What foods have you cut out?



  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Honestly, the one thing I really cut out was regular soda's. I drink diet maybe once every other day or if I go out because I still love the fizzy part of the drink. lol.

    Other than that, I think I'm just more mindful in general, and I'm just logging. I eat pizza time to time, I just limit it to 1-2 slices vs. half a pie. I avoid fast food as best I can. And cheese, I give you credit, I can't quit that haha. But I HAVE reduced it from everything to things that should have it.
  • JoeSzup
    JoeSzup Posts: 51 Member
    I didn't cut anything out of my diet. Rather I changed portion sizes. I started counting/weighing everything and got more active. I now eat 5-6 meals a day, 300-500 calories (depending on if I worked out or not) per meal. Never hungry, never crave any particular food.
  • traynorj82
    traynorj82 Posts: 234 Member
    I have not cut out anything either. I have however make sure my yummy coffee drinks are made lighter. I know some times this is done using artificial sugars but sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
  • fishax
    fishax Posts: 33 Member
    I rarely eat the following, keeping for occasional treats:
    full fat cheese

    I swapped to
    low fat milk
    unsweetened almond milk
    low fat cheese eg feta

    i eat freely :(AMONGST OTHER THINGS1)
    homemade low cal soup
    lean meat
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For weight loss and health, I think the best thing I cut was added sugar (candy, desserts, sugary drinks, etc.) and overly processed (white) grain products (white bread, white rice, baked goods made with white flour, etc.) I still eat these occasionally but they are not dietary staples.
  • EVERYTHING... except skinless, boneless chicken breast
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I haven't cut out anything. I just eat less of what I was eating before. I try to spend my calories wisely on foods that will keep me full, but I still eat cheese, bread, drink an occassional drink, etc. I would be setting myself up for failure if I just cut out foods that I love! Where's the fun in that?
  • stehmari
    stehmari Posts: 110 Member
    Cut beer 100%
    Starting drinking almond milk because I just like it better
    Never really drank soda
    I rarely drink coffee, but started drinking it black and I really like it like that
  • :wink: I cut out all processed foods (I only eat natural and what can be "grown"), besides oats. I also cut out all soda - diet and regular.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I've cut out soda/fizzy drinks because I was just drinking way too much.
    I've also cut down on the amount of bread I eat, but that's just because I've found other things I like more. :D
  • Aviflora
    Aviflora Posts: 85 Member
    I personally cut out any Starbucks (or other similar brands) of lattes, frappachinos, and sugar-drinks. My girlfriends and I go out and instead I get a Very Berry Hibiscus refresher, which is delightfully tart and only 80 calories. :D

    Everything else is all in moderation, of course. But good gravy, if I had a chocolate frappachino... There goes half of my entire day! :O
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    EVERYTHING... except skinless, boneless chicken breast

  • NOTHING!!! I just eat the "bad" stuff in severe moderation!

    Once you feel neglected, you will quickly fall back into bad habbits.
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    Nothing...time & place for everything...in moderation
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    nothing..cause i need to make sure i can maintain. i eat things in moderation..try not to go overboard..and if I do..oh well...the worst thing you can do is deprive yourself..
  • I have been an athlete for about 25 years now and always eaten well. It seems I am always working on refining my diet while also allowing myself to indulge from time to time. The past 6 months I have reduce my meat and animal protein intake while replacing it with whole plant foods: vegetables, beans, nuts, etc. I recommend almost everyone can reduce their meat consumption by half which would result in health, environmental, and social positive outcomes.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I know you're not supposed to cut things out completely, but for me, I did have to cut out mac and cheese. It's just so high in calories (400cals per serving) that I just can not find a way to fit it into my day. And Oh how I LOVE mac and cheese. So that is my highly missed cut out food.
  • Chewing Tobacco had the biggest impact on how I felt, oh and soda, it really messes with your body.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Keep in mind that I've been at it for 2 years and due to health issues, I have no choice but to cut out some of these things. Unfortunately, it is extremely hard for me to lose weight.

    all sodas were cut out first followed by:
    wheat flour (if it's made of flour, I don't eat it)
    processsed foods
    very limited dairy

    So what do I eat?

    LOTS of veggies
    protein (eggs, fish, meat, nut butters, etc.)
    almond milk (This is the only thing I drink in addition to water)
    berries (in very limited portions)
    raw nuts/seeds
    other fruits (in very limited portions)
    organic butter, evoo, & ev coconut oil

    Lots of other things too, but that is my "go to" list at the grocery store
  • Chewing Tobacco had the biggest impact on how I felt, oh and soda, it really messes with your body.

    Ughhh... you have my condolences, I can not imagine trying to get off nicotine while dieting