Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    *Peeks head into room and waves to everyone*

    Monday Check-In:

    Wow. It feels really strange realizing that I have been gone for so long. I literally had to go through 2 missed threads to get here. The thought that I've been MIA so long makes me a little sad, but I'm back and I'm going to try to be better about posting. :)

    For those of you who didn't know, I was having some life issues going on. There was trouble with the BF and his job, some family stuff, and just basically falling off the wagon. I had a severe bout with depression for reasons unknown to me or the MD, but things are finally calm and I am able to return with a clear head. Today is Day 1 of my return and I will be making an HUGE effort to post daily. Anybody willing to keep me accountable would be great.

    While on my hiatus, I managed to gain back a few pounds. Not much, but enough to make me feel bad. However, my disappearance wasn't all bad. I did run my very first 10K and am now signed up for 2 more 5k's that are coming up in December and March. One of them is a Color Run and I am super stoked about getting color bombed! :) My mom, sister, and aunt are all going to do it with me. Can't wait! :)

    I'm still behind on the threads and am trying to catch up, so there won't be any personals tonight. I did see that Aug was back and wanted to say a quick HELLO!

    I hope everyone had a fabulous day! I will (hopefully) see you all tomorrow!

    ~ Jana

    Jana - welcome back! Your upcoming Color Run sounds so exciting! I just read a quote that said that "Happiness is plans for your future." So I'm glad to hear your working on your depression with plans for races and getting back on track with modifying your eating habits.
    As I just mentioned in the post above, please return and talk about your day and don't worry about doing personals if you don't have the time if your schedule is hectic.:flowerforyou:
  • spookytune
    spookytune Posts: 38 Member
    Running a bit late today, but just wanted to say good morning everyone! Thank you all for birthday wishes. Had a great day with the family. Here are my goals for the rest of this week:

    Tuesday: walk & cardio
    Wednesday: walk & cardio
    Thursday: walk & cardio
    Friday: walk & cardio
    Saturday: rest day (though ill probably squeeze in a walk since I'll only have a week until the race)

    Maybe through in some strength training on my total gym a couple of thoughts days in I have time.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Tuesday Goals~Here are my goals this week:

    Monday~Off Day since I had to deal with the plumber and work late (although did some housework)
    Wednesday~Cross Trainer
    Saturday~Outside Run (weather permitting)

    We have auditors here this week for preliminary work, so crazy around here - will check back later.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    It is a very cold day here. My goal is to try and get some sort exercise in whether it be sit ups or lifting dumbbells. I have a new plan being its cold out I will do my walk on my 2 15min breaks at work.

    @Jana- Glad your back and the Color Run sounds fun along with a huge accomplishment.
  • Hi guys!! Wanted to catch the new thread before it rolled again...:blushing: Sorry I have been MIA...really busy, busy, busy...All is Well...still staying on track...
    Bee Healthy, Bee Happy, Bee Blessed!:heart:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tuesday Goals::: To get back into it. Holidays always throw me off balance!
    Also a goal is to try and keep up with this group! I have just not been on this group page as much as I used to. I've actually had work to do I will be working on that!

    Week 4
    Nov 26 - Dec 2
    1/3 Cardio Days
    697/1300 Calories
    3.25/6 Miles (bike - 16 miles)
    20/50(L) 20/50(R) lunges
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tuesday goals!
    Get my eating back under control. Yesterday was a GOOD day, I'm thrilled about that. Today will be another one!

