1200 calories = more likely to have problems?



  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Seriously. Why is this issue still being argued? Eat at the calorie level that is right for you and quit trying to force your opinions on everyone else.

    You never see threads that say "2500 calories = more likely to get fat?"

    Thank God, someone said this. I LOVE how many people think they are doctors/nutritionists/trainers/know it alls. You always get the opposite. Eat more or eat less depending on the topic. Do what works for you. Eat at least 1200 calories. You'll be good to go.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I am one of those who started at 1220 calories.... However that was more than doubling what I used to eat. I am up to almost 1500 calories now... NOW I am losing weight. Not the 25 calories we all wish we could over night. But Hey Im much more comfortable in my own skin. So if you are starving at 1200 calories, you might want to re think it,
  • susanwilson2
    Hello, people I just started and I'am loving it! The fact that I can exercise and earn more calories is great! . I have only lost 6 lbs. but it feels like 16.
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Suuuuper MFP pet peeve!!! Uuugh I HATE it when people mind other peoples business. Mind your own diary and call it a day! If a person wants to net and 5 OH WELL its their problem not yours. Geez in the past Ive deleted people like that. All they do is sit there and post up on the board other peoples diary. "OMG I cant be your friend when you NET 1200...OMG. I'm going to delete Mary Jane" How about this?? You just got deleted for complaining about other people stuff. Me personally if that's what works for you then go ahead do what you do.If they want to make themselves sick by netting at 5 that's their problem. You people are going to get an early stroke worrying and stressing other people business.

    Why isn't that a topic in the forum?

    Topic:Annoying people who mind other peoples Diary's. How many annoying people do you know?
    Reply: I dont know any...I delete them. Uugh.
  • holylucy
    That was funny. hehehe
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Good lord this is hilarious....I eat less than 1200 and I'm not starving and have broken thru a plateau and I'm losing lbs again...have lost 8 lbs since last Thursday. I stay pretty full on my calorie limits. I won't hit my normal 13 lbs this month but if I can get 10 out of this month I'll be happy happy happy.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I am okay at 1200. It is all about just eating better foods really. I struggled the first two days because I was always hungry! But now I think I have a handle on it.

    Can someone explain how upping calories makes you lose weight though? I do not understand this.

    if your body senses that you are eating too low, it gets scared that you are stuck in the basement without food so it starts conserving and slows down to do that conserving.

    if you eat more (but less than your tdee) it doesnt get scared and lets you lose weight

    NOT TRUE....I started out at 1000 and have since lowered it and I lose about 13 lbs a month. This month I hit a plateau but have broken thru it and back to losing. Tellme when it's going to slow down? LMAO. This has been pretty consitant for 11 months now.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I think 1200 calories is sufficient if you are not hungry throughout the day. You are *honestly* satisfied. If you are exercising then I feel this is definitely not enough and you should be eating back your calories at minimum. I believe calculating your TDEE is beneficial and allows more *play* in your caloric intake.

    I eat 1200 mostly and am not hungry. I try to eat high fiber foods that keep me full. If Im hungry, I eat a small portion of something and drink water. As I get closer to my goal I will start eating closer to TDEE calculations.

    This works for me. I am happy and satisfied. We dont all eat the same for different reasons. Is that wrong? No.

    When all else fails, contact your physician and/or have them refer you to a nutritionist :)

    O yeah...and use the SEARCH button ..up there .... before yall ask a question..its been asked a gazillion times already..

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What I can't understand is why anyone gives a crud how many calories I'm eating. I mean, I'm not preaching to anyone else to eat this low, but I'm 43 years old, short and have a sedentary lifestyle. It's Dr. approved to do what I'm doing. So why does it bother people so much?

    I can only assume that they are not of a height or build where 1200 is remotely healthy for them, and had to be convinced rather hard that that was not the case for them, and are trying to pay it forward... like a person who has to give up alcohol because they are an alcoholic, but rather than recognizing that there are differences in people, goes on a crusade to "save" anyone else who isn't teatotal already. It's well intentioned but in an annoying high horse kind of way.


