
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    To tired to answer all post but I see everyone is busy with Christmas.

    Laura what will you be doing with all the candies and baking wow reminds me of me a few years ago but I used to make them to sell. I had a great nephew ask the other day aunt Linda do we get our Christmas cookies this year. I didn't make any last year didn't think they'd be missed but guess they were. I told him he could come over and i'd help him bake his own. So on a Sunday maybe this Sunday I will have 7 kids baking cookies in my kitchen. Would someone volunteer to come clean the mess LOL.

    Well today wasn't a good day well it was until I went out to the tops supper and I went close to 400 calories over. Oh well things happen.

    Be back tomorrow.
  • I am 59 so fit in. My goal for December is to at least maintain. I gained 4 lbs over thanksgiving week and have 3 1/2 back off. Not stressing though as I am below my 2nd weight loss goal and a very healthy weight. I am trying to find a balance between the right amount of calories in and exercise to maintain.
    2nd goal is to stay off diet cokes.
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    So many great posts. Laura, your memories of your mom made me think of my own mom and the mixed messages I received from her, although I understand now that her intentions were good. Your mom would surely be proud of what you are doing to take care of yourself, but what's most important is that you are doing this for yourself now -- not for her. Go you!

    I share the frustration of teens who don't accept responsibility. I went on two separate rants today with my students (7th & 8th grades) about taking responsibility for their own learning. Then when I got home, I discovered that my own DS (16) left the house unlocked, and his grades have dropped even lower than before. Sigh. Sigh again.

    Started logging my food again this week. It's taken me 3 days to refresh my memory about calories and spacing them out throughout the day. Today was much better, and I was able to resist candy treats in the Teachers' Lounge. I did better with water today too -- up to 5 glasses from only 1 glass over the weekend. Logging really helps me stay on track.

    My picture was taken at Ft. McHenry in Baltimore in October 2011. I love visiting historic sites!

    Happy Wednesday,
  • Just want to check in. I've had two very busy days, and haven't logged every bite, but i didn't go too far off the rails. I didn't have time to exercise either day, though, and I really miss that. I have been going for long hikes in the woods at our local arboretum since our weather had been so temperate (55 degrees in December in Minnesota is really remarkable!) But the temps dropped back down, and I didn't have time, and tomorrow is another day. I will have to start working out indoors pretty soon. I went to my first holiday party tonight and I brought veggies. Everybody in my book club must be dieting too, though, because 3 out of 9 people brought veggies! Only one person brought cookies. I had two :ohwell:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Laura, your post about your mom was very touching and also reminded me of the ongoing “diet” relationship I had with my mother…she told people “Barbie has two grandmothers with big rear ends and she inherited both of them”

    Michele, you’re right about potlucks….that’s why I never eat at them…..if I am the only one who brings food that I’ll eat, I’m better off just eating at home before I go and eating nothing at the potluck.

    Meg, that Turducken sounds like too much work for me

    :flowerforyou: when I started my weight loss journey three years ago I gave away all my baking pans and supplies and decided that I'd have to be famous for something other than baking cookies and pumpkin pie

    :flowerforyou: since I don't have my recumbent bike to ride and I still had some figure skating that I'd recorded on TV, I decided to walk and dance while watching the skating....fun, but not as good as the bike.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I know that if I don't check in, there'll be so much for me to catch up on.

    Today was one of those days, went to yoga then deep water. Did a little food shopping, came home to give Loki his med, went to senior bowling, had to go to Aldi (will explain later), came home to make Vince and my dinners, Newcomers bowling, now home.

    For one thing, at senior bowling I learned that the guy on our team passed away Sun. in church. Remember, he was the one who had Parkinson's and Altzheimers? Well, the viewing is Friday with a mass afterwards. I've never been to a funeral down here, but we always had a repast after the funeral for all in attendance. So I have no idea how long that'll take. Anyway, I was going to go to crochet but instead I called to say that I can't be there, I'd told the gal who runs the mahjongg that I'd be at the lunch on Fri so she's expecting my set in case it's needed. So....I'm going to give it to another gal who is going to go so I need to take it to her tomorrow. Then we have a lunch with the Newcomers.

    And get this -- Vince's toe has been hurting him, last night he was thinking that maybe he had a broken toe so he went to the MD today. Tuns out he doesn't have a broken toe -- he has gout! I don't give him a lot of red meat. So that's why I had to go to Aldi, he's not supposed to have any meat for the next few days so I had to buy spaghetti and I got some pizzas. He's also supposed to stay off his feet for the next few days, so that means that I'm doing a lot more. Well, it'll all work out in the end.

