200+ Pound Twenties (New Group)



  • valmedellin
    Hi I'd like to join. I'm currenlty 185 so a bit under but was 205 May of 2009 Im 26 fixing to be 27. I know I was much higher but I started trying to lose weight. I still have a way to go as 135 is my goal but I've found it hard staying motivated, I have Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, so this is a life commitment for me, I owe it to myself. : ) Valentina
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    Welcome to the group ladies! Weigh-ins are every Monday, but feel free to come around during other days just to chat or ask for advice.

    @Valentina: This site has really helped me stay motivated and be more accountable. I think when you are keeping track of everything you eat it is harder to cheat. My calories at the end of the day are kind of like a little report card. I can see if I am doing well and where I need to improve. Hopefully, sharing your progress with friends on the forums will keep you motivated as well!
  • yogadiva
    yogadiva Posts: 6
    Hi all :)

    I know I'm starting a little late, but I just found your thread, so I'd really like to join you guys. I'm 26, and I have about 90lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I've lost 36 so far, and I'll get there eventually! All of you are doing great so far, so great work. The weather's getting nicer, so it's easier to motivate myself to get outside and get moving. On a side note, how do you get the ticker to display under your post? I made a ticker, but it doesn't seem to show up when I post something.

    Okay, well have a great weekend!
  • yogadiva
    yogadiva Posts: 6
    Nevermind about the ticker question. I figured it out :)
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    @yogadiva: Welcome to the group! I am happy to have someone who has a bit more experience on the site. 36 lbs is a lot Congrats! I can't wait for the weather to get nicer here...it was in the 60s for a day or two but then it dropped back down to the 40s.
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member
    Monday weigh in, 223lbs. Lost 3.5lbs since last week. Whoo HOO!!!
  • clairebear82
    Think I am another lb down this week, think the increase in exercise slowed me down as I wasn't eating my calories back. But we had a day off on Saturday and had a small amount of chinese, so I also think I have some salt left in my body from that.

    Another 4-5 days of the sports challenge this week, I am averaging about 274 calories a session which is great work, I'm feeling the burn as it were so something is working!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Hey everyone I'm new! I'm 21 and I'm currently 225lbs. I just had my second baby 4 wks ago so I am doing light exercises right now until my 6wk check up, then I look forward to stepping it up and seeing some real results!! Look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone! I just weighed in at 243 exact which means I only lost .2 lbs. Kind of disappointing (supposed to lose 2lbs a week) considering I haven't gone over on calories since I started. I do go over on carbs and sometimes protein since I am trying to eat lower fat options. It seems that low fat options just make me go over on carbs. I am not sure how much that matters though since my calories are always under my goal. Do you think maybe I need to eat more? Currently eating 1350cals a day...usually have between 50 and 100 left. I have heard a lot of talk about putting your body into starvation mode...do you think that is what is going on or is my body still adjusting to the new diet?

    @jesyka: Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you as well. Glad to have you with us!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Hey, good group for me. I'm 28, and not revealing my weight, as it's loathsome to me.

    Clairbear, I like how you're doing the small goals for yourself. I think I should do that.

    *Grin* Thanks for that!
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    Steffi- I have been reading some wonderful blogs from stroutman81. He's got one about the "starvation mode" http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/stroutman81?month=201003 Hopefully you will find something useful there.

    Today's weight 225.5, though I too think my scale is off. I usually step on it a few times, "just to make sure", and the first time it was 224. Again, a nice surprise, since last week was terrible. Went over on my calories and didn't exercise...My work schedule is always changing and it's rather amazing how much impact it has on your life. After three weeks of split weekends, I am so looking forward to having off two days row!!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    The weight that I registered with today, was my weight a week and a half ago.

    I weighed myself today. Now, I've had the flu and all, so it doesn't really count, except that it's motivation...

    according to the scale, I lost 9.8 lbs!

    Again, flu, but I've also been trying (before the stomach bug from hell hit me) to eat really healthy within calorie limits... so I'm happy. Intermittent reinforcement, and a lower starting weight for me here... which makes me feel a little better.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Thought I would write out my goals. Hoping it along with this site will help me stay on task.

    Goal 1-Lose 10lbs by March 26th
    Goal 2-Be under 200lbs by May 24th
    Goal 3-Lose 15lbs by my daughters 3rd birthday(06-30-2010)

    These are my short term for now. Being able to watch exactly what and how much I'm eating is really going to help me. That coupled with having a 2yr old and a 1 month old. I'm looking forward to the warm weather so I can get out walking with my daughters everyday. I have myself set up right now for 2 workouts a week lasting 30 mins each. Not much right now but I don't want to set myself up for disappointment and know I need to build up stamina [really outta shape] and motivation. I've mapped out a route to walk that will make sure I'm getting my 30mins in and my toddler will be starting gymnastics in April which requires my participation so I'm hoping that will get me moving too :)

    I've always been an instant gratification type when it comes to staying motivated...which has been my biggest downfall for losing weight. I'll have that big weight loss in the beginning for about 10-15lbs and then hit a plateau, start feeling down and give up. I'm not allowing myself to do that this time! So here's to a new start :D
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    lost nothing yesterday for weigh in, but dropped .8 of a pound today lol brings me dead on 201 pounds! better late than never i suppose. hopefully i'll lose a bit more for next week.

    congrats to everyone who managed to lose!!
  • loverrgirrl
    Totally in I am 20 and weigh about 260 :(
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    While I am too old for your group (and a whopping 35 years of age "shudder!" :sad: ) i want to let you all know how inspiring it is to read this post. I am 220 (formerly 250 about 3 years ago) and am also struggling to get out of the 200's for the first time since high school.

    Keep it up, and know that I may be lurking... :flowerforyou:
  • jrmdawl831
    Hi my name is Robin and i'm 21 yrs old and weigh 335...i've lost 15 pds since joining my fittness pal in feb. My family and I love this website bc it shows us how badly we were eating and helping become better people. I would love to join this group and offer/get support from everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    Great job to everyone who weighed in!

    I would also like to welcome the newcomers. The more the merrier here and it is nice to find out that there are so many people just like you. We can all go through the same things together.

    Much love to everyone and good luck this week!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i'm officially under 200 lbs!! :D

    202lbs (since i didn't lose anything technically on last mondays weigh in) to 198.8 lbs today!!

    so 3lbs!!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Spikess- AWESOME JOB on getting under 200!! Keep up the great work :happy: