
  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    DeeDee sorry you day started out so poorly. I hope it gets better as the day goes on.

    I have logged in my food for today now I have to go cook it so it will be ready to consume. Have a great day all.

    "going gambling with my husband today YAY!":heart:
  • beckyschanging
    beckyschanging Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Hey DeeDee! Hope your internet works itself out. Have you triend rebooting it by unplugging the power and waiting 10 seconds and then plugging back in? That usually fixes mine.

    I forgot to get on the scale this Am so I would be cheating if I did it now. I really wanted to know how my run yesterday helped!

    Went to hubby's work Christmas party last night. Did OK but didn't log it. I can't even remember what all I ate! But luckily it was a really healthy menu!

    Tobeslim, I am on the same page as you, GTG to grocery and then cook for the week. I too am all planned for the week! I love doing that! then all that I have left to do is eat!

    Suebdew, impressive on the sundae! The one taste would have made me give in. Then I would have been sick for the rest of the day. Kudos! Thanks for the welcome. Thanks for referring to our inclusion as helping to make this a vibrant community! Us/We (?) mature woment need to stick together to make all of this bearable.

    I started drinking the Dasani flavor drops in my water so it goes down much faster. I LOVE the pineapple/coconut flavor. I know...filled with damaging chemicals, but I have to weigh the cost/benefit. Drinking the water is so important to my weight loss. Got them on sale so I am happy!

    Hope all have a happy healthy day!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have a great love for dogs and when one would be getting old I'd get a puppy for two reason. It trained well with the one I had. It made the old one feel young again and live longer. And missed the one I lost less when he did have to go. Oops that's three reasons LOL.
    Linda c
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Sunday morning all, well the open house was a bust. I knew when everyone said they wanted an open house to buy that most would not drive all the way out here even for 10% off. At least I got the studio cleaned up.

    Meg- I feel your pain, It's not my fault is still DS#1 favorite phrase, lol. I wonder who he blames now? We were lucky all of ours wanted to move out as soon as possible, as we were stupid and didn't know anything. So we let them. Now the story is soooo, different. DD is doing great in the Marines, married and has two sons. DS#1 still can't find his place, he is now in nursing school. He probably wont make that either, he has this problem with "They should respect me!". I know nurses take a lot of flack, as sick and in pain people are butts. DS#2 has just joined the Marines, he's 24 and is finding out that younger guys think he's stupid and old and doesn't know anything. lol

    Amanda- I will miss you and hope you will stop by once in a while and let us know how you and yours are doing.

    Linda- I love both cats and dogs, but I don't have the lifestyle for a dog, with going to art shows and being gone multiple days in a row.

    DeeDee- Don't worry, just look over your days and see what is going on. It will come off.

    Well my tea is getting cold and the chores won't wait any longer. Tigress
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.
    Wow!! I haven't responded to this thread for a couple days or so and had PAGES and PAGES to read!! Barbiecat, Deedee, and all the rest of you, how do you keep up with so-o-o-o many people?? Kudos to you for doing so!!!:drinker: :drinker.
    I have had a good month so far. This morning I made the 60 pounds lost mark and I am ecstatic about it. :bigsmile: It is such hard work and slow process, but so rewarding when one sees results. I'm trying for 240 by Jan. 1, and I think I will make that even with Christmas to factor in. That would leave me 100 lbs to lose. That is such a daunting number, but I keep reminding myself how much I have lost so far, how much better I feel and how much easier it is to move about. I have so much more energy and really wondering how much better I will feel when I take off another 50 lbs or more next year. I'm so-o-o-o looking forward to next year and the accomplishment that I am determined to make in it on my health, body and self-esteem. Keep smiling, moving, and drinking that water, everyone!! Happy Holidays!!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning my dears,

    It feels like it’s been so long since I have been here but at work there are three of us doing the work of five and I am so tired and sore! We are all tired! The young one injured in the accident won’t be back till after Christmas (poor wee thing) and we haven’t been able to hire anyone new. This is the third time we have found ourselves in this situation this year between accidents and illness, what is going on?