    Fitness Goals
    Monday: Walk/Strength/Yoga - DONE!
    Tuesday: Walk
    Wednesday :Walk/Strength/Yoga
    Thursday: Walk
    Saturday: Wak

    Random goal: Been walking to often, my car battery is getting low from sitting idle. Goal today is to take it for a 15/20 minute drive to let it stretch it's legs.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Tuesday goals, actually get some working in this week.
  • @aug -- welcome back! i know it must feel crappy to be back where you started... but if you can get going now, at least you can say you maintained for 2 years? as someone who has averaged a 20 pound gain per year for the last five, that's something. and i agree with everyone else who says you don't have to be the entertainer here. i play that role a lot in life. it's good to have a space where i can be honest about the journey. i hope you can too. how's your new(ish) truck treating you?
    @jana -- also, welcome back! glad to hear you are emerging from the darkness... such a frustrating place to be. i hope your BF is well?
    @kris - i'm sure you will be back on track in no time! you are amazing!!!
    @christine - you will hit the halfway point in no time!!!!!

    well, i missed monday check-in -- it would have been that i managed to lose the two pounds i gained te week before thanksgiving, and am feeling pretty fantastic about that. also that i have three job interviews this week. my tuesday goal is to land a job... but not just any job... it has to feel right and fit my life (left the last one because it didn't meet either requirement).. i still have per diem work to hold me over while i search for the next step, and don't want to act out of perceived desperation. also, i want to burn at least 400 extra calories each day through some sort of activity (walking, wii, whatever)....
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Tuesday... Well I did it. I got up and did my 10 minute walking video this morning even after sleeping in for half an hour. This is the plan for this afternoon as well - to go home and do the video again tonight so I get 20 minutes of walking in today. Tomorrow is bowling. Rinse and repeat this walk at LEAST three more times this week. :bigsmile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. It is good to see you aug and jana. I am doing well. enjoying having my husband home to spoil for a few days before real life calls again, lol. So quick TMI close your ears guys, cramps SUCK, ok all better got that off my chest :laugh: Well I didnt do a tradiional workout yesterday but spent about four hours doing major housecleaning and setting up for christmas so I went ahead and claimed an hour of housekeeping on the execise tab. I never claim it all because it seems ridiculously high to me. I swear I could keep the cleanest house ever if someone would just come in and do the dishes for me. They trip me up all the time. I hate doing them but for some unknown reason when I go to clean I feel I have to start in the kitchen and there are those darn dishes just taunting me. Ok enough of the crazy ladies rambles. Lets see my goal for the week is to do at least 15 min of strength training 3 days this week and my walking workout on the other two days. I did the walking yesterday so today must e strength training. I promise as soon as the ibuprofen kicks the *kitten* of these cramps I will get started. Have a great day everybody and remember you can definitley do this.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Still working on the water! I had my last PT appointment today. All is well. I passed the balance test that they give with a perfect score. I'm so glad that I had this done! I'm trying to walk everyday for 30 min. My grandson loves to go with me. He's been begging to go all morning. I'm trying to put him off until it warms up a little.
    Need to vent and this is a safe place: DH did the laundry for a few weeks while I was in rehab and since I got back because there are a couple of stairs into the laundry room. I made him a list of how to do each batch. This morning he was sorting it and it was really bad, not like I showed him at all. When I got home from therapy, I told him that I could take over because I can now practice on stairs. I didn't like what I saw. He wasn't following the routine that I had given him at all. I'm not even sure he knows where the chart is that I gave him! Okay, so now you know that I am OCD about my laundry. I'll get over it, and I'm sure no real harm is done. I feel bad for getting upset with him. My advice to me and all of us it to be kind today. Kaye
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope your thanksgiving was well! I had a very relaxing weekend and even managed to loose a pound this last week! Hizzah!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @morgori--hope you survive without the Mrs.! Don't let yourself succumb to the lure of that pub for dinner every night! :wink:

    There is a hockey game Thursday night which will have the Stanley Cup there for photos. I will probably have to go and while I'm right there I will probably have to go to the Pub for dinner. That will be the only night out to eat though as I gained another few pounds this morning.:grumble: :blushing:

    It has been 3 Sundays ago that I had a real smoke. I have been using an electronic cigarette since then.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Morgori - good for you on the not smoking front. An electric cig is a good aide. Hey seeing that Stanley Cup in person is going to be a blast! I envy you! :love: Wish Ms. Morgori was around, but I'm sure she's doing well. Say "hi" for me. So you're up a pound, hmmmm.......well, make that stop at the Pub a short one, hey, and then get back to business, ya see, cuz Santa's watching ya, to see if you're naughty or nice! :laugh:

