drunk that much); in fact I got up yesterday morning and went for my longest run yet. Good luck getting to that half way point!
    @Kris -- don't worry too much if you have a gain. You've lost far more than that just in the time I've been around this thread. And 1X trousers is great, isn't it?
    @Susan -- I love your ten reminders!
    @LaurieK -- Jingle Bell Hayride sounds like a brilliant way to exercise... or rather, it might be rest but I always find that I do lots of walking around at these sorts of events.

    Monday check-in -- I have lost a pound! I should be pleased but actually I'm sulky because I had much lower weights in the middle of the week. I think this is the big meal on Saturday just clinging on for a bit. I did that thing where you look back five weeks though -- and I've lost seven pounds since then. I do think that looking back five weeks is a good thing to do if you're feeling a bit discouraged.

    Have a brilliant week, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good Monday morning everybody. I hope you all had a very nice holiday and enjoyed spending time with family and friends.

    Well I did it. I turned 31 yesterday. It was depressing but I am feeling a bit better today. I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday-

    I am so far behind on reading posts. I will get caught up but do not be offended if I do not respond to old posts.

    Monday Checkin- Well I never want to host another Turkey day again. 48 hrs up with only 2 hours of sleep is way to much for me. My turkey turned out great and everyone loved it. I however learned that no matter what I do not like turkey. I did try and do black friday for the first time ever. That was a nightmare and ended very abruptly for me when the line was over an hour long in the freezing MN cold /ice.
    I got a mile walk in yesterday eventhough it was very cold I forced myself to layer up and walk to the nearest corner store for crystal light.
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    Hello everyone!
    @Alison - I haven't really done much fitness workout lately, but since I've made the decision to come back to MFP that's about to change. Trying to figure out the best starting point. I know I'll be doing some walk/running 5-6 days a week. Like to do some cardio cross training as well. I have a dance game on Xbox I've used in the past and was thinking of getting Zumba too. Maybe bike riding if its not too cold outside. Thanks for the info on C25k plan. I'll definitely check into that. Think I'm going to do the walking everyday for next two weeks, so hopefully I can finish the Reindeer Romp 4k race with no problems.

    @Imackbethl - yes, I am planning on doing some 5k & 10k races. Wanted to start out with the River City Grand Prix which is the Reindeer Romp 4k in Dec., Frosbite 5k in Jan. and the Snowman Shuffle 4mile in Feb. hopefully I can do those and work myself up to longer races throughout the year. It's going to be hard work , but I haven't wanted something this bad in so long. I'm determined to do it.

    @Christine - congrats on being 5lbs away from half way mark! great job!

    Well, I need to get my day started. Going to be a struggle food wise today--it's my birthday so my parents are making me an Italian dinner tonight. My favorite. Here's hoping I have the willpower to enjoy it but not to go overboard.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Birthday Nzenczak! Hope it was a great day yesterday for you! 31 is just an age, and from my vantage point, you are still quite a youngster with decades and decades before you. Enjoy life!

    Happy Birthday to you too Spooky! Enjoy your Italian dinner tonight with your family. Your fitness goals sound splendid. So many races ahead for you for the winter months. I'm impressed. You are going to do just great getting the weight off!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone! (yes, I'm working hard on the positive)

    @skinnyjeans - you're right. Not going further overboard really is a NSV. I let my emotional eating self take hold, but I only ate myself to what would be maintenance numbers - I had comfort foods in the house that I could have gone much further overboard on. So, Yay me :happy:

    Milage goals - hmm... 16.49 miles this week... rather pathetic IMHO. But I've been chained to the desk A LOT this week at work.
    Carb Challenge - over 150 2 days this week - all others, less than 150 :noway: For a carb addict like me, that's freakin' amazing!

    Unfortunately, it seems I've been yo-yoing on the same 2 lbs for about a week and a half - very frustrating. Trying everything I can think of to break the plateau, and nothings working. Bah!:grumble:

    Sunday share -
    I can certainly relate & sympathise with those of you having some family issues of late - it seems that's all I ever have. FYI, I'm 55, and both the son & daughter have flown the coop - but they don't usually like to have a lot to do with the parents. Yesterday, the daughter (who is 30, with unmedicated emotional conditions) decided to scream at me on the phone as to her life was all my fault and I'd completely ruined it (and still am ruining it, apparently, even though she lives in another state). :cry: Needless to say, it sent me a bit off the rails.