    Perhaps it’s happening everywhere, I got on the bus last night and the driver had a map, a large map beside his wheel so during the trip home I was sitting up paying attention making sure I was going to get home!

    Much of the shopping is done and wrapped, the parcels that must be shipped to the family at the coast at least but I still have to shop for my DH and son. I have started the baking (the mince tarts), the ‘Christmas letter’ is written and I have started addressing the cards but absolutely no decorating has been done yet and that part is making me crazy. I am tasking my boys with unearthing the trees and the boxes of decorations as they are both home today. I fear this may be a major undertaking as the big tree is probably out behind the flood boxes in the garage. At the times when the drama starts to drive me nuts I must remind myself that I am blessed to have a home and very thankful that my sister-in-law is cooking Christmas dinner! Yeah! So far all she is asking for baking and desserts, right up my alley! We shall still cook a small turkey for ourselves on Boxing Day as we all love turkey leftovers!

    Well, I must go it’s a work day today too but at least DH is home with the truck so that gives me an hour back from my normal bus travel time. It is getting harder to make good food choices as the cupboard gets barer every day, DH has been gone so much lately and I don’t go grocery shopping by bus… yet. It’s a cold, snowy week predicted for my little corner of the world so I might be making a virtual visit to some of you in warmer climes.

    Welcome to everyone new, congratulations to all who have had successes and hugs to all who struggle, you are not alone.

    Be well my friends; hope the frenzy of holiday preparations doesn’t get to you. Deep breathe and enjoy.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I took notes on all the post since yesterday and will be back later to type them all in. But for now i'm tired it's going on 11:30 am and i'm going back to bed. Even the good lord rested on the 7 th day and today is just that. So off to bed i go for a good long nap. Going to tell hubby not to wake me until 2 at least.

    Linda C
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Great progress Juner!
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 119 Member
    Getting back to MFP after 2 month absence. I gained, of course but just a little. I am posting my December goal for accountability: Go on MFP each day and plan the day's food ahead. Of all the plans I've ever been on that is the most effective thing I can do.
    Especially during the holidays.
    Thanks for being here!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Happy Sunday all. We had a cold front blow through last night with a little dusting of snow and much colder weather. I woke up with a sinus headache probably from the change overnight so slept til 10 and missed church again. Frown face. :grumble: Today I plan to do a little on-line shopping and get the upstairs decorations done, then maybe finish the tree downstairs. Still have the rest of the main level to do too, but the new tree is all done and looks great. It’s done in a victorian theme. The downstairs tree is more traditional/country=ish. And for once, no need to swear over the strings of lights! LOL:bigsmile:

    DH’s chat with DD#1 did not go over well, in fact he sent her to her room for the rest of the evening. When he said “I need to talk to you”, she yelled at him….”about WHAT!!!” :explode: So today we three will sit down and give her a short list of rules that she has to follow if she plans to live here any longer. Sad but true she is not nearly ready to be on her own, but she has always been the girl who doesn’t learn anything without hardship. :cry:

    Michele: I finally got around to making your spice cake/pumpkin snack. I was a little skeptical as I put it in the oven, but it is moist and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe!:smile:

    Cinflo: welcome. I would be interested in hearing what the couch to 5K is all about.

    NancyTN: maybe you should do the video every other day to give your body some time to recover?

    Jane: sounds like a good project to be involved in!

    Jap8085: what ambitious goals! You will look great when you accomplish them!:flowerforyou:

    DeeDEe: deep breath! I put your gremlin smasher in the mail today!:tongue:

    Tobeslim: hope you WIN gambling today? Do you like the games or slots? I love blackjack. I want to try to organize lunches, but never seem to get to it!

    Becky: I’m with you… a couple drops of chemical probably does not do as much damage as not drinking your water. I used to love ice cold water and now I just hate it. I bought some of the flavored carbonated ones at the grocery store, but hate spending more than 50cents on a bottle when I’m already paying to get water from our tap! I’m a cheapskate!:tongue:

    LindaC: we had 2 old cats and when one had to be put down, we got 2 kitties. I thought the old man would hate them (he tolerates them) but they did add years to his life I believe. He’s nearly 18 and still plays like crazy, but he gets frustrated at the young ones sometimes…SMACK! Right across the nose. :bigsmile: Good thing none of our cats has claws!

