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starting the 30 day shred



  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    my knee hurts :( i ignored it though my last day of level 1 today, but i'm worried for level 2 tomorrow. i would hate to do damage, but i don't want to stop either. only 32 days til my vacation, ugh.
  • alaskagirl5
    alaskagirl5 Posts: 95 Member
    Finished day 8 of Level one today and I'm noticing some abs peeking through my stomach!! :happy: Hello again old friends! So excited to finish and see my results
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    After 10 days of level 1 here are my results:

    Body Part: Day 1
    Weight: 190.0 lbs
    Right Upper Arm: 14.50 in
    Left Upper Arm: 14.00 in
    Boobs (across biggest part): 44.00 in
    Boobs (under boobs): 36.25 in
    Waist: 35.25 in
    Belly Button: 40.25 in
    Muffin Top: 43.50 in
    Hips: 46.00 in
    Right Thigh: 27.25 in
    Left Thigh: 27.5 in

    Body Part: Day 10 (pre-day 11 workout)
    Weight: 191.2 lbs
    Right Upper Arm: 13.50 in
    Left Upper Arm: 13.00 in
    Boobs (across biggest part): 43.00 in
    Boobs (under boobs): 35.00 in
    Waist: 33.00 in
    Belly Button: 38.00 in
    Muffin Top: 41.25 in
    Hips: 44.00 in
    Right Thigh: 26.75 in
    Left Thigh: 26.50 in

    Body Part: Change
    Weight: + 1.2 lbs
    Right Upper Arm: -1 in
    Left Upper Arm: -1 in
    Boobs (across biggest part): -1 in
    Boobs (under boobs): -1.25 in
    Waist: -2.25 in
    Belly Button: -2.25 in
    Muffin Top: -2.25 in
    Hips: -2 in
    Right Thigh: -0.5 in
    Left Thigh: -1 in

    Total Inches Lost Thus Far: 14.5 inches!

    Day 10 Progress Pics

    So excited to get to day 20 and day 30!

    In just 10 days, you look so good!

    I agree! 10 days later and such a difference!
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    @ Wizbeth: Thanks for the kind words. The photos definitely are deceptive as there is still a lot of fat/loose skin there, but I'm certainly committed to working to fix that. I do think I see a bit of what you mean though, and I'm really glad I took photos so when/if those changes kick in, I'll be able to see the difference for myself.

    Today, though, I stuffed my face royally & my stomach certainly shows it. :p

    @ Rachiegrl: Oh wow, those are amazing 10 day results, & I can certainly see a difference! :)
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    my knee hurts :( i ignored it though my last day of level 1 today, but i'm worried for level 2 tomorrow. i would hate to do damage, but i don't want to stop either. only 32 days til my vacation, ugh.

    I had the same trouble as you with my knees. I ended up getting some vegan supplements, and was careful to listen to my body with each exercise. I limited the jump squats & rockstar jumps in level three (sometimes just did squats in place of them), and for the jumping lunges I just did regular lunges. I also noticed by the end of level 3 that one elbow has a bit of pain, so now I try to do them each time but I will stop if I think I might be injuring something. I figure if I end up really doing damage, it will cost me the full workout routines while I recover, rather than simply listening to your body & improvising where needed.
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    @valalltogether & @violet976
    I also had trouble with my knee at the end of week 1, level 1, Saturday morning I woke up and it was achey and sore...luckily those were my rest days so dosed up on ibuprofen & by Monday was much better, obviously eased myself in but seemed much better. Just don't go to mad and gently ease yourself back into it - just your body learning to cope with muscles finally being used!!

    SO, I did level 3 this morning!! it is much harder, and there were a few things I had to stop half way, merely because I had to watch them do it so I could get my head around it, but boy is it so much better than level 2.... I knew all of you said it, but seriously!!!

    I can see it being definitely hard work but so worth it afterwards and like @Wizbeth said and many others certain things will be modified to personal suitability and what not but you will feel better for doing it after whereas with level 2 I just wanted it over and hated the thought of doing it ever again!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    day 9, level 3! almost done!!
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Level 3, Day 4 today.

    I still like it. That's a good thing.

    I did Day 3 on Sunday and felt something POP! in my shoulder during the traveling push-ups. I spent the rest of Sunday with a pretty uncomfortable shoulder. I rested it yesterday, and stuck with plain old regular push-ups today. I get so fired up doing the Shred that I forget I'm still more than 100 pounds overweight. :)

    Just kidding... I think I just wasn't paying attention to my form.

    Keep shredding!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I took 3 days off for my knee and picked back up with level 2 today. I was worried that I un-did all my hard work by taking 3 days off in a row, but I was able to maintain. Probably because I opted for mostly beginner moves this time around. Sucks for me, because I get competitive.

    Word of advice for those in small spaces like me -- Level 2 has you moving around a whole lot more (the plank positions, skaters, etc) I find myself kicking around my mat to make space and struggling to get into position when they start.

    So anyway..i'll stick with beginner moves and if my knee feels up to it, i'll advance. I HOPE I see results..because so far, nothing. :\
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Day 30 of 30! Done!!

    I'll keep on doing the Shred until my vacation starts (on saturday). I'll take the after photos on that day as well. As for measurements, I'm not sure what to do. I think the dog of my family played with my measuring tape and left it somewhere because I cannot find it anywhere. And I need this precise tape because I haven't been measuring from 0 to whatever but from the end of the tape to whatever. *shakes head*.
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Level 3, Day 5!