    (Hey, it's me, the OP that dared to suggest the correlation.)

    Good guess, but not quite accurate. I've never been significantly overweight. A year ago, I decided I didn't like my level of health, but overall weight wasn't really a problem.

    So now that everyone knows that I've never BTDT, they can even more quickly discount and dismiss my radically insensitive comment about the correlation I've noticed in my many months here.

    For those who are most upset about my post, this message isn't for you...at least not yet. And for those who are early in your plan to reach your GW, I commend your commitment to getting healthy and appreciate your input, but until you have reached a healthy weight and have maintained, you honestly don't *know* what works long-term...yet. Nothing personal, and in no way am I saying you shouldn't say what's on your mind, but you don't and can't know...yet.

    Eh, I'm just being redundant. I've already said as much earlier in this thread.

    And for those concerned about my stress level, I can assure you, it's fine. I'm not *worried* about your diary...however, I have *observed* this correlation nonetheless.

    Oh, and I have several friends who eat at 1200...some of whom have even posted in this thread. Somehow, they forgive my remarkable rudeness of daring to comment in the forums like this.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Well, I don't read them because that calorie level doesn't work for me. I feel no need to put others down for their successes, either. The threads aren't relevant to me, why would I comment? I don't even read them. (With the exception of the last one, which I did comment in.)

    People who succeed on the higher calories either have a better metabolism than me, have a higher TDEE through exercise or other activity, or are heavier than me. I don't begrudge them any of those things. But I'm content with using MFP since I'm on their site, not on HID. And they tell me that 1200 calories will result in anywhere from a .2-.7 lb loss a week, depending on where I am in my weight range and on lightly active. It's a bummer that people come to this website, use the formula, and get mocked (by some, not all.) Sometimes it's the arrogance or snideness of the message (this is not aimed at anyone in particular, but is why I believe some of us get so irritated) rather than the actual message. (I disagree with the message that 1200 calories is never healthy unless you are three feet tall. That isn't enough to bother me. But people getting belittled for following MFP's program, as does happen, does. People automatically assume everyone ignored the recommended setting of 1lb a week. Many people who have eaten at a calorie deficit gain it back, but on this board, it's often assumed that they destroyed themselves by not eating enough. Does this happen? Yes. Do a lot more people than just 1200 calorie eaters gain back lost weight? Yes.)
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    What I can't understand is why anyone gives a crud how many calories I'm eating. I mean, I'm not preaching to anyone else to eat this low, but I'm 43 years old, short and have a sedentary lifestyle. It's Dr. approved to do what I'm doing. So why does it bother people so much?

    I can only assume that they are not of a height or build where 1200 is remotely healthy for them, and had to be convinced rather hard that that was not the case for them, and are trying to pay it forward... like a person who has to give up alcohol because they are an alcoholic, but rather than recognizing that there are differences in people, goes on a crusade to "save" anyone else who isn't teatotal already. It's well intentioned but in an annoying high horse kind of way.


    (Hey, it's me, the OP that dared to suggest the correlation.)

    Good guess, but not quite accurate. I've never been significantly overweight. A year ago, I decided I didn't like my level of health, but overall weight wasn't really a problem.

    So now that everyone knows that I've never BTDT, they can even more quickly discount and dismiss my radically insensitive comment about the correlation I've noticed in my many months here.

    For those who are most upset about my post, this message isn't for you...at least not yet. And for those who are early in your plan to reach your GW, I commend your commitment to getting healthy and appreciate your input, but until you have reached a healthy weight and have maintained, you honestly don't *know* what works long-term...yet. Nothing personal, and in no way am I saying you shouldn't say what's on your mind, but you don't and can't know...yet.

    Eh, I'm just being redundant. I've already said as much earlier in this thread.

    And for those concerned about my stress level, I can assure you, it's fine. I'm not *worried* about your diary...however, I have *observed* this correlation nonetheless.

