PALEO (Cavemen) Eaters...



  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    cavemen were extremely healthy and lived for a long time.

    Sabre-toothed tigers also found them very tasty..yummy!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It breaks down to a glorified low carb diet if you think about. The majority of your carbs come from complex carbs, the only simple carbs are fruit. Its just not sustainable. The food just doesn't supply enough energy. Cross fitters on this must load up on caffeine and pre-workout energy supplements to have enough energy to make it through a workout. I tried it and my energy levels were out of wack.

    Most of the cross fitters I know don't even drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages.

    They eat plenty of fat, protein and then carbs come from tubers, vegetables and fruit.

    Everyone I know that embarks on this lifestyle has way more energy, sleeps better and I am included with this.
  • Mellamina
    You will feel amazing. I cant commit to it 100% because I have a life and its just impossible to eat paleo sometimes but I do it whenever I can ie every day for breakfast and lunch and try my best for dinner and when travelling. I feel and look so much better and I've always been a very healthy eater, its just hard for me to give up cheese!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    To the OP:

    I have been living this lifestyle for about 1 1/2 years now and I feel better than I have in a long time. It has helped to heal my body from Type 2 Diabetes, depression, sleep disorder, eating disorder and helps to control Hypo-thyroid and PCOS.

    Due to the Metabolic and Endocrine issues I have, I lose very slowly. For me, it wasn't about losing weight. It was about health and well-being, getting back to having some level of energy so that I could enjoy life and be a productive part of society.

    I have only lost about 60 pounds total since I switched from a general low carb lifestyle to the Paleo lifestyle, but living almost medication free is worth way more than losing all of the weight I have to lose. I probably eat a bit too much fruit and higher carb vegetables than I need to be eating, hence why I am losing slower than others I know on this same lifestyle.

    I like to cook, so I find it to be very sustainable for me.

    Locating good local sources of meats, eggs, dairy, vegetables and fruits were important to me, I have made good friends with some Amish people and farmers in my area.

    Make sure to always be prepared. I use Sundays to wash and cut up vegetables and fruits and package them so I have grab and go food. I also cook a couple of steaks, chicken breasts and bacon so I have protein and fat sources for salads.

    I also make my own salad dressings and mayonnaise as fresh always tastes better than the packaged stuff in the grocery store and I personally believe it is healthier also.

    Eating out is not that hard to do. Stick with steak, salmon, bunless burger and grilled or steamed vegetables.

    Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hi Im on Atkins, I do very low carb and love it.
    Check out the low carb groups who might be much more supporting of this.

    Good luck

    Wait, what?? I thought we were talking about paleo, not low carb.

    Oh, I see what happened. Someone decided that paleo = low carb. Yeah, that happens a lot. If by low carb you mean 100-200g of carb, then yeah, I'd agree. Sure, paleo *can* be low carb, but it certainly doesn't have to be.

    (This would be one of those misconceptions I referenced in my original post. There are a lot of them (including the life expectancy thing), and you'll inevitably see many of them in response to this thread).
  • melandian
    I just lost 50 lbs on dukan diet. However it stopped working by I didn't follow it through. I recommend as a great kick starter
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Cavemen would rather have eaten cheesebugers and pizza I assure you. Don't bother with this fad diet and instead focus your energy on eating a balanced diet based on modern, mainstream nutrition.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I swear by it. But I have never read paleo eating. Although my diet has been called such by other Paleo practitioners.

    My sleep has been a lot better. I've had serious sleep issues for a long time and figured maybe my typical higher carb diet was keeping me up or preventing me from sleeping in some way. Turns out it was. I'm still not where I used to be when I was younger but I am much better. Hopefully when I change careers I can have an even better sleep schedule.

    I essentially cut out all processed foods. I stopped eating things like skittles and MetRx bars, and donuts with coffee. Then after a few weeks I cut out most grains - pita breads, flour tortillas, white rice. I wasn't really losing too much scale weight but that was fine. I was definitely losing - probably half a pound a week.

    Now about 3 months later I am introducing more carbs into my diet. but ONLY because my volume has greatly increased along with intensity levels. Before I was eating about 30g or a day - whatever I got from vegetables.