    So...I probably won't go to that mahjongg lunch, but today they also said that in 2 weeks we're going to have a bowling lunch. It's pot luck, so I put down that I'd bring shrimp. It looks like there were so many desserts! For laughs, I should probably bring a dish of carrots since I usually have a bag of carrots with me....lol Anyone have any different ideas on how you can serve them? Something funny, I'd make chocolate covered carrots but I don't think that'd go over too well and I wouldn't want the leftovers.

    Bryan called right after I'd given Loki his med and before I needed to leave for bowling. I was rushing around to make my tea, etc. He's supposed to call again on Friday at around 9-9:30 our time

    Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love DVD (weights)

    Geri - congrats! What wonderful news!

    DeeDee - Vince said that when he went to the MD office today, they were giving out masks and quite a few people were wearing them.

    tobeslim - we'd love having you! Just jump right in

    Laura - you moved me so much

    Meg - stuffed cabbage we always called "pigs in the blanket". It wasn't until Vince told me that to him pigs in the blanket was little hot dogs in crescent rolls. Guess that's the way it is down here.

    jolene - I'm sure you made the right decision about the job. Wishing you the best for the results of your tests

    Deb - sure hope you feel better fast!

    Welcome to everyone who is new. I know you'll love it here, this is really the only place I go to on MFP. So very heartwarming.

    Our newspaper gets delivered early in the morning, but I STILL haven't had a chance to read it!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Wish I could respond to more, but a bit rushed tonight.

  • carolmsb
    carolmsb Posts: 44 Member
    exermom- How do you calculate your bowling? I'm in a bowling league- duckpin. It was my "exercise" for the day. I wasn't sure how to calculate it.
    ps- I LOVE bowling.:smile:
  • Good evening!:happy:

    I made it to the gym yesterday! I almost talked myself out of it. I had to leave work to go pick up some meds for my dogs and I almost went straight home. It was pouring rain and I tried to convince myself that it was to wet out to walk three (little) blocks from my car to the Rec Center. I had my bag in the car with workout clothes and shoes so this convinced me that I had to go workout. I rode the recumbent bike for one hour. At first I felt uncomfortable because there were a bunch of youngsters around, but then I started listening to the music on my iPhone and feeling pretty good about doing some cardio. After I finished exercising I was so hungry that I stopped at Qdoba and ate a lot. I had a naked burrito bowl, chips and queso. I didn't finish the chips and queso which was pretty good for me. As much as I hate to throw away food, I threw the leftover chips and queso away. After that, I went to Whole Foods to buy some veggies and steel cut oats. I bought a couple of brownies. I logged everything I ate and was 435 calories over. I did some damage, but not too bad. I thought about what caused me to eat so much. Honestly, I was very hungry. I drank my eight glasses of water yesterday which was great. I slept so well.

    I figured out that my problem is that I am not eating enough filling foods during the day. I had been eating Amy's frozen dinners or Evol burritos, but that is not enough food. These entrees have a lot of calories, but they are not that filling. After a few hours, I am hungry and by the end of the day, I don't have enough calories left over to eat something so that I fell satisfied. Today, I made sure that I ate something every two hours and was conscious about eating food that was filling and low calorie. I feel pretty good because I am out of the funk I have been experiencing for the past five days. It's been cloudy and rainy around here so that was contributing to me feeling lousy. I have my yoga class tomorrow and I am going to the gym to ride a bike.
  • sharoncasey60
    sharoncasey60 Posts: 60 Member
    great idea I'm in.

    exercise daily
    daily calories stay nearer 1200 - 1400
    lower carbs and raise protein consumption
    journal daily about progress and other inspirations for weight loss
    live in the moment try not to eat compulsively....eat when hungry
    plan meals, plan meals, and continue to plan meals!!!!!!!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'll keep it short, 'cause I need to get to bed.

    Goals for December - run 90 miles and keep my weight in check so I don't have to start logging again. I've only run 18.5 so far, so I have a long way to go!

    I'm leaving for Kansas in two days to watch my grandchildren for 10 days. I signed all three of us up for a 5K while I'm there. :smile: My granddaughter and I plan to do a lot of Christmas baking, so keeping my weight in check will be a challenge.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello everyone in MFP land tonight…..
    I can’t believe how many posts there are, I think I’ll read them and just go forward, trying to respond to many would take a lot of time that I’m a little short of these days.

    Laura – I like your idea of little goals to keep you motivated – sort of like giving oneself a gold star. Thank you for sharing your mom story, I miss my mom too and also am a chosen child.

