I don't want to see you anymore...



  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    "Hey, it's not going to work out between us, Please don't contact me anymore"

    Polite, but blunt.
  • PhoenixIsis
    I didnt always say anything. I just never answered the phone and waited for them to stop calling.

    Yea I know its not right, but I just didnt wanna bother having "the talk"

    DON'T DO THIS. This is a coward way out and can do more harm then good since you are going to leave that person with many questions in their own mind. He'll wonder what he did or didn't do and can cause self esteem issues. Be upfront to him and let him know that you two just aren't compatible instead of leaving him wondering if he wasn't the sweet guy you say he is. Its going to be hard but its the mature respectful way to handle it.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Tell him that you were drunk, had sex with you girlfriend and now you think you are gay.

    I could see this backfiring.

    like how?
  • CarmenLynn75
    CarmenLynn75 Posts: 118 Member
    I would be completely honest- go so far as to tell him why (the pushover part). I mean, it could be just his nerves around you- and he isn't being his normal manself- but in either way regardless, the only thing he'll ever end up with being a pushover is a c**t tat will enjoy keeping him on a leash- so unless you want that for him- I'd be a true friend and tune him into it- as harsh as it will be- he'll thank you in the long run, likely never forget you, but it'll be over and he'll know why. Especially after seeing you 'man up' to the situation.
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    I didnt always say anything. I just never answered the phone and waited for them to stop calling.

    Yea I know its not right, but I just didnt wanna bother having "the talk"

    Why would someone using this site for change and embracing reality hide behind fear and social feelings just to make a guy guess and eventually hurt. Act like a big girl and tell him. Honesty is so much better than fear and unknowing.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I normally tell them, i want to be friends. Then they turn crazy bat psycho and showing up in the middle of the night ringing my doorbell and constantly texting me to hang out. Then i realized the best way for me now is to start a fight and end it bad or end it like im the bad person.

    Why are women nuts?

    Cause you are so awesome, man
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I normally tell them, i want to be friends. Then they turn crazy bat psycho and showing up in the middle of the night ringing my doorbell and constantly texting me to hang out. Then i realized the best way for me now is to start a fight and end it bad or end it like im the bad person.

    Why are women nuts?

    My buddy does this. When he wants to break up, he starts a huge fight, and says things that can't be taken back later, and just has a blow out. He says, that's the only way. Fortunately, I've never had to go to that extreme. I just break up.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I didnt always say anything. I just never answered the phone and waited for them to stop calling.

    Yea I know its not right, but I just didnt wanna bother having "the talk"

    Why would someone using this site for change and embracing reality hide behind fear and social feelings just to make a guy guess and eventually hurt. Act like a big girl and tell him. Honesty is so much better than fear and unknowing.

    Better for who?
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Tell him that you were drunk, had sex with you girlfriend and now you think you are gay.

    I could see this backfiring.

    like how?

    "Can I watch?"
    "I'm open to a group relationship."
    "It's okay, I'm curious too."
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Tell him that you were drunk, had sex with you girlfriend and now you think you are gay.
    Then he will want to watch.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member

    & women complain about the games that us guys play?
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    Don't call him. If he calls you, just tell him the truth... you're looking for something different. Wish him well, then adios.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    There is no other guy...I just don't want to waste anymore of his or my time. It is not fair to him or me. He deserves to find the right woman for him...he seems to hink it is me...(he said so...quite a few times)...

    I think you're over-thinking this. You're right, he deserves the truth. He might be a great guy for someone else, but just not you. It sounds like you know everything that you want to say! Now put it into a text message and hit send! (just kidding)
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Hmmm...if you arent feeling it just tell him straight up...not aure how many dates or how close y'all are but hes gotta know whats up...he may feel like its headed nowhere as well but being nice to you..hard to say without his opinion..best bet..end it honorably
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    I normally tell them, i want to be friends. Then they turn crazy bat psycho and showing up in the middle of the night ringing my doorbell and constantly texting me to hang out. Then i realized the best way for me now is to start a fight and end it bad or end it like im the bad person.

    Why are women nuts?

    uh, where are you finding these "women"? Maybe stop going there....

    NYC, where i meet all of them. They are all crazy.. My favorite was my recent one, my father was diagnosed with cancer and i went on a date twice with this woman, she was cool. I told her i was going out to southampton where my parents live and she started fighting with me saying some crazy stuff about my parents. thinking i was going to see another woman. Sunday came along i got home around 3pm and she was sitting at my front door tapping her foot. I walked past her like she was a tree, walked into my house, sat down and started watching the movie the money pit, it was on cinemax, i was laughing at the part when the bath tub fell through the floor, while im laughing my *kitten* off, she kept rining my bell, i disconnected my bell which is right when you walk in, i just pulled the wire. Then she called me and texted me and finally left. The texts were all mean calling me a ahole and so on. Then 2 days later, she said she missed me and wants to get back together when we literally went on 2 dinner dates.

    I have so many other crazy stories.. especially first date ones. Why cant i just meet "the one" get married have 2 to 3 kids and have a movie ending.
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    I do not agree with the "Just don't answer his calls/texts" advice. If you're old enough to date, you're old enough to tell someone you're not interested in dating them. It's not easy, but it happens all the time and everyone survives it.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Just be honest and tell him how you feel...He may be feeling the same way, but has not gotten the nerve to tell you :huh:
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    It's like a bandaid. You can either rip it off in one fast motion and be done with it, or you can do it slow with agony every moment.

    Just tell him like it is. Treat him like a man and walk away. We males can be more resilient than you might think. If it's only been a 3 date thing, he shouldn't be too invested anyway.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I didnt always say anything. I just never answered the phone and waited for them to stop calling.

    Yea I know its not right, but I just didnt wanna bother having "the talk"

    DON'T DO THIS. This is a coward way out and can do more harm then good since you are going to leave that person with many questions in their own mind. He'll wonder what he did or didn't do and can cause self esteem issues. Be upfront to him and let him know that you two just aren't compatible instead of leaving him wondering if he wasn't the sweet guy you say he is. Its going to be hard but its the mature respectful way to handle it.

    the ONLY reason I say stop answering is because its not serious, they have no titles or committments to each other and she planned the 1st 3 dates they went on... otherwise, be up front and honest, then stop answering if he doesn't get it after the talk.
  • LishaDavis2465
    Just be honest. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated and I 'm sure you do too. When he calls, just tell him you have other plans, which you will. If he gets insistent on setting something up for later, just let him know that you'd really rather just be friends. If that is ok with him, great! We can't have too many friends. If he says no, then that's his choice.