    Hugs to everyone!
    (((HUGS))) that sounds like something my teenager would do but it all hurts the same. Best wishes.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Happy Birthday Nzenczak and Spooky!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Birthday Nzenczak and Spooky!!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Monday Check In:: I am actually down 2lbs from last Monday. How does that happen after thanksgiving weekend?!?!?! I have no idea but I will take it!

    I am working on my plan for this weeks challenge which is::::

    Week 4
    Nov 26 - Dec 2
    3 Cardio Days
    1300 Calories
    6 Miles (bike - 16 miles)
    50 lunges (yes that is 50 for each side lol)

    I am going to start C25K again. I bought new running shoes too! I was supposed to get out of bed this morning and do it...but I didn't. 4 days off with no alarm I SOOO didn't want to get out of bed!!!

    Thursday I went with my sister to see the final was amazing. Then Friday my husband and I took our daughter to see Wreck it Ralph, also a really really good movie. Saturday night I walked in a Christmas parade with my Mother In Law, and have another one this Friday as well. Sunday my husband, daughter and I went out to eat and then did some shopping, more window shopping than anything lol I did get new shoes Nike Max Run lite 3, they seem to be great so far. And I got 2 Wii games and my daughter got a new DS game. Also got my Christmas tree up on Friday and had one upset little girl Saturday morning because Santa hadn't come....oh boy going to be a long month lol
    Either way had busy yet wonderful weekend.

    Have a magnificent Monday!!

    Happy Birthday Nzenczak and Spooky!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Spooky and @ Nzenczak. Happy Birthday!
    @Christine that is a brest victory nearing the half way mark.
    @Susan like your ten step
    @to everyone who Sunday share after reading your posts I always learn something new about each of you. Its encouraging that everyone feels safe and willing to be real. That not alone there is always someone who been there or down that helps to know we are not alone. Support one another on this journey.

    I am a 52 year old married, 1 daughter who is 19 who has autism. I live in Caldwell, Idaho and we have 1 fur babyyhgI have work ad a teacher's assistant not as a developmental technician. Working with young adults during morning hours and with the after school group in the afternoon. I have been battling being obese most of my adult life.
    I have ankles that have just worn down by being so obese and knee issues. Use to have serious heartburt at least every night.
    When I start mfp I was over 300. It has been a study loss so exciting but when gal rolled around don 't know why became more of a struggle wanting to eat extra carbs weight is coming off but at slower pace. But the best thing is I am still trying not quitting. I know I didn't become obese over night and it won't. Go overnight. But I am determined to stay the course this group helps do much with that plan.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Birthday Nzenczak and Spooky!!!
    From me, too. Have a fun day. Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    monday check in. i have been on this anti-inflammation diet and i had two thanksgivings, one on thurs and one yesterday. both times i stayed on my diet except for pie. the pie eating might have been...excessive. oh well. back on the wagon. it's easier when i don't keep that kind of stuff in my house.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy birthday to all the birthday peeps
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in - Slowly getting back on track. After I closed my log last night I pigged out caramel pecan clusters and just didn't bother to log them(Corrected log this morning), I was so angry with myself.....I was at least under maintenance.... I guess that's something.

    Today I'm back on m schedule though. I was SUPPOSED to walk to work this morning and I was all set. I had on my hat/coat/gloves and messenger bag...stepped out the door and the blast of 30 degree air hit me and I went back inside (after starting my car to warm it up and melt the ice on it). I just can NOT tolerate the cold like I used too.

    I'll replace the walk with yoga tonight.....where it's warm... Supposed to be 8 degrees warmer tomorrow. I'll give it another shot!

    Happy Birthday Nzenczak and Spooky!
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member

    I'm Kris. I'm 39 and divorced. I have two fuzzy feline furkids who rule my life completely. I had a stroke in March and that was the catalyst for my weight loss. It was caused by uncontrolled hypertension. The first chunk of weight came off so fast and easy that now I'm struggling with what is actually average weight loss. It's time for me to regroup and be happy with how far I've come and learn to be happy with 1 or 1.5 lb loss per week. It's enough because it HAS to be enough.

    So good to know some of your story Kris. Thanks for sharing. :smile:
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Monday... I was all set to get up early today and start a new routine but the snooze button was so tempting, and my dreams were pleasant, and so I didn't get up early as planned. Ironically as I showered I was waking up and wondering why I didn't just get up and get stuff done. Once again regretting not following through with actions to my words. So, that is my goal this week, to not hit the snooze button in the morning and instead make my new routine happen.