    Katla and M – I didn’t realize I could use tea instead of water – how about coffee? That would be so easy – probably too easy so not likely???? Katla – hope the flu is on the mend and you won’t miss the wedding.

    Nancy – have fun with the Xmas party catering. Is that the torta Rustica from the Whitewater cookbook? If so, how does it turn out - I plan on making it at Christmas (vegetarian family) Hope the computer can be salvaged somehow. :bigsmile:

    Jen – how did your meet and greet go with the new office staff? What book is your bookclub reading?

    Colleen – I didn’t realize a fudgsicle was only 40 calories (or is that the WW one?)

    Barbie – wow, that duck was a lot of work. I’ve only had duck breast in a restaurant and after your post, I have no desire to take the time to cook it at home – lol. I have come to actually crave the nice cold winter water now. :drinker: :drinker:

    Michele – love the idea of the twinkling earrings – how seasonal! I think my body has started to reject the bad food too, it really makes me feel awful for a day at least. I always try some of the food brought for occasions but I tend to regret it. I hate not to be able to compliment people on the food they’ve obviously spent some time preparing. Hope Vince didn’t break his toe! O my goodness, I just saw your next post about the gout. Poor Vince, my mom used to get that and it can be really, really painful.

    DeeDee – maybe I could go in a sauna and someone could poke and turn me every hour to let the fat out! :bigsmile: Whoops, looks like a few of us had that mental image.:blushing:

    Texasgal Teri – thank you for the morning serenade – it’s impossible to read it without hearing it being sung in your mind.

    Tobeslim618 – welcome and I’m sure everyone is happy to have you here.

    Meg – whoa, that turducken sounds like a double down protein binge. Don’t think I would like to mix my poultry like that. And I agree – cocktail weenies in BBQ – blech!!:sick:

    Judy – welcome, I can’t go to Costco right now because of those salted caramels. A little taste of those could totally set me off.

    Jolene – very wise of you to be selective about the job. Patience, and you will be in the right place soon. Prayers for good test results.

    Well, I booked my flight to Amsterdam today. :happy: I can hardly wait, seeing Jenneka by phone isn’t the same as a hug. I’m having a day where I really miss her. And KLM had this wonderful Sinter Klaas sale on today for half price, couldn’t pass it up.

    I made a huge container of tabouleh so I’m good for salad for a day or so. I could eat that stuff by the ton. Better go to bed, :yawn: tomorrow is going to be a very busy day again. Hopefully after Monday things will be slow and I can get to doing the 2013 budget presentation. I’d actually love to have it ready before January. It doesn’t have to be adopted until May but I would feel great if I was that far ahead.

    Well ladies, I loved reading all the posts and will check in again tomorrow.
    Bye for now. Chug-a-lug:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Took time to catchup on.posts. The work week has started without a hitch.

    Here are my December 's Goals
    Sticking with food plan. That is plan in morning
    Keep logging all.food that I eat.
    drinking water
    Richard Simmons for now. 4x a week
    walking. 3 x a week.
    Having a quiet time each morning

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We arrived in Utah today, getting ready for my son's wedding. :bigsmile: There are festive activities planned for several days before the wedding. I like the hotel very much, except I have to pay the bill. Sigh. I am such a cheap skate. :frown:

    I finally got to a place with scales and found out I am down 5 pounds since we started the trip. Considering eating out, Thanksgiving, and general disorganization, I'm feeling really good about it. :drinker:

    Both DH and I were sick. I was down and out two days, and so was he. And it takes some days to get back energy and strength. This was a digestive illness that was very unpleasant. fortunately I'm feeling great and my husband is improving.:smile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    DebA:smile: Sure hope you get to feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Gail:smile: Yes, I do need to think that I would have to bake those cookies:laugh: !!!!

    Suebdew:smile: Good for you giving the cake to hubby!!! Red Velvet is one of my favorites:love: ! Hope your Dr. appt. goes well, and no sick bugs get near you!!!

    LinC:smile: Wow, 7 kids in your kitchen:noway: I would have them all clean up, that is part of the baking process:happy: ! I`m sure today will be a better day calorie wise!

    Medaud:smile: Welcome to the group, come in often and chat with us!

    Polly:smile: Just keep logging in, you`ll get back in the hang of it!!! Hope things with DS improve:flowerforyou: !!!

    Pat:smile: Good for you taking veggies to the party, and only having 2 cookies!!!

    Barbie:smile: Looks like you got rid of that "inherited big rear end"!!!! I`m cooking a Turducken for Christmas for the kids, that`s what they want, to me it just sounds icky....the guys in the meat dept. at The Fresh Market make it and they told me they will give me written instructions on how to cook it:tongue: , they know me well:laugh: !

    Michele:smile: Sorry to hear about the guy on your bowling team:cry: !!! One of my friends has had gout too and she said it was horrible, so very painful. I think she either ate cherries or drank cherry juice, I think that`s supposed to help! She has never eaten a lot of red meat either...interesting huh? Hope he feels better soon! Something different with carrots:huh: , I`m not so sure about chocolate covered carrots, however chocolate dipped orange slices are really good:love: ! I always heard a pancake wrapped around sausage links was "pigs in a blanklet".

    Carolmsb:smile: i love bowling too, however I`m so not good at it:laugh: !

    4Dogmom:smile: Good for getting to the gym, and for figuring out you need more filling foods!!!!

    Sharoncasey60:smile: Welcome!!! Your goals look good!!! Come in often and chat with us!

    Carla:smile: Good goals! Have fun with your grandkids!!!!

    Lila:smile: When is your trip to Amersterdam? Sounds like you got a really great deal!!!

    Liz:smile: Great goals for Dec.!!! I`ve yet to make mine for this month:blushing: !

    Katla49:smile: Glad both you and hubby are better!!! Sounds like you`re going to have a busy and wonderful time at the wedding!!! Congrats on leaving those 5 pounds behind!!!!

    Oh my it`s cold today:angry: , the high is only supposed to be 48 degrees...brrrr...guess Noel will have her coat on for our walks today, and on my walk I`ll need two pairs of gloves:grumble: . I just hate it when my hands are cold, guess I should check into getting a better pair!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lots of catching up to do.

    Great getting to your goal.
    Welcome to the most chattiest group of women on the web.

    Polly and whoever has teens
    To bad they can't go from 13 to 20 it would make our lives so much easier
    That's when they start to appreciate you again.
    Well three days isn't long at all to get back with it. Seems i've been trying for a lifetime to get my eating right.

    You did great at your outing. Brought healthy food you could enjoy. Guilt free. And only 2 cookies.
    Your doing good exercise will come.

    Cute about the rear ends but you shipped them out.
    I always say that all my relatives left me when they pass is there chins.
    I'll never give my baking ware away I just finished baking 48 little cup cakes for my grandaughters class her birthday today.
    No matter what kind of moving you do it's all exercise.

    I hear gout can be very very painful. And also that pork is bad for it. But probably staying away from meat all together would help.
    Scalloped carrots are good. Probably find a recipe on line. Had them at my DIL"s they were delicious.

    4dog Mom
    You may have went over calorie wise but at least you exercised.

    Great goals And it is said plan on planning or plan on failing.

    Great goal. Lots of running.

    Nothing like grandkids hugs to make you feel precious.
    Wow you like to get ahead of things. I'm such a last minute person.

    Great goals

    Glad you made it to the wedding and that all is well with hubby.
    But sorry you had digetive problems is that just a nice way of saying food poisoning LOL.
    Not funny it hurts.
    48 degrees and your going brrr. -10 here this morning and that's a mild day. Enjoy your walk.

    Had to take notes to remember all that. But felt guilty coming in and just sharing my problems lol.
    Well now to ice 48 cup cakes and deliver 48 cup cakes leaving none in this house lol.

    Love Love this site thank you all for all the positive insight in here. It makes a nice start to the day.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Thursday again! :noway: How did that happen????? :laugh:

    I have been doing well with goal #3 – I am reading two (or three) books in the morning, one of them is Susan Cain’s book “Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”. It’s fascinating, and as an introvert myself, I am enjoying the reassurance that it’s OK to be shy. Reminds me to give my students breaks from group work, too!

    I have some workouts to catch up on, though. I am holding student-parent-teacher conferences this week, which means two days at school until 7 p.m., so no circuit class & no curling this week. I will catch up on the NROL on Friday.

    Laura, thanks for sharing the story about your Mum.

    I’m with JB – “Just Do It”. Have a great day, everyone. See you on the other side.

    Gotta go get J’boy out of bed and start the day.

    Hasta pronto,


    December goals:
    1: New Rules of Lifting 3x a week while I am at home.
    2: 30-60 minutes of exercise every day when I am at the parent's place for the holiday. Get DD to workout with me.
    3: Up at 6:15 every weekday, check into the quiet place inside me when life gets frantic.
    4: Make a food plan for parties and special events.
  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning all just wanted to check. Since I'm new I don't know any of you but thanks for the warm welcome. I have December goals:

    1. even with being diagnosed recently with osteoarthritis to do at least 10 minutes of straight walking per day
    2. eat more veggies and fruits
    3. commit to not eating sugar more than 2x this month (already done)
    4. come here for motivation

    CU guys
  • Hello :smile:
    I started November 25th. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and get myself working out at least 3 or 4 days a week. Taking off weight is very hard for me because I love my beer and pizza and mexican food. I hate giving up things I love :heart:
    It was really great to read all of the posts here and it really does help with motivation... wish me luck
  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member
    Another month by and couldn't keep up with you lovely ladies. I really want to check in everyday, but things always seems so nuts! I hope you all are doing well.

    I was sooooooooo bad yesterday. It was my birthday and I decided to take the day off. (Told everyone I was 25. It's not really lying if you use the correct numerals, is it?) I haven't kept up with my exercise this week either. Back on it today. I am so nervous about getting off track during this holiday season and losing my self-control and back-tracking. I've come too far to lose all the progress I've made.

    Will check back in tonight with my goals for this month and catch up with everyone. Have a great day!

    Wanda in Georgia (where the weather can't make up its mind if it is fall or winter)
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good December morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was the last day of classes for the term, and I think the students are well prepared for the exam; I got so attached to these students, many wrote such personal stories of their own struggles; not quite what I was expecting when I left the essay topic open in an English class! How do you comment on the terrible grammar when they are experiencing life trials……:brokenheart: ..

    On this journey, I am trying to sort out what I know to be true from what I fear….having had a serious sciatic issue a few years ago, I had real problems walking, and feared it was doing more damage to my back…. I could not even hold a grocery bag: so I bought and used a recumbent bike, although I still had pain….fast forward, after gall bladder surgery that also repaired my 20 year old stomach hernia, I tried walking a few weeks ago, and wow!! What a wonderful feeling, and what an improvement in my back…meanwhile the bike is killing my knees and not helping my back. Lesson for me was, blow through fear and test out everything….so one day I will try a dvd,,,,:bigsmile:

    Barbie, your serious story about how you have had to protect the poodles from themselves, as well as the coyotes, actually made me laugh; FEW people understand the "poodlejumponomics" :tongue: : my childhood poodle ( a min) could jump over our suburban 4 foot fence without breathing hard; and we never knew where he was roaming. My standard can jump like a deer, but the cedars are so high even the deer can’t get over them anymore(thank goodness) but that did not stop him from jumping over the computer desk at the local Pet Smart after a summer haircut. Our woof should have been a trained hunting dog, he just has all those old hunting genetics, (And as for the cookies, etc, I tell the world that insists I want to help with Christmas cookie exchanges, I just don’t ‘Bake’, and the results would be terrible:laugh: ).

    DeeDee- I always drink lots of my water, and up the amount on ‘eating out’ days, just in case it dissolves those extra salt and fat molecules faster (magical thinking- but it helps me cope with eating out, its hard to overeat if you are so full of water) :blushing:

    Meg- the only thing worse than DD’s are dear step-daughters, but in the end, they have been my friends and family pillars….it just takes time, age, and maturity….it does happen…maybe not in our timeline…but it does happen!:heart:

    Sasha – enjoy your trip, hope the budgeting goes well. It hit 20 degrees in Kingston two days ago, and I consider Kingston "north'; the geese have new babies, it will be a Vancouver winter here is SWO again.....:wink:

    JB – love the new horsey hat pic! And my DH gets gout when he does not get enough water, and I have resorted to a flavouring (using sweetner) just to get him to drink 2 glasses a day! You are so right…he has the health problems that should be mine, at my weight…but I don’t. Chug water every day!:smokin:

    Katia, hope you are well enough to enjoy the wedding:happy:

    Liz – your exercise goals are very ambitious, good for you:flowerforyou:

    4Dogmom- terrific insight, I think many of us don’t eat enough during the day, and I have to catch up on cals at night, just when I want to scale down….I have ben upping my carb and protein at breakfast and lunch lately, and I am pleased so far.:bigsmile:

    Carol – I often use an outside activity calculator to double check MFP’s results, or just to find a different activity…..google to find many, some specialized, some generic.:smile:

    Laura- we all seem to have some kind of mother issues, just like you, or Barbie. Great story, so applicable to many. My own mother was tall and long, I was short and curvy…. Her obsession with weight instead of character, external looks instead of inner beauty has been something that is barely tolerable…… so it was not just food we have had to defeat, but the negative tapes running in our brains!:drinker:

    Can't fit everyone in every day, but I love all your posts!:flowerforyou: BJ