Weight is really just genetic



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my mom is a 6'2 former competitive gymnast with no tits or butt or anything, and a size 8
    my dad is a 6'5 grizzly bear and former baseball pitcher with the longest strongest legs Ive ever seen.

    I'm 5'10/5'11ish got no *kitten* and super muscular legs and an ecto-meso boytype.

    that's as far as genetics touched me.

    Now Im enjoying seeing what MY body can look like and how MY body can perform.

    I dont give two shts about other peoples look alike children WTF seriously does this have to do with you. Are you a twin raised by non-relatives?

    Or are you just not feeling like putting in any effort because A) you dont think you can do it or B) you think you can but dont deserve it or C) you know you can but you are worried that if you succeed, you wont be able to keep it up?
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Hmmm.. I guess with the rise in population .. all the fat people of the world are mating and creating/multiplying all the fat people in the world. Does this mean the skinny people are on the endangered species list?

  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    If weight is just genetic, why do so many people on this site lose weight by changing their habits? You can be genetically predisposed to be more overweight than someone else, but it doesn't mean you have no chance of correcting it.

    Exactly. But I think it often has to do with fat parents showing their kids their bad eating habits then you get fat kids or healthy parents showing their kids healthy eating habits etc. I think this is just a lame excuse to be lazy.
  • gypsyrose85
    gypsyrose85 Posts: 206 Member
    no its actually almost entirely environment.
    I do think genetics have a PART in it.. . . So I do think genetics do play a part but I don't think it is all of it.

    Agree - - your bone structure is genetic but not much else. However, you do learn your eating and exercise habits from your environment. Having been "big boned" all my life (my most excellent cop-out!), I know that my weight has very little to do with my family (most of whom are obese) and every thing to do with the fact that I didn't want to exercise or eat proper portions.
    I've lost 90 lbs and although I will never make it to an ideal BMI or a size 00, I am able to change the habits which my environment taught me over the years.
    Well like I said for me I was VERY active as a teen and ate right (all three thin members of my adoptive family ate right and I ate like them) Yet I was always much larger than they are. Though I also know I have a genetic illness (nerofibromatosis type 1.) so I dont know what other issues I may have. (I was also born with extra and missing organs)
  • ceannesjourney
    Hate to say this but the OP is "kinda" correct. Genetics DOES play a very LARGE part in our size and shape. Just as genetics determines our eye color, hair color, etc. But...environment also plays a significant role as well. I'm currently in a study group which is working on this exact question (genetics vs. environment and weight). The reality so far is that we CAN lose weight, but for most of us, some god-awful number like 95% will gain it back over the next several years--and possibly more. That is to say that not ALL people will gain it back. The other things that studies show is that the SLOWER you lose weight--like .5 lb or less a week is the best way to keep weight off. Our bodies will naturally try to fight a reduction in weight because it believes that any attempt to eat less is starving it (think caveman days) so will try to hold onto the weight.

    However, morbid obesity is again partially genetics, but more environment, possibly some mental dis-ease that causes overeating. Like an addiction. But there are people who eat as much as a morbidly obese person who will NOT gain the same kind of weight due to their genetics.

    For myself, I'm working on trying to be healthier and not worry so much about the number on the scale or the size of my jeans. This is VERY HARD however as society tells us repeatedly that if we are not thin we are worth "less" than thin. We are constantly bombarded by images of people who actually don't look like they really do due to computer reimaging. Plus, the models that are constantly shown wearing all of the "beautiful" clothes only represent 1% of the general public and yet that is who are idolized for their "beauty".

    We need to be able to look at every single body and see the beauty in it--yes, even the morbidly obese. People who are obese are not lazy, stupid, or any other negative character trait attributed to them.

    Okay, I really climbed on my soapbox there...
  • ceannesjourney
    I middle school, I knew identical triplets... it was interesting because one was skinny, another average, and the third was quite chubby.

    then they weren't identical...
  • mostein
    mostein Posts: 200 Member
    I hate to let myself get dragged into these threads but I diasgree with this. My mother and aunt are twins and while they are both overweight my mom is significantly more overweight and has been for some time. As well, my maternal grandmother, all 4 of her children, and 5 of her 7 grandchildren are either overweight or have been overweight. The 2 that were never overweight are my sister and myself and we exercise regularly and try to eat healthy. My cousin that was overweight has started working out and eating better and dropped a ton of weight. As well, my overweight cousin and his overweight wife have 2 children that are not overweight. You can't control your genes but you can control your activity level and what you put into your mouth.
  • gypsyrose85
    gypsyrose85 Posts: 206 Member
    Hate to say this but the OP is "kinda" correct. Genetics DOES play a very LARGE part in our size and shape. Just as genetics determines our eye color, hair color, etc. But...environment also plays a significant role as well. I'm currently in a study group which is working on this exact question (genetics vs. environment and weight). The reality so far is that we CAN lose weight, but for most of us, some god-awful number like 95% will gain it back over the next several years--and possibly more. That is to say that not ALL people will gain it back. The other things that studies show is that the SLOWER you lose weight--like .5 lb or less a week is the best way to keep weight off. Our bodies will naturally try to fight a reduction in weight because it believes that any attempt to eat less is starving it (think caveman days) so will try to hold onto the weight.

    However, morbid obesity is again partially genetics, but more environment, possibly some mental dis-ease that causes overeating. Like an addiction. But there are people who eat as much as a morbidly obese person who will NOT gain the same kind of weight due to their genetics.

    For myself, I'm working on trying to be healthier and not worry so much about the number on the scale or the size of my jeans. This is VERY HARD however as society tells us repeatedly that if we are not thin we are worth "less" than thin. We are constantly bombarded by images of people who actually don't look like they really do due to computer reimaging. Plus, the models that are constantly shown wearing all of the "beautiful" clothes only represent 1% of the general public and yet that is who are idolized for their "beauty".

    We need to be able to look at every single body and see the beauty in it--yes, even the morbidly obese. People who are obese are not lazy, stupid, or any other negative character trait attributed to them.

    Okay, I really climbed on my soapbox there...
    Wow I would love to do a study like that!
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Well if weight is entirely genetic how come I have never been thin yet my mother, father, sister, aunts and uncles, have pretty much always been within a healthy weight range.

    Lets find something else to blame besides ourselves for being big.
  • AmberLee2012
    I didn't grow up with my dad or his family so I am just starting to get to know his family now (he is deceased). A lot of his/my family members are morbidly obese. I love them dearly, but they could change if they wanted to. They are keeping it going by allowing their children to eat the same foods and so their children are now obese as well. If they would have said hey, I don't want this for my children, they could have prevented it with a different diet and adding exercise. It breaks my heart to see morbidly obese parents dragging along their morbidly obese children. STOP the cycle. You have the power and ability to do it. With all the illnesses and health problems obesity brings, why would you want that for yourself or your children?! I don't get it. OP your post is nothing but an excuse. If you want it bad enough, you have to make it happen.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I middle school, I knew identical triplets... it was interesting because one was skinny, another average, and the third was quite chubby.
    then they weren't identical...

    Identical twins share the same genetic make up. This is caused by the zygote itself splitting repeatedly (split once for twins, another split for triplets). Medical fact. They originated from the same egg and same sperm.

    Fraternal twins are simply different fertilized eggs in the same womb; different egg, different sperm.

    They were, and still are (I do not imagine they've died) identical triplets.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Ooooh lordy. Where do u get your info? We may be genetically pre-disposed for something but that doesn't mean we can't avoid it. Cancer runs in my family so I avoid the risk factors and have regular screenings. Diabetes runs in families but you can control the factors that make you diabetic more often than not. For example, epilepsy can be genetic in generic terms but few are born with it, even when one or both parents have it. Most cases of epilepsy are people who have had high fever or MTBI (minor traumatic brain injury.) They may have been genetically pre-disposed but until a dangerously high fever or brain injury they don't develop a seizure disorder.

    As for twins, I'm part of a twin study. The University of Washington has an extensive twin study department where they study twins from same household as well as raised separately, from all social and economic backgrounds, both fraternal and identical. Your description of twins is seriously flawed. My twin and I are like the 1980's movie Twins come to life. Shes Arnold, I'm Danny Devito. Before I started losing weight, together we looked like the number 10. Shes the tall lean "1" and I was round like the "0" and that isn't that uncommon. Twins aren't always like on the Parent Trap.

    We can all change if we stop looking for the handy excuse of being born this way and take the bull by the horns and work for it. My older sister seemingly was born to be obese. She was a fat baby, a fat kid, a fat teen, and a fat adult. But at age 40 she took control and decided not to be a fat old lady. Shes kept the weight off for about 10 yrs now.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Why do we all even try to lose weight when in the end it is almost entirely genetic? Look at twins they are always the same weight +/- 15 ibs. They have done studies where twins were separated at birth and raised by seperate families. Researchers examined both their BMI and weight and they are always almost exactly the same weight as their twin not taking after the family that raised them.

    It's true. All I had to do to lose weight was change my genes. EASY.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    bump - im not missing the trolls when they come in to eat this thread alive!

    goes and grabs some popcorn

    Oh wait for me!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    My fat mom loved stuffing her fat face

    Why even try
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    And yet people who believe in fate and predestination will still look before crossing the street. *shrug*
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    If weight is just genetic, why do so many people on this site lose weight by changing their habits? You can be genetically predisposed to be more overweight than someone else, but it doesn't mean you have no chance of correcting it.

    Exactly. But I think it often has to do with fat parents showing their kids their bad eating habits then you get fat kids or healthy parents showing their kids healthy eating habits etc. I think this is just a lame excuse to be lazy.

    That's exactly the reason I'm working so hard to get helathy now. I have three kids aged 11 mos-5 yrs and I want them to copy me eating vegetables. I don't want them raised in the vegetable-free white-starch diet of my youth.

    To be fair, genetics might predispose you to a certain shape (endomorph) or height. It can leave you more likely to have thyroid issues, like me. But do the thyroid issues mean you have to stay fat? No, it means take your meds if youre given them and that you probably have to eat somewhat less calories that someone without the same problem. I gain weight pretty easily, at a calorie level that is lower that some other people. This just means that I watch what I eat more, I've cut out junk food and what I take in is good for my body. Genetics made me 5"6 and genetics gave me brown hair and I'll even give that genetics gave me the thyroid problems that caused a sluggish metabolism but genetics didn't make me weigh 355lbs in July 2011. It was ignorance of nutrition and an addiction to sugar and junk and a distinct lack of fresh produce and whole grains in my diet, coupled with altogether too close pregnancies.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    weight is not genetic.. but being ugly is. so if you are ugly im sorry =(
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This person was 500lbs and through diet and exercise he has lost over 300lbs.


    Do you think it was his behavior that did this or did he just genetic his way to a 300lb loss?

    This thread is ridiculous.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    Thats as far as I got googeling twins, got distracted

    I hope that your distraction was caused by you saying, "Damn, dem *****es need to eat a sammich or three..."