    Tigress: glad to read that my daughter is not the only infallible child on earth! :laugh: She is SO not ready to move (only works 20 hours a week at minimum wage and has no idea how to do anything really) but I really think having to do it all on her own will make a huge difference. She actually has wanted to move out since she graduated high school, and we haven’t stopped her, but I think she realizes she would not be able to support herself.

    Juner: congrats on such a significant weight loss! I’m sure you are just busting with pride!:flowerforyou:

    Kate: nice to see you again. Check in when you are able

    Bookchick: welcome!

    Well time to get busy here. So much to do LOL. Including painting my nails! That;s a priority! :tongue: I get so much inspiration from all of you here. Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Sunday all, this is going to be a short post. I had a cup of coffee at 6 pm last night so I could keep running around at the Jingle Down Main (finding benches, street light problems, Santa's house blew the circuits, someone forgot to re-arm the security system at the Community Hall after the family movie - you get the idea). To shorten the story, that coffee kept me up until 2:30 AM and then I slept until 9 when the security company phoned that the hall alarm had been set off (Mayor setting up the decorations for the Xmas party tonight). I may need a nap this afternoon. Still have to get the furbabies out for a walk or two, make the eggnog grog and the NA punch for the party, do my hair and nails etc. And to top it all off, it's snowing like crazy. Should make the walks fun anyway. I'm starting to feel like the Grinch here (although I did get all my present wrapping done yesterday and they are all so pretty). Just need to buy all the cheeses and goodies for my future DSIL basket (he's a cheese hound) and make up a basket for my lovely neighbours that do my snowblowing (bless their hearts).

    I see that a lot of people are having trouble with the size of this post. I guess all we can do is enjoy the inspirations and respond to which ones touch your heart or mind. I suspect the numbers go up and down depending on the amount of time we all have (or don't have during this busy season).

    Glad to hear about the losses, sorry to hear about the child challenges, one word for your love handles Eileen (Spanx - lol), but I hear you about the age appropriateness of clothing.

    I took a hint from JaneM's activities and have gone back to knitting. It really keeps my hands busy and out of the snacks. So far have knit a sweater for my daughter (for her dog walking) and have half finished a baby sweater (one of the office women is a new grandma and I'm living vicariously through her). Baby knitting goes so quickly and I love the white and pink and little hearts and bows (yup, it's a girl).

    Time to go do the telephone check in with my sisters (yesterday was daughters) and then get busy, time's a-flyin'.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    I am delighted to be able to settle down on the couch and spend a Sunday morning with you! :drinker: It has taken me two cups of coffee to get caught up.

    The staff party/Christmas Murder Mystery went perfectly last night.:flowerforyou: One of the guests commented that we spent four hours together and didn’t talk about work! That’s pretty good for a staff party. I made some great food & included lots of raw veggies and healthy options. I did indulge in a few Christmas cookies after everyone was gone and I could relax – and they tasted great!

    Back on the plan today – my biggest challenge now is to avoid the treats that begin showing up on the staffroom table this time of year. My strategy so far has been to walk in and chat, but not sit down. :noway: I eat my apple standing up - to sit down would be too close to the home-made fudge or other treats!

    I put the scale in the cupboard when cleaning up for the party. I like to put away the more personal things when I’m having a party, so the toothbrushes etc. were also out of sight. Must get it back out, though. It’s my mechanical (or is that digital?) conscience.

    Wessecg – sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time at work. Congratulations on the “exactly 160” :flowerforyou:

    Deb – fitting in exercise is always a challenge. Your idea of trying to fit things in between classes sounds like a good one. I go straight to the gym after work, I don’t schedule anything else unless I absolutely have to. That way it’s just part of the routine weekday.