    Oh, and I have several friends who eat at 1200...some of whom have even posted in this thread. Somehow, they forgive my remarkable rudeness of daring to comment in the forums like this.

    forgive yes...but you will pay later. *evil laugh*
  • MayonnaiseJane
    MayonnaiseJane Posts: 12 Member
    What I can't understand is why anyone gives a crud how many calories I'm eating. I mean, I'm not preaching to anyone else to eat this low, but I'm 43 years old, short and have a sedentary lifestyle. It's Dr. approved to do what I'm doing. So why does it bother people so much?

    I can only assume that they are not of a height or build where 1200 is remotely healthy for them, and had to be convinced rather hard that that was not the case for them, and are trying to pay it forward... like a person who has to give up alcohol because they are an alcoholic, but rather than recognizing that there are differences in people, goes on a crusade to "save" anyone else who isn't teatotal already. It's well intentioned but in an annoying high horse kind of way.


    (Hey, it's me, the OP that dared to suggest the correlation.)

    Good guess, but not quite accurate. I've never been significantly overweight. A year ago, I decided I didn't like my level of health, but overall weight wasn't really a problem.

    So now that everyone knows that I've never BTDT, they can even more quickly discount and dismiss my radically insensitive comment about the correlation I've noticed in my many months here.

    For those who are most upset about my post, this message isn't for you...at least not yet. And for those who are early in your plan to reach your GW, I commend your commitment to getting healthy and appreciate your input, but until you have reached a healthy weight and have maintained, you honestly don't *know* what works long-term...yet. Nothing personal, and in no way am I saying you shouldn't say what's on your mind, but you don't and can't know...yet.

    I'm pretty sure you can be in a situation where 1200 isn't remotely healthy for you without being "Significantly Overweight." You could have a high muscle mass, you could be tall, you could have a naturally high metabolism... any of those things could raise your TDEE to a point where 1200 is TOO LITTLE.

    Saying that 1200 is OK for some people isn't the same as saying everyone should do it or it's the best way or even the only way. It's saying that for a certain subset of people, greater than 0, it is healthy and works. The point isn't that it's for everyone (which is why you don't see "1200 defenders" jumping into threads where people lost by eating more.) The point is that 1200 CAN in fact be fine, healthy and not a "huge deficit" for people with a low TDEE.

    The better correlation is probably that people experience problems when they set their deficit to above certain percentage of their TDEE... for which further research would need to be done.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    What I can't understand is why anyone gives a crud how many calories I'm eating. I mean, I'm not preaching to anyone else to eat this low, but I'm 43 years old, short and have a sedentary lifestyle. It's Dr. approved to do what I'm doing. So why does it bother people so much?

    I can only assume that they are not of a height or build where 1200 is remotely healthy for them, and had to be convinced rather hard that that was not the case for them, and are trying to pay it forward... like a person who has to give up alcohol because they are an alcoholic, but rather than recognizing that there are differences in people, goes on a crusade to "save" anyone else who isn't teatotal already. It's well intentioned but in an annoying high horse kind of way.


    (Hey, it's me, the OP that dared to suggest the correlation.)

    Good guess, but not quite accurate. I've never been significantly overweight. A year ago, I decided I didn't like my level of health, but overall weight wasn't really a problem.

    So now that everyone knows that I've never BTDT, they can even more quickly discount and dismiss my radically insensitive comment about the correlation I've noticed in my many months here.

    For those who are most upset about my post, this message isn't for you...at least not yet. And for those who are early in your plan to reach your GW, I commend your commitment to getting healthy and appreciate your input, but until you have reached a healthy weight and have maintained, you honestly don't *know* what works long-term...yet. Nothing personal, and in no way am I saying you shouldn't say what's on your mind, but you don't and can't know...yet.

    I'm pretty sure you can be in a situation where 1200 isn't remotely healthy for you without being "Significantly Overweight." You could have a high muscle mass, you could be tall, you could have a naturally high metabolism... any of those things could raise your TDEE to a point where 1200 is TOO LITTLE.