    I have also been doing short term fasts, like lean gains. It's more helpful in terms of logistics. Instead of carrying a huge cooler to work I'll eat when I get home and get all my nutrients in. My stomach is kinda of used to getting all that food in.

    Once a week I do a 36 hour fast
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hi Im on Atkins, I do very low carb and love it.
    Check out the low carb groups who might be much more supporting of this.

    Good luck

    Wait, what?? I thought we were talking about paleo, not low carb.

    Oh, I see what happened. Someone decided that paleo = low carb. Yeah, that happens a lot. If by low carb you mean 100-200g of carb, then yeah, I'd agree. Sure, paleo *can* be low carb, but it certainly doesn't have to be.

    (This would be one of those misconceptions I referenced in my original post. There are a lot of them (including the life expectancy thing), and you'll inevitably see many of them in response to this thread).

    Exactly. In one of the Paleo groups I belong to on Facebook there are people that are eating 0-10 grams of carbs, but then there are the body builders that are eating upwards of almost 200 grams of carbs per day.

    Everything I have read and discussed with doctors is that your carb level should correspond with your activity level. So naturally, those that lead very active lives will have a much higher carb level than those that are more sedentary.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I just lost 50 lbs on dukan diet. However it stopped working by I didn't follow it through. I recommend as a great kick starter

    The Dukan plan is a low fat, Atkins rip off.
  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Formerly strict adherent to paleo, now slightly more relaxed. It generally works because it has you inevitably eating "healthier" foods than you did before. It isn't a substitute for counting calories, because ultimately, it is the calorie deficit that leads to weight loss, but it can be very helpful in attaining that calorie deficit. Also, done right, it seems to be a rather healthy approach...(and by "done right", I don't mean buying paleo cookies, paleo bread, etc. JERF. Just Eat Real Food. And keep an eye on your overall vitamin/mineral intake. A "good" diet should mostly cover those.)

    Bulking on it, however, is a b!tch. That's why I gave up my Paleo Card and started eating more rice, white potatoes, and even *gasp* ice cream. I just couldn't get the calories I wanted (~3000) while staying strict about it (and would usually only eat around 2300ish daily, which is about maintenance for me). I rationalize that I'm eating these mostly-non-paleo foods *in addition to* a base of generally healthy foods, but...

    (You think I'm just making an excuse to eat these foods because I like to eat them? Eh, that's probably legit.)

    Oh, and this thread will probably blow up. Most paleo threads do. For some people, the very idea of the paleo approach to eating causes them severe anguish and they will use the forums to vent their pain. Sure, plenty of them will have good points to consider (often buried deep within their anger), but a few of them will just be lashing out for no apparent reason. If it gets too crazy, there's always a paleo group where you can find a more calm (albeit more pro-paleo-biased) discussion.

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck.

    ETA: Oh, and the best approach to this is, read up on what "paleo" is and isn't (as there are a lot of misconceptions (and some disagreement within the community), then try it for at least a month. I just read that you're willing to try it for 3-6 months, so yeah, that's perfect. Give it a shot, see what you think, and if it makes you miserable (as it does for some), stop; if it makes you feel better/great (as it does for some), continue.

    This was fantastic reply. Thank you for that sir.

    I've mostly been going for bulk for the last few months, so now just finding a way to lean-out without sacrificing calories since I will still want to do a lot of lifting and maintain what I have. I'm in an office environment 5-6 days of the week, so getting used to a new pallet of foods doesn't seem that difficult to adhere to.
  • HookahGuru
    HookahGuru Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on it since last Thanksgiving. I figured if I could get through the holidays, I could get through anything. I haven't looked back since. I started at 172lbs and down to 149lbs. Body fat went from 23%+ to about 15%. Yes, it's tough the first three weeks but then it's just habit. Was I 100% strict? Hell no. I just went the Tim Ferris route and had a dedicated cheat day/meal. Otherwise, I haven't had a problem keeping to this. I love meat and veggies are easy. Do I miss breads? Not really. I used to but after about a month I honestly didn't even miss them. Obviously, everyone is different but any lifestyle change is more of a mental thing. You have to want it. I wanted it. Clearly some less than others. I gave up beer which was so hard but the results I got from one month were substantial that I never looked back. Besides, I'd rather my scotch on the rocks any day over a beer! I think the biggest problem for people on this is that they try/tried to go 100% in. I know myself too well and didn't. The first two weeks I cut out soda. Then the following two weeks added grains, and progressed that way eliminating foods till I was 90% paleo. The rest is history. Best of luck!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    That's why I gave up my Paleo Card