    DeeDee, glad to hear your thyroid test results are good. A big salad with left over steak on top sounds delish! I hope your Sunday got better and the internet stopped acting up on you.

    Polly, what grade do you teach? Sorting out two step equations sounds like the kind of thing I do with grade 7’s.

    M, I vote for dinner at the restaurant. A special meal is about the people we’re with, not where we’re eaing, right? Congratulations on the exercise & food routine, it sounds like you are doing it right! I love entertaining too, and it’s the same thing, I don’t tend to eat or drink much until the guests are gone. Then I have to watch myself because I de-compress with leftovers. Last night it was the gingerbread cookies that called my name, but I didn’t go too crazy.

    Lila, how was Jingle Down Main? It sounds like a really fun event.

    Gail, how’s the clutter looking? I hope you got things back to “streamlined” before you got too bothered by it.

    Kathy L. Did you get the Christmas jobs done? I plan to have everything wrapped and ready for shipping tomorrow too but if my DS does not get back to me with her sons' addresses the nephews might have to wait for theirs!

    JB, Ah yes, the re-set ticker. :grumble: I have fought that battle too.

    About bowling – could a person say that curling is kind of like bowling on ice? The 90 year olds are all better than I am, :noway: so I know how Lin feels. I keep going though, because it’s fun.

    Glenda, the food at your MIL’s lodge sounds fantastic, I want to try it! Here’s to quiet moments, spicy tea :drinker: and Christmas lights.

    June – Super, duper, special congratulations on making the 60 lb mark. :happy: You have worked hard and you’ll make it through Christmas because you know how it’s done.

    Kate, I would worry too if my bus driver had to use a map. Sheesh!

    Off to get ready for DH's choir's annual Christmas music concert. He'll be up there singing his heart out and I'll be in the audience thinking how lucky I am to be married to such a sweet guy. :love:

    Hasta pronto,


    December goals:
    1: New Rules of Lifting 3x a week while I am at home.
    2: 30-60 minutes of exercise every day when I am at the parent's place for the holiday. Get DD to workout with me.
    3: Up at 6:15 every weekday, check into the quiet place inside me when life gets frantic.
    4: Make a food plan for parties and special events.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ok, Lila, I said "Jingle Down Main" sounds like a really fun event, and it probably is, but perhaps not for the person responsible for organizing it! :noway: Lights out, security systems on when they should be off and off when they should be on. Sheesh. At least it wasn't raining.

    It sounds like your major events will be over soon, though, and you can join Glenda and me with a cup of spicy tea and a quiet moment in the Christmas lights.

    Take a deep breath...

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :smile: Regarding the many posts on this forum - I have been on and off it for the last 3 years. Sometimes there are many posts and sometimes not. I love reading them and have long determined I can't respond to everyone individually. Yet I love it when people do and I see my name!! :love: So, kudos to those who do respond to individuals; and to those who don't: guilt trips get us nowhere, so let it go. Guilt is likely one of the reasons why we gain weight!

    :heart: Rebel

    I'm fairly new, and have not responded to everyone because I often can't think of anything to say. I'll respond when I can, and hope that I don't offend others by not responding to everything.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    I see I have lots of pages to go back and catch up with! Fighting some sinus problems and this dreary rainy weather isn't helping but my cup of chocolate Chai tea seemed to perk me up!:smile: Got an early Christmas present-a 5-in-1 wooden entertainment center but had to return it because CD player didn't work. Then the replacement one seemed to have problems too, but finally got it working! Pleasantly surprised by how well the sound is with small speakers! Got tearly eyed listening to Bing sing Christmas carols, with memories of my parents from years gone by! But, I inherited most of the vinyl albums years go,so looking forward to more memories now that I have something to listen to them on!
    Have a feeling that cleaning and decorating will be more fun listening to music! Also, got our tree which I now have to go make a spot for to put it up! Sending positive thoughts to those of us here who are struggling and hope everyone has a chance to carve out new beautiful memories this season!!