    Saying that 1200 is OK for some people isn't the same as saying everyone should do it or it's the best way or even the only way. It's saying that for a certain subset of people, greater than 0, it is healthy and works. The point isn't that it's for everyone (which is why you don't see "1200 defenders" jumping into threads where people lost by eating more.) The point is that 1200 CAN in fact be fine, healthy and not a "huge deficit" for people with a low TDEE.

    The better correlation is probably that people experience problems when they set their deficit to above certain percentage of their TDEE... for which further research would need to be done.

    well said...ty :)
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I was very good keeping less than 1200 calories for one week.
    Then I started going crazy, I was thinking about food ALL THE TIME. I would walk around my office just staring at people's food. I started getting dizzy and really tired.

    After that, I broke down and just ate 2400 calories one night in like one go.

    So, I've learned it's not a sustainable solution for me.

    Unfortunately, given my schedule I'm not willing to make the sacrifices to work out more than what I do at twice a week at the gym. (But hmm, I also run to the train station in the mornings in my high heels. Does that count? :P)

    But I'm going to try and eat 1400 consistently now and see what happens. When I get hungry, I'm going to just try and drink water.

    If any of you have tips on coping with hunger, let me know!
  • ro5es12
    ro5es12 Posts: 2 Member
  • TCoop24
    1200 calories and below is bad for you...I eat about 1500 to 1700 a day and im doing fine
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    well I could not live on 1200 cals a day I would be miserable I have 1500 no matter what i am doing I split it to 6 meals a day not evenly all the time I try to burn 500 calories in exercise but I will not allow myself to go hungry I think that is counterproductive and dangerous! Im 5 ft 2 and I have lost 26 lbs since April this year Im at 144 lbs now and I really dont care if I dont loose another pound Im fit and healthy and thats good enough!
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I was very good keeping less than 1200 calories for one week.
    Then I started going crazy, I was thinking about food ALL THE TIME. I would walk around my office just staring at people's food. I started getting dizzy and really tired.

    After that, I broke down and just ate 2400 calories one night in like one go.

    So, I've learned it's not a sustainable solution for me.

    Unfortunately, given my schedule I'm not willing to make the sacrifices to work out more than what I do at twice a week at the gym. (But hmm, I also run to the train station in the mornings in my high heels. Does that count? :P)

    But I'm going to try and eat 1400 consistently now and see what happens. When I get hungry, I'm going to just try and drink water.

    If any of you have tips on coping with hunger, let me know!

    those few extra 100 calories should help :) try to eat more fiberous(sp?) snacks(atleast 3g or more per serving) in between meals.

    You should never feel starving.. ..time your snacks and meals according to your daily routine as well..

    ((disclaimer-these are just suggestions that have worked for me and may not work for others as we are all unique :p ))
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I do 1200 - 1400 calories a day - My Dr. recommended 1300. When I first started MFP showed I should eat 1230 and all of the sudden it changed to 1440 so I try to stay between 1200 and 1400 per day. I have a lot of weight to lose and it works for me - I've lost 40 pounds so far. 1/2 of my calories are eaten in the eveing for dinner or after dinner snack. Yes, I am hungry at meal times but usually not starving - just hungry. 1200 calories may not work for everyone but it works for me! Worry about your habits - not everyone else's
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I should have added to my earlier post, that although my GOAL calorie intake, based on my goal in MFP of losing one pound per week is 1240, that I'm not rigid about it. Real life doesn't always operate on a 1240 calorie schedule. Birthdays happen. Pizza and Mexican food happen. So I probably exceed my 1240 a least once a week. Maybe that's why I'm still losing???

    And to the original OP. I've got no issue with your post. I guess I've just gotten defensive from seeing SO many people tell me (and others like me) I'm doing it wrong and it won't last. My doc said go no lower than 1200 net calories per day. I've been pretty good so far at following those orders. I have been very cognizant of others saying they plateaud and actually increased their calories to break through it. So 'm prepared should that occur. That is why I go into topics like this one, by the way. I actually do get a lot of useful information. I take what I want, and leave the rest.

    After all, we are all here for the same reason (Sorry OP, I couldn't resist since you posted something about this on another thread! :devil: )