5'4" female 218 down to 120 pics



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You look amazing! Congratulations on having all of your hard work pay off! :)
  • piersons
    piersons Posts: 51 Member
    You look amazing! Thank you for sharing your story.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    You are smoking hot wow I don't no you and I'm so proud of you I bet your husband cnt keep his hands off you hahha xxx
  • sweetienena
    sweetienena Posts: 9 Member
    What a journey! With that kind of accomplishment, you feel like you can take on the world if you wised to. Many congrats! :)
  • Wow! Good 4 you. You look great!! :o)
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    You look amazing! It's nice to see people my height losing to get to a goal weight similar to mine. I'm having difficulty.. Not sure if it's bc I refuse to change or willpower issues or I just haven't hit that *magic* moment yet.. but I'm trying to take steps in the right direction... Congratulations on such and amazing feat!
  • naamha24
    naamha24 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome job...you look great!!! I hope to get there one day.
  • You look absolutely gorgeous. What an inspirational story! I would bet that those mean boys are the ugly ones now!
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    You look incredible and I LOVED reading your story!! Congrats!!
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    What an inspiration! One of the best stories I've seen and read. Congrats, you look amazing!
  • LOVE your story!!! So very inspiring and motivating:) God bless you!!!
  • Thank you for sharing your story with us, you are truly and inspiration. And you look amazing!!!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    What an uplifting story! How anyone could ever call you "the ugly one" is beyond me. I'm so sorry you had to endure that treatment for no reason, but apparently it made you stronger because you have persevered and succeeded. Wow - amazing results!
  • amazing how so many can relate! Your story is so inspirational! <3 You look amazing! <3
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    My goal was to be hot (and hopefully 125lbs) by the time I went to a wedding in Sept. It seemed like such an ambitious goal at the time since I had only left the hospital with baby in tow that day. I was 213lbs at the time and that was actually 5lbs less than I had been before I got pregnant. I would like to say it was all baby weight from the previous babies but the truth was I had been bouncing around 200 for almost 15yrs.

    I am the youngest of 3 girls and my sisters are twins, blonde haired, blue eyed, perfect little size 4 hour glass shaped twins. Then there was me. My nickname was chubby and even though I was around a size 10 for my teen years I felt fat. I went for a jog one day when I was around 14 and I went past some boys out on the basketball court and I heard one of the boys ask "Who is that?" For half a second my heart soared because someone had noticed me but then the other boy answered "Its one of the Malone girls” The first asked "Grace or Jeanne?" and the other answered "No the ugly one" . He didn't know I could hear, he wasn't trying to be mean, he was even someone I considered a friend but that was how I was known. I was the fat sister. Now I am not saying feeling fat made me gain weight. The truth is I was 218lbs because I love food and the little voice in my head that says don't eat that is not nearly as loud or as fun as the endorphins I get from eating. In the end we have to look at the reasons we are were we are and then either let them go or figure out a way to work with them. I decided part of the goal was to surprise the family and be the smallest one, and as for food, I gave my little voice a megaphone by tracking what I was eating.

    My youngest (the cutest little angel to ever grace the earth) was born Jan 20th 20012 and the wedding was Sept 30th 2012. I needed to drop 88lbs in about 8 months. I thought well it’s aggressive but doable. Then I remembered I would be up all night with baby and up all day with toddler and it seemed impossible. I will say I have one thing working for me. I am stubborn. Have you heard the phrase “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"? Well that phrase was meant for me. I can keep doing the same thing stubbornly even without the result I want. I decided that this time I was going to eat less calories than I burn and I was going to keep doing it even if the scale didn't always tell me what I wanted to hear.

    I made my goal (plus 5lbs extra for vacation cushion) and I kept it a secret (that was harder than the diet). My husband and 4yr old walked up to my sister's house first. I grabbed my bag from the car and walked in. Both of them were there and they looked puzzled for a moment. One of them said "where is the rest of you?" the other just stood with her mouth open. I was actually thinner than either of them for the first time in my life (I was probably thinner at birth but since I can't remember it doesn't count) . They actually insisted upon recording the moment when my mom saw me. I had a lot of moments like that over the next few weeks and it was really worth all the hard work.

    I would love to say the greatest part of being thin is feeling healthy but I have discovered I am too vain for that. The best part is having people make eye contact with me. I am outgoing and friendly but it wears on your soul to have people look away every time when you smile at them. Some women are nice enough to smile back but most people didn't even see me. Other great stuff about being thin: Clothes!! the fit they look cute and I needed a whole new wardrobe! Not running from the camera! you would have thought I wasn't even living in my house as there are very few pictures of me. Energy! My precious little angel does not sleep, (I will take tips if anyone has them for getting a baby to sleep through the night) but I am still able to function during the day and even keep up with my 4yr old and the herd of teenagers that descends upon my house in the afternoons.

    Funny downsides they don't tell you about: I'm cold! I live in AZ and the house is around 74 degrees and I am wearing fuzzy socks and a robe and I am still cold. Seats everywhere are hard! I went to Disneyland a few weeks ago and I must have bruised my butt bones dozens of times cause every ride that use to just have fun bounces now seemed to have bone crunching drops. Seat belt panic! When I ride in my car I panic at least once every trip thinking I forgot to buckle my seatbelt because I no longer feel it cutting into me.

    Before pics


    After pics

    You are such an inspriation to me. I am so glad we friended one another. I wish I could see your photos you posted... maybe from my phone I can. We started at the same weight. My goal is a little higher than yours but only because I feel I am too boney at lower than 130. It's awesome that your family was so shocked. Hopefully they were proud and not jealous. I have the jealous sister who expects everyone else to be responsible for her weightloss...

    TOTALLY feel you on the cold now! I live in Chicago. USED to walk around in the winter wearing JUST my shawl (It's like the ones native idians would make fro the cold weather so it's fairly weighty and warm). Wouldn't need to pull it out of the closet until right around Christmas. Since I have lost the weight, I will need to invest in a "real" winter coat. For now it's the shawl with a sweatshirt under and that doesn't keep me warm when the sun is down. Toilet seats ARE HARD... and I, too, find myself checking to make sure I buckled up because I am not as aware of having the seat belt on.
  • CCmomof5
    CCmomof5 Posts: 13 Member
    AWESOME story! I needed that inspiration today!!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Amazing transformation! And I loved your story.
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    I have heard of the Firber method (my doctor recommended it too). I want to try it but A. He sleeps in our room (his crib sits against the head of my bed so he can actually roll over and be face to face with me) so I worry he will keep my hubby up and B. I am such a softy where he is concerned. It breaks my heart to have him looking at me pleading for me to pic him up. I was stronger with the other babies but he is my last one. I can't have more and I seem to be made of pudding around him.
    Congratulations on your weight loss!!! An 80 pound loss is AMAZING!!!!

    I am a big softie too... I am not a fan of the cry it out method either. :/ I did everythign wrong sleep wise with my 4 year old daughter and I am still paying for it. I wasn't going that route with my 14 month old. "The Sleep Lady's Good Night,Sleep Tight by Kim West" book came highly recommended to me. I've read it a few times already and though my son is a great sleeper and sleeps through the night, I have to revisit during teething times so I keep him on track with sleeping. I would recommend reading it. :-)
  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    That was a great and inspiring story! You look beautiful. But you did even before you lost the weight! Thank you for sharing you story. I love stories like yours!!
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