  • Well, we got about a foot of snow here today so far, so my exercise has been shoveling the drive, over and over again. It's still coming down pretty heavily. Besides the exercise, the other advantage is that my husband (is that what a DH is?) decided to eat at home today instead of braving the roads to go to the all-you-can-eat buffet. So my motivation will not be challenged and I might be able to lose another pound this week. Another party on Friday, but now that I am logging every bite of food (almost), I find myself really making much better choices. I am so glad I found this site!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good Sunday Lovely Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    I have just read up to page 7 of the blog.So,my comments maybe a little late! I am getting the "bug" that my DD#2 had this last week. I will not let it stop me though.:drinker:

    I finish my last PT this next week. I have 2 wrist splints for the carpal tunnel.I got my ergo eval for my home office finally! Waiting to see a hand MD.:bigsmile:
    I have qualified for state disability. Now- show me the money! I will call tomorrow am and maybe get an answer as to when I will see some green paper. Cant do any shopping until this arrives.:ohwell:
    This has taken me a few hours to write. My DD#1 is wanting the computer now,so time to give it up!:sad:

    WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW LADIES :wink: .I will finish reading and post a little later tonight. Congrats to all the losers:drinker: Be aware and make food choices that are nutritious for your body and wont ruin your net loss for the week! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hugs-Linda-Sundance :heart:

    Juneboone-:flowerforyou: Wow, congrats on 60lbs lost! You just motivated me today. You have a good attitude about the journey. I am on the same path as you. My first goal is to lose 136lbs and then see about the last 20-30 lbs.

    Kate-:flowerforyou: I love my visit to your house. I think I would not be able to move at all! The cold affects ones joints. You must be one tough cookie to survive in that weather. I love the descriptive story. I picture myself looking like the Midas man due to the layers of clothes that I would have to wear. I would love to see the northern lights as an adult. I saw them as a child when we lived in Alaska, but I don’t have memory of them now. I think I would rather visit in the summer!

    LinC:flowerforyou: -I love your attitude! Throw them out to the wind! LOVE IT!

    Lin:flowerforyou: -Linder4866,I am just catching up on reading the posts! Congrats on being down 3 lbs, you are dedicated to a healthier you! Thanks for the motivation!!

    Robin Bodi and Ritter,:flowerforyou: 4 hours on the dreadmill! That is amazing. Now, all you need is 30mins a day to make a difference!

    M-:flowerforyou: have a great time in Tahoe!

    Yardtigress:flowerforyou: - good to see you back on the blog!

    Glendalight-:flowerforyou: survive this month! You can do it! Good to see your smiling face!

    Liz-:flowerforyou: did you like the twilight movie? I still need to see part one. Lol I did enjoy the books!

    Cheryl-:flowerforyou: 7 horses, you are so lucky to have that many. My DD#1 has wanted to take riding lessons. They cheapest ones here are$30.00/hour!

    Barbie:flowerforyou: ,I agree with you about 1200 calories and fueling one’s body to keep it running efficiently!

    Lila:flowerforyou: -Happy that you have all the presents wrapped and sent. I have not even started yet!

    Amanda:flowerforyou: -hope your bruises are almost gone and your body is feeling better. Glad you had a lovely time in Germany!

    Carolyn:flowerforyou: , congrats on the DL weight. I would look unhealthy if I got to my DL weight. Happy Dance for you!

    Katla49:flowerforyou: -hope DH is better, and the wedding is lovely!

    BJ:flowerforyou: -Congats on the loss of your bat wings! Someone else on the blog calls them angel wings!

    Lynn:flowerforyou: -my heart broke when you told us about your lovely horse. She is blessed to have you as the owner!

    To be continued! Have a nutritious self loving day!:heart: Linda sundance
  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    A bit of a set back - temporary hopefully- and my own fault for bad food choice. Had finally started losing again with my plan in place- yesterday on a whim bought one of those "fast and ready" pepperoni Little Cesar pizzas and promptly ate 3 pieces. I just wanted that taste in my mouth! Since the serving size is one slice - what was I thinking?! While I didn't go over my calories for the day- def went over sodium, fats etc and there's left overs to eat my wight went up by 3+ lbs. I'm sure its the sodium intake so will wait a couple of days before I get really concerned but a lesson.

