How long to wait before you got rid of your "fat" clothes

I was a size 12-14 just a year ago now a 6-8 and I'm wondering if I should just donate those clothes. I was thinking that I would keep some of the better maker ones just in case - but I hate to even think that way! I'm not a pack rat and I don't want to keep them, but I'm am sorta cheap-stake - so I don't want to feel that I'm wasting money.

I was thinking of offer to family - sister's and close friends as an alternate - safety net sorta thing, but whom am kiddin.! So what have others done.

I have been maintaining my current weight for around 5 months, and I really have become comfortable with the "new" me, and am confident I can continue being this way.


  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    years ago, I kept my fat clothes..

    NOW, they go as soon as I can't fit them. I have 2 pairs of pants that are outta here on the next trip to goodwill..
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I put mine up on Craigslist as soon as I can fit into the next size smaller. I don't want them sitting around...I might think it's okay to slack on my eating or exercise because I have some pants to fall back onto!
  • eandrsmom
    I have gotten rid of my fat clothes more than once, only to get really mad when I needed them back. So this time, I am taking the same approach that I have taken with my baby gear. My convoluted theory on that topic is that I will get pregnant again within three months of giving away the last piece of baby gear. So, I am holding on to that pack and play for dear life. The fat clothes will go in a box in the attic, next to that puppy. And to be honest, now I am really ticked that I got rid of all those 2s and 4s that I swore I would never be able to fit a toe back into. I am just about there!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Every time I dropped a size, I donated them. I am NEVER going back there.
  • LJSchmitt
    LJSchmitt Posts: 121 Member
    In the past I always kept the "fat" clothes just in case. And, guess what? I always needed them because I knew they were there. This time around, as soon as they were too big they went to the charity bag. So far I have donated three 30 gallon garbage bags of clothes to an organization in town that helps women in need. I have another 13 gallon bag ready to go this weekend. By the way, no one on the earth could be more "cheapo" than me. Yes, it was tough to give the clothes away. But, if they are not there to grow back into, I'm cheap enough to know that the smaller sizes will cost less. Plus sizes are always more expensive.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    When I lost a ton of weight years ago I kept them for quite a while, then I donated them. Luckily as I was getting smaller a very fashionable friend of mine was getting rid of her old clothes! lol Over several years I gained the weight back. If I had kept my original fat clothes it wouldn't have mattered because they were so out of style I wouldn't wear them now anyway. Just get rid of them.
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    I also went from a 14-16 range down to an 8. It took me 10 months to get down to this size but now I feel confident I can keep it off I just gave my clothes away..some to friends and some to St. Vincent de Paul charities. Can't go back now :)
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 897 Member
    great time of year to donate!!!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I don't keep any of mine. As soon as they don't fit they are out of my house. There will be no just in-cases here.
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    I put mine up on Craigslist as soon as I can fit into the next size smaller. I don't want them sitting around...I might think it's okay to slack on my eating or exercise because I have some pants to fall back onto!

    eww, who buys used clothes on craigslist!
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I started my journey about 2 years 219 lbs...I am currently 35 lbs down....I decided that I would not buy new clothes TILL I WORE THEM OUT.....I have thrown out 3 pair of wore out (inner thighs ragged and torn) so far...I can remind myself, everday, of my commitment when I pull my waistband and see how far I've come....IT IS MY INCENTIVE....I do not know my current size, LOL...I can pull down my jeans without unbuttoning them, but they are not falling off, so it's still OK....I'm on my last pair of BLACK that I use for work....I still have 3 blue ones....maybe in March, when I have my next birthday, I will go shopping and treat myself...and finally learn my new size...maybe then, I will be down 50 lbs...I have, during this time, only had a few times where I went back up a few lbs, like during Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I kept checking my weight, and when it did the jumps, I just cut back a little, and it came back off....this has been a continoous downward loss for me...slowly, but that is the best way.....
  • maramarx
    I plan on keeping one pair of my largest pair of pants so i can do the "stand in one leg of them picture LMAO can't wait
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I was size 12 in January and am now mostly in 6. I just got rid of the 12s about a month ago but was still scared to get rid of the in between sizes. I guess I'm scared if I do I will gain weight. Silly I guess.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I was 14-16 when I started weight loss journey and I went down to size 8-10 prior to getting pregnant. I didn't get rid of anything because I hoped I 'll able to have an other baby again, and pregnancy doubled my size last time, so I expected size increase this time as well. However this is our last baby, so when I'll start to lose this time, I get rid of everything that I more than a size bigger than me.
  • dzzlin
    If they are really good clothes, and you like the style, why not have them altered. May be cheaper than buying new ones.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Uh, you could send them to your friend who will very soon be able to fit into them. I hope. :wink: :happy:
  • elli0702
    I agree - get rid of them. One of the reasons I got back on MFP after not logging in for a few months was that I got rid of my bigger clothes, couldn't fit into the newer smaller ones, and couldn't afford to buy new bigger clothes (nor could I bear to try on larger sizes at the store again!) Definitely added motivation to lose the weight again and get back on track.
  • ashdred
    ashdred Posts: 95 Member
    I was a 26 and am now a 20/22...I got rid of everything bigger than 22.
    I was a 18/20 for a long time before i hit my BIG peak so i have a lot of clothes to fit into now...they were my "I sure do hope I can get back into those" clothes.

    i have no intentions on going back...
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I have kept my largest jeans one pair, my largest sweat shirt and my favorite jersey the jeans and sweat shirt for pic comparison. The jersey because it was my first real jersey. Everything else I've donated to the mentally handicapped because I'm never going back to that size.
  • AEFidgets
    I put mine up on Craigslist as soon as I can fit into the next size smaller. I don't want them sitting around...I might think it's okay to slack on my eating or exercise because I have some pants to fall back onto!

    eww, who buys used clothes on craigslist!

    The same frugal people who buy from Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Wash really well and your good to go. Obviously if it's stained or torn it's a no go, but otherwise used clothes are great!
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