Giving up cheese



  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I have toyed with giving up cheese. Instead I gave up cheap cheese and any thing pretending it's cottage cheese. One ounce of the real thing is a spectacular treat and because I make myself weigh it, I don't snarf the whole packet.
    Don't give up things that you will always crave - do the moderation thing!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Cut down not out!
  • shedder3000
    If you don't want to cut it out of your diet completely, just eat low-fat or consume smaller portions. I love cheese, particularly camembert so if I'm seriously craving it, I'll eat some just to get rid of the craving. Providing you're eating at a calorie deficit, you should lose weight whether what you're eating is generally considered healthy or not. Nutritionally speaking, cheese is a good source of calcium but you can find that in other less fattening dairy sources.

    You mention you have no self control. Is this relating to not being able to stop at a small quantity? If so going cold turkey might be a good option - I find it effective
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What is real cheese? I didn't know there was fake cheese.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Drastic results call for drastic measures! Good for you! I fully understand how it is. Sometimes it is easier to to cut something out at all not to have temptation of wanting more. It's like that with me for chocolate. It's hard to stop with one peace when here is a whole lot left.

    Don't buy it so it is not home sitting there and talking to you. One day you will eat it again and will feel OK about it.
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    So many options these days! Individual wrapped is great. They are already the right amount and make it easy to NOT over indulge. Moderation is best, don't give up something you love :smile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Cheese is gross. Once you stop eating it, you'll realize how disgusting it is. It just adds zero value to anything. It's a horrible food product. Its just a big giant glob of fat. Why would you put into your body that which you are trying to get rid of?

    no offense but you don't understand food macros or nutrition

    do you feel this way about milk?

    cheese is made From milk
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    One of my biggest tricks for substituting cheese is AVOCADO. When you put slices of avocado in your sandwiches or salad, the creaminess of it really imitates the creaminess of cheese or other dairy (like mayo). It's been a lifesaver, and it's really good. Just try it!
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    Yeah , Don't cut it out completely , Just try to "Cut Back " Cheese has good Fats and protein !
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    I could never give up cheese. Have you tried the Laughing Cow Baby Bell Lite cheese. That satisfies my chrese craving.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    All these dogs talking about cheese is freaking me out. How o hey even type on a keyboard is even more puzzling.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Cheese is gross. Once you stop eating it, you'll realize how disgusting it is. It just adds zero value to anything. It's a horrible food product. Its just a big giant glob of fat. Why would you put into your body that which you are trying to get rid of?

    no offense but you don't understand food macros or nutrition

    do you feel this way about milk?

    cheese is made From milk

    No offense, but you did offend. Go eat some cheese, and gain some weight.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    Wow, what a very well articulated argument. Good point, i'll be sure to consider that.

    Please don't allow yourself to believe the lie that cheese is good for you. If you want to eat cheese, eat all you want, but don't delude yourself into thinking it is good for human health.

    it does not cause cancer

    it is not physically addicting

    ONLY a caloric surplus will make you fat...not cheese because it is cheese

    it will not cause constipation if your diet is balanced with fiber

    it has great protein and required fat

    it tastes great

    if not overly processed fake cheese, it IS a healthy food
    I didn't say it caused cancer, but casein, the main protein in milk, has been shown to promote cancer growth in lab animals. The many epidemiological studies done on human populations show that higher consumption of dairy products and higher rates of certain types of cancer go hand in hand.

    It IS physically addictive.

    Milk is loaded with fat.

    ANY food that does not contain fiber can lead to constipation.

    Casein is not great protein, and animal fat is not required.

    It tastes like a sweaty sock. You like it because you are addicted.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    It's amazing what people come up with these days. Confirmation bias can be found on the first page of google for just about anything, which translates into, a little information is dangerous.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    It's amazing what people come up with these days. Confirmation bias can be found on the first page of google for just about anything, which translates into, a little information is dangerous.

    I concur.
  • Keto_Keith
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    Wow, what a very well articulated argument. Good point, i'll be sure to consider that.

    Please don't allow yourself to believe the lie that cheese is good for you. If you want to eat cheese, eat all you want, but don't delude yourself into thinking it is good for human health.

    it does not cause cancer

    it is not physically addicting

    ONLY a caloric surplus will make you fat...not cheese because it is cheese

    it will not cause constipation if your diet is balanced with fiber

    it has great protein and required fat

    it tastes great

    if not overly processed fake cheese, it IS a healthy food
    I didn't say it caused cancer, but casein, the main protein in milk, has been shown to promote cancer growth in lab animals. The many epidemiological studies done on human populations show that higher consumption of dairy products and higher rates of certain types of cancer go hand in hand.

    It IS physically addictive.

    Milk is loaded with fat.

    ANY food that does not contain fiber can lead to constipation.

    Casein is not great protein, and animal fat is not required.

    It tastes like a sweaty sock. You like it because you are addicted.

    Your logic causes cancer.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    Wow, what a very well articulated argument. Good point, i'll be sure to consider that.

    Please don't allow yourself to believe the lie that cheese is good for you. If you want to eat cheese, eat all you want, but don't delude yourself into thinking it is good for human health.

    it does not cause cancer

    it is not physically addicting

    ONLY a caloric surplus will make you fat...not cheese because it is cheese

    it will not cause constipation if your diet is balanced with fiber

    it has great protein and required fat

    it tastes great

    if not overly processed fake cheese, it IS a healthy food
    I didn't say it caused cancer, but casein, the main protein in milk, has been shown to promote cancer growth in lab animals. The many epidemiological studies done on human populations show that higher consumption of dairy products and higher rates of certain types of cancer go hand in hand.

    It IS physically addictive.

    Milk is loaded with fat.

    ANY food that does not contain fiber can lead to constipation.

    Casein is not great protein, and animal fat is not required.

    It tastes like a sweaty sock. You like it because you are addicted.

    You can make an argument that anything is addictive. BUT I would like to see dopamine and serotonin levels before and after consumption of cheese. I highly doubt there would be enough of an increase to actually cause an addiction.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    Please stop! This is not helpful!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Well I love it too, and haven't given it up. I did cut down though. I buy really good cheddar, and parmesan, and other hard cheeses; and I split up the pack and freeze it in chunks. That way, even if I'm inclined to binge, there's never more than a few ounces unfrozen. Then I just weigh it, every gram, every time. I'm getting much more relaxed about weighing lots of things now that I can make a reasonable estimate by eye (after five months!) but not cheese. I know that if I start eyeballing it my 25g serving will gradually slip. I also buy cream cheese, and I use that as a spread instead of butter quite a lot. You don't need much.