do you ladies like to hear....



  • jryepin
    jryepin Posts: 114
    I guess I don't mind compliments if they are sincere lol
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    Depends on the location and situation. Not that I've heard anything like that in ages myself. Although I sent a pic of my new CFM shoes to a girlfriend and she said "Even your foot looks skinny shoes!" and that was pretty nice to hear. It's certainly not something I'm used to.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I do, but it depends on the tone. :)
  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member
    i like hearing im beautiful, hot sexy and cute don't really phase me.
    I still remember the first time my ex called me beautiful.... i just woke up and was at his house, didnt have any makeup with me or hair products and i did the best i could with what little i had. I was sitting on his couch watching tv with him and i looked over to see him just staring at me, i asked what was up and he whispered that i was the most beautiful person he's ever met.
    It still shocks me as im used to wearing makeup all the time and i couldnt help but blush beet red :p

  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    Yup, I enjoy it. I smile, and I say thank you.

    However, if I tell you I am married, please do not continue to hit on me.

    I would get compliments, then it usually follows with, "are you happy in your marriage?" and other crap like that.

    That gets annoying! What type of skank am I to cheat on my husband?
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I love hearing it.. and not just from my husband. I love the compliments.

    My hubs is ok with it because he knows I come back to his bed at night and keep his bread buttered.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I like to hear it! even if people don't mean it...

    I.E. I was in the Dominican Republic about 2 years ago... All the shop owners first say how beautiful all the ladies are, then offer them a free cheapy necklace for their beautiful neck... Now... We all knew this was just a ploy to get us in their shop... but we still didn't mind it! Just sayin'
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Yep, from anyone. I guess I'm just too naive to immediately assume a stranger is taking the time to lie to me.

    I get cute and adorable lots, mostly from husband. I don't mind it at all. I'm not a super serious person, if someone called me beautiful and sophisticated, it would be hella weird.
  • marthathebear
    I like to hear it from my husband because he thinks it is all true. I don't think women want to hear it from someone that isn't sincere but if you sincerely think that tell her often.
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    Love to hear it! Bring it on (and send a memo to my hubby)!
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I agree with the 'only if it's genuine'. I love to hear my boyfriend say things like that randomly. He may be having one of those moments where he's thinking in his head, always glad to hear him share it with me :)

  • scottstephens79
    scottstephens79 Posts: 77 Member
    Coming from a shy person such as myself, it takes courage to compliment a woman. From me anyways, it IS sincere
  • hclark77
    YES - from the man that we love. It's only a waste of time it's coming from a random person.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I like hearing that I am beautiful or pretty. Not a fan of being called cute or adorable.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I like hearing it even though I don't always believe it.
    My boyfriend always tells me I'm beautiful, cute, sexy, gorgeous, etc....
    For a while he got tired of using those words and would start using other words like ravishing, stunning, dazzling, striking, amazing, elegant, lovely, exquisite, etc.... :blushing:

    I adore him. :heart:
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    I'll agree with the others who've said those words are appreciated if they come from the person you love. If you're a friend or even a stranger, it's better to tell us we look great, or something similar to that. A coworker told me that the other week and I'm STILL glowing from the compliment. If he'd used "Beautiful" or "cute", etc - it would have been awkward and weird. "Great" was the perfect compliment!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I cant stand it when s stranger says it to me. i find it kind of rude. It makes feel better when it is from someone I know. At that point it means something.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I love to hear it. After 27 years of marriage I still think it is important to SAY it and often. It goes both ways for the guy as well as the lady.
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    From randoms? Not at all...From my bf? Absolutely and I believe that he really means it when he says it, that whole beauty is in the eye of the beholder thing

    ETA: I make a point to tell him how cute, hot, wonderful, etc, I think he is also
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Yes I do.

    Whether I believe it or not depends who's saying it and how.