Add eachother for support?



  • Mrshorn88
    Mrshorn88 Posts: 3 Member
    :happy: Hi i'm Stacey, being doing slimming world on and off for a few years, but cant seem to stay on track. so now its time to take a good look and what i am eating and what not!!
    I'm 24, and live with hubby and our 3 year old princess. Need to lose 100lbs. lost 3 stone in april, then just put it all back on. so here we are once again. Would love motivational support to keep me going, but also like to offer my support to anyone.

    Feel free to add me xx
  • star2lite
    star2lite Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All :-)

    I'm Ellie, 34 and 5'3. I live in UK.

    I'm married, mum of 3 lovely boys.

    I've lost 40 lbs so far and want to lose another 30 lbs.

    Would love to have friends who will help me kick the rest of the weight off :-)

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • mandyeharmon
    mandyeharmon Posts: 7 Member
    ADD ME!!! I need all the support I can get
  • Missalybelle
    Missalybelle Posts: 41 Member
    hey everyone, my name's aly! i'm 23, from canada and would love new friends who are active on mfp for support and motivation and will give the same in return! :)
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 20, and I'm almost halfway through my weightloss journey. Add me up! :)
  • annie_bob
    annie_bob Posts: 7 Member
    Ooh, am I allowed to join too? I'm from Australia, so I measure in kilograms rather than pounds, but can do the calculations.
    I'm definitely after support and am new to this site.. Can you join 'groups' or is it just a matter of posting to message boards?
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    The more friends the better!!! Add me if you would like.
  • sandymihalus
    sandymihalus Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I've been doing this since mid-May. I've lost 50 pounds so far (hit the 50 mark today!) I have at least 50 more to go. I'm 47, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3. I have hypothyroidism and arthritis, work full time and find time to get my butt to the gym. I never thought I would be able to lose this much. Keeping track of calories on MFP has been an awesome tool for me!
  • Hi, I am Nicole. I am 40 and have lost about 55 lbs so far. I have another 80 to lose (conservatively). I am in this for the long haul. I keep my diary open to my friends and i try to view others diaries daily. I offer comments and encouragement regularly. Add me if you'd like.
  • annie_bob
    annie_bob Posts: 7 Member
    Oh yeah, I should introduce myself!

    I'm Annie, 27 and from Australia.
    I've recently completed some study and am a qualified Personal Trainer. (although I don't have any clients yet - i'm simply training myself for now, until i'm a respectable size!) I do have interests within training clients who fall into a 'special needs' category. (eg. health issues etc.)
    I'm looking to continue study to become a Physiotherapist, or something within the Sport Science field, working with local sporting organisations etc..

    I've lost 12kg so far, and am aiming for another 20kg.

    I haven't done much of a profile as yet, but am definitely looking for a support network, and looking to help people wherever I can. (please note that I am only recently qualified, and may not know the answers to everything, but am happy to help where I can! Also, over continents - national standards may differ!)

    Not sure how this site works, but i've seen people saying 'add me', so yeah, 'Add me!'

    Annie. <3
  • LosingMandy
    LosingMandy Posts: 41 Member
    Mandy from Australia. Looking to lose a large amount of weight and to get very fit at the same time. I'm interested in a lifestyle change.

    I'm interested in having friends that are willing to give advice and maintain a diary of their own. A lot of people I have added recently either don't use it properly or have it private. Which defeats the point to me.

    Plus I still have a lot to learn, and I'd like to have friends to learn those lessons from. :).
  • Count me in I need to lose 50 lbs 15 down 35 to go aussie aussie aussie
  • hi! i need to lose about 14kg, and i need supprot :) feel free to add me as a friend. Losing weight with others is easily ;)
  • ssl444
    ssl444 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi guys
    I have been doing slimming world and have decided my best way forwarded is to try good old fashioned calorie counting and exercise I like the fact that you can do exercise to give yourself more calories to play with which is very motivation able for me and I think is exactly what I need, I have started at the beginning of the year and it has taken me till now to lose 15 1/2 lbs, I do we'll then go off track, I know my key to success is exercise I just need to motivate myself a bit more, I would like to lose another 32 to 39 lbs so would appreciate any support and likewise will give the support back, anyone please feel free to add me as a friend, I have only just joined this site so am still updating my profile, my name is Karen I am 36 from Lincolnshire England and I want this to be my last diet. Am getting really tired of letting myself get to a happy weight and then I relax and pile it all back on.
  • Hey everyone,

    Savannah here, been doing this for some time now, lost 83lbs thus far, training for my first marathon coming up in February, I'm in desperate need of some encouragement and support, probably the biggest thing I lack and what I'm in dire need of.

    So, whoever reads this, if you don't mind, encouraging words please? Thanks! :D
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey all... I'm 33 and have been at this for almost a year, although I really fell off the wagon this past summer... I'm back and I mean business now! I've lost 16 lbs. so far and am hovering at that 200 mark and SO SO SO want to get under it (haven't been there since my daughter was born 5 1/2 years ago. Ultimately I want to get to 160 ish and then see how I'm feeling from there... I've got about 45 lbs. to go!!!

    I'm looking for friends who are daily loggers and a good support system! You can never have enough support in this crazy journey!!
  • Hey everyone,
    I'm 21, 5' 5" 185lbs. I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy with my son, who is now 3. I want to lose 40-50 pounds. I've been on this site for 2 years but never found any real support. Feel free to add me :)
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    sounds like a good idea :)

    i'm emma, i'm 23 and from the uk. so far ive lost about 29lb, however was away from here for a couple of months, so getting back on it the last week or so. i am extremely sporty (as you can tell from my profile pic :) ), and i play hockey, football/soccer, rugby, and do kickboxing. i did my degree is sports, so its kind of awkward going for job interviews and not being the size people expect you to be looking at your cv. i also have a daughter who is 5- i put on all my weight when i was pregnant with her, and have been struggling ever since to get back to my natural size 12 that i was before i was pregnant.

    Please feel free to add me :)
  • Hi everyone, i'm jessica. I am 29 and a crafter which means.....i sit a lot when i should be up and going. I've lost 10ish lbs before i joined and i have another 7 that i would like to lose. I really like having the support and motivation of other people who are on a journey too. It is so easy to fall off the wagon.
  • itz708
    itz708 Posts: 16
    Hi! I'm Nicole. I am 27 years old. At my heaviest I weighed 275, I have lost 50 lbs so far, with another 50 to go! Everyone Feel free to add me, I really like the support and motivation!