    I know this isn't the goal of the Shred, but I have noticed that my flexibility has improved greatly. Tonight during my cool down/stretching I nearly had my nose on the floor. And that's no small feat for a big girl like me. :laugh:
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 484 Member
    I am on day 2 level 1. I am sore, but manageable. I have lots to lose - 40 pounds. Hoping this will help lose inches.
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    i'm just going to have to trust this program and ignore the scale a while. i've gone up about 3-4 lbs in weight so far.. :|

    day 3 level 2 starting soon..
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Level 3, Day 6

    I am trying to do fewer modifications each time. For some of the moves I modify the modified version, and I am trying to get rid of those. I'm thinking that I will keep doing the Shred until I can do Level 1 and 3 all the way through without any double-modifications.

    I will not ever, ever do Level 2 again. Not voluntarily, anyway. Ugh.

    I think the sumo squats in Level 3 are my favorite. I love how I feel it in my inner thighs and butt. And I'd really love to make some great progress on my inner thighs and butt! :laugh:

    Which moves are your favorite??
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Level 3 Day 5, 25 days into my 30DS!! amazing...cannot believe I have managed it for 5 weeks so far... don't know where it's gone.

    Level 3 is so much better, but like @Wizbeth218 I am modifying some of the modified versions but at same time other moves I'm doing expert version... so it balances out, but I would like to complete my final 5 days without having to double modify, and to be perfectly honest hopefully I'll be doing the full on expert for them all by next Friday! But we shall see!!

    Definitely will be going back to Level 1 and 3 in due course, when I have finished that is!!

    Like @wizbeth218 I will not ever, ever, ever do Level 2 again!!! Not voluntarily, not involuntarily, not even if you offered me £100,000...well maybe if that much was up for stakes I would possibly consider it!!!

    2 days off and then my final FIVE days... cannot believe it!! To be honest, I can't physically see much difference, mainly because I've been messing up on the eating side of things but after my WW weigh in on Wednesday night, somethings clicked in me and I am more determined now to lose the final 8.5lb I have before reaching my Goal. . . and ideally want to lose 1.5lb by next Weds as will mean I have hit my 5 stone (70lb) loss! Finally, but we shall see!!

    Sumo Squats make me laugh to be honest, my cat's give me the funniest looks when I'm doing them... I love being Superman too! Oh and what really cracked me up was when JM explained to us how to do one of the warm ups in Level 2 that we also do in Level 3... as a greaser combing your hair then flipping your back to pat your butt...
  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Ugh! I bailed on working out this morning. And that means I will have to do it when I get home from work. :ohwell: I'm disappointed in myself for not getting up early and DOING it, even though I know how much I prefer to work out first thing.

    Ah well. The day is still young and I still have lots more chances to work out today. But if I don't post around 6pm central time that I did my Level 3 today, then you ALL have permission to come to my house and kick the crap outta my lazy self! :)

    Lulaloops! You are SOOOO close to your goal! And what a great goal that is! 70 pounds, wow!! Congrats!
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    Lulaloops! You are SOOOO close to your goal! And what a great goal that is! 70 pounds, wow!! Congrats!

    Thanks hun, taken a loooonggg time especially this year! haha not quite goal though, got another 7lb at least after that to go!! currently 8.5lb to go! just want to lose 1.5lb before xmas!

    I have had such a good week so far food wise - cuz my WW meeting is on a Weds night my food week starts Thurs.... no treats, no picking, no rubbish! cheeky weigh in this morning and no change. . . . i give up!! Im good i fail, Im bad I fail!

    Off to do my last Monday level 3 workout . . . feeling de motivated again now but got to do it . . .

    Day 25 here we come :S

    Enthusiasm has left the building! Gutted to say the least!
  • lulaloops
    lulaloops Posts: 78 Member
    so today's work out. . . by far did not give that my all!! think i broke down in tears half way through the first circuit - not because of the actual exercises...just in general....just feel like im going around in circles and not getting anywhere!
    Tried pep talking myself into doing it but genuinely think i gave what 65/70% max today!!

    Oh well...!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Can I get in on this? Thanks.

    Questions: I know most people say, "Just do what works for you,".. but I must know how you folks that do it every day power through the muscle soreness. I started this program briefly about 3 years ago and distinctly remember being too sore to workout for 2-3 days afterwards.

    Did you space out the days at first and then gradually work your way up to every day? Or are you all in relatively decent shape already?

    Starting tomorrow and genuinely terrified based on previous experience.

    I have 7 workouts left on the 30ds, I started Oct. 1. I was not in shape at all when I stared this workout and I felt it when I woke up the next morning after my first work out. I powered through day 2 and then took a rest day. I remember being very thankful I took that rest day because it made a huge difference! Since then I haven't found myself so sore I can't do any more. I do take rest days for a couple reasons; 1) for the obvious reason, to let my body rest and 2) because life happens and there are days I just can't get that work out in.

    I started 30ds in oct , did 29 days and missed one day of level 2 .. Lol .. I hated that damn level! Ugghhhh... Ant way, i lost no weight, but ii lost 26 inches over all! I couldn't believe it, then i thought, "I'll do the ripped in 30, it is more weights, so more toning" lol Right. I did it all the way up to level 3 and no results! ! So i started the shred again last night, I'm hopping to see some results by next Wednesday, as its my sons first birthday!!
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