    I've added a goal of getting my daughter to start using my fitness pal. She gained the Freshman 10, then the sophomore 10 and then the... you get it. She graduated in the fall and started her first post college job and I think she is around too many food and drink bad choices and feels she must participate and she really needs to get started on a healthier path.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, our next line dance performance is Monday afternoon. We did only five dances Friday Night but the performance on Monday at an Assisted Living place will be 12 dances.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I don’t reply to everyone anymore but I love reading the posts. I gave up alcohol awhile ago after it caused me too many problems……I applaud your three years of abstinence.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I keep a piece of paper next to my computer where I write down what page day and time I left off on my reading so I can start where I left off later……sometimes I get a few days behind....and most days I don't respond individually

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I’ve had no luck finding a dress in years……the more weight I lose, the colder I get, and since I’m pretty flat chested all the dresses with the plunging necklines won’t work for me anyway…fortunately I live a simple life and don’t necessarily need a dress….I wore nice slacks and a nice wool sweater (with long underwear underneath) to the big dinner I went to at Thanksgiving.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, when I go to BYOB parties, I bring bottled water and drink from the bottles so I’m sure that I have my own water and don’t accidentally pick up someone else’s drink.

    :flowerforyou: Cinflo, you can live on 1200 calories a day if you get lots of exercise to allow you more calories to eat and pay careful attention to what you eat so you don’t waste your calories of food with little nutrition and lots of calories.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy from Tennessee, get a copy of “Strong Women Stay Young” for some great info on workouts that won’t hurt your knees and walk a lot---get a pedometer and challenge yourself to more steps every day.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, isn’t it great to make something for someone who really appreciates your efforts.

    :flowerforyou: Junerbooner, some days I keep up with the thread and some days I don’t…..it helps that we don’t celebrate Christmas so I don’t have a million things to do for the holiday, and I’m retired so I don’t go to a job every, and I’m not much of a housekeeper so that frees a bit of time…..congrats on your success so far and just take it one day at a time and don’t miss any opportunity to be physically active.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, knitting is one of the things that keeps me calm and focused……I knit wool hats and mittens for children in Afghanastan.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I think curling is a mixture of bowling and bocce on ice.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, shoveling snow is great exercise……last year when it snowed the first time, our snow shovel broke and we drove to town and bought “his and hers” snow shovels so Jake and I could shovel at the same time……so far we’ve had no snow this year....where do you live? Do you get a lot of snow?

    :flowerforyou: LindaSundance, I wear long underwear, turtlenecks and sweatshirts, and wool socks from October to May and it’s not nearly as cold here as it is where Kate live.

    :flowerforyou: Housegirl, the last time I had pizza I was aware that I kept eating more and more because there was so little nutrition in a single slice that it was only slightly better than eating cardboard with a few goodies on top…..I feel much better when I eat something healthy.

    :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :laugh: In keeping with one of my happiness commandments
    "It is what it is"
    not only do we have issues with the computer and the recumbent bike but the faucet in the kitchen (it came with the house looks like it was installed by a clueless amateur) is getting worse and there's a leak under the sink so we have the plumber coming on Tuesday….we have just tackled them one at a time without handwringing or complaint or blaming each other.

    :flowerforyou: we had more firewood delivered today and it fits well enough in the garage that both vehicles will still fit......we'll be toasty warm all winter, even if the power goes out.

    :flowerforyou: I had an "eating" dream last night with many plates of burritos and in the dream I kept thinking that I'd have to confess all that eating to all of you and log it on my food diary. I was so happy to wake up and find that it wasn’t true.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • I live in Minnesota. Although most winters are usually snowy and cold, last winter unusually warm and dry. We had a brown Christmas and my kids who came home from out of state were very disappointed. Now this year, we will have plenty of snow and they are going sailing in the Caribbean :laugh: I just ordered them a bunch of books from Amazon for their Christmas presents, and I had a lot of fun browsing through all the sailing and snorkeling books. I sure wish I was going with them!