    I've had a set back in my polymyalgia rheumatica - the doc cut my prednisone dose in half and all my symptoms have come back twice over and for the past 5 days I've been hurting really bad and unable to move at all. Today he upped the prednisone back to the high dose and I'm to stay there until I see the rheumatologist specialist on Dec. 7th. I hope my symptoms will dissipate in a few days and I will be back to normal and moving again soon. Today my best bud and I went to see "THE LIFE OF PI" and I was so uncomfortable I could hardly concentrate on the movie. I've read the book and was anticipating a great movie - and it was, but sadly I was in such pain I couldn't wait for it to end so I could come home and curl up in bed. I DO recommend the movie, however, its top notch entertainment!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Tuesday/goals: husband & I took a long walk in the neighborhood last evening (he was waaay over his numbers)... goal is to try and do that every night :smile:
    Gym on Monday (done) Weds & Fri as well.

    Glad to "see" so many "faces" I've missed - welcome back everyone!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Tuesday, Tuesday----where did you go? A day that just evaporated............

    Goal update: keep on walking BUT try to boost daily miles up 2 X a week. So the goal is 5 miles a day with a step up to 7 miles a day. I was just looking at the past 7 days is at 43 miles. I have one more mile to add before the evening's over. ANYWAY, I guess that's my continuing boring sameness---WALK!

    Wishing everyone well. I'm sure December may prove to be a tough month to keep all healthy habits on track.

    For those not feeling well, again, wishing you restored health.


  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Tuesday Goals:

    Today was a good day. I spent the day teaching adding fractions with unlike denominators to my kiddos and they seemed to catch on, so I'm hoping tomorrow is even better and I can keep going without having to spend too much time reteaching. :)

    I went grocery shopping this afternoon and got some good stuff to eat and lots of frozen items to get by on so that I can just toss them into my lunchbox and go in the mornings. I will typically fix my lunch the night before, but have gotten out of the habit. Maybe I need to get back to that. Might shave a few mins off of my morning routine.

    My goals for this week are pretty simple. 1. Log my food EVERY day. 2. Exercise at least 4 days a week (C25K Training). 3. Get my house picked up and laundry done. 4. Lose 1 pound by the end of the week. I think these are pretty attainable goals. I'm starting small. Each day is a triumph. :)

    I hope everyone has a fabulous day and I look forward to catching up with all of you. Still trying to read the rest of the missed threads I missed. 40 pages is a bit to go through all at once, but I'll get there soon. Have a wonderful night! :)

    ~ Jana
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @robin--hope you're feeling better soon! :flowerforyou:

    @morgori--I don't think one night at the pub is going overboard. Congrats on your continued success not smoking! :drinker:

    Tuesday Goals:
    My stomach is still acting up a bit, but it's better than previous days. I ended up running outside with gunner rather than going to the gym. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting there. :grumble: At least I ran 3 miles--more than I've done since my turkey trot last week.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster) NOT DONE
    Tues--run outside w/ gunner DONE!
    Wed--rest day (have a mtg after work and then dinner plans w/ friends)
    Thurs--walk gunner (giving blood)
    Fri--walk gunner + core work
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (weight machines and bike or stairmaster)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 49/49 AP essays DONE!!!
    2. 25/59 Scarlet Letter tests
    3. x/22 vocab quizzes
    4. x/22 student ads
    5. x/11 Grendel analysis activities
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was my 1st day back to work it went ok and it was also volunteer day were I take my clients to do their varous volunteer jobs. They love it and its fun because of that. It also includes lots of walking and other sorts of physical moving. So today that counts as part of my workout.

    I was able to do Richard Simmons this morning it seem to work out ok so hoping to try it again tomorrow.

    Sorry I am not responding to each of you. I am just so tired. I will try to get back late tonight . So encourage by each ot you thank you.