    Giving up all sorts of "cards" aren't we? ;)

    Sorry, saw you gave up your man card on another thread and had to say something. I promise I'm not stalking you.... don't look out your window... seriously, don't.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Some of the others have left great replies, so I'll just toss in my own experience/approach for extra info - I tried going strict paleo and found it was a bit exhausting always trying to be on my guard and eat (or NOT eat) certain things.

    Over time, I've learned that I just do better on whole, natural foods (meats, eggs, nuts, fruit, veggies, some dairy), but that's not to say I don't ever eat bread or sugary things...I just have those on a very limited basis, and as much as I'm able to, cook from scratch and buy things with super-short ingredient lists. When I mindlessly eat something that falls outside of those parameters, my stomach will usually remind me that I just do better avoiding what I loosely term as "baked goods." People who hear me order from a menu often comment on how I must be going low carb or following some wacky diet, but the truth is that I'm just finding ways to eat well but not eat the things I know I'll regret later.

    I suspect you'll find your own happy middle ground as well.
  • eddiemn
    Yeah - I am on it. I enjoy it. Lot easier to manage.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    This was fantastic reply. Thank you for that sir.

    I've mostly been going for bulk for the last few months, so now just finding a way to lean-out without sacrificing calories since I will still want to do a lot of lifting and maintain what I have. I'm in an office environment 5-6 days of the week, so getting used to a new pallet of foods doesn't seem that difficult to adhere to.

    There will be those who say that the paleo diet is right for everyone, and there will be some that say it is right for no one.

    That said, based on your situation, it really sounds like it may be an ideal approach for you. Even (many of) the anti-paleo people will admit that if you are exiting a bulk phase and looking to cut, a generally lower-carb, higher protein approach is ideal...and the paleo diet naturally gives you that (or at least more likely leads you to it).

    And even if you don't stick to it strictly forever and ever from this day forward, trying new/different whole foods, ethically raised meat, etc. isn't a bad thing. Myself as an example, even though I'll probably be kicked out of the tribe (or at least kicked off of Paleo Island) for some of the foods I eat now, my overall diet is still so much healthier than it was before (when I relied heavily on boxed foods).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    That's why I gave up my Paleo Card

    Giving up all sorts of "cards" aren't we? ;)

    Sorry, saw you gave up your man card on another thread and had to say something. I promise I'm not stalking you.... don't look out your window... seriously, don't.

    Is it still paranoia if they're actually watching you?

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Cavemen ate primarily nuts and berries with some random amounts of meat thrown in - usually scavenged (i.e. carrion), There is also documentation of them being cannibals. Good luck with that.

    This, the so-called paleo diet is literally the opposite of what paleo humans actually ate. They were mostly vegetarian and over half of their calories came from carbs, with very little protein and fat. The entire marketing scheme is just silly.
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    I follow primal more than paleo (same concept- biggest difference is I drink milk and eat cheese). When I stay away from wheat/ grains, all the inflammation and pain in my back and neck disappears (and don't have my weekly migraines). I definitely don't stick to it 100%, right now, but the 80-90% I do has made a huge difference in the quality of my life. The 10-20% I chose to eat is corn products, not wheat or other grains; and sugar in my coffee. I'm not a 35-year old hobbling around like an 80-year old anymore. There is definitely a grace period when you first start, where you can feel like *kitten* due to getting rid of the "toxic" crap in your system, but once you get over it.. it's amazing.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I am starting out the paleo diet...and by starting out, I am easing myself into it - finding what works, what doesn't, what habits need forming and which ones need breaking. I figure this approach I will be more in control of different factors as I find out what works for me and what doesn't. Even starting out, though, with more veggies and proteins, I already feel better and more easily satiated. I see this as something I can continue, with occasional cheats along the way...because if I cheat small, I know I won